The Contractor shall paint all structures, equipment, piping and other accessories provided within the scope of Contract with the prime coat and shop painting in accordance with the requirements of these specifications.


Painting for structural steel, gallery steel, miscellaneous steel, equipment and similar ferrous metals as follow:

Supply of all material labour and equipment to perform the indicated work
Performing of surface preparation for shop and field painting.

Applying of coating material.

Inspecting each phase of the work.

Painting specified herein for structural steel, Gallery Steel, Miscellaneous Steel, Auxiliary Steel, equipment piping & ducting, and Similar Ferrous Metals shall include:

Surface preparation (shop and field)

Shop prime coat painting

Shop or field second coat painting for inaccessible surfaces

Shop second coat painting

Field prime coat painting

Field second painting and field touch up painting

Field Touch-up for Galvanizing

Painting of Aluminium Contact Surfaces

The extent of prime coat and related painting shall refer to ‘Field Finish Painting’ in Technical Specification unless otherwise indicated.

Internal linings


Copper and similar non ferrous metals

Stainless steel

Aluminium (except on contact surfaces to prevent electrolytic attack).


Comply with the requirements of the applicable codes and standards published by the following organizations:

SSPC    Steel Structures Painting Council, USA
UBC             Uniform Building Code of USA
AISC            American Institute of Steel Construction
SII                Standard Industri Indonesia
SPLN    Standar Perusahaan Umum Listrik Negara

Conform especially to the applicable provisions of the following codes and standards:

SSPC – SP 1 – [63(1971)]            Solvent Cleaning
SSPC – SP 2 – [63(1963)]          Hand Tool Cleaning
SSPC – SP 3 – [63(1963)]          Power Tool Cleaning
SSPC – SP 6 – [63(1963)]          Commercial Blast Cleaning
SSPC – SP 10 – [63(1963)]        Near - White Blast Cleaning
SPLN 104 – 1993                          Colour Standard
SPLN 107 – 1993                           Piping and Tank Colour for Power Plant


Contractor shall fully comply with the Project Quality Assurance/Quality Control Requirements. For Submitting Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures and Documentation the provision of Clause  “Submittals” of this specification shall apply.



Contractor shall submit at least:

A List of Coating Materials to be used, each identified by a manufacturer, brand name, product member and paint manufacturer’s instruction.
Shop cleaning and painting procedures

After award of Contract, but before ordering materials, Contractor shall submit for review of Owner all of the following samples:

a.                            Colour Panels: Approximately 30 cm x 30 cm in size. Submit panels for each finish colour to be used including colours for all undercoats.

b.                           Colour Chips: Manufacturer’s standard, but not less than approximately 25 cm x 50 cm in size. Submit chips for each finish colour to be used including colour for all undercoats.


Contractor shall keep documentation but not limited to the following:

- Packaging and shipping documents

- Shop cleaning and painting procedures

- Shop test and inspection procedures

- Field list and inspection procedures



The intent of the requirement of this specification for prime coat and shop painting is to ensure through and proper surface preparation, and careful and complete paint application to all exposed areas of surface specified to be prime coat and shop painted in this specification, and observing strictly the following procedure:
As the works will be located in a tropical area and near the sea, the paint shall be of a type, which can best resist tropical conditions and salty air environment.

The contractor shall thoroughly clean, prime coat where required and/or touch up the entire work, or a substantial portion thereof, before starting the intermediate coat of paint. However, work shall proceed in a pattern that will keep to a minimum the necessity for recleaning the touch-up work already done or the intermediate coat already applied. Cleaning shall be done in such a manner as not to liberate dust and shall be approved by the Owner. No intermediate coats shall be applied until the cleaning, prime coating and/or touch-up work has been approved by the Owner.



Surfaces of ferrous metals which are permanently in contact with other surfaces of the same materials after shop assembly or field erection, such as contact surfaces at cover plates or connection angles on columns, beams and girders, etc.


Surface of ferrous metals, which are made inaccessible for painting (other than contact surfaces) after shop assembly or field erection of the steel or metals, such as the surfaces in a member composed of two angles back to back with guessed plates between them, where these surfaces will be exposed to the weather for their service life.


