Contractor shall furnish all labor, material and equipment necessary to design, fabricate, deliver, install and test all piles as indicated in Book II, “Summary of Work”, and as specified herein and as shown on the bid drawings.


                      Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Book II, “Codes and Standards”.

                      Conform especially to the applicable provisions of the following codes and standards.

ASTM                       ..........          American Society for Testing and Material
ACI  ..........              American Concrete Institute
JIS   ..........              Japan Industrial standard


                      The Contractor shall carry out soil investigation and shall state it in his bid proposal. The investigation program shall be subject to the Owner’s approval.



The bored piles shall conform to the requirements of ASTN  BS8004-1986.

The concrete for piles shall use the cement Portland type II.

Bored piles with a capacity of the single pile of 71 ton shall be used. The safety factor F against pile failure shall be F = Pfailure / Peffective = 2.0. The allowable concrete stress shall be limited to 60 kg/cm².

All details with respect to the pile dimensions, length, reinforcement, cover plates etc. shall be show on the Bidder’s shop drawings, and shall be subject to approval by the Employer.

Minimum concrete compressive strength shall be 245 kg/cm².

All reinforcing shall be deformed steel bars conforming to Grade 400  ASTM A615M.



The Bidder shall submit with the Bid Proposal full details of the proposed pile boring equipment and the method of carrying out the work, such information shall include, a full description of the frames lifting devices and other equipment needed for the installation.

The equipment shall be capable of boring through bearing strata, boulders, shales, staff clays, gravels, sand and limestone, and shall be capable of shunking bore holes in diameters within the range of 600 mm 1500 mm and down to depths of 40 meters.

The diameters of both augers and clearing bucket shall be least equal to the diameters of pile to be installed. Where inclined rock surfaces are encountered, a coring bucket shall be used to level the rock surface before commencing with chilselling or coring. The Bidder shall allow in the unit rate of the pile all costs for consequent enlargement of the pile arising from overboring, including additional concrete resulting from such enlargement.


The length of the piles shall be as necessary to develop the required pile capacity. The Bidder shall determine length of piles based on geotechnical data and shall be proven by pile load tests.


The Bidder shall provide all pegs, rods, survey instruments, concrete posts etc. needed for setting out the works. The Bidder is to ensure that boundary marks defining the limits of owners property are in their correct positions. The Bidder shall be responsible for setting out the piles from the approved drawings and boundary marks, and for date guarding the position and level of all reference pegs, boundary and bench marks used for setting out the piles.


All piles shall satisfy the tolerances for position and inclinations as stated herein. The deviation in position of center of pile or the projection of its center line from the pile center point as shown on the setting out drawing shall not exceed 75 mm in any direction from the true position of the same pile, provided also that the center of pile shall not deviate laterally from the true center of the same pile by more than 40 mm.

If any pile has been installed out of plan or line beyond allowable tolerance the Bidder shall be responsible to remedy as noted above as no cost to the Employer.

Piles shall not bored so close to adjacent piles which have been recently cast and containing workable, unset of fresh concrete such that a flow of concrete may be induced from or otherwise causing damage to these adjacent piles.

No pile shall be bored or pile casing be driven nearer that five times its diameter (measured center to center) from an unfilled pile borehole or from uncased concrete pile where the concrete had been placed less than 24 hours previously.

On completion of boring and immediately prior to casting, all loose, disturbed or remolded soil or rock shall be removed from the base of the pile. Unless otherwise agreed, cleaning of the pile base shall be carried out by means of a flat bottom cleaning bucket. In case of deep piles with lengths in excess of 50 meters or where debris at the bottom of the bore cannot be broken down sufficiently to facilitate extraction by cleaning bucket method, the air lift (grab bucket) method may be employed in combination with the flat bottom cleaning bucket to clean the base of pile. In such cases, a final round of cleaning by the flat bottom bucket should always be carried out before casting can proceed.

In the event of rapid loss of drilling fluid from the pile excavation, the excavation shall be backfilled without delay with available material up to a level where no further loss of drilling fluid is observed. The Bidder shall investigate and determine the cause of fluid loss while the pile excavation is left to stabilize under the action of the drilling fluid. Based on the outcome of his investigation, the Bidder shall submit for agreement his proposed method of construction before resuming pile.

All reasonable steps shall be taken to prevent the spills of drilling fluid at site in the areas outside the immediate vicinity of the bore. In particular, discarded bentonite shall be removed from the site without delay. Any disposal of bentonite shall comply with the regulation of the local controlling authority.

Any damage pile shall be abandoned, replaced or repaired as approved of the Owner at the Bidder’s expense. Abandoned piles shall be filled with soil and no cost to the Employer. Additional piles shall be installed as requested, to provide for load conditions and to avoid overstressing of piles. The Bidder shall be responsible to install additional piles at no cost to the Owner.


The requirements of the Concrete Specification shall apply to the construction of bored piles.

