The work shall include complete design, furnishing, delivery on Site, erecting stack and foundation with independent steel flue liner and accessories in accordance with Book II refers to “Summary of Work” and refers to Book IIIA, section 4.4.1 “General Civil and Architectural Design Requirements” including but not limited to the following:

Complete structural steel structure to support the flues including :

§     Exterior carbon steel ladders and grating platforms.

§     All embedment that support ladders, and platforms, doors.

§  Lighting, lightning protection, and grounding in accordance with the Electrical Specifications included.

Two Carbon steel plate liners (except top section stainless steel liner), including:

§     Stainless steel rain hood, complete with stainless steel stiffeners and framing and the gas monitoring ports.

§     Carbon steel stiffeners and splice plates for the liner.

§     Mineral fiber insulation of liner, complete with fasteners, wire netting etc.

§     The flues and ducts shall be provided in accordance with the Mechanical Specification included.


The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Book II, Subsection “Codes and Standards”.

The codes and standards of the following organizations extracted from Book II, Subsection “Codes and Standards” are specifically applicable to the design, manufacture and testing of the work included in this Specification:

AA                      Aluminum Association, U.S.A.
ACI                     American Concrete Institute
AISC                  American Institute of Steel Construction
ANSI                  American National Standards Institute, Inc. (Formerly United States of American Standards Institute)

ASTM                 American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS                   American Welding Society
JIS                      Japan International Standard
UBC                   Uniform Building Code

Applicable Indonesian Standard and Guidelines.


The stack shall be designed to serve satisfactorily under the conditions indicated in refers to “General Civil and Architectural Design Requirements”.

The stack shall consist of a complete support structure for liner and foundation, with 2 (two) barrels of inner flues. The flues shall be connected with framed steel girders and beams for platforms located approximately every 25 m in height. Connection between the flues and the girders shall consist of a sliding hinge against vertical force (thermal expansion of flue) and a fixed hinge against horizontal force (seismic force).


Contractor shall design the support structure steel system and foundation to resist stresses due to all dead load, live load, seismic load, and wind load.

Stack liners shall be designed to resist possible chemical reaction, and all stresses due to dead load, seismic load, thermal load, and flexural loads, including loads induced by lateral restraints and stack draft.

The stack liner shall be bottom supported and free standing above. The liner may be extended to rest directly on top of the stack foundation.

Alternatively the liner may be supported at the breeching level by on independent steel framing or on independent structures supported by the foundation.

Thermal expansion of each flues shall be insulated; insulation shall be independent of the support system.

Lateral supports shall be provided each stack flue near the top of the stack and at each platform. Lateral supports shall resist horizontal displacements of the flue, but shall permit vertical and radial expansion.

The portion of flues at and above roof shall be constructed of stainless steel as shown on the Bid Drawing.

Rain cap shall be adequately stiffened; and, shall slope down from the flue to overlap the outside face of the roof and at each flue opening to compensate for unequal expansion of dissimilar material during operation. Cap shall not be prevented from moving relative to the roof curb.

The bottom plate of the liner shall be fully protected from any acid attack with acid resistant glass blocks over a lead pan.

Drains shall be provided at the bottom to discharge any effluent to a designated location at the base of the stack.

All materials used and their installations shall be suitable for the service conditions and possible acid build-up.

The minimum internal diameter of the stack at the top shall be 9.0 m.

The maximum opening width in the stack liner for breeching duct shall be 2/3 of the shell inside diameter at the level of the opening.

All openings greater than 50 mm diameter shall be reinforced around the opening with an area of at least twice the cut out area.

Insulation shall be completely cover flues and all projecting elements. The Temperature of the exposed surfaces of the insulation shall not exceed 600C at the operating expansion.

The flue liner shall be reinforced using external stiffeners to give a rigid structure free from excessive vibration under all operating conditions. The spacing between such stiffeners shall not exceed 1.5 times the diameter of the liner or 8 m whichever is smaller.

The minimum uncorroded liner plate thickness shall be 6 mm.