Dry film thickness shall be expressed in microns.


Paints, including types, colours, products and manufacturers shall be as specified in ‘Field Finish Painting’ or approved equal and shall be suitable for the environmental conditions. Use of all components of the same manufacturer's system is mandatory

However where the Contractor is unable to comply with this requirement, he must ensure that the paint to be used is compatible and equal in quality to the paint already supplied. Details must be supplied to the Owner for his approval before implementing the above.

All operations covered by this section shall be adequately controlled and supervised by operators adequately skilled in them.

The Contractor shall submit for approval the method of painting and surface preparation he proposes to adopt to carry out the works together with the list of the type of equipment he shall use and the locations where he proposes carrying out the operations. The Contractor shall keep the Owner informed of the proposed programme of operations and if called upon to do so he shall assist the Owner with inspections at all reasonable time.

Paints shall be delivered to the place of use in unbroken containers bearing the paint manufacturer's brand name and identification number.

Each coat of paint shall be of a different discernible colour.

Most of the surfaces shall receive the field finish paint
Mating and contact surfaces except faying surfaces for friction bolting shall be protected from corrosion by ensuring that the two surfaces brought into contact with each other are prepared and painted with the full specified system.  Those surfaces which are brought together in the shop shall be brought together while the last coat of paint is still wet.

Unless otherwise specified surfaces which are to be friction bolted are to be prepared as for surfaces which are to be painted but shall receive no paint coating. All corrosion and any products which would affect the efficiency of the joint, in particular, grit, grease, and oil shall be removed from the surfaces prior to bolting together.  The edges of such joints shall be suitably sealed with paint coatings.


Steel surfaces left unpainted in the shop shall be coated with a corrosive-resistant material.



 (Including shop prime, intermediate and a third coat painting for inaccessible surfaces and girts):

Extent of structural steel and other ferrous metal surfaces to be painted in shop and to be left unpainted in shop, after completion of the surface preparation specified above shall be as indicated in Table -1.

Milled surfaces and other machine-finished surfaces shall be protected against corrosion by using lacquer, unless otherwise indicated.

 (Including field prime, intermediate and a third coat painting for inaccessible surfaces):

Field prime coat painting shall consist of one complete coat of paint applied in the field to all bare structural steel or other ferrous metal surfaces after specified surface preparation has been completed.

For inaccessible surfaces after field erection, a third coat of paint shall be provided conforming to Table -1.


Field touch-up painting shall consist of one prime coat and one intermediate coat of paint applied to the following surfaces after completion of specified surface preparation.

Surfaces where the shop coat of paint has been marred, scratched or otherwise damaged, due to shipping, handling, erection, installation, weathering etc.
Bolt heads, nuts, washers, and adjacent surfaces left unpainted in the shop.

Surfaces of field welds, and adjacent surfaces left unpainted in the shop.
ferrous fasteners not otherwise protected.

Exposed fabrication, erection of shipping marks shall be cleaned off and the areas touch-up painted to match the adjacent surfaces.

For any surfaces which have received two coats, field touch-up painting shall consist of two coats also as indicated in Table -2.


Colour Code shall be in accordance with SPLN 104-1993 and SPLN 107-1993 or subject to Owner approval.


The following shall be touched-up with one coat of zinc-rich paint:

Areas of galvanized surfaces (furnished and/or installed by Contractor) which have been marred due to handling, shipping, erection, weathering, etc.

Field welds made on hot-dipped galvanized surfaces.  Paints Systems as indicated in Table -2 shall be used.


The intent of requirements for this painting is that either the aluminium surfaces to be in contact with other surfaces, or other surfaces to be in contact with aluminium, shall have two acceptable complete coats of paint at the time the aluminium is installed.  This painting shall be provided as follows:

Aluminium To Be In Contact With Ferrous Metals

To prevent galvanic action where aluminium surfaces to be in contact with ferrous metals (other than galvanized steel), the surfaces of the ferrous metals to be in contact, shall receive one field second coat of paint in addition to the shop or field prime coat.

Paint Systems 043-C for prime coat, and 043-D for second coat as indicated in Table -2 shall be used.

