Design, detailing, furnishing, fabricating,
delivering, unloading/handling, sorting, storing, protecting, removing from
storage and erecting miscellaneous and embedded metal components. Scope includes but not necessarily limited to
the following items.
- Welded
Checkered steel floor plates.
- Stairs
and treads
- Handrails
- Guard
Embedded steel members, including steel door frames
Banding of all openings in grating occasioned by field run piping.
- All materials necessary, including Type 316
stainless steel studs for grating hold-down clips to connect miscellaneous
metal components to structural steel and to other parts of the structure
already in place.
Design, furnishing and installation of the
following items are not included in this specification.
- Anchor
bolts and anchor bolt sleeves into concrete foundations
- Metal
doors and pressed steel frames
- Pipe
hangers, electrical equipment and duct supports
Structural steel framing for buildings.
Contractor shall comply
with the applicable requirements of the codes and standards published by the
following organization:
AISC ............ American Institute of Steel Construction
ANSI ............ American National Standards Institute
AREA............ American Railway Engineering Association
ASTM............ American Society for Testing and Material
AWS ............ American Welding Society
CDA ………. Coper Development Association,
SSPC............ Steel Structures Painting Council, USA
UBC ............ Uniform Building Code of USA
........... Pedoman Perencanaan
Bangunan Baja untuk
Gedung - 1987
Conform especially to
the applicable provisions of the following codes and standards.
AISC ........... Codes of Standard of
Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges
AISC ........... Specification for the Design
Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings
AISC ........... Specification for
Structural Joints Using
ASTM 325 or
A 490 Bolts
approved by Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints of the
Engineering Foundation
ANSI B 27.2 Plain
ASTM A 36 Structural
ASTM A 123 Zinc
(Hot-Galvanized) Coating on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and
Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Strip.
ASTM A 153 Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and
Steel Hardware.
ASTM A 167 Corrosion-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel
Plate Sheet, and Strip.
ASTM A 276 Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and
ASTM A 235 Carbon
Steel Forging for General Industrial Use
ASTM A 325 High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel
Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers.
ASTM A 384 Safeguarding Against Warpage and Distortion
During Hot Dip Galvanizing of Steel Assemblies.
ASTM A 120 Black and Hot-Dripped Zinc-Coated
(Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Ordinary Uses.
ASTM A 386 Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Steel
ASTM A 490 Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for
Structural Steel Joints,
ASTM A 563 Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts
SSPC SP-6 Surface
Preparation, Commercial. Blast
Cleaning (SSPC : Steel Structures Painting Council).
ASTM A 307 Standard Specification for Low-Carbon Steel
Externally and Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners.
501 Hot formed welded and Sean less
Carbon Steel Structural Tubing.
ASSHTO M 111 Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coating on product Fabricated from rolled,
pressed, and forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip.
AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code.
SSPC SP2 Hand Tool Cleaning
SSPC SP3 Power Tool Cleaning
Contractor shall fully comply with the Project Quality
Assurance/Quality Control Requirements. For submitting Quality
Assurance/Quality Control Procedures and Documentation the provision
“Submittals” of this specification shall apply.
Section 6 "Design Requirements" of
this specification describes the responsibilities and contractual obligation of
the Contractor.
Contractor shall submit design drawing in 30
percent and 90 percent design stages. The 30 percent submittal shall include
typical details. Contractor shall
incorporate the Owner's comment on the 30 percent submittal into the continuing
work and shall consider the 90 percent submittal as the final design
product. Make change in the 90 percent
submittal only as response to the Owner's comments.
Subsequent to the approval of the design
drawing shop drawing and erection diagrams shall be submitted for all materials
furnished, fabricated, delivered and erected. Shop drawings shall include
details of all members and their connections and bill of materials showing the
piece mark number, the number of members required, shape designation, detailed
length, unit weight of each member, total weight for each member and total
weight for
each drawing.
Erection drawings shall show the marking and position of each member,
details of member's field connections, and bolt schedules for erection. An
index of shop details and erection drawings shall be provided.
Design calculation shall be submitted for those
connections that do not confirm to AISC Manual Connection Tables and are
designed by the Contractor.
Contractor shall submit at least the following
Shop test and inspection procedures
Field test and inspection procedures
Welding procedures
Non destructive testing procedures
Cleaning and painting procedures
Packaging and shipping procedures
The Contractor shall prepare and provide for
the Owner the following quality control documentation.
Material certificates and material test reports
Welding qualification reports
Qualification report of manual welders and
welding machine operators
Shop test and inspection reports
Erection inspection report
Documentation that surface preparation and
surface coatings have been examined and that all such preparations and coatings
conform to the requirements.
inspection report including NDE reports, when applicable.
