Basis of Design 84506-60-30-2L-060
General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000
- Definitions and Specification Directory
General Specification
84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality Control
General Specification
84506-60-30-2L-270 - Handling, Storage and Transportation of Linepipe
General Specification
84506-60-30-2L-280 - Aluminium Bracelet Anodes
BS 4515 – Process Welding of Steel
Pipelines on Land and Offshore
DNV OS-F101 – Submarine Pipeline
Systems (2000)
NACE RP-0492-99 – Acceptance Criteria
for Cracks in Cast Anodic Materials
CONTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY approval, a bracelet
anode installation procedure, incorporating details of actual equipment and
materials to be used. Anodes required on
concrete coated pipes shall be installed at the coating plant. Bracelet anodes shall be manufactured in
accordance with Project Specification for Aluminum Bracelet Anodes
Anodes shall be clamped around the anti-corrosion coated
pipe. Electrical continuity between the
anode and the pipe shall be facilitated by anode bonding cables.
3.1 Prior
to bracelet anode assembly on the pipe joint, all internal anode surfaces shall
be inspected for any dirt, foreign material, grit or metallic protrusions that
could damage the anti-corrosion coating.
Any such deleterious material shall be removed.
3.2 Bracelet
anodes shall be positioned in the approximate center of the pipe and with the
gaps between anode halves approximately at ninety degrees (90o) to
the pipe longitudinal seam (if present).
3.3 The
anode halves shall be clamped tightly to the pipe using ratchet webbing straps
or COMPANY-approved equivalent and the steel tabs fillet welded together. Anti-corrosion coating shall be protected
with heat resistant material when tabs are welded. Welders performing the fillet weld shall be
qualified in accordance with DNV OS-F101.
3.4 During
fit-up, CONTRACTOR shall visually inspect for cracks in accordance with NACE
RP-0492-99, Section 3, Clause 3.10.
3.5 Bonding
cable connection areas on the pipe shall be selected so that the connected
cable lies flat against the pipe and near the center of the anode gap. The connection area shall be completely
cleaned of anti-corrosion coating over an area of approximately 50 mm x 50 mm,
and the bare steel shall be bright, clean and dry. Anode steel tab connection areas shall be
bare and cleaned in a similar manner.
3.6 Bonding
cable insulation shall be removed, to provide bare conductor surfaces, over a
minimum 50 mm from both cable ends.
3.7 Bonding
cables shall be connected to the pipe and anode using Thermit welding. Thermit
welds shall be made using manufacturer's recommended procedures, however, no
exothermic welding charge greater than 15 gram is permitted, and care shall be
taken to keep weld areas and weld molds dry.
Slag shall be removed from weld molds prior to each weld and molds shall
be fully cleaned every six (6) welds.
3.8 Each
of the two half shell bonding cables at each anode assembly shall be connected
separately to the pipeline.
3.9 Technicians
that are to apply Thermit welding shall be qualified by making at least three
attachments to similar pipe. The welds
will be destructively tested and sectioned in accordance with BS 4515. Hardness values shall not exceed 270 HV10.
3.10 External
anode faces shall be cleaned of all materials, including anti-corrosion
3.11 Anode
numbers shall be identified against the pipe numbers in CONTRACTOR
records. CONTRACTOR tally system shall
separate anode from plain pipe.
Each anode and bonding cable attachment shall be inspected
for electrical continuity and mechanical strength before re-coating, as
directed by COMPANY. Unsatisfactory
bonding cable attachments shall be removed and remade by re-cleaning and
re-attaching in a new location.
4.1 The
anode shall be clamped tight around the pipe so that it is unable to move
independently of the pipe.
4.2 Anode
conductor attachment electrical continuity shall be tested with an
ohmmeter. Electrical resistance between
anode segments and the pipe joint shall show close to zero (0) ohm resistance.
4.3 Mechanical
strength of the anode cable shall be checked by a firm side blow from a 1-kg
hammer, and then checked visually for any sign of inadequate bonding.
Following satisfactory anode installation, any damaged
anti-corrosion coating shall be repaired and anode bonding cables and exposed
core bands coated.
Anode bonding cable attachment areas
shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wire brush.
All exposed anode flat bar core bands shall be coated with
CONTRACTOR-supplied Synthetic primer type “B” or COMPANY-approved equal. Anti-corrosion coating shall not contact
outer anode faces.
Anode conductor leads shall be held
firmly against the anti-corrosion coated pipe joint with cold applied
self-adhesive tape (Tapecoat 10/40W or COMPANY-approved equal). The gap between anode half shells and the gap
between the anode and concrete coating (if any) shall be filled with marine
mastic. The mastic shall be free from aggregate and be approved
by Company prior to use. The mastic shall not contaminate the outer surface of
the anode. There shall be no voids in the mastic and it shall be flush with the
outer anode surface
Pipes with bracelet anodes shall be handled in accordance
with Project Specification for Handling, Storage and Transportation of Linepipe
to prevent pipe coating or anode damage.
CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval the
following documents:
a. Description
of anode application equipment
b. Anode
application procedures
c. Material
technical data sheets
d. Field
Repair procedures
CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval, a data book
a. Inspection
b. Physical
test reports
c. Tally
record of anode pipes
d. Material
All certificates shall be in the English language and use
metric units of measure. The data book and all associated original
documentation shall be approved and signed by the CONTRACTOR and COMPANY
All documentation shall be supplied in hard copy and
electronic format