
Determining the consolidated-drained shear strength (cohesion and angle of internal friction) of a soil material shall be in accordance with ASTM: D3080, Standard method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions.  Direct shear tests shall be performed on relatively undisturbed or compacted (remolded) fine-grained materials of low permeability and on compacted granular material of relatively high permeability.  The test procedure described in ASTM: D3080 shall be followed with modifications as described below.

The minimum specimen diameter for circular specimens or minimum width for rectangular specimens shall be 50 mm for specimens from tube samples and 3 in for specimens from undisturbed block samples.  The normal stress shall be specified by the Owner.  The shearing shall be commenced after the primary consolidation is complete or 24 hours after the application of normal stress, whichever is earlier.  Shearing shall be performed at a rate of shear strain low enough to prevent development of pore pressures, positive or negative.

The rate of shear shall be subject to approval by the Owner.  Shearing shall be continued to a sufficient horizontal strain to permit the determination of peak shear strength, and where required by the Owner, residual (ultimate) shear strength for the fine grained materials. If repeated direct shear testing is required (see ‘Repeated (Rehearsed) Direct Shear Test’ below, the direct shear testing equipment shall have capability of reversal of the direction of shearing.

Tests on Undisturbed Specimens

Consolidated-drained direct shear tests shall be performed on specimens of fine-grained material prepared from tube samples, ring samples and undisturbed block samples as specified by the Owner. If required by the Owner for samples having a preexisting shear plane, the orientation of the specimen in the testing apparatus shall be such that shearing is induced along that plane.

The test report shall include a plot of normal deformation versus logarithm of elapsed time and a plot of shear stress and normal deformation during shear versus the horizontal deformation.

Description of the specimen shall include existence of any weakness plane or shear plane on which the shear was induced.  Plots of normal stress versus peak (maximum) shear stress and normal stress versus residual (ultimate) shear shall also be provided.

Tests on Compacted (Remolded) Specimens

For tests on compacted material, three consolidated-drained direct shear tests shall be conducted on different specimens prepared at different normal stress levels designated by the Owner.  Consolidated-drained direct shear tests shall be performed on specimens at dry unit weight and moisture content to be specified by the Owner. The initial dry unit weights shall not vary by more than 15 kg/m3, and the initial moisture contents shall not vary by more than 1.0 percentage point.

The test report shall include a plot of normal deformation versus logarithm of elapsed time and a plot of shear stress and normal deformation during shear versus the horizontal deformation.

Description of the nature of the failure surface shall be included.  Plot of normal stress versus peak (maximum) shear stress and normal stress versus residual (ultimate) shear shall also be provided.

Repeated (Rehearsed) Direct Shear Test

For some of the direct shear tests the Owner may request continuation of tests described in ‘test on Undisturbed Specimens’ and ‘Test on Compacted (Remolded) Specimens’ by repetition of shearing in a manner similar to that described in Appendix IXA of the U.S. Corps of Engineers Manual EM 1110-2-1906. The rate of shearing shall be slow enough to preclude development of pore pressure. Unless otherwise approved by the Owner. A repetition is defined as shearing in each reverse direction, in excess of the first forward shear test.

The test report shall include initial moisture content, initial dry unit weight, final moisture content, final dry unit weight, effective normal stress, residual shear stress, and cumulative horizontal deformation. Plots of shear stress and normal deformation versus cumulative horizontal deformation shall be provided. The plots shall include indication of horizontal deformation at which the shear stress was reversed.


Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests

Unconsolidated-undrained triaxial compression tests shall be performed on relatively undisturbed and/or on compacted (remolded) soil samples in accordance with ASTM: D2850, Standard Test Method for Unconsolidated, Undrained Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soils in Triaxial Compression, with modifications as described below.

The diameter of the specimens shall be between 50 mm and 100 mm with height 2 to 2.5 times the diameter. Tests shall be conducted on samples at natural and/or initial moisture contents. Strain-controlled testing equipment shall be used. The confining pressures at which the triaxial compression tests are to be conducted shall be designated by the Owner. Compression shall be continued until (20) percent axial strain is reached.