The concrete for each pile shall be from the same source. The bidder is to ensure that the supply from whatever source (whether site-mixed or ready-mixed) is of sufficient quantity so that concrete for each pile shall be placed without such interruption as would allow the workability of the previously placed batch to have deteriorated significantly.

All holes bored shall be concreted within the same day. In the event of rain, the Bidder is to provide adequate shelter to keep the hole dry and to concrete under cover.

The method of placing and the workability of concrete shall be such that a continuous monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross-section is formed. The method of placing shall be approved by the Owner. The Bidder shall take all precautions in the design of the mix and the placement of concrete to avoid arching of the concrete in the pile shaft. No spoil, liquid or other deleterious matter shall be allowed to contaminate the concrete.

Concrete shall be finished not less than 500 mm above the cut-off level (“overcast”) to ensure that all concrete at and below cut-off level is homogeneous and free of laitance and deleterious matter. A thicker overcast may be required by the Employer depending on site conditions, and this shall be carried out without extra cost. The overcast shall be chipped off level later by the Bidder.


Adequate structural connection between the piles and the caps shall be provided to suit design taking into account the seismic requirements.


During the course of the work, the Bidder shall maintain a complete record of pile construction and the Bidder shall submit to the Owner, in an approved format, a record to reach pile. Each pile record shall be submitted immediately after completion of each pile and shall include:

§     Type, location and site of pile.

§     Pile number and all principle characteristics of pile including dimensions.

§     Details of boring and concreting sequence progress, including dates, times, equipment used and personnel (operator, Employer, etc).

§     Actual location of piles, with variation from plan locations and inclination as indicated.

§     Date and Time of Boring

§     Weather Condition.

§     Ground level before commencement of pile installations

§     Pile cut-off level.

§     Length Temporary casting.

§     Any unusual phenomena encountered.

§     Depth and type of soil strata

§     Observation of ground water level and ground water in flow.

§     Name of inspector for each pile.



Work specified under this section includes furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for compression, tension and lateral load testing of the piles and the preparation in submission of the pile test reports.

The test piles shall be constructed to the depths approved by the Employer.

Keep a record of the test piles in accordance with the requirements set forth in Clause mentioned above.

The pile load testing shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Employer.

Upon completion of the preliminary pile load testing, Bidder shall cut off the preliminary test piles, as directed by the Employer and dispose of the cut off position.



Perform tests to the test load indicated on the approved drawings or as specified herein. Test equipment for the compressive load tests shall be capable of applying the required test load.

Test equipment shall be capable of applying a test equal to 300 % of the test design loads shown on the approved drawings.

Care shall be taken to ensure that the load applied by the hydraulic jack is co-axial with the pile.

Man test continuously during test period. If a test is stopped before completion, and the load is wholly or partially removed from the test pile due to improper or insufficient loading, yield of supports or connections, malfunctioning of measuring and testing equipment or for other mechanical reasons or for reasons which the Bidder is responsible, the Owner shall order the test abandoned and replaced by a new test on another pile at and adjacent location at no additional cost.

Prior to driving each preliminary test pile, the Bidder shall drill a bore hole located between 1 and 2 meters from each test pile. The boring shall consist of continuous sampling with Standard Penetration Test (SPT) being performed at 1.5 m intervals in the soil for the entire length of the boring. The boring shall penetrate with continuous sampling. A Dutch Cone Penetration Test shall also be performed at each boring location.

Before commencing any test, the Bidder shall submit for approval full details of his proposals including the datum beam arrangements and locations of supports. Working piles shall not be used as tension reaction piles.

Sufficient number of anchor piles shall be driven to prevent excessive movement of anchor piles. All devices for measuring the settlement of piles shall be sheltered, and rigidly attached to firm and independent support driven not less than 2.5 m from the nearest point of the test pile of anchor piles.

The calibrated load cell shall be used for the load measurement.


Perform compressive load tests on individual piles in accordance with applicable requirements of ASTM D1143.

Hydraulic jack and anchored reaction member method shall be used to apply the test load. Jacking against production piles acting in tension shall not be permitted.

Prior to the start of production pile driving, compressive tests to failure shall be performed on individual test piles driven for testing purposes. The location of the test piles shall be as indicated on the drawings.

Compressive tests shall be performed on individual production piles selected by the employer. The approximate location and number of the tests shall be as indicated on the approved drawings.

Test loads for piles tested to failure shall be applied in accordance with the procedure for loading in access of standard load test, as specified in ASTM D1143. Test loads on production piles shall be applied in accordance with the standard loading procedure, as specified in ASTM D1143. The preliminary load tests to failure shall include the cyclical load test of ASTM D1143. Production pile load tests shall include the cyclic load tests only when indicated on the approved drawings.

For the preliminary compression tests, loading shall be increased as specified in ASTM D1143 until failure or when 300% of the test design load is reached. Loading for the production piling tests shall be increased as specified in ASTM D1143.

