This plan outlines the steps and measures to be taken by Contractor and all element so that all construction activities required for the construction and completion of the PLTU Unit 3 are carried out in a safe and hygienic manner consistent with proven good practice, and comply with all safety, security and health statues, laws, regulations, codes of practice and other things relevant to health and safety that may from time to time apply to the works.
This project is a turnkey work which comprises the engineering design, procurement, manufacturers, construction & erection of the coal fired steam power plant.
A policy statement confirming the Consultant to promote and maintain high standard of health and safety at the work place at all time is attached as in Appendix 10.1
All statutory legislation that are in force during the period of contract will be complied with, including:
- Relevant Indonesian Laws and Regulations
- Environmental Protection (ISO14000 Standard)
- The Contract signed with the Owner
- Relevant Regulations of Consultant
The Safety Security Health Committee is depicted in Appendix 10.2
This committee is headed by the Project Manager and assisted by the Environmental Engineer as Safety Security Health Officer (SSH Officer). The organization consists of members representing management, staff and workers.
a) Safety Security Health Committee
• Keep under review the measures taken to ensure the safety, security and health of persons at the place of works.
• Advise Management on matters regarding safety, security and health
• Assist Management in solving health and safety problems.
• Act as a mean of communication in the organization in matters pertaining to safety, security and health.
a) Project Manager (PM)
• Develop, implement and maintain an effective safety, security and health plan at site.
• Ensure that all personnel receive appropriate safety training.
• Ensure that all operation planning includes safety and security.
• Ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
• Ensure regular safety inspections and meetings are being held.
c) Environmental Engineer / Safety Security Health Officer (SSH Officer)
• Advise and coordinate all matters pertaining to safety, security and health.
• Ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
• Performing the duties of the secretary to the Safety Security Health Committee.
• Investigate and report on accidents and non-conformances.
• Collect, update and maintain proper records on health and safety, security incidences.
d) Safety Security Health Committee Members (SSH Members)
• Appointed from key members of Project Management
• Advise and coordinate all matters pertaining to safety, security and Health
• Assistant SSH Officer to execute and ensure compliance
• Lead respective departments to execute the decision
e) Local Affair Office
• Advise and coordinate all matters pertaining to safety, security, health and other affairs in connection with local community and public relation
• Handle and address events in connection with local community and public relation
• Engineer and SSH Officer or on their behalf to address above matters if necessary.
f) Departments, Supervisory Team and Contractors and their Engineers
• Ensure that the work place and system of work are being maintained in a safe condition and does not cause health hazard.
• Assess hazard potential for all activities under their control, recording the results of assessment accurately and systematically and devising appropriate preventive and precautionary measures accordingly.
• Caution and advise the workers of potential hazards which are outside their jurisdiction and control.
• Implement and fulfill assignments / duties in connection with safety, security and health, as delegated by the Project Manager from time to time.
g) All Personnel
• Take reasonable care for the safety, security and health of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions or negligence in one-way or other.
• Cooperate with their Owner to enable him / her to comply with the relevant legal / statutory / legislative requirements in respect of safety, security and health.
• Refrain from intentionally or recklessly, interfering with or misusing anything specifically provided to ensure safety, security and health, at the work place.
• Wear and use suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as safety devices, shoes, helmet and clothing.
• Familiarize with the relevant requirements as stipulated in the Project Safety, security and health Plan.
• Report any accident and damage to property and equipment to the immediate supervisor as soon as possible, irrespective of whether or not there is any person injured.
• Offer suggestion to the immediate supervisor and/or SSH Officer on how standard of safety, security and health at the work place can be improved and/or rectified as the case may be.
The basic Health and Safety Rules and Procedures of Consultant as contained in Appendix 10.3. Are to be closely observed and adhered to by all personnel at the site.
a) Indoctrination of Employees
Before any new employees are sent out to work, they shall attend an indoctrination briefing by the Safety, Security and Health Officer (SSH Officer). The briefing will include:
• Company Health and Safety Policy
• General instruction on the work site and the work to be performed
• General safety rules and procedures for the work site
• The proper use of protective equipment
b) Other Training Courses and Facilities
Other training courses and facilities will be conducted either on-the-job or off-the-job as required. This will include instruction in the proper methods of performing the work and how to recognize hazard and prevent them especially for new equipments and new method of construction.