For tests on relatively undisturbed soil samples, unless otherwise requested by the Owner, three tests specimens shall be prepared from each selected sample.  Using the earlier determined unit weight and moisture content, the Contractor shall verify that the dry unit weight of the three specimens do not differ by more than 2 lb/ft3 and the moisture contents do not differ by larger margins, other samples of similar material from comparable depths shall be used to select each set of the three tests specimens of similar dry unit weight and water content.  However, substitution of samples shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.

For tests on compacted (remolded) material, three unconsolidated-undrained compression tests shall be conducted on different specimens prepared so that their dry unit weights do not differ by more than 2 lb/ft 3 and the initial moisture content does not differ by more than 1.0 percentage point.

In some of the tests, the Owner may require that the deviator stress shall be recycled up to five times so as to obtain hysteresis loops.  Such tests shall be carried out at a strain rate that permits accurate observation and plots of hysteresis loops.
The deviator stress range for each loop shall be from zero to about two-thirds of the estimated maximum strength of the specimen.  Following the completion of the last hysteresis loop, the sample shall be stressed to 20 percent total axial strain, unless this strain was reached during an earlier loading cycle.

The test report shall include initial moisture content, initial dry unit weight, and a plot of deviator stress versus axial strain for each confining pressure. The test report shall also provide plots of deviator stress versus axial strain hysteresis loops.

Consolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests

Consolidated-undrained triaxial compression tests with pore pressure measurement shall be performed on specimens prepared from relatively undisturbed samples and/or compacted (remolded) samples as specified by the Owner.  Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the test procedure shall generally follow that outlined in Part II, Section 3 of "The Measurement of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test", Second Edition, 1962 by Bishop, A.W. and Henkel, D.J., Arnold Publishers, London.

Three tests specimens shall be prepared from each sample selected by  the Owner.  Each specimen shall have a height of 2 to 2.5 times the specimen diameter.  The confining pressures shall be specified by the Owner.

The test specimens shall first be consolidated at natural moisture content for relatively undisturbed specimens and at initial compaction moisture content specified by the Owner for remolded (compacted) specimens.  The specimen volume-change shall be determined by direct measurement against back pressure, as well as by measurement of the changes in the volume of the cell fluid. Deader water shall be used as cell fluid. The pore pressure shall be measured using high air-entry value ceramic disks at one end of the specimen, while drainage was allowed  from the other end. To accelerate consolidation by radial drainage, filter strips may be wrapped around the soil specimen. Time versus consolidation volume change and time versus pore pressure dissipation shall be recorded.

The specimen which is not originally under saturated conditions shall then be saturated by back pressure maintaining the effective cell pressure constant until the Pore Pressure Coefficient "B" reaches a value of at least 0.95. Volume changes during saturation shall be recorded and the specimen shall be allowed to reconsolidate under saturated conditions. Pore pressure generated during saturation shall be noted and the time rate of consolidation shall be recorded.

The specimen shall then be subjected to compressive axial stress at a constant rate of strain sufficiently low to allow 95 percent equalization of excess pore pressure. Backpressure shall be maintained throughout the test. The rate of strain shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. The test shall be carried out to (20) percent axial strain unless the peak deviator stress is clearly established at a lower strain. Pore pressures shall be measured throughout the test. Care shall be taken to obtain sufficiently frequent observations to define accurately the stress-strain and pore pressure-strain curves, including at low strains.

The test report shall include moisture contents and dry unit weights (initial, after consolidation, and final); plots of volume changes and pore pressure dissipation versus logarithm of elapsed time during consolidation; and plots of deviator stress and excess pore pressure versus axial strain during axial compression. Magnitudes of Kempton’s Pore Pressure Coefficients "B" And "A" shall also be reported. The Contractor shall report the details of equipment used and the methods adopted to measure pore pressures, volume changes, axial deformation and axial stress, and the rate of strain used during compression. The report shall complete with all consolidation,

volume change, pore pressure and stress/strain data and their appropriate plots together with total and effective shear strength envelopes for both peak shear strength and shear strength at (20) percent strain.

Consolidated-Drained Triaxial Compression Tests

Consolidated-drained triaxial compression tests shall be performed on specimens prepared from relatively undisturbed samples and/or compacted (remolded) specimens specified by the Engineer, unless otherwise approved by the Owner, the test procedure shall follow that outlined in Section 4, Part III of "The Measurement of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test", Second Edition, 1962 by Bishop, A.W. and Henkel D.J., Arnold Publishers, London.