An allowance of 1.5 mm thickness shall be added to the computed thickness of the liner for corrosion.

Foundation shall be supported by piles.


Stack shall be designed to produce a minimum flue gas exit velocity of 30 m per second under the condition of boiler operation with worst coal.

Stack shall be designed to produce a required forced draft less than 50 mmAq at the breeching opening under the condition of boiler operation with design coal.

Stack shall be designed for flue gas flow and temperature characteristics specified in Table - 1.


a.            Climate condition

Ambient temperature 0C                                                                                      32.8

Specific gravity of air  1.293                                                                                      
                                    (at 0°C » 1,013 mb)

b.         Exhaust gas condition

Gas volume
Nm3 / h
(at gas temperature)
Nm3 / sec.
Qq = m3 / sec.
Specific gravity of gas (at gas temperature)
Kg / Nm3
gg = kg / m3

                           Gas emission                          Dust emission                        0.046 t / h
                                   (Design coal)
                                                                           Sulfur dioxide                         0.680 t / h

                                                                                                    Nitrogen oxide                        0.189 t / h

Contractor shall guarantee that the stack furnished will pass the specified flow rate with guarantee pressure loss.



The support system, ladders, platforms, frames, embedded steel, inserts etc. shall be designed to resist the following applicable loads acting upon them:

Dead Loads

Dead loads shall include the actual weights of support system, platforms, doors and other accessories and shall include the weights of liner, lining, breechings and other items supported by the stack.

Live Loads

Live loads shall include basic live load and construction loads. Each platform shall be designed for a minimum live load of 350 kg/m2.

Wind Loads

The design wind pressure shall be equal to the wind velocity of 120 km/hour, and other requirements in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A58.1-1982.

Wind pressure distributed around the support system causes ovalling of stack horizontal sections, and produces circumferential stresses which are added algebraically to the circumferential temperature stresses. The wind-induced circumferential stresses shall be calculated as specified here in.

Temperature Stresses

The vertical and circumferential temperature stresses shall be calculated as specified here in.

Seismic Loads

Zone of seismic for obtaining seismic loads shall be as specified in the latest Indonesian Earthquake Standard published by Ministry of Public Work. Detailed calculation of seismic load shall be based on codes lates edition.

Minimum Load Combination

The minimum loads combined used in design shall be those producing the maximum stresses based on dead loads, live loads and temperature occurring inside the stack, combined with wind or seismic forces, whichever are greater.

The stresses due to wind ovalling effect on stack shall be considered alone, and shall be combined with circumferential temperature stresses in checking the design of stack horizontal sections.


Normal Loads

Dead Loads (D)

Weight of the structure, insulation, flues and duct, platform, attachment etc.

Live Loads (L)

These shall include the following :

Operating Pressure Load (Pa)

Applied external and internal air or gas draft pressures during normal operating conditions.

Operating Thermal Load Effects (Ta)

The most critical transient or steady state thermal condition associated with the Operating Pressure Load which may take place in different modes of operation.

Abnormal Loads

Abnormal Pressure Load (Pa)

Applied external or internal air or gas draft pressure. This excursion pressure may take place due to boiler, fan or damper failure.

Abnormal Thermal Load (Ta)

The thermal effects associated with the Abnormal Pressure Load, Pa.

Severe Environmental Loads

Wind Load (W)

Wind loading shall be based on a wind velocity of 120 km/hr per ANSI A58.1, exposure type D and appropriate shape factor. The wind will be induced to the liner by the deflection of the stack shell.

Seismic Load (E)

Seismic loading shall be as indicated in Clause above. The seismic loads will also be induced to the liner by the deflection of the stack support system.

Minimum Load Combinations

The minimum load combinations used in the design of the stack liner shall be in accordance with Table - 2 and the following:

Any load, other than dead load, shall be deleted from any load combination if the effects of the combination are more severe without the load.

For a liner in tension under construction and severe environmental loadings, 75% of the dead load shall be used.