Bolting Inspection Report.
Material shall conform to the specifications
except that substitutes will be allowed if the Contractor obtains Owner's
permission prior to fabrication.
Steel plates, sections and bars
Structural steel and all other steel including
floor plates, ladders, cages guard plates etc. shall conform to applicable
requirements of ASTM A36 - Standard Specification for Structural Steel.
Bolts, nuts and washers shall conform to ASTM A
307, Grade A and ASTM A 563, Grade C (except round washers which shall conform
to ANSI B27.2). High strength bolts
shall conform to ASTM A 325 or ASTM A 490.
Welded Grating
Steel grating shall be fabricated from welding
quality steel. Grating shall be galvanized
steel unless otherwise specified and shall be the standard rectangular-opening
type, electro-forged. All grating shall
be banded at each ladder entrance and exit.
Area exposed to chemical attach shall have
Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester (FRP) grating with FR gray grit top.
Checkered Steel Floor Plates
Checkered steel floor plate shall be of
standard manufacture with the standard two-way raised pattern. The thickness
shown is nominal and does not include the height of the raised pattern.
Handrails and posts shall be butt-welded steel
pipe of standard weight (schedule 40) or steel structural tubing of equal or
greater weight. The pipe shall conform
to ASTM A 120. The structural tubing shall conform to ASTM A501, A-36 or better material. The Contractor shall
retain final responsibility for spacing of handrail posts. All handrails shall
be shop prime and field finish painted.
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel grating, plate, bars, rolled
shapes, and shims shall conform to ASTM A 167 and ASTM A 276 as applicable.
Galvanized coating
Galvanized coatings shall conform to ASTM A
123, ASTM A 153, ASTM A 386 and AASHTO M 111 as applicable.
Carbon Steel
Shall conform to ASTM A 36, unless required
Shall conform to ASTM B 209, and shall be as
follows, unless otherwise required :
- Sheets : Aklad 3003 or better, mill finish, tempered
as required
- Other shapes : Alloy 6061-T6, mill finish
- Fastener : Aluminium
Copper and other materials
Shall be per the “ CDA “ standard
Design of miscellaneous metal components is the
Contractor's responsibility. Complete design plans shall be provided backed
by analyses and design calculation as
All designs calculation and drawings shall be
prepared under the supervision of qualified engineers.
Contractor shall conform to the requirements of
the AISC Specification for Design Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel
for Buildings. The Contractor may select
other recognized design codes. However,
once a Design Code is selected, Contractor shall adhere to the provisions of
that code completely. Selecting more then one-design codes and applying
provisions of a design code to part of the design and provisions of an other
design code to other part of the design is not permitted.
Contractor shall conform to the requirements of
the project "Civil Structural Design Criteria".
Grating (Welded Grating)
Grating, except where noted otherwise on the
drawings, shall have a minimum thickness of 32 mm with 32 mm x 5 mm main bars
on 32 mm center-to-center bar spacing and crossbars on not greater than 100 mm
center-to-center spacing.
Channel strings and grating tread stairs shall
be used in all plant areas to service equipment or to travel from one floor
level another. Stairs shall have a
maximum slope of 400, a maximum and a minimum riser of 165 mm and 90
mm respectively and maximum and a minimum tread of 250 mm and 225 mm
respectively. The stair treads shall be
rigidly bolted to stringers with bolt heads on the outside and nuts on the
inside faces of stringers. The stair
width shall not be less than 75 cm.
Handrail shall be provided for the following
areas and where required :
a. Around every stairway floor opening.
b. Around every floor
opening into which a person can walk except when provided with an opening
c. On all flights of stairs
having four or more risers.
d. Around every open-sided
floor, walkway, platform.
Adjacent to
dangerous equipment.
Guard Plates
a. Guard
plates shall be 5 mm thick
and shall extend a
minimum of 100 mm above the finished floor line, unless otherwise
b. Guard plates shall be
fastened to steel framing members or concrete slabs.
c. In order to minimize the
amount of field erection work guard plates shall be attached to framing members
in the shop, where possible.
a. Ladders shall be provided
in all pits, manholes, entrances to tunnels, to all roofs over 6 m above the
ground where there is no access by a stair, or to the floors where no stair
system is provided.
shall consist of steel side rails and steel rungs attached to side rails and
equipped with a cage.
servicing platform or landing 3.60 m or above ground shall have safety
cage. Ladders over 6 m in high which
are equipped with a cage must have a rest platform every 10 m maximum.
a. Grating shall be standard
make of fabricated galvanized grating of a type acceptable to the Owner,
grating of the pressure-locked type is not
acceptable. The welding requirements hereinafter specified do not apply
to welded grating which shall be produced in accordance with standard
manufacturing practice.
b. Grating panels shall be of uniform width as
far as possible. Grating bars on grating
areas adjacent to each other shall run in the same direction, if economically
feasible, and grating panels shall be so fabricated that the design will match
when panels are assembled. Ends of
panels shall be cut off neatly. Ends
which have become bent must be straightened.