Three test specimens shall be prepared from each sample selected by the Owner.

Each specimen shall have a height of 2 to 2.5 times the specimen diameter. The confining pressures shall be specified by the Owner. Accurate measurement of volume changes during consolidation, saturation and axial compression are required. Volume changes shall be determined by measurement of the changes in the volume of the cell fluid as well as by directly measuring the inflow into of outflow from the specimen against back pressure. The specimens shall be consolidated at confining pressures to be determined as part of the test, specimens shall be wrapped with filter paper with vertical slots to accelerate consolidation.

Tests shall be required both on partially saturated and on saturated specimens.

For tests under partially saturated conditions, the test specimen shall be consolidated under confining pressures to be specified by the Owner, and shall then be compressed at a constant rate of strain sufficiently low to prevent any buildup of pore pressures, either positive or negative.

For tests under saturated conditions, the test specimen shall first be consolidated at the moisture content as for the partially saturated test, with measurement of volume changes, without the application of back pressure.

After consolidation is completed, back pressure shall be applied in small increments, with simultaneous rising of the cell pressure, until the Pore Pressure Coefficient "B" reaches a value of at least 0.95. Saturation shall be achieved by passing deader water through the specimen. Observations shall be made of flow quantity and specimen volume change against time, until a constant rate of flow is achieved and no further volume changes are taken.

For tests in which determination of permeability is required, the coefficient of permeability shall be determined from the constant flow rate.

The specimen shall then be subjected to compressive axial stress at a constant rate of strain sufficiently low to prevent any buildup of pore pressure, either positive or negative. The rate of strain shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. Backpressure shall be maintained throughout  the test. Compression  shall  be continued until  (20)  percent  axial  strain  is

reached, unless the peak deviator stress is clearly established at a lower strain. Pore pressures shall be measured throughout the test. Care shall be taken to obtain sufficiently frequent observations to define accurately the stress-strain curves, including at low strains.

The test report shall include moisture contents and dry unit weights (initial, after the initial consolidation, after saturation and final); plots of volume changes and pore pressure dissipation versus logarithm of elapsed time during consolidation; and plots of deviator stress a volume changes during axial compression. The Contractor shall give details of equipment used and the methods adopted for measuring volume changes during consolidation, axial deformation and excess pore pressure, and the rate of strain used during compression. The report shall be completed with all consolidation, volume change, pore-water pressure and stress/strain data and their appropriate plots together with total and effective shear strength envelopes for both peak shear strength and shear strength at (20) percent strain.

Multi-Stage Triaxial Tests

When required or approved by the Owner, some of the consolidated-undrained and drained triaxial tests described above shall be carried out by a multi-stage procedure. The deviator stress shall be plotted as the test progresses, and as soon as it is determined that the maximum deviator stress has been racked, the compression stage shall be stopped. The specimen shall then be consolidated at a higher confining pressure, after which it shall be compressed until the maximum deviator stress is reached.

If the cumulative axial strain for the two combined stages does not exceed 12 percent, the specimen shall then be consolidated at a higher confining pressure and shall then be compressed until (20) percent axial strain is reached. The confining pressures for the successive stages shall be the same as if the test were performed on separate specimens, and the test procedures, rates of strain and test reports shall be in general as described above for tests on separate specimens.

Multi-stage tests shall not be carried out, nor continued if a noticeable shear plane develops during the firs or second compression stage, or if the cumulative strain exceeds 8 percent following the first compression or 12 percent following the second compression.


When required, permeability tests shall be performed by the methods described below. In some of the tests, the Owner  may require that the effluent from the soil sample shall be collected in clean, brown-colored, sterilized bottles, for performing chemical tests if required by the Owner.

Permeability Test as a Part of Triaxial Compression Test

Permeability  test a part of  the triaxial  compression  test shall be  carried out as described in Section mentioned above compacted (remolded) granular soils or on low permeability relatively undisturbed and remolded soil specimens, and shall also comply with the applicable requirements of the test method ASTM: D2434, Standard  Test Method for Permeability  of Granular Soils

(Constant Head).