Aluminium To Be In Contact With Non-Ferrous Metals

Where aluminium surfaces will be in contact with copper, lead or other non-ferrous metals not compatible with aluminium, the surfaces of these metals to be in contact, shall receive two coats of paint.

Non-ferrous metals compatible with aluminium, such as stainless steel, zinc, white bronze, etc., to be in contact with aluminium, will not require painting.

Paint System 043-C for prime coat, and 043-D for second coat as indicated in Table -2 shall be used.

Aluminium To Be In Contact With Concrete And Masonry

Where aluminium surfaces will be embedded in concrete or masonry, the aluminium surfaces shall receive two field coats of paint.

Where aluminium surfaces will be in contact with concrete or masonry the aluminium surfaces or the surfaces of the concrete or masonry to be in contact, shall receive two field coats of paint.

Paint System 043-F As Indicated in Table -2, shall be used.

Faces may be painted with two coats of specified paints, instead of painting the surfaces of the other materials to be in contact, where desirable, where required, or where requested.

Paint System 043-C for prime coat and 043-D for second coat, or 043-F for both coats, as indicated in Table -2, shall be used.


Equipment shall be divided into three categories:

Equipment except the electrical equipment in different colour refers to mentioned before which will be installed indoors and therefore not exposed to the weathering.

Equipment including outdoor transformers and switchgear enclosures except the electrical equipment in different colour refers to mentioned before which will be installed outdoor and therefore exposed to the weathering.

All electrical cubicles, panels and indoor enclosures.


All ferrous equipment surfaces shall be cleaned and painted as suggested below.  The Contractor shall design the paint system to be compatible with the material to be coated, the temperature of the surfaces, service conditions and which can best resist the tropical conditions and salty air environment.

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10, Near White Metal Blast Cleaning.

Shop Primer: Two component rust preventive epoxy primer at 75 to 125 microns DFT.

Equipment which is fully fabricated and assembled prior to shipment to the construction site, can be completely painted in the shop. However, if the equipment has to be assembled in the field and will require major touch-up, then this equipment should be only prime painted in the shop and finish painted in the field.

All ferrous equipment surfaces for equipment installed outdoors shall use the same painting systems as outlined for structural steel in Table and finish painted per Technical Specification refers to Field Finish Painting. Apply the complete painting system on equipment fully fabricated and assembled prior to shipment to the construction site.  However, if the equipment has to be assembled in the field and will require major touch-up, then this equipment should only receive primer and intermediate coats in the shop.


All ferrous equipment surfaces of the above electrical equipment unless noted otherwise shall be cleaned and painted (prime & finish) at the manufacturing plant per their standards.  However the paint should be suitable for the Specified environmental conditions.

The Contractor is required to submit a detailed painting procedure for this equipment for the approval of the Owner.

The procedure must include surface preparation, paint process and physical characteristics, application and type of paint to be used.

Type of paint selected must comply with a recognised International Standard.

The interior of all cubicles, panels and enclosures shall be painted with white anti-condensation paint.

The Owner will select the colour of the finish paint.


Insulated Pipe Surfaces:

These surfaces should only receive manufacturer's suggested painting for temporary protection prior to insulation.

Un-insulated Pipe Surfaces and Instrumentation:

These surfaces where applicable, should be painted in the same way as the equipment for indoor and outdoor exposure.



Surface preparation for painting concrete, masonry or wood to be in contact with aluminium shall be as specified in the manufacturer's standard.

Surface preparation for painting all structural steel surfaces as indicated in Table and other metals, including galvanizing, aluminium etc. shall be as follows, unless otherwise indicated:

For First Coat Painting:

a.      Surface shall first be cleaned according to SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning and if required, SSPC-SP2 Hand Tool Cleaning and SSPC-SP3 Power Tool Cleaning shall be used prior to blast cleaning.

b.      Unless otherwise indicated, surfaces shall then be commercial blast cleaned, according to requirements of Table, to produce a general surface appearance corresponding to SSPC Standard Vis 1, pictorial surface preparation standards.