Monitor pile head deflection using a minimum of 3 dial gages, mounted to an independent frame and located radially about the pile.


Perform tensile load tests on individual piles in accordance with applicable requirements of ASTM D3689.

Test loads shall be applied in accordance with the procedure for loading in excess of 200% of pile design uplift load, as specified in ASTM D3689. The test shall include the cyclical load test of ASTM D3689.

Loading shall be increased until failure occurs.

Tension tests shall be performed on individual piles driven for testing purposes. The location of the test piles shall be as indicated on the approved drawings.

Monitor pile head deflection using a minimum of 3 dial gages mounted to an independent frame and located radial about the pile head.

Failure shall be defined as the load at which uplift continues to increase without any further increase in load.

No concrete shall be placed in cast in place top piles until installation of reinforcement, tell tales and tension connection is complete. Design of tension connection shall be Bidder’s responsibility.


Perform lateral load tests on single piles in accordance with the applicable requirements of ASTM D3966. Tests shall be performed for fixed-head and free head conditions.

Test load shall be applied in accordance with the procedure for loading in excess of standard load test load, with cyclic loading, as specified in ASTM D3966.

Loading shall be increased until failure occurs.

Lateral load tests shall be performed on separate piles driven for testing purposes. The location of the test piles shall be as indicated on the design approved drawings.

Monitor pile but movement and rotation of the head of the test piles.

Failure shall be defined as the load at which horizontal deflection continues to increase without any further increase in load.


Provide all equipment and materials required for the tests and remove all such equipment and materials at conclusion of tests.

Submit drawings of test arrangement, including full data for equipment and materials, for review and Employer approval, in accordance with the requirements set forth in Book II.

Test Results: Submit test results complete with tabulation of all test data to the Employer immediately after conclusion of test. Data shall include, as a minimum, calibration results of all test loading equipment, all dial gauge readings at each increment and decrement of load, time duration of test with time started and time completed and any unusual occurrences during testing.


Before piling works commences, preliminary pile tests shall be carried out.

The Employer will select the working piles to be tested. At least one working pile for each major grouping of piles or at least one working pile for each one hundred piles will be tested.

The preliminary load tests shall be carried out on 3 piles diameter 60 cm and 3 piles diameter 90 cm. The location of the piles will be designated by the owner.




A proposal shall be submitted for the Circular Hollow Prestressed  Concrete Piles. The Contractor shall submit with the bid proposal details of the proposed pile indicating the outside diameter and length.

Contractor shall be fully responsible for furnishing the diameter required for driving sound piles. Head of piles shall have sufficient strength to with stand hammering, and concrete pile strength shall also be sufficient to withstand ground pressure from driving adjacent piles.


Circular Hollow Prestressed Concrete Piles shall have minimum outside diameter of 300 mm and shall conform to the requirements of ACI 313 – 1983 and ACI 543 - 1974 or JIS G-5335/1997 and JIS G-3536/1983 (or latest). All piles shall be new and shall be made locally.

Piles shall be supplied free from harmful defects and of good commercial finish with regard to smoothness and freedom from loose scale and rust.

The certificate of test performed on material to be used for plies shall be submitted to the Owner prior to pile acceptance and manufacturing.

When requested by the Owner, the Contractor shall accompany the Owner to the place of manufacture to witness tests and inspections carried out on the piles.

For each consignment of piles delivered to the site, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner copies of the manufacturer’s certificate.


Design of hollow prestressed concrete piling with concrete cover of minimum 50 mm and with minimum diameter of 600 mm for the major structures and 350 or 400 mm for others will be considered for acceptance by the Owner.

The Contractor shall submit calculations indicating that the pile design is based on the allowable loads, including safety factors, considering the soil data and structural loading carried by the pile.

Concrete compressive strength shall be minimum 500 kg/cm2, by using cement type II.

The total number of prestressed strands may be varied by increasing the number or size of the prestressing strands.

Prestressing reinforcement shall be stress relieved steel wire conforming to JIS G-3536 and the prestress steel breaking strength shall be minimum 155 kg/mm2.

All other non prestressing reinforcing shall be deformed steel bars conforming to JIS-G-3112 grade 40, ASTM-A615.
Spiral reinforcing shall confirm to the requirement of ASTM-A82.


Splicing of piles shall be performed by “Pile Manufacturer’s Procedure”. Pile splices shall be located at a minimum of 3 m below the cutoff elevation. Splice strength shall not be less than pile bending and tensile capacity.


Length of concrete piles shall be determined as to allow proper handling and transportation of concrete piles, and shall be subject to Owner’s approval.

Complete piles shall be transported and delivered to the site free of any damage.


Contractor shall lay out lines and grades and be fully responsible for correctness of such lines and grades and for proper execution of the Work to such lines and grades.

All surveying shall be in accordance with Specification refers to “Surveying and Setting Out” and “Erection and Commissioning”.

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