The compacted (remolded) specimens shall be prepared at initial moisture contents and unit weights specified by the Owner. Tests on relatively undisturbed samples shall be carried out at initial natural moisture contents. The height to diameter ratio of specimens shall be 2 to 2.5. The confining pressures shall be specified by the Owner. Test specimens shall be saturated by the backpressure method prior to carrying out the permeability test. A "B" parameter of 0.95 or greater will be acceptable to indicate saturation. Observations shall be made of flow quantity until a constant rate of flow is achieved. The coefficient of permeability shall be determined from the constant flow rate.

Constant-Head Permeability Test on Granular Soils

Determination of the coefficient of permeability by a constant-head method for the laminar flow of water through granular soils shall be in accordance with ASTM: D2434. Permeability tests shall be performed on specimens of coarse-grained (granular) material prepared from relatively undisturbed tube and/or block samples, or compacted (remolded) samples as specified by the Owner. The relatively undisturbed soil samples shall be tested at initial moisture content and in-situ densities at which the samples were obtained. The compacted samples shall be prepared at initial compaction moisture contents and unit weights as specified by the Owner.

Before permeability test all test specimens shall be fully saturated by backpressure. For compacted samples, each test shall consist of three separate determinations of permeability at initial densities specified by the Owner. The test shall include determination of the particle size distribution of the tested specimens by sieve and hydrometer methods.

The test report shall include details of the specimen preparation, saturation technique, testing procedure, and equipment used for the tests; initial and final dry unit weights, initial and final moisture contents; gradation curve; plot of velocity versus hydraulic gradient covering the ranges of soil identifications and of densities; and values of coefficients of permeability normalized to 200c.

Variable-Head Permeability Test on Cohesive Soils

Determination of the coefficient of permeability by a variable-Head method for the laminar flow of water through fine-grained soils shall be carried out in accordance with procedures described in "Soil Testing for Engineers" by T. William Lambe, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., and shall also comply with the applicable requirements of the test method ASTM:  D2434 as identified by the Owner.

Variable-Head permeability tests shall be performed on specimens of fine-grained (cohesive) material prepared from relatively undisturbed tube and/or block samples, or compacted (remolded) samples as specified by the Owner. The relatively undisturbed soil samples shall be tested at initial moisture contents and in-site densities at which the samples were obtained. The compacted samples shall be prepared at initial compaction moisture contents and unit weights as specified by the Owner.

Before permeability test the specimens shall be saturated by back pressure. Each test on a specimen shall consist of two independent determinations of coefficients of permeability by using different initial heads of water. The test shall include determination of the particle size distribution of the tested specimens by sieve and hydrometer methods.

The test report shall include details of the specimen preparation, saturation techniques, testing procedure, and equipment used for the test; initial and final unit weights, initial and final moisture contents; gradation curve; plot of velocity versus hydraulic gradient covering the ranges of soil identifications and of densities; and values of coefficients of permeability normalized to 200c.


Determination of the representative values of the coefficient of permeability of rocks or well-indurate soils shall be in accordance with ASTM: D4525, Standard Test Method for Permeability of Rocks by Flowing Air.

The permeability of a rock sample shall be measured by flowing dry air through the specimen and measuring the pressure, the flow rate, and the pressure differential of the air. Three or more tests will be performed on a sample at different mean air pressure values.

The test report shall include the testing procedure and equipment used for the test, and the plot of the measured permeability versus the mean pressure.


Contractor shall submit documented Quality Control Program. As a minimum, the Program shall include the followings:

      An organization chart including Project task assignments;

      Qualification and training of personnel;

      Procedures for identification, control and storage of Project documents, records and storage and shipping of samples;

      Control of measuring and test equipment including calibration procedures and records of test equipment;

      Use of procedures and test methods conforming to referenced applicable standards and specifications.

Procedures for providing applicable quality assurance/control requirements to subordinate organizations performing any portion of this Contract.


