This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing design, manufacturing and supply of aluminum bracelet anodes used with offshore pipelines.  This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:
·         Basis of Design 84506-60-30-2L-060
·         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 - Definitions and Specification Directory
·         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality Control
·         NACE RP-0492-99 - Acceptance Criteria for Cracks in Cast Anodic Materials
·         NACE RP-06-75 - Control of External Corrosion on Offshore Steel Pipelines
·         ASTM A283 - Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates
·         BS EN 10204 - Inspection Documents for the Delivery of Dry Metallic Products.
·         AWS D.1.1 - Structural Welding
·         SSPC-SP-10 - Near White Blast Cleaning
·         DNV RP B401 - Cathodic Protection Design


2.1       CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for aluminum bracelet anode design, in accordance with NACE RP-06-75 and DNV RP B401, and as detailed below:
2.2       CONTRACTOR shall submit detailed fabrication drawings of each anode design for COMPANY approval.

Table 2.1 – Anode Design Requirements
Service Life
As per Basis of Design
Anode Type and Material
Bracelet / Galvalum III or COMPANY-approved equal
Anode Utilization Factor
Anode Output Capacity @ 10°C
2500 Ah/kg (seawater) / 2000 Ah/kg (buried)
Driving Potential
w.r.t. Ag/Ag/Cl
-1.05V (seawater)
-0.95V (buried)

2.3       Bracelet anodes shall be sized to form a snug fit on the anti-corrosion coating.
2.4       Each bracelet half-shell shall be capable of being attached to its partner half shell by welding together the protruding tabs of the anode insert material.



3.1 Anode Material

3.1.1   The sacrificial anode material shall be an aluminium-zinc-indium type alloy, which shall exhibit the electrochemical properties defined in Table 2-1.
3.1.2   Test data demonstrating the performance of the anode material in terms of electrochemical efficiency and closed circuit potential shall be supplied for COMPANY approval.  The data shall show performance at a range of temperatures between 5°C and 65°C in both seawater and saline mud.

3.2 Insert Material

3.2.1   All core steel used in anode bracelet construction shall be ASTM A283 Grade C or COMPANY approved equal, and shall be welded by welders qualified to AWS D.1.1. using COMPANY-approved welding procedure specifications.
3.2.2   The carbon equivalent (CE) of the insert material shall not exceed 0.40% as determined by the following equation based on ladle analyses:

Each element symbol represents its percentage content by weight.
Mill certificates for steel insert materials shall be supplied in accordance with BS EN 10204 Type 3.1(b).

3.3 Cable

3.3.1   Each anode bracelet half shell shall include two (2) insulated bonding cables welded to exposed steel core flat bar(s), using a Cadweld F-33 alloy Thermit charge, or COMPANY approved equal.  Each electrical lead shall have a conducting area equal to four (4) American Wire Gage (AWG) standard insulated copper wire and length sufficient for the free end to be attached to the linepipe in the center of the gap between the anode half shells.  The connections shall be carefully cleaned and protected against all damage during handling and shipping.
3.3.2   Technicians applying cad welds shall be pre-qualified by performing at least 3 attachments for destructive testing.  Two joints shall be destructively tested for strength.  The third joint shall be cross-sectioned for fusion evaluation.
3.3.3   Each of the bracelet half shell bonding cables at each anode assembly shall be connected separately to the pipeline, connected in the center of each gap.