All grating shall be straight and not warped and shall have full bearing
on the supporting steel.
c. In order to obtain a firm
bearing on the supporting steel, each section of grating shall be fastened to
the supporting near to each corner. The
method of fastening shall be either tack welding, fasteners or a combination of
d. Fasteners shall be permanently
fastened to the grating sections so as not to become detached and lost when
removing and replacing grating sessions.
e. Special care shall be
taken to anchor overhanging grating sections securely by means of fasteners.
Grating shall be provided with stops to prevent any sections from slipping of
the supporting steel when an adjacent panel is removed.
f. Connecting to structural
steel shall be continuous fillet weld.
g. Grating sections shall
fit snugly with not more than 3 mm clearance between adjacent sections of
grating, and 8 mm clearance between grating and curb angles or guard plates.
h. Holes in grating for
pipes, where required, shall be cut and banded.
i. Holes that are not
specifically located and dimensioned on the Contractor's design drawings shall
be cut and banded in the field in accordance with field measurements of pipes
in place.
j. When laying out holes in
grating for piping, consideration shall be given to clearances required to
accommodate pipe covering (if any) and movement of the piping due to thermal
k. Whenever possible,
grating shall be split around all pipes and shall be made into easily removable
sections. Location of junction lines between
grating sections shall be determined from actual field measurements of pipes
insofar as it is possible. All holes for
pipes shall clear the pipe (or pipe covering as the case may be) by not less
than 50 mm or more than 75 mm.
l. All
holes shall be banded with a 5 mm bar projecting 25 mm above top of grating.
The grating bars shall be neatly welded to the band. All bands shall be divided on the junction
line between adjacent panels.
m. When the grating is cut at
right angles to the bars at a point of support, suitable means of permanently
holding the ends of the bar in alignment shall be provided.
n. Edges of grating at head
of stairs shall have abrasive nosing a with 40 mm width and 88 mm thickness.
o. Where grating junction
lines occur at head of stairs, the nosing shall be cut at the junction line so
as to permit removal of each section of grating.
p. Manufacturer's standard paint finish shall be
provided on metal areas of treads as nosings. Abrasive areas shall not be painted. Any discolorations, etc., on the treads and
nosing shall be cleaned off with a solvent after erection, and before
completion of the work.
q. The projecting edges of
longitudinal grating bars at openings not protected by guard plates shall be
banded with 6 mm thick bar of same depth as the grating.
r. All exterior grating
shall be clipped down with a minimum of two saddle clips per grating section.
a. Stairs shall be
constructed and attached as indicated on the standard drawings.
b. Stair treads shall be 32
mm x 5 mm standard galvanized grating of the same pattern as the floor grating.
Grating treads shall have antislip noising.
c. Stair treads shall be rigidly
bolted to stringers with bolt heads on outside and nuts on inside faces of
Checkered Steel Floor Plates
a. Checkered steel floor
plate shall be rolled steel galvanized plate of a type and design suitable for
the floor loading. Steel floor plates shall have a nominal thickness of 6 mm
unless otherwise required.
b. The pattern
centerlines on all checkered steel floor plate sections shall match and line up
in both directions on adjacent sections.
c. All floor plate sections
shall fit snugly into place with not more than 1.5 mm space between.
d. All steel floor plates shall be reinforced by
means of steel angles along all edges of each plate and intermediate locations
where necessary. Each stiffener shall be
welded to underside of plate along both edges of the stiffener. Each section shall be provided with two
lifting holes located in opposite corners.
Floor plates shall be straight and flush with the surrounding
floor. Each floor plates section shall
be provided with grinding bars, for aligning faces of plate sections with each
other and with adjacent flooring.
Grinding bars shall have bearing over their entire area.
e. Where curb angle construction is required the
steel plates, shall be reinforced with stiffeners except for narrow trenches
where stiffeners may not be required.
f. All openings for pipes
shall be neatly cut so as to clear the pipe (or pipe covering) 12 mm all around. The arrangement shall be such that any
section of the plate can be readily removed.
a. All railings and railing
post connections shall be in accordance with the details shown on the approved
All railing
and post intersections shall be welded.