c.      Where specifically indicated, steel surfaces shall be Near White Blast Cleaned, according to SSPC-SP10 to a 37.50 to 62.50 microns profile.

d.      The blast cleaning equipment shall slightly roughen the surface to provide an anchor pattern as recommended by the paint/coating manufacturer. The anchor pattern shall be sharp; a polished surface will not be permitted.

e.      Blast cleaning equipment shall be suitable for the use, and shall be as recommended by the paint/coating manufacturer.

f.       Only the best quality, dry, uncontaminated sand, grit, or shot shall be used in blast cleaning. Blasting sand shall be dry and of a size recommended by the paint/coating manufacturer.  Blasting grit shall be crushed and made of cast iron, malleable iron or synthetic grits other than sand, of a size recommended by the paint/coating manufacturer.

g.      After completion of blast cleaning in any area, all traces of sand, grit or shot, and dust shall be removed from the surfaces by using moisture free and oil free compressed air or by vacuum cleaning; brushing shall not be used.

h.      Extreme care shall be exercised to avoid contaminating the blast-cleaned surfaces with fingerprints or with detrimental material from workers' clothes or from any other sources.

For Second Coat or Touch-Up Painting

a.                Before painting second coat, all surfaces shall be cleaned to remove oil, grease, soil and other contaminants, according to SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning.

b.      Before touch-up painting remove loose mill scale, loose rust and loose paint, according to SSPC-SP2 Hand Tool Cleaning.  If required, SSPC-SP3 Power Tool Cleaning shall be used.

Metal Patching

If it is found necessary to patch or fill scratches or gauges in equipment base plates, metal housing, etc., a metal putty shall be used.  Metal putty shall be applied in strict accordance with manufacturer's directions, and shall be level and smooth after application.



Application of paint shall conform to the applicable requirements of SSPC Paint Application Specification No.1 "Shop, Field and Maintenance Painting", to manufacturer's instructions and to the requirements of mentioned ‘Painting Work System’ above.

Time Restrictions

Application of the prime coat painting shall normally be made over a blast cleaned area within 8 hours after completion of blast cleaning.  This time restriction may be modified to more or less than 8 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity control exercised.  The main criteria shall be that no rust bloom forms on the surface prior to application of the prime coat.  If any rust bloom does form, the surface shall be blast cleaned again, before application of the prime coat.

Temperature Restrictions

Paint shall not be applied when the surrounding air temperature is below 50C, nor when the temperature is expected to drop to 00C before the paint dries.

Paint shall not be applied to steel which is more than two degrees below the surrounding air temperature, or which is at a temperature lower than 30C.

Paint shall not be applied to steel which is at a temperature of over 500C unless the paint is specifically formulated for application at that temperature.  When steel is painted in hot weather, precautions shall be taken to ensure that the specified dry film thickness of paint is achieved.

Moisture and Humidity Restrictions

Paint shall not be applied where exposed to rain, snow, fog, or mist, or when the relative humidity is such as to cause condensation of paint on metal surfaces due to variation in metal temperatures and surrounding air temperatures.

All surfaces shall be perfectly dry before and while being painted and for 24 hours after painting.

Method of Application

Application of paint shall primarily be made by using proper size grade of brushes, except, where spray equipment or rollers can be used to advantage. Spray equipment, if used, shall be accurately and fully controlled at all times so as to prevent damage to adjacent surfaces.

Where two or more coat work is specified, the following shall apply:

a.                      The second coat of paint shall not be applied until the prime coat has been completed and checked.  If the second coat is applied before the check of the prime coat, it will be assumed that the prime coat has not been applied, and at the option of the Owner, the entire painting shall be removed and the area repainted from the beginning.

b.                      Sufficient time for drying shall be allowed between coats.

Minimum Thickness of Paint

The prime coat and second coat of paint shall be applied so as to result in a minimum dry film thickness as specified in Table -2.

Verification of paint thickness may be made by the Owner at this option; based on measuring average wet film thickness, using a Wet Film Gauge. Gauges shall be furnished by the Contractor.

The paint manufacturers shall accordingly be required by the Contractor to furnish the Contractor with the wet film thickness required, for each type of paint and method of application, to obtain the specified dry film thickness.  These wet films thickness shall be based on applying the paint directly from the original containers with no thinners added.