Severe Environ-mental



1.5   AISC

1.33 AISC
Severe Environmental


1.5   AISC
1.5   AISC




                                Note-1 :

Should be lesser of 1.6 AISC or 0.95 Fly for flexure; 0.95 Pcr. For compression (where Pcr is either elastic or inelastic buckling whichever governs); 0.95 Fly/11.732 for shear.


The exhaust gas from the precipitator into the stack will have the following approximate characteristics:


Preliminary full load flue-gas flow rate of 396,00 Nm3/h at 1260C and a velocity of 30 m/second. This will be confirmed during contract negotiation.

Bituminous coal with a sulphur content varying from 0.4% to 0.9% and a moisture content varying from 23.6% to 28.3%.


Unless otherwise indicated, structural, architectural and miscellaneous materials shall be accompanied by manufacturer’s certifications indicating that the materials meet the specified requirements.


All grating platforms and ladders of the stack shall be carbon, hot dip galvanized in accordance with Technical Specification Miscellaneous and embedded metal work.

Twisted closed-end type grating shall be used and shall have minimum thickness 36 mm for operating floor, 32 mm for floor, catwalk for crane access and platform, and 25 mm for stread of stair.

Ladders shall be vertical, not more than 20 m long between rest platforms and with safety cage for full height.

Steel ladders, access platforms, and miscellaneous steel secured to stack shell, shall be anchored thereto by means of individual threaded inserts and anchor bolts.

The liner plates and other structural shapes shall conform to the minimum requirements of Table 4.4.13 - 3 or approved equal.

TABLE 4.4.13 – 3


(1)   Carbon Steel Liner Plates, structural Shapes and Stiffeners

(2)   Stainless Steel Plates for liner, rainhood and coping top.
Type 316L
Hot rolled, annealed and pickled
(3)   Bronze Lubricated Bearing Plates with Graphite Plugs, for sliding support.

Copper Alloy
No. 911
3.1   Lubricated bearing plates for the duct supports on stack shell shall have an allowable bearing value of 220 kg/cm2 (minimum) at a temperature of 4000C with a coefficient of friction 0.15.

3.2  Plugs shall be located on only one side of bearing plates and the plug side shall be coated with graphite.
(4)   Anchor Bolts for support
ASTM A36 or
ASTM A193,
Grade B7
Maximum bolt diameter 62 mm.
(5)   Connection Bolts for supporting steel
ASTM A325,
Friction Type
All bolts shall have a diameter of 22 mm unless otherwise indicated.


Fiber-glass or equivalent insulation shall be provided on all external surface of steel flues. Insulation material having 50 mm in thickness shall be firmly affixed on the flues by means or 3.5 mmÆ nelson type studs, and shall be covered by 20# x 26 mm wire mesh. The characteristics of insulation shall be as follows.

-                             Heat transmission ratio     :     = 0.025 + 0.00018 Qg
-                             Heat durability                   :     more than 1300C
-                             Lagging                             :     aluminum sheet 0.5 mm in thickness




Vertical Alignment: The stack shall be constructed vertically and the centerline of the stack shall not to exceed the following:

a.            Locally: ± 12 mm in any typical 2.2 of lift height, or a maximum of 25 mm differential offset between any successive lifts.

b.            Overall: ± 25 mm in any 16 or 1/1800 of the stack height, with a combined maximum total displacement not exceeding 75 mm.


Contractor shall take all measurement and shall record them in the “Stack Measurements Record”. This completed form shall be submitted to Owner daily, prior to placing concrete.

All measurements shall be taken during shell construction, at each lift at approximately the same time each day, during the morning hours (7:00 AM to 10:00 AM), if at all possible. If the measurements for any day cannot be taken during these hours, Contractor shall verbally notify Owner’s representative on the site for resolution of this deviation, and shall also confirm this notification in writing the same day. Any resolved deviation shall be properly recorded in this “Stack Measurements Record” Form.

Measurements for Vertical Alignment

a.            Vertical alignment from top to base using a plumb bob or other suitable means shall be taken before moving formwork from each lift.

b.            Vertical alignment from top to base shall also be taken after formwork in moved to next level and before making next pour.