Pipe or tubing posts shall be welded to the top rail, the rail being
continuous. The center rail shall be
welded to the posts, the posts being continuous.
c. The railing and post
sections shall be fabricated in the shop in large sections can be conveniently
handled and erected. Field railing
splices, where required, shall be welded and shall be located near a pipe post
or point of support. No screwed
couplings will be permitted in rails or posts.
d. After shop and/or field
welding is done, all rough weld metal projections shall be neatly ground off so
that the joint will present a smooth appearance. Neat appearing welds with no
rough projections will not require grinding.
All sharp corners shall be rounded.
e. The Contractor shall cut
handrails and guard plates and weld them in field to clear diagonal bracings
where required.
f. Ends of handrails at
building columns or other vertical steel may be attached to the steel by means
of a collar welded to the column.
g. Where gates are required,
swing gates shall be provided. No chain
gate shall be used.
Guard Plates
plates shall be furnished in the longest section as practical. Ends of adjoining guard plates shall be
welded together. Joints shall be closer
than 1 m to handrail post.
plates used at edges of floors and meeting at angles at corners shall have
corners welded. If necessary, an extra
piece of plate shall be welded to the outside of guard plates to close the gap
between plates that do not joint.
shall be provided where necessary to clear piping or other equipment.
d. The Contractor shall
provide guard plates around all column penetrations. Gratings shall be coped and fitted with cover
plates so as to prevent openings greater than 25 mm in width around these
a. Ladders shall be
galvanized and made of steel bar stringers and round steel bar rungs.
b. Suitable guards or cages
shall be furnished for ladders.
c. Access from platforms,
floors or landings to all ladders going to a lower elevation shall be provided
with a pipe swing gate, as may be indicated by codes and regulations.
and details of ladders, cages, swing gates etc., shall conform to the
applicable details shown on the standard drawings.
a. Details and fabrication
of steel items shall conform to the AISC Specification for the Design,
Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings, unless otherwise
shown or specified. Pieces shall be cut, formed, and shaped to sized and work
points shown, due allowance being made for normal building construction
tolerances of related work. Cut edges
exposed in the finished work shall be machine cut, sheared, or ground. Sharp or rough corners and edges shall be
ground off, rounded, or chamfered smooth.
Holes to suit future work and the work of others shall be provided as
b. Details, fabrication, and
bolted or welded connections shall be in accordance with the drawings. All
working points shall be maintained. Joints shall be fitted snug and flush. Joints consisting of machine bolts shall be
drawn up tight. Welded joints shall be
made in accordance with AWS D1.1 and the section on welded joints, AISC manual
of steel construction.
c. Items shall be shop
assembled and delivered to the jobsite ready for installation unless otherwise
required by installation conditions or shipping limitations. Items shipped
disassembled or partly assembled shall be delivered complete with fastenings
for field connections and with parts marked to indicate proper assembly.
d. Assemblies that are to be
field assembled and installed where accuracy of dimensions, alignment, or
clearance is critical shall be pre-assembled in the shop and checked for
compliance with the requirements. Errors or discrepancies shall be corrected
before the assembly is delivered to the jobsite. Such corrections shall be at the Contractor's
e. Work that does not
conform to the drawings or misfits due to the fabrication error or failure to
allow for reasonable tolerance shall be corrected at the expense. Misfits that are due to errors in work
performed by others will be corrected at Owner expense.
Contractor shall comply with all applicable
requirement of Technical Specification for "Welding in Steel
a. Miscellaneous metal that
is designated as "galvanized" or is required to be galvanized shall
be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with the applicable standard
specification in subparagraph before subject to the provisions of this
b. The weight of the
zinc coating as required by the applicable ASTM specification shall be subject
to verification by Owner. The coating
thickness will be measured by a magnetic thickness gage.
c. Each fabricated assembly
shall be immersed in the galvanizing bath until the temperature of the assembly
is equal to the temperature of the bath.
d. Distortion of assemblies
during the galvanizing procedure shall be minimized by complying with
requirements of ASTM A 384.
Straightening of members shall be done in a manner to prevent damage to
galvanizing or the member.
e. Galvanized surfaces which
have had the coating removed by any cause shall be touched up with a zinc-rich
f. Coating work shall be
subject to inspection by Owner at any time to ensure compliance with this
specification. Areas showing defects or signs of improper surface preparation
or coating application will be rejected.