Contractor shall submit a Production Plan and Schedule as a minimum; the Production Plan and Schedule shall include the followings:

      Description of all tasks;

      Descriptions of laboratory procedures, methods and standards proposed to be used for this contract including all shippings and storage procedures;

      Proposed manpower, geotechnical personnel, and crews on any part of the Project to satisfactorily perform the work described in this contract;

      Qualifications of all personnel proposed to be assigned to perform the work described in this contract, including subcontractors;

      List of all proposed testing equipment, accessories and materials including all supplies;

      Proposed schedule for laboratory testing, including all works to perform the complete work described in this contract in a timely manner.

Proposed work shifts, if any, and their relations to overall project schedule.


The results of the tests shall be transmitted to the Owner in preliminary form as soon as they become available, on typically once per week basis. The  Owner will also require periodic progress reports by telephone. Close communication between the Contractor and the Owner will be required at all stages of the work.  Upon completion of the testing program, the Contractor shall present a detailed report as described below.

The presentation of results of each test shall include borehole or test trench/test pit number, sample number and depth, soil classification and such other information as is required in the specification for each type of test.

All laboratory testing records and documents shall be in accordance with Subsection ‘Reports’.

For test results shown in graphical form, the scale of graph axis shall be selected to provide as clear and accurate as possible presentation of the results.  Contractor's standard laboratory test forms shall be modified or replaced if necessary to achieve this requirement. All test forms shall be subject to approval by the Owner.

At the end of the contract period, all samples results and laboratory documents shall be handed over to the Owner.


The Contractor shall furnish the Owner with weekly progress reports including the preliminary test results with a notation verifying that the work performed complies with the requirements of the quality assurance/control program.  The Owner may also require intermediate progress results by telephone.

Within approximately (10) days after completion of the laboratory testing program, the contractor shall submit to the Owner (2) copies of a reproducible typed draft Data Report.  The report shall include but shall not be limited to the following items:

Complete results of all laboratory testing including data plots and summary tables.

Reference to procedures used, with full descriptions of those procedures which differ from ASTM or other specified standards.

Statement certifying that all works were done under qualified supervision using calibrated equipment, and that all the original data sheets and computations are available in the Contractor's files for review.

The Draft Data Report will be reviewed by the Owner, and shall be finalized by the Contractor within (15) calendar days after the Engineer's review. The Contractor shall provide (6) copies of a reproducible typed Final Data Report. The final version of the Data Report shall incorporate Owner’s review comments where appropriate.


Pertinent records of laboratory activities shall be maintained and reported to the Owner as work progresses, and shall be verified as complete. Specific requirements are noted throughout this Specification.

Any unusual circumstances or nonconformance encountered during laboratory activities shall be recorded and reported to the Owner.

The Contractor shall maintain appropriate quality assurance/control records that furnish evidence of the quality of services and activities.

The Contractor shall not dispose any of these nonpermanent records until the Owner has been advised in writing which items are to be discarded. The Contractor will then be advised to discard the item or to ship it to a permanent storage site as designated by the Owner.




D 421

D 422

D 425

D 427

D 558

D 559

D 560

D 698

D 806

D 854







Practice for Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and Determine of Soil Constants

Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils

Test Method for Centrifuge Moisture Equivalent of Soils

Test Method for Shrinkage Factors of Soils

Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soil-Cement Mixtures

Methods for Wetting-and-Drying Tests of Compacted Soil-Cement Mixtures

Methods for Freezing-and-Thawing Tests of Compacted Soil-Cement Mixtures

Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5-lb Rammer and 12-in.  Drop

Test Method for Cement Content of Soil-Cement Mixtures

Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soils

Test Method for Amount of Material in Soils Finer than the No. 200 Sieve

Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 10-lb Rammer and 18-in. Drop

Test Method for Moisture Content Penetration Resistance Relationships of Fine-Grained Soils

Practice for Making and Curing Soil-Cement Compression and Flexure Test Specimens in the Laboratory

Test Method for Compressive Strength of Molded Soil-Cement Cylinders

Test Method for Compressive Strength of Soil-Cement Using Portions of Beams Broken in Flexure (Modified Cube Method)






















Test Method for Flexural Strength of Soil-Cement Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading

Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ration) of Laboratory-Compacted Soils

Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil

Methods for Calibration of Laboratory Mechanical-Rammer Soil Compactors

Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil, Rock, and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures

