This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing cleaning, gauging and hydrostatic testing of piping on the subsea structures.
This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:

         Basis of Design 84506-60-00-2L-060
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 - Definitions and Specification Directory
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality Control
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-020 - General Offshore Specification
         General Specification 84506-60-31-2L-520 - Specification Piping Fabrication
         DNV-OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems 2000


CONTRACTOR shall furnish all equipment and materials including, but not limited to temporary pig launchers/receivers, cleaning and gauging pigs, flanges, blind flanges, gaskets, nuts and bolts, water strainers and filters, fill and pressure pumps, meters, fittings, piping and hoses incidental to filling, cleaning, gauging and hydrotesting the piping.  Sufficient spare parts and supplies for major equipment shall be provided at job site to ensure continuous and reliable execution of all operations.
CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed testing plan to COMPANY for approval, 3 weeks prior to start of the Work.  The testing plan shall contain a step-by-step description of the flooding, cleaning, gauging and hydrotesting procedures, equipment, manpower and sub-contractors proposed for the test, including, as a minimum:
a)    Schematic diagram of the test equipment set-up, with line sizes, pump capacities, volumes, elevations, valves and fittings (including rating).
b)    Types and number of pigs to be used in cleaning and gauging operations.
c)    Make up of test crew.
d)    Calibration of all deadweight tester, pressure, and temperature recorder.
e)    Leak detection and repair procedures, including a list of equipment available to make repairs.
f)     Methods and equipment proposed to retrieve pigs that become stuck in the piping.
g)    Test procedure.
h)   Monitoring and recording of test pressure and temperature.
i)     Depressuring, dewatering and draining.



3.1       All test equipment shall be calibrated and certified 30 days prior to hydrotesting.  Copies of test certificates shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval prior to start of filling of the piping.
3.2       All equipment, especially pumps, air compressors, and test instruments shall be designed and rated for the duty intended and certified for operation in classified zones if required and shall be subject to COMPANY approval prior to use.


4.1       The fill medium shall be fresh potable water, free of suspended matter.  Water analysis to be provided by CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY, 24 hours prior to fill.  Water containing silt, suspended material or harmful corrosive components shall not be used unless it can be treated to COMPANY’s satisfaction by use of filters or chemical additives.
4.2       Test heads, valves and appurtenances shall be checked prior to filling the pipeline to ensure they are in proper working order, and valves are in the correct position.  Fittings shall be checked for tightness before filling, and only new gaskets shall be used.
4.3         In cases where permits are required to withdraw and discharge water, no water shall be taken from said source unless the appropriate permits have been acquired.


5.1       On completion of piping fabrication, cleaning and gauging shall be completed using two (2) different types of pipeline pigs.  One shall be used for cleaning, and the other for checking the minimum internal diameter of the piping.
1.    Cleaning:            poly brush pig
2.    Gauging: gauging pig with aluminum plates

5.2       COMPANY shall witness insertion of the pigs into the piping section.  CONTRACTOR shall not commence the pigging run until notified by COMPANY.
5.3       CONTRACTOR shall remove the pigs from piping in COMPANY’s presence, and carefully examine for wear or deformation to the gauging plate.
5.4       Cleaning pigs shall consist of a shaft mounted assembly of urethane cups and wire brushes, or a foam filled pig with externally attached wire brushes, such that cleaning pigs will force harmful material adhering to the pipe walls, or objects left in the piping, ahead of the pigs.
5.5       Gauging pigs shall consist of a shaft-mounted assembly of two urethane cups and a COMPANY approved gauging plate(s).  Gauging plates shall have the leading edge chamfered 45o for half the plate thickness.
5.6       Every pig shall be permanently marked with a unique number that shall be clearly visible in a photograph.  Gauge plates shall be photographed both before and after each gauging run.
5.7         If in COMPANY’s opinion, cleaning pigs have not adequately cleaned the piping, the pig sequence shall be repeated until results obtained are satisfactory to COMPANY.


6.1       The pigging sequence shall be repeated such that each individual piping section will be cleaned and gauged.  The pigging sequence shall be:
a)    Run one (1) cleaning pig.
b)    Retrieve and inspect the cleaning pig from the piping.
c)    If the piping has not been adequately cleaned by the first cleaning pig run, in COMPANY’S opinion, CONTRACTOR shall make a second cleaning pig run at no extra cost to COMPANY.
d)    Run the gauging pig through the piping.
e)    Inspect plate wear.

