The Consultant, with the active involvement of local Consultant's staff shall advise and assist PLN on all aspects of Commissioning supervision within the PLN scope of responsibility.


Such advice and assistance described in the forgoing shall include, but not be limited to :

a) Formulation of joint Commissioning strategy, policy and documentation systems between PLN and the Contractor.

b) Review of "Start-up, Turnover" Packages as supplied by the Contractor.

c) Review of Commissioning and Test Procedures as supplied by the Contractor

d) Review Test results and report upon them as shall from time to time be required.

e) The Consultant shall attend upon such tests, demonstrations and inspections as are from time to time deemed appropriate, for the purpose of assisting PLN in the adjudication of results.

Examination of Steam Blow target plates, oil or water flush samples and internal condition of plant items after cleaning activities, are examples of such adjudication requirements.


In order to establish a degree of control and formality in dealing with Construction, Commissioning and Warranty related activities, the following documentation procedures have been provided:

a) Commissioning Document Review.

In order to formally pass PLN comments on to the Contractor and identify an Approval Status on both Start-up Turnover Packages and Commissioning and Test Procedures, a common document review form lias been devised in conjunction with PLN.

Samples of Commissioning Document Review forms and the two customised associated Transmittal Documents are contained in Appendix MKI1 9.1.

Also in Appendix 9.1 are samples of Registers of:

i) Inspection and Test Records

ii) Commissioning Documentation and Progress (Packages)

iii) Commissioning Procedures Progress

b) Construction Completion Certificates.

A system has been developed along with the Contractor for a formal transition from Construction to Commissioning. The associated forms are the Construction Completion Certificate and the Remarks Sheet.

Both forms are generated by the Contractor.

The Construction Completion Certificate serves two purposes.

i) To request a Final Inspection, termed a "Walk down".

ii) To request and approve Energisation when Construction is satisfactorily completed.

The remarks Sheet is for noting outstanding defects at the time of final Walk down and placing them into two categories.

i) 'A' defects, which must be resolved before energisation.

ii) 'B' defects, which must be resolved before TOC.

Samples of these two forms are contained in Appendix 9.2.

c) Inspection/Test Application and Inspection/Test Report.

d) Construction Defect Reports.

e) Warranty Defect reports.

Samples of Report, notes of guidance on use, document flow charts and Registers are contained in Appendix 8.1.

f) Site Change Requests.

These are expected to come into greater use during Commissioning.

g) Site Instruction.

This Instruction is intended for limited use only when other routine forms of Contractor instruction have met with negative response and a direct, written instruction is necessary. It carries no financial commitment but nevertheless is an authoritative document and must be used judiciously.

Samples of the Site Instruction together with a document flow chart and Register is contained Appendix 8.2.

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