Practice for Wet Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and Determination of Soil Constants

Test Method for Capillary-Moisture Relationships for Coarse-and Medium-Textured Soils by Porous-Plate Apparatus

Test Method for Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head)

Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils

Test Method for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes

Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)

Classification of Peats, Mosses, Humus, and Related Products

Test Method for Triaxial Compressive Strength of Undrained Rock Core Specimens Without Pore Pressure Measurements

Test Method for Resistance R-Value and Expansion Pressure of Compacted Soils

Method for Laboratory Determination of Pulse Velocities and Ultrasonic Elastic Constants of Rock

Test Method for Unconsolidated, Undrained Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soils in Triaxial Compression

Test Method for Cement Content of Freshly Mixed Soil-Cement

Test Method for Total Nitrogen in Peat Materials






















Test Methods for Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils

Test Method for pH of Peat Materials

Test Method for Particle Size Range of Peat Materials for Horticultural Purposes

Test Method for Volume of Processed Peat Materials

Test Method for Volume Weights, Water-Holding Capacity, and Air Capacity of Water-Saturated Peat Materials

Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions

Test Method for Elastic Module of Intact Rock Core Specimens in Unixial Compression

Test Method for Capillary-Moisture Relationships for Fine-Textured Soils by Pressure-Membrane Apparatus

Test Method for Lime Content of Uncured Soil-Lime Mixtures

Method for Laboratory Preparation of Soil-Line Mixtures Using a Mechanical Mixer

Test Method for Bearing Ratio of Laboratory-Compacted Soil-Lime Mixture

Test Methods for Modulus and Damping of Soils by the Resonant-Column Method

Test Methods for for Viscosity of Chemical Grouts by the Brookfield Viscometer (Laboratory Method)

Practice for Description of Frozen Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)

Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils Using Controlled-Strain Loading

Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength Index Test of Chemical-Grouted Soils

Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples

Test Method for Dispersive Characteristics of Clay Soil by Double Hydrometer






















Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils Using a Vibratory Table

Test Methods for Minimum Index Density of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density

Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils

Test Method for Distribution Rations by the Short-Term Batch Method

Method for Laboratory Preparation of Chemically Grouted Soil Specimens for Obtaining Design Strength Parameters

Test Method for Creep of Cylindrical Hard Rock Core Specimens in Unixial Compression

Test Method for Calcium Carbonate Content of Soils

Test Method for Density of Benton tic Slurries

Test Method for Sand Content by Volume of Benton tic Slurries

Test Method for Determination of Pore Volume and Pore Volume Distribution of Soil and Rock by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry

Test Method for Creep of Cylindrical Soft Rock Core Specimens in Unixial Compression

Test Method for Creep of Cylindrical Rock Core Specimens in Triaxial Compression

Classification of Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing

Methods for X-Ray Radiography of Soil Samples

Test Method for Hydraulic Conductivity of Essentially Saturated Peat (Constant Head)

Test Method for Permeability of Rocks by Flowing Air

Test Method for Bulk Density of Peat and Peat Products

Test Methods for Measurement of Thermal Expansion of Rock Using a Dilatometer














Test Method for Pore Water Extraction and Determination of the Soluble Salt Content of Soils by Refractometer

Practice for Preparing Rock Core Specimens and Determining Dimensional and Shape Tolerances

Test Methods for One-Dimensional Swell or Settlement Potential of Cohesive Soils

Guide for Screening Chemicals for Soil Stabilization

Test Method for Specific Heat of Rock and Soil

Practice for Thermal Diffusivity of Rocks

Test Method for Stress Wave Energy Measurement for Dynamic Penetrometer Testing Systems

Test Method for Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by the Microwave Oven Method

Test Method for Slake Durability of Shales and Similar Weak Rocks

Test Method for Identification and Classification of Dispersive Clay Soils by the Pinhole Test



G 51
Test Method for Laboratory Miniature Vane Shear Test for Saturated Fine-Grained Clayey Soil

Practice for Correction of Unit Weight and Water Content for Soils Containing Oversize Particles

Specification for Evaluating, Selecting, and Specifying Balances and Scales for Use in Soil and Rock Testing

Test Method for pH of Soil for Use in Corrosion Testing

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