Repairs shall be made by the Contractor to comply with this
items shall be identified with metal tags or by mark numbers die stamped into
the piece prior to galvanizing. Tags shall be made of durable material and
marked in a legible manner. If die
stamped, the mark numbers shall be painted over with a black paint stick after
galvanizing to ensure legibility. Small items shall be identified by placing
the mark number on indestructible tags securely attached with galvanized wire
Shop Cleaning and Painting
a. Contractor shall conform
to all applicable requirements of specification "Prime Coat and Shop
Finish Painting" for shop cleaning painting, and surface preparation of
structural steel (SSPC SP-6).
b. Painted surfaces will be
inspected, as specified in specification "Prime Coat and Shop Finish
Painting" in the field after a reasonable period of weathering. If the condition of any surface indicates
insufficient thickness of paint was used, or method application was incorrect,
etc. (regardless of prior approval of the work in the shop), Contractor shall
repair all such surfaces in the field as requested. This requirement shall not apply with respect
to surfaces abraded in shipping, handling etc. for which field touch-up
painting will be performed by the Contractor.
Prior to shipment, all pieces shall be marked
clearly with paint as specified indicating the piece number, shop of erection
drawing number and other information required for identification. Position marks shall be visible when material
is stacked.
Material received at the jobsite in damages
condition shall be repaired or replaced.
a. Miscellaneous steel items
shall be accurately positioned and securely fastened in place. Items which are
to be fastened in place to prevent displacement during concrete placing
operations. Movable parts shall operate satisfactorily.
b. Erection shall be done in accordance with a
schedule previously determined by Owner. Deviations form such schedule will not
be permitted without written permission.
a. Field connections shall
be bolted, except as otherwise shown.
High strength bolts, ASTM Designation A-325, or common bolts, ASTM
Designation A-307, shall be as shown.
b. The quantity of bolts,
nuts, and washers furnished by the fabricator will be equal to the actual
requirements plus ten percent. Any additional material required shall be at the
Subcontractor's expense.
c. All bolts shall be
tightened with members in place. Tightening shall follow the fitting operation
sequence as soon as possible and in accordance with AISC requirements.
d. Common bolts shall be
installed in accordance with accepted industry practice.
e. High strength bolts shall
be installed in accordance with AISC Specification for Structural Joints Using
ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts.
Touch-up Coating
a. All welds, un-galvanized
field connections, and rusted, burned, or damaged shop coating shall be
prepared in accordance with the SSPC standard specified below. Adjacent sound
coating shall be sanded to a featheredge and prepared surfaces coated before
rusting or recontamination occurs.
b. Coating application and
curing shall conform with the coating manufacturer printed instructions. Edges
and corners shall be given a double application to ensure adequate film
c. For touch-up of
galvanizing, surface preparation shall conform with SSPC SP2 or SP3. Dry film thickness shall be 50 - 100 micron
up coatings.
Inspection and testing shall be performed
according to the procedures approved by the Owner.
Owner may at any time perform product analysis,
dimensional, checks, strength tests, surface coating work inspection, and other
inspections or tests to verify Contractor's conformance to specification. Where non-compliance is found, such
non-compliance shall be corrected.
Welds shall be inspected as specified in
"Specification for Welding in Steel Structures".
Table - 1 and - 2 list
witness points and hold points for shop inspection, respectively.
Release of the work by Owner's inspection will
not relieve contracts of providing products in accordance with this
Inspection of high strength bolts shall be
performed in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of the AISC Specification
for Structural Joints using ASTM A325 Bolts.
Approximately 10 % of the bolts shall be
Part or Assembly
Operations, Test, or Examination
inspection, handling, storage and shipping
Observe fabrication
methods, inspection procedures and verify adequacy of measures for
controlling handling, storage and shipping on a firs operation basis.
Welds and materials
nondestructive examinations on a first operation basis for each examination
required by the procurement documents and applicable codes and standards.
Fit-up and welding on
a first operation basis for each applicable code and procedure requiring
submittal to Buyer.
Post-weld heat
treatments on a first operation basis for each procedures requiring submittal
to Owner.
Major weld repairs
Protective coatings
Surface preparation on
a firs operation basis for each type of preparation
Part or Assembly
Operation, Test, or Examination
Mill test reports
Review of mill test reports at time steel is
delivered to the fabrication.
Review and signoff of all completed
Full penetration welds
Inspection required
radiographic or ultrasonic examination, review and signoff of all completed
radiographs or witness ultrasonic examination.
Supplier's quality verification accuracy.
Release for shipment
Review and signoff for completeness and