The Safety Security Health Committee Meeting shall be held at least once a month and shall cover the subjects/issues as shown below:
To Be Discussed At Site Safety.security and health Meeting
Accident Reports
- Occurrence since
last meeting
- Causes Corrective
- Action/Recommendations
Accident Prevention
- Personal Protective
- Safety Signs
- Housekeeping
- Training / Tool Box
Talks / Literature
3.0 First Aid
- Review facilities
and training of personnel
4.0 Fire Prevention/Flood
- To make clear the
escape route
- To confirm the fire
extinguishers are in place
5.0 Next month's activities
- Review safety
6.0 Any other matters
- Include the reports
/ factual information provided by Occupational Safety, security and health
officers or by other government agencies on matters pertaining to safety,
security and health at place of work
a) Site Inspection
Everyday supervisors/engineers of Project Management shall conduct a safety only inspection of their work areas to identify and rectify any possible hazard. Any unsafe conditions observed should be documented on the form along with corrective measures taken to rectify the situation.
Completed inspection forms shall be submitted to the SSH Officer.
b) Internal Safety Audit
The SSH Officer and Project Manager will conduct safety Audits at least once every three months. Audits will include identification of unsafe features and breakdowns in procedures and policies. During Safety Audits, the SSH Officer and Project Manager will:
· Tour the entire job site and note any observed unsafe practices on the Work Site Safety Inspection Form along with the corrective measures enforce.
· Review Work Site Safety Inspection Forms submitted by Project Engineers/Supervisors and verified that all noted unsafe practices have been rectified.
· Review minutes of SSH Committee Meeting and ensure that all relevant concerns have been addressed.
Results of the Safety Audits shall be reported and discussed in the next SSH Committee Meeting every week.
All accident, "near-misses" incidents and hazard should be reported to the SSH Officer within 24 hours by the site supervisor with the Accident. Accident Report Form shows in Appendix 10.4.
All accident scenes shall be left undisturbed (if it is safe to do so) until full investigation is conducted and the SSH Officer authorizes clearance.
On receiving the accident report the SSH Officer shall immediately carry out an investigation through observation, analysis and evaluation of all factual evidences and record all information using the standard Accident Investigation Report Sheet.
The SSH Officer shall ensure that the relevant statutory authorities are notified where applicable.
Hereunder are some main points to be emphasized when an Emergency Response Plan is prepared for general purposes:
(1) Make a commitment to devote the necessary resources to conduct proper Emergency Preparedness.
(2) Incorporate other emergencies with a dam break. Inclusive of examples; hazardous materials response, bomb threats and mass casualty incidents.
(3) Establish a First Emergency Response Team lead by SSH Officer, with members to be voluntary and drawn from among the Project's construction personnel.
(4) Emergency Preparedness to include an education and training program for all employees not directly involved in Emergency Preparedness as a member of the organization.
(5) Invite local community emergency services to participate in training activities with project personnel.
(6) Ensure the people assigned the responsibility for public and media relations are trained and skilled in this function.
(7) Ensure that ERP training is ongoing. The skills cannot be taught just once. They must be reinforced and updated on a continual basis.
(8) Conduct a technical survey of communication needs for the Project. Have this done by a competent trained professional to identify the best type of radio and telephone communications technology for this project in this location.
The SSH Officer shall prepare and exhibit conspicuously notices containing the following important information:
- Important telephone numbers, e.g. fire station, police station, hospital, VIP and names of responsible persons to be contacted.
- Location of the nearest hospital and fastest route to be taken.
- Route of emergency evacuation and escape.
- Location of safe place to assemble during emergency.
- Location of first aid box facilities and nursing room.
- Location of vehicle for emergency transportation of injured persons to the nearest hospital.
- Names and telephone numbers of site fire fighting team and list of available facilities and their locations.
- Names and telephone numbers of site rescue team/ERP team.
This important information shall be made known to alt workers during the SSH Committee Meeting and other occasion and shall be displayed at prominent places.
The first priority in the case of any accident is to obtain proper medical assistance for the victim.
The following steps should be followed in the event of an accident, generally in the order they are listed: -
- Upon discovering an accident, call to attract the attention of others nearby for assistance.
- Assess the hazards at the scene and make the area safe for yourself, the victim and others. Typical hazards to be aware of are: live electrical lines, moving equipment or machinery, traffic, hazardous chemicals, fires and collapsing structures. Move the victim only if he is in immediate danger.
- Send someone to call for emergency help. Locate the nearest First Aid officer or any personnel trained in First Aid. If no qualified personnel are available, locate the nearest radio and call the office.
- Protect and shelter the victim until medical help arrives.
ii) FIRE
A means of warning of fire will be established at the start of the contract Fire Marshall/safety staff will be appointed at each work site to assist the SSH Officer in case of fire.