                           Additional Data

The following additional data shall be included in the form “Stack Measurements Record”:

a.            The elevation of the flue liner each pour and elevation of the top of the next part of the flue liner for identification of the levels.

b.            A cross-section of the stack showing the positions of the diameters measurement azimuths in the circumferences.

c.            Time at which the measurements is taken

d.            Weather condition at the time of measurement, especially azimuth of sum is out, temperature and wind speed and direction.


Welding for the fabrication and erection of the insulated steel liner work shall conform to the ASW D1.1 requirements and Technical Specification, unless otherwise indicated.

Extent and Type Welding

The steel liner work shall be of all welded construction, except where bolted connections are required.

Complete penetration groove welds shall be used for all vertical and horizontal joints of main liner plates. When only one side of the liner plates is accessible, but welding at one side with backing strips may be used. Intermittent groove welds will not be permitted.

Fillet welds may be used in areas that are not subject to primary stresses, such as the rainhood, breeching, ring stiffeners accessories etc.

Welding of Joints

The location of liner vertical joints shall be staggered.

Liner vertical joints shall be welded before horizontal joints to avoid undue stresses and distortions due to welding

Plates to be welded shall be matched accurately and retained in position during welding operation. Misalignment in completed vertical joints shall not exceed 20 percent of the plate thickness or 1.5 mm, whichever is the larger. The maximum offset in horizontal joints shall not exceed 20 percent of the thinner plate thickness at the joint, with a maximum of 3 mm, except that a maximum misalignment of 1.5 mm is permissible for plates thinner than 8 mm.

The reinforcement for butt welds shall not exceed 3 mm. The surface of the weld shall not be below or indented from the surface of plates being jointed.

Welding of Stainless Steel

Shall performed with an interpass temperature not exceeding 1770C. ferrite contents of electrodes shall be 5 to 15 percent as determined from the chemistry of the electrodes.

Surface preparation and other welding requirements shall conform to the stainless steel manufacturer’s recommendations. Hard, brittle martensitic weld is not acceptable.

Weld Cleaning

Shall conform to the applicable requirements of AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code and to the following:

a.                                      Where joints are welded manually, tack welds used in the assembly of vertical joints of liner shells shall be removed, unless otherwise indicated.

b.                                      When the submerged arc process (for shop fabrication only) is used, tack welds need not be removed provided that are sound and are thoroughly fused into the subsequently deposited weld metal

c.                                      Tack welds in the bottom, roof and circumferential joints of the liner shell need not be removed if they are sound and are thoroughly fused into the subsequently deposited weld metal.


Fabrication of the curved steel liner plates and other structural steel shall conform to the requirements of Technical Specification ”Design and Fabrication of Structural Steel”, unless otherwise indicated.

Contractor shall be responsible for measuring and verifying the dimensions of the stack at the top before fabricating the stack liner rainhood to ensure proper fit of the liner to the stack. Any measurements which varies from the stack dimension indicated on the design drawings shall be reported to Owner immediately.

Fabrication workmanship, straightening of materials, finish of plate edges, shaping of shell plates and material shipping shall conform to the applicable requirements of AISC Specification for the design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings.


Detailed Requirements

Steel erection shall conform to the requirements of related Technical Specification “Erection of Structural Steel”, unless otherwise indicated.

The method and sequence of erection and the details of temporary supports that Contractor proposes to use for the Work shall be submitted to the Engineer, no later than 60 days after award of Contract unless otherwise indicated.

Extra holes for erection purposed, made in liner and other plates, shall be filled after use, with weld metal for small holes and shall be removed by replacing the plates with materials meeting specification requirements for large holes.

Temporary lifting lugs shall be placed preferably on the interior side of a steel liner plate. After erection, these lifting lugs shall be removed by burning off not closer than 6 mm from the liner plate and grinding down flush with the liner plate. If lifting lugs are placed on the exterior side of the steel liner plate, they shall be removed by burning off not closer than 6 mm from liner plate and covered with the specified insulation of required thickness, unless otherwise indicated.