4.1       CONTRACTOR shall provide, for COMPANY approval, a minimum 30 days prior to start of production, a project quality plan, manufacturing and test/inspection procedures covering steel core fabrication, design and fabrication of casting and cooling molds, alloy melting and casting and bonding cable installation.
4.2       As a minimum requirement, casting and cooling procedures shall specifically address:
·         Controlling the pouring temperature for the chosen alloy.
·         Continuous pouring of the molten metal into the mould to prevent molten alloys from stratifying on cooling.
·         Cooling/time ratios.
·         Cooling procedures.
·         Manufacturing design to produce anodes with minimal susceptibility to shrinkage cracks in the thin area over the anode core.
4.3       COMPANY has the right to require pre qualification of the manufacturing process prior to full production. This may include, but not be limited to, manufacture of casting and cooling molds, steel core fabrication and anode manufacture.
4.4       Anode casting molds shall prevent excessive distortion during the cooling process after casting.
4.5       Manufacturing procedures shall include a dimensional core check, to ensure suitable incorporation into the casting.  Bare steel core dimensions and structure shall be COMPANY approved prior to beginning the Work.  Core reinforcement, connecting bar dimensions and position shall be COMPANY approved prior to start of anode casting.
4.6       Cores shall be abrasive cleaned to standard SSPC-SP-10 and shall be incorporated into the anode casting within twelve (12) hours of cleaning.  Cores shall be stored in a clean, dry environment after blasting.  Each core shall be examined for cleanliness immediately prior to casting and any core contaminated with rust, dirt, mill scale, grease or other surface imperfection shall be re-cleaned using the method described.
4.7       Net weight of each anode bracelet, defined as the minimum acceptable weight of the bracelet excluding the steel core, shall be in accordance with that specified in the Purchase Order, and shall be COMPANY approved.
4.8       Each anode assembly shall be coated with coal tar epoxy on the inside surface and the edges.  The minimum coating thickness shall be 300 microns.



5.1       Bracelet anodes shall be inspected and tested in accordance with NACE RP-0387-90 and as detailed below.  COMPANY may witness all aluminum bracelet anodes manufacturing and testing phases at CONTRACTOR works.  CONTRACTOR shall provide all reasonable facilities to COMPANY to ensure anodes are manufactured in accordance with this specification.  All inspections and tests are to be made prior to shipment from CONTRACTOR works.
5.2       CONTRACTOR shall furnish all material, equipment and qualified personnel to perform the examinations and testing specified herein.  Any inspection provided by COMPANY shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to ensure quality control.
5.3       In addition to 5.2, CONTRACTOR shall provide continuous Third Party monitoring of all aspects of the casting operation to ensure adherence to manufacturing, inspection and testing requirements.
5.4       Welded steel cores shall be subject to ten percent (10%) random Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI).
5.5       Mill certificates shall be provided to COMPANY for each alloy melt.  These certificates shall indicate:
·         Name of manufacturer
·         Alloy metallurgical composition using spark emission spectography
·         Net and gross weight of each anode
·         Dimensions of each anode

5.6       Quality control samples shall be taken at the start and finish of melts producing more than four (4) bracelets, otherwise, one (1) sample is required.  Sample Q.C. certificates shall be provided to COMPANY for approval.
5.7       Efficiency and solution potential test results shall be furnished for each production lot to confirm minimum efficiency and potential requirements have been met.  Tests shall include, but not be limited to, closed circuit potential and current capacity measurements.  Efficiency shall be determined by the twenty-four (24) hour gas evolution test method, except that for at least ten percent (10%) of the samples the test shall be continued for twenty-eight (28) days and efficiency determined by weight loss.  Testing shall be done by a COMPANY approved independent testing laboratory.
5.8       CONTRACTOR shall perform dimensional inspection of each bracelet anode segment, and the following dimensions shall be as shown on approved shop drawings, with tolerances of:
·         Pipe, external anti-corrosion coating and concrete thickness
·         Inner Diameter (-0.0 mm, +1.5% of anode ID)
·         Outer Diameter (+/-5.0 mm)
·         Thickness (+/-5.0 mm)
·         Length (+/-10.0 mm)
·         Core Position (+/-10.0 mm)

5.9       After dimensional inspection and prior to inspection for allowable defects, all bracelet anode segments shall be trial fitted, in connected pairs, to a pipeline joint.

5.10    CONTRACTOR shall weigh all anodes using a method accurate to plus or minus one half percent (+/- 0.5%) of gross weight.  Each individual anode net weight shall be within plus or minus three percent (+/- 3%) of the weight shown on the CONTRACTOR shop drawings.
5.11    Net weight of all anode material shall be established by multiplying average individual anode net weights by total number of anodes, and shall be within minus zero, plus two percent (- 0%, + 2%) of the specified total net weight.
5.12    CONTRACTOR shall perform one hundred percent (100%) radiographic examination on the first five- (5) anodes of each size or type to establish adherence between core and anode.  Results of the examination shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval.
5.13    Electrical continuity tests shall be performed on two percent (2%) of bonding cables, between free cable end and the anode core.  Electrical resistance shall not exceed 0.01-Ohms.  Any bracelet anode where bonding cable resistance exceeds 0.01-Ohms shall be repaired by removing, cleaning and reattaching the bonding cable.  All other bonding cables connections made prior to the rejected connection shall be tested for electrical continuity, until COMPANY is satisfied that bonding cables are attached correctly.