6.2       Gauging or cleaning pigs shall be driven at a speed of 0.2 meters/second.  Driving pressure shall be recorded on a recording pressure chart with a minimum range of 2068 kPa (300 psig), and a minimum chart size of 254 mm (10 inches). A procedure to cover the deceleration of the pig at the receiver shall be developed by the CONTRACTOR and submitted for COMPANY approval. Chart time shall correspond to actual time.  Charts and other data relating to cleaning and gauging shall be turned over to COMPANY at the completion of each run.
6.3       Pumps shall be capable of driving pigs at the above speed and pressure range, and pumping pressure.
6.4       Should a pig become stuck, CONTRACTOR shall cease operations and immediately inform COMPANY. CONTRACTOR at his cost shall retrieve all stuck pigs in accordance with COMPANY approved procedures.



7.1       Piping sections shall not be accepted if the gauging plate suffers deformation.  When such defects are indicated, the piping section containing the defect shall be located, cut out and replaced, and the piping gauged again at no additional cost to COMPANY.  Repair of damaged pipe shall be performed based on a procedure prepared by CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY.  All gauging plates shall become property of COMPANY.



8.1       CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY at least 48 hours prior to hydrostatic pressure testing of the piping, and shall obtain COMPANY approval to proceed.  COMPANY shall be present prior to start of the hydrotest.
8.2       All fittings, hoses, valves and test equipment shall have pressure ratings greater than or equal to the test pressure.
8.3       Typical minimum instrumentation for each test section dependant on the test range shall be as follows:
24 hour Pressure Recorders, 0 – 170 kPa (0 - 5,000 psi) 280 mm (11 inch) diameter chart
Deadweight Tester (range - 1.25 x specified test pressure) accuracy to ± 0.1 bar, Sensitivity 0.05bar
24-hour Temperature Recorders –30ºC to 50ºC (-22°F to +120°F)
Ambient Thermometers –30ºC to 50ºC (-22°F to +120°F)
Water meters / Stroke counters

Supply of charts for Pressure and Temperature Recorders

8.4       Prior to start of the test all fittings shall be tested for tightness, and all appertenances shall be fitted with plugs or blind flanges, except where gauges, pumps or recorders are fitted.  Warning signs shall be placed at all places where there is exposed pipe and appurtenances.
8.5       CONTRACTOR shall retain on site sufficient manpower and equipment to repair any leaks that may occur during the hydrotest.
8.6       Pressure, time, ambient temperature and test water temperature shall be recorded during pressuring and testing operations, using a pressure recorder and temperature recorder equipped with twenty-four (24) hour charts.  Pressure recorder accuracy and repeatability shall be ± zero point one percent (0.1%).  Temperature recorder accuracy and repeatability shall be ± 1oC (1.8oF).  Possible temperature effects on the pressure shall be evaluated by a qualified person, and be taken into account to determine correct pressure.
8.7       Pressure recorder, dial pressure gauge and deadweight tester shall be installed in parallel on a manifold, with adequate valves and venting for each device; preferably with a pressure snubber.  Pressure recorders shall be calibrated and tested by a deadweight tester capable of measuring increments of 10.343 kPa (1.5 psi), prior to start of the test.
8.8       Pressurizing pumps shall be installed with the suction port flooded at all times, and with a minimum suction head of 1.5 m (5 feet).  Discharge pipes shall be connected to the system through a check valve and leak-proof injection block valve, and shall be easily separable from the system to be tested after the test pressure is achieved.
8.9       When test pressure is reached, the pump shall be shut down, the inlet block valve closed and the injection line vented between the two injection block valves.  An observation period shall be made to verify that test pressure is being maintained and that test water temperature has stabilized to COMPANY satisfaction. Prior to start of test, the inlet block valve will be locked off.
8.10    Continuous pressure chart records shall be maintained during the 24-hour test period, confirmed by deadweight tester at the beginning, at half hour intervals, and at the end of the test period.  Each time a deadweight tester reading is made, the pressure shall be ink marked on the recorder chart.  Time, test water temperature and deadweight tester readings made during the test period shall be entered in the table provided on the certification form.  A time-pressure plot shall be made using deadweight tester measurements during the test, to determine if the test is satisfactory.
8.11    The cause of any pressure-temperature changes occurring in the 24-hour test period shall be noted.  Pressure increase due to temperature increase during the test period may be limited by a slow bleed-off.  The time and amount of pressure bled off, as measured by deadweight tester, and the volume and temperature of the liquid bled off shall be measured and recorded.  If there is a pressure loss, CONTRACTOR shall evaluate how much pressure loss can be attributed to change in temperature and to free air dissolving into the water
8.12    Hydrotests shall not be accepted until the full test period is recorded without inexplicable and/or undocumented pressure loss verified by COMPANY to its complete satisfaction.
8.13    If CONTRACTOR cannot explain any pressure drop during the test period to COMPANY satisfaction, CONTRACTOR shall extend the test period, on COMPANY request, until satisfactory results are obtained.
8.14    Should a failure occur, the system shall be depressurized prior to inspection and necessary repairs carried out.  The test shall be repeated until a continuous test has been maintained for 24 hours without unacceptable deviations in the specified test pressure.  All recorded pressure readings shall be deadweight tester readings.
8.15    Should it be determined that a leak or break occurred as the result of CONTRACTOR furnished material, workmanship or negligence, the system shall be repaired and retested by CONTRACTOR.  A detailed repair program shall be developed, and approved by COMPANY, including procedures for depressurizing, removing and disposing test media, making repairs, refilling with test media, venting and depressurizing.
8.16    Repairable weld defects shall be cut out and repaired in strict accordance with Piping Fabrication and Welding Specification 84506-60-31-2L-520.  Pipe containing non-repairable weld defects, splits, ruptures, cracks or other defects shall be removed as a cylinder and replaced by a length of sound pipe from parent pipe of the same grade and wall thickness.  Replacement pipe sections shall be welded in the line in accordance with approved welding procedures.
8.17    Complete test failure records shall be maintained, including exact locations, type and cause of failure, method of repair, etc.  Fittings, pipe or valves that fail and are replaced due to inherent metallurgical or mechanical deficiencies shall be reported as to the location and pressure at which they failed.
8.18    Hydrotest results shall be witnessed and certified by COMPANY and CONTRACTOR as a condition of test acceptance, and immediately after COMPANY acceptance of a successful test, CONTRACTOR shall relieve the test pressure on the completed section.
8.19    Originals of all records, data, and charts shall be clearly marked with the following information and shall be furnished to COMPANY:
         COMPANY and CONTRACTOR’s Representative names.
         Description of facilities tested.
         Test date and times (start and completion).
         Test pressure and duration.
         Description of test medium used.
         Total volume of any chemical additives and water injected.
         Full explanation of any pressure discontinuity appearing on a chart.
         Full explanation of any failures during the test operation.
         COMPANY and CONTRACTOR’s Representatives signatures.
         All submitted documents shall be signed and dated by the COMPANY and CONTRACTOR representative.