Erection Tolerance


The total out-of-plumbness (the maximum displacements of the actual vertical center line from the theoretical vertical center-line of the liner) shall not exceed one thousandth of the liner height.

The vertical misalignment in any 3 mm height of liner shell shall not exceed 6 mm.

Overall Out-of-Roundness

The difference between the actual maximum and minimum liner inside diameters shall not exceed 1% of the nominal inside diameter at any cross section after erection, except at the opening, where the difference may be increased to 2% of the nominal diameter of the opening.

Local Out-of-Roundness

Local deviations from a true liner circular from shall not exceed the minimum liner shell thickness at any cross section.

Weld Reinforcement At Welded Horizontal Seams

Shall not exceed 3 mm from liner surface as specified in AWS D1.1, unless otherwise indicated.

Measurement And Recording

Contractor shall measure and record the liner alignment and circumferential dimensions at every horizontal joint of liner.

A copy of the measurement record shall be submitted daily to the Owner. The temperature, weather conditions, wind speeds and direction and the time of measurement shall be recorded.


Cleaning of Lines

The liner plate and breaching surfaces shall be cleaned at locations where welding pins (insulation holding pins) are to be fastened. This cleaning shall be done by wire bushing, peening, prick-punching or grinding to remove any scale, rust or other injurious material, just prior to welding of the pins.

Blanket Insulation Installing
Insulation holding pins shall be welded to the liner plates and breechings at maximum spacings of 450 mm on centers horizontally and 300 mm on centers vertically. Not less than 10% of the pins shall be verified and tested by Contractor for soundness of welds.

Insulation shall be impaled over the pins and a speed washer shall be driven home over each pin to hold the insulation in continuous contact with the liner plate. Care shall be exercised, however, not to reduce the thickness of insulation by stretching or squeezing the insulation or by excessive driving of the speed washers. All edges of insulation shall be tightly butted to ensure complete continuity of insulation at all joints and to ensure a complete blanket of insulation continuous over the entire area of the liner and breeching. The use of adhesives of any kind will not be permitted.

Wire netting shall be applied over the insulation and shall be continuous around the liner and breeching. All joints in netting shall be lapped minimum 150 mm and either wire tied or secured to the pins by speed washers. Wire ties, if used, shall be 1.58 mm diameter galvanized soft annealed wires. Laps in netting must be tied not greater than 150 mm on centers, or secured under speed washers, lacing of tie wires will not be permitted. Tie wires shall be bent down or out of way to a safe position. The second speed washer (over each pin) shall be driven home to hold then were netting securely in position. Care shall be exercised not to reduce the thickness of insulation by excessive driving of this second speed washer.  Excess length of a pin shall be bent over and shall not be cut.


Cleaning and painting shall conform to the applicable requirements of related Technical Specifications and to the requirement that the following materials shall be properly cleaned but shall not be painted unless otherwise indicated.

Galvanized Steel

Stainless Steel

All other Nonferrous Metal

The supporting steel, such as beams, columns, bracings etc. shall be cleaned and painted in the shop in conformance with the applicable requirements of related Technical Specification for Prime Coat Painting and Field touch-up painting shall be provided for supporting steel.

The steel liner plates, breechings and their stiffeners shall be cleaned and prime coat painted or coated with rust preservative suitable for the sea water environment.



During the course of the Work and after its completion, Contractor shall be responsible for all inspection and testing works as required or as needed, unless otherwise indicated. Owner may, during the course of the Work, observe the various phases of the Work at Contractor’s plant and at the Site, for full compliance with all requirements of this Specification and the design drawings. Contractor shall provide conveyance between ground and stack top at all times for inspection and observation purposes.


Shall conform to applicable requirements of Technical Specifications of ‘Design and Fabrication of Structural Steel’ and ‘Erection of Structural Steel’.


Shall conform to applicable requirements of Technical Specifications of ‘Welding in Steel Structures’.


Shall conform to applicable requirements of Section 6 of AISC Specification for Structural Joints using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts.

Shall conform to applicable requirements of Technical Specifications.

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