If the Contractor intends to use thinners, he shall inform the Owner and the paint manufacturer of his intended method of application. The paint manufacturer shall then re-evaluate the paint and furnish the Owner and the Contractor with the new wet film thickness required.

Dry film thickness (DFT) may also be verified by the Owner; for verification of the paint thickness, and the dry thickness will be tested using an Elcometer gauge or a Nordson Micro gauge.  SSPC Method PA 2 will be used to determine the DFT using these gauges.

If the required minimum dry film thickness is not attained, as determined by the dry-film verification, additional coats of paint shall be applied to obtain the specification thickness.


All Work covered by this Specification will be subject to inspection by the Owner, and any work were found not in accordance with the Specification shall be satisfactorily redone by the Contractor with no cost to the Owner.

The Owner may make random spot checks of materials, equipment etc. which have been painted, by removing small swatches of paints to bare metal with acetone and examining the surface with a 5 power magnifying glass to observe the absence or presence of rust under the prime coat.  The presence of rust or rust stains under such swatches shall be sufficient cause for rejecting the work, and the Contractor shall repair and repaint the work in the field at his own expense.

Each paint application such as primer coat and intermediate coat shall be free of dry spray, overspray, pinholes, and discontinuities.  Areas where these detrimental conditions occur shall be redone by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner before applying the next coat.

Table -1 Extent of Prime Coat and Related Painting






Paint System (see Table - 2)


Structural and Miscellaneous Ferrous Steel Members.

a.   All surfaces including columns, Beams, girder girt, hangers, struts, tie rods, plates, handrails, posts, risers, stair stringers, washers etc unless otherwise indicate.

b.   Inaccessible Steel Surf and  Girt.

c.    Milled, Embedded Contact and Welded Surfaces, etc.:

c.1 Milled and Machined Surfaces (as on base plates)

c.2 Anchor Bolts, bolts, nuts.

c.3  Embedded Surfaces.

c.4  Contact Surfaces (as surfaces under column and beam cover plates)

Solvent & Near White Bleats Cleaning.

Solvent & Near White Bleats Cleaning.

None (unless otherwise indicated herein)

Solvent & Near White Bleats Cleaning.

Solvent & Near White Blast

1. Shop prime coat of paint

1. Shop intermediate coat

1. Shop prime coat and 2 shop intermediate coats of paint
No painting (Milled surface protected with lacquer. All other surfaces protected with antirust Compound unless otherwise indicated herein)

1.     shop prime coat paint.

043 – A

043 – B

043 – A for prime coat and 043-B for second coats.

043 – A

043 – A

c.5  Top Flanges of Beams and Girders to support metal decking or welding studs.

c.6  Welding Surfaces (as 75 mm strip on each side of a joint to be field welded).
d.   Marred Painted Areas, Bolt Heads Nuts, Washers, Unprotected Fasteners, Field Welds, and Adjacent Unpainted Areas and Strips, unless otherwise indicated.
e.    Marred Galvanized Areas and Field Welds on galvanized surfaces.
Solvent & Near White Blast Cleaning.

Solvent & Near White Blast Cleaning.

Solvent Cleaning and Hand Tool Cleaning; if required Power Tool Cleaning.

Hand or Power Tool Cleaning

1 shop prime coat paint

1 or 2 field touch – up coats of matching paint.

1 field touch – up coat of paint

043 – A

043 – H for prime coat, and 043 B for second coat.

043 – E






Paint System (see Table - 2)


Stainless Steel, unless otherwise indicated


No Painting


Surfaces to be in contact with aluminum; or aluminum surfaces:

a.   Surfaces of Ferrous metals & non ferrous metals not compatible with aluminium, to be in contact with aluminium surfaces to be in contact

Solvent & Commercial Blast Cleaning

1 shop of field prime coat & 1 field second coat of paint for ferrous metals, and 2 coats of paint for non – ferrous metals.

043 – C for prime coat, and 043- D for second coat.

b.   Concrete and masonry surfaces to be in contact with aluminium; or aluminium surfaces to be in contact with another structures.