The following emergency procedures are to be followed: -
- Raise the alarm; Shout "Fire, Fire!"
- Inform the Fire Marshall who will call or nominate someone to call the Fire Brigade.
- On hearing the Fire Alarm:
- All personnel will leave the work site and report to the assembly area.
- Report to the Fire Marshall.
- Do not stop to collect personal belongings.
- If possible turn off electrical equipment and shut cylinder valves.
- In the event of a minor fire, use the fire extinguishers. Do not put yourself at risk.
- Obey instructions from the fire marshal /fire fighter
- Do not re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so.
- Move any casualty to safety away from fire, smoke or falling debris.
iii) FLOOD
The following emergency procedures are to be followed if flood/tsunami happens:
- Raise the alarm; Shout "Flood!!!"
- Inform the SSH Officer/staff who will call local flood/tsunami observation agency
- On hearing the Siren/alarm/radio/loudspeaker
- All personnel will leave the work site and run to the designated assembly area/ place which is at high level/elevation
- Report to the supervisors
- Do not stop to collect personal belongings
- Keep off the unsecured structure and look for secured structure
- If possible turn off electrical equipment and shut cylinder valves
- Obey instructions from the SSH Officer
- Do not re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so.
Please refer to the table for the relevant personnel to be contacted during an Emergency Call Out.
Phone No.
Project Manager
Asst. to Commander
On duty Controller
Chief Coordinator
Proper housekeeping such as maintenance of sanitary, drainage, waste/garbage, workers' living quarters, canteen, site recreational areas, workshops and other working areas will be carried out daily.
Regular fogging and paragliding will be carried out to prevent breeding of mosquito.
Continuous health education to workers will be done during routine meeting. .
All near-miss incidents and accidents shall be reported and recorded by the Project Manager. Man-hours lost time accidents shall be maintained for statistical purposes.
All near-miss incidents and accidents shall be reported and recorded by the Project Manager. Man-hours lost time accidents shall be maintained for statistical purposes.
It is the policy of Consultant and its Project Management Team to be fully committed in ensuring that proper security within the project site is maintained at all times throughout the period of the contract.
The organizational structure share one organization with Safety Security Health Committee
a) Project Manager
• Develop, implement and maintain an effective Security Plan at site.
• Ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
• Ensure regular meetings are being held to discuss and resolve security issues.
b) SSH Officer
• Assist the Project Manager in developing, implementing and maintaining of an effective Security Plan at site.
• Advise and coordinate all matters pertaining to security at site.
• Investigate and report on incidences on security.
• Collect, update and maintain proper records on security issues.
c) Security Personal
• Assist the SSH Officer on the day-to-day running of the Security Management.
The Owner's site security requirement will be closely followed and adhered to throughout the contract period.
a) Main Entrance and Exit
The main entrance and exit to the project site shall be sited at the end of the existing bituminous access road to the site.
b) Guard House or Post
Guard Houses or Posts will be built at the main entrance to the site and at the entrance to all site facilities such as site offices, camps or residential quarters.
c) Security Guards-Patrol and Static
24-hour static security guards will be stationed at all guardhouses and patrol security guards will carry out patrol surveillance of the compound within the security areas at regular interval.
d) Security Equipments
The following basic security equipments will be provide at the site:
• notebooks
• communications equipment
• whistles
• batons
• torch lights
• uniforms( safety boots and hat)
• safety vest/raincoat
• fire weapons(where necessary)
• barriers
• safety cones and safety tapes
• blinkers
• flashing batons
• first aid kid
• appropriate signage
• moveable gates
e) Communications
An efficient trunk radio communication system will be installed at the site with sufficient numbers of base sets and mobile/handsets allowing instant contact among the Project Manager, SSH officers and all security guards on duty.
f) Security Work Pass/Vehicles Permit
The Owner will provide site perimeter security, and Consultant recommend all personnel to apply for and carry site identity cards and vehicle permits within the project site. Consultant will give full co-operation to the Owner's security representative on this arrangement and the SSH Officer is designated for this purpose.
g) Visitors
All visitors entering the site are required to apply for and carry site visitor identity cards at the main entrance.
h) Delivery Vehicle
All delivery vehicles carrying goods into or out of the site will be subjected to security check at the main entrance.
i) Signage
Proper security signage will be erected at all the entrances and control posts.
10.2.5 Emergency Response Plan
In case of emergency, such as illegal intrusion the security guard on duty should immediately contact through trunk radio the SSH Officer who shall immediately sent more security staffs to the site to assist and reinforce. If the situation is serious the police and local community should be informed immediately.