CONTRACTOR shall provide an enclosed weatherproof and properly lighted facility to house deadweight testers and recorders during pressure testing.
9.1       At all times starting from pigging through pressure testing, CONTRACTOR shall record the following:
         Ambient temperature (with recorder)
         Pipe temperature (with recorder)
         Pressure (with recorder)
         Pressure with deadweight testing
9.2       The following steps shall be taken and considered part of the test procedure.
         Build up pressure to test pressure, (as per the relevant design code for infield or export systems) and maintain pressure for 30 minutes
         Check for leaks in hoses, fittings, etc.
         Increase pressure to 50% of test pressure (check for air) stabilise for 1 hour
         Increase to test pressure and stabilize for 2 hours
         Start test after stabilization occurs
9.3       After reaching test pressure, the pump shall be stopped, during which time all fittings, instruments and valves shall be checked for visible leaks.  All valves shall be closed and no water shall be added.  Deadweight pressure readings shall be recorded at 15-minute intervals. If stabilization does not occur pressure shall be increased to test pressure and test to be re-initiated.
9.4       After stabilization occurs test pressure shall be maintained for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours during which no water is added. In the event that a change in pressure occurs COMPANY will accept the test provided that CONTRACTOR can prove to COMPANY’S complete satisfaction that the change was due to a temperature change.
9.5       CONTRACTOR shall ensure at least two qualified personnel are present at all times during the hydrotest to take deadweight readings, and periodically check the test head and fittings for visible leakage.
9.6  Upon completing the twenty-four (24) hour test period approval shall be obtained from COMPANY representative.


For a leak in a circumferential weld, CONTRACTOR shall retain the suspect weld for further mechanical inspection to evaluate the cause of failure. CONTRACTOR shall remove the damaged section and install a new pup piece at least 3D long, where possible or at the COMPANY’s discretion


Following the hydrotest to COMPANY’S complete satisfaction, the pressure shall be released at an approved rate (1 bar/min). The rate of depressurisation will be recorded on a chart to be submitted to the COMPANY.
CONTRACTOR shall drain piping to COMPANY’s satisfaction.


Official original records, including signed, stamped and dated charts and forms, shall be bound in a report (separate report for each subsea structure), by CONTRACTOR and delivered to COMPANY no later than one week after the piping has been cleaned, gauged and tested.  The report shall contain the following information as a minimum:
a)    Description of equipment and set-up locations with layouts
b)    Deadweight tester records.
c)    Temperature and pressure recording charts used during cleaning, gauging and testing.
d)    All gauging plates run through the piping sections including plate deformations.
All data shall be submitted to COMPANY in both hard copy and electronic format.

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