As specified in manufacturers standards.

2 field coats of paint.

043 - F


Welded Steel Ducts

Solvent Cleaning and Near White Blast Cleaning on exterior surfaces of the duct to be painted unless otherwise indicated.

1 shop prime coat of paint, on exterior surfaces of the duct if there is no lagging outside these surfaces.

043 - A





Metal Doors and Door Channel Frames
Channel Frames

Exterior Doors (Galvanized)

Interior Doors (Sheet Metal)

Solvent & Commercial Blast Cleaning.

Solvent Cleaning.

Solvent Cleaning and hand Tool Cleaning

1 prime coat, 1 intermediate coat and field touch up paint.

1 prime coat, 1 intermediate coat and field touch up  paint

1 prime coat

043-A and 043-B

043-G and 043-B

043 - H

Table -1 Extent of Prime Coat and Related Painting






Paint System (see Table - 2)


Exposed Steel Piping for plumbing

Solvent Hand – Power Tool & Commercial Blast Cleaning.

1 prime coat, 1 intermediate coat and touch – up with paint, on outside surfaces, touch – up 75 mm wide welding bands.

043-A and 043-B


Curb Angel Surfaces in contact with concrete

Hand Tool Cleaning.

1 field coat.

Termastic 100 (200 microns dry film thickness).


Stainless Steel


No Painting


Electrical equipment, including, but not limited to instrument enclosure, switchgear, panel, motor control centre, transformer, motor and bus duct.

Commercial blast cleaning

Prime coat, second coat, third coat

043 C, 043 D and 043 D


Control Panel

Commercial blast cleaning

Primer coat, second coat, third coat

043 B, 043 I and 043 J


Mechanical equipment including but not limited to pumps valves, external piping surfaces, and conveyor machinery

Commercial blast cleaning

Primer coat

043 M


Surfaces of equipment and material to be insulated

Commercial blast cleaning

Primer coat

043 M


Uninsulated equipment and material having operating or service temperature 93°C to 230°C

Commercial blast cleaning

Primer coat

043 O


Uninsulated equipment and material having on service temperature from 230°C to 400°C

Near white metal blast cleaning

Primer coat

043 O
Table -1 Extent of Prime Coat and Related Painting






Paint System (see Table - 2)


Uninsulated equipment and material having on service temperature from 400°C to 540°C

Near white metal blast cleaning

Primer coat

043 Q


Space conditioning equipment

Solvent cleaning surface clean and dry

Primer coat, Second coat,
third coat

043 R, 043 K,
043 L


Flash tank : 
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)    Commercial blast cleaning
b)    Commercial blast cleaning

Primer coat

Primer coat

043 L

043 M


Exchanger and regeneration Tank
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)   Commercial blast cleaning
b)  Commercial blast cleaning

Rubber lining

Primer coat

043 A


Turbine lube oil storage tank
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)     White metal blast cleaning
b)    Commercial blast cleaning

Primer coat

Primer coat

043 A

043 A


Closed cooling water
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)    White metal blast cleaning
b)    Commercial blast cleaning

Primer coat

Primer coat

043 A

043 A


Blow down tank
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)    Near white metal blast cleaning
b)    Commercial blast cleaning

Primer coat

Primer coat

043 A

043 M
Air Receiver
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)   Near white blast cleaning
b)  Commercial blast cleaning

Primer coat

Primer coat

043 A

043 A

Table -1 Extent of Prime Coat and Related Painting






Paint System (see Table - 2)


Water treatment plant caustic storage tank
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)     White metal blast cleaning
b)    White metal blast cleaning

Primer, second coat
Primer, second, third coat

043 U, 043 X

043 Y, 043 Z, 043 Z


Acid storage tank
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)    Commercial blast cleaning
b)    White metal blast cleaning

Rubber lined

Primer, second, third coat

043 Y, 043Z, 043Z


Desalination Plant Hydrochloric Acid Solution Tank
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)   Commercial blast cleaning
b)  White metal blast cleaning

Rubber lined

Primer, second, third coat

043Y, 043Z, 043Z


Exchanger & Regeneration
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)    Commercial blast cleaning
b)    Commercial blast cleaning