6.1       Every bracelet anode segment casting shall be visually inspected for defects, and at least one (1) in fifty (50) for each size shall be sectioned to show conformance with this specification.  CONTRACTOR shall replace all sectioned units.
6.2       Shrinkage cavities greater than ten percent (10%) of nominal anode depth, or 5 mm, whichever is less, shall be rejected.
6.3       Acceptance criteria for cracks in cast anodic materials shall be in accordance with NACE RP-0492-99 Section 3 Clause 3.10.
6.4       Craters exceeding 4 mm in diameter shall be rejected, and no more than ten (10) craters shall be allowed on the outer surfaces of each anode segment.
6.5       One (1) in fifty (50) bracelet anode segments shall be sectioned transversely by single cuts at twenty-five percent (25%) and fifty percent (50%) of nominal length, to determine the bond between steel core and anode material, location of the steel core and internal porosity levels.  CONTRACTOR shall reject any sectioned bracelet anode segment where:
·         Surface porosity exceeds four percent (4%)
·         Combined void length adjacent to the steel core exceeds five percent (5%)
·         Any individual pore in the outer eighty percent (80%) of anode material depth exceeds 8 mm in length or 25 mm2 in area
·         Any individual pore in the inner twenty percent (20%) of anode material depth exceeds 10 mm in length or 64 mm2 in area

6.6       Should any sectioned bracelet be rejected, CONTRACTOR shall divide that batch of fifty (50) bracelet anodes segments in batches of ten (10) and section one segment from each smaller batch.  Rejection of any segment in the smaller batch of ten (10) shall result in rejection of that entire batch of ten (10).
6.7       Slag or casting (sand) inclusions shall not be permitted.
6.8       All welded connections shall be visually inspected for defects, and any defect disclosed shall be removed and rewelded to COMPANY satisfaction.



Each anode shall be stamped with the following information:
·         Manufacturer's Mark
·         ADGF Project
·         Cast Number / Melt Number
·         Weight (required gross)
·         Internal Diameter (in SI and Imperial)


8.1       All records shall be fully identified with the specific materials they represent, and they shall be available for COMPANY examination at the time and place of inspection, whether at the point of manufacture or distributor's location.



9.1       CONTRACTOR shall comply with the requirements of Project Specification for Quality Assurance and Quality Control 84506-60-00-2L-010.
9.2       CONTRACTOR shall submit a quality plan detailing the quality control program for COMPANY review and approval.
9.3       CONTRACTOR shall supply materials only from manufacturers or sub-contractors that have been approved by COMPANY.



10.1    CONTRACTOR shall pack and ship anode bracelets or wooden pallets in accordance with COMPANY approved procedures.
10.2    Procedures shall address as a minimum, all lifting, handling, storing and shipping requirements.
10.3    Anodes shall be stored above ground level and be electrically isolated from the earth, steel structures, and any other objects that may adversely affect the anodes.


CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval 30 days prior to commencement of work, a comprehensive package of documents including:
a.    Quality Plan
b.    Manufacturing Procedures
c.    Inspection and Testing Procedures
d.    Acceptance criteria for allowable defects
e.    Design Calculations
f.     Data Sheets
g.    Shop Drawings
h.    Anode Performance Relative to Temperature
i.      Handling, Shipping and Storage Procedures

CONTRACTOR shall collate the following data as a minimum and include in a data book:
a.    Alloy Mill Certificates
b.    Material Test Certificates
c.    Certified NDT Examination Reports
d.    Certified Drawings
e.    Inspection Records
f.     Calibration Certificates

Data book shall be submitted to COMPANY within 28 days of satisfactory completion of anode manufacturing and testing.
All certificates shall be in the English language and use metric units of measure.  CONTRACTOR and COMPANY shall visibly sign certificates.
All data to be submitted in bith hard copy and electronic format.

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