Rubber lined

Primer coat

043 A


Neutralization Acid measuring tank
a)  Interior

b)  Exterior

a)    Commercial blast cleaning
b)    White metal  blast cleaning

Rubber lined

Primer, second, third coat

043Y, 043Z, 043Z


Demineralized Water Storage Tank
a)     Interior

b)     Exterior

a)    Commercial blast cleaning
b)    Commercial blast cleaning

Primer coat

Primer coat


Recovery Tank
a)     Interior

b)     Exterior

a)    Commercial blast cleaning
b)    Commercial  blast cleaning

Primer coat

Primer coat


Table -1 Extent of Prime Coat and Related Painting






Paint System (see Table - 2)


Portable Water Storage Tank; Fuel Oil Tank; Reserve Feed Water Storage Tank; Fresh Water Storage Tank
c)      Interior

d)     Exterior

c)     Commercial blast cleaning
d)    Commercial  blast cleaning


Primer coat


Table Paint Systems

System Designation

Type / Colour of Paint



043 - A

-         Two component
-         Inorganic zinc (85 to 89 % Zinc weight) in dry film

-         Green or Grey

Prime coat for steel

50 to 75 Microns dry film thickness

043 - B

-         Two component rust inhibitive polyamide epoxy primer
-         85% solids by volume
-         Brown Colour

Intermediate coat for steel

125 to 175 microns dry film thickness

043 - C

-         Rust inhibitive alkyd primer
-         50% solids by volume

Prime coat for steel or aluminum

75 microns dry film thickness each coat

043 - D

-         High glass
-         30% silicon alkyd enamel
-         Minimum 50% solids by volume

Second coat, third coat unless otherwise indicated

50 microns dry film thickness

043 - E

Zinc-Rich Paint/Grey

Touch-up for galvanized base metal

75 microns dry film thickness

043 - F
Acrylic latex
Paint/Prime white,
second coat color selected
1 or 2 coat for aluminum and bare substrate in contact
100 or 150 microns dry film thickness each coat
Table Paint Systems

System Designation

Type / Colour of Paint



043 – G

Zinc chromate vinyl Butyral/Green

Wash prime for galvanized surfaces prior to painting

10 or 15 microns dry film thickness

043 - H

Two Component Epoxy Mastic Primer

125 or 175 microns dry film thickness

System  Designation

Type / Color of Paint



043 – I

-         Low Gloss
-         Two component smooth polyurethane
-         45% solids by volume

Second coat

38 microns

043 – J

-         Low gloss
-         Two component textured polyurethane
-         45% tie coat

Third coat

25 – 38 microns

043 – K

-         High solids
-         Two component polyamide epoxy tie coat

Second coat

100 – 150 microns

043 - L

Aliphatic polyurethane

Third coat

40 – 50 microns

043 – M

-         Rust inhibitive epoxy primer
-         50% solids by volume

Primer coat

75 microns

043 – O

-         Inorganic zinc rich primer
-         Minimum 75% zinc by weight in dry film

Primer coat

75 microns

043 – P

Heat resistant 100% silicone aluminium

Second coat

30 – 50 microns

043 - Q

100% silicone aluminium

Primer coat

25 microns

043 – R

Zinc pre-treatment wash primer in accordance with BS 729

First coat

13 microns

Table Paint Systems

System Designation

Type / Colour of Paint



043 – S

Water Soluble preservative

Primer coat

70 microns

043 – T

High gloss
30% silicone alkyd enamel
minimum 50% solids by volume

Third coat

50 microns

043 – U

-         Two component modified
-         Phenolic tank lining primer white colour

Second coat

100 – 150 micron

043 – V

-         High solid two component modified phenolic tank lining top coat
-         light grey color

Primer coat

100 – 150 microns

043 – X

Two component modified phenolic tank lining finish grey colour

Second coat

100 – 150 microns

043 – Y

Single package modified vinyl – alkyd primer

Primer coat

25 – 50 microns

043 – Z

Single package vinyl chloride copolymer

Second coat
Third coat

50 – 100 microns
38 – 50 microns

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