Except for modifications described in this Specification, the test procedures shall correspond to those described in the latest editions of the references ASTM standards.

The laboratory testing procedures for the most commonly performed laboratory tests are described in the following subsections.  Details of other test procedures shall be as determined by the Owner and shall comply with the applicable standard requirements.


Laboratory classification of soils shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM: D2487, Test Method of Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes.

Laboratory Visual-Manual classification of soils shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM : 2488, Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures).

Soil classification shall be provided for all samples unless otherwise is requested by the Owner.


Moisture content shall be determined in accordance with ASTM: D 2216, Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil, Rock, and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures.

Tests on moisture content samples shall be carried out without delay after these samples arrived at the laboratory. Moisture content tests on relatively undisturbed samples required, as part of other specified tests shall be carried out immediately after the samples are opened for the performance of the required tests.

If approved by the Owner, moisture content may also be determined in accordance with ASTM: D4643, Standard Test Method for Determination of Water (Moisture) Content for Soil by the Microwave Oven Method.


The wet unit weight shall be obtained by dividing the weight of the sample by its volume. The volume of the sample shall be determined by measurement or displacement.  The dry unit weight of the sample shall be obtained using the wet unit weight and the moisture content.

The test report shall include wet and dry unit weights and the moisture content.


Specific gravity tests shall be made in accordance with ASTM: D854, Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soils.

The test report shall include percentage of soil finer than the No. 4 sieve, and the specific gravity of the soil solids.

When required, the specific gravity and absorption of aggregates of size coarser than No. 4 sieve size shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C 127, Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate. The test report shall include information on the percentage of aggregates retained on sieve No. 4, bulk and apparent specific gravities and percentage absorption.


Sieve analysis of soils shall be made in accordance with ASTM: D422, Standard Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils. Hydrometer test shall not be conducted.

The test report shall include for each sample tested the gradation curve presented as curve of particle size versus percent passing by dry weight.


Combined sieve and hydrometer analyses shall be performed on soils in accordance with ASTM: D422.

The results shall be presented as a curve of particle size versus percent passing by dry weight.


Determination of the total amount of material in soils finer than the No. 200 sieve shall be performed in accordance with ASTM: D1140, Standard Test Method for Amount of Material in Soils Finer than the No. 200 sieve.

The test report shall include percentage of soil finer than the No. 200 sieve.


Atterberg Limits (Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit) shall be determined in accordance with ASTM: D4318, Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils.

The test results for each soil sample shall include values of liquid limit determined from the flow curve, plastic limit and plasticity index.


In all required compaction tests, sufficient number of test points shall be obtained to accurately define the moisture content-dry density curve on both sides of the optimum moisture content.  The minimum numbers of test points shall be 5, and at least 3 test points shall be at moisture content higher than the optimum.  The zero air voids curve corresponds to the specific gravity of the tested material shall be included on all figures showing the moisture content-dry density curves.

Standard Proctor Test shall be performed in accordance with ASTM: D 698, Standard Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relating of Soil and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 2 kg Rammer and 30 cm Drop.

Modified Proctor Test shall be performed in accordance with ASTM: D1557, Standard Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using (4.6 kg) Rammer and (45 cm) Drop.


Relative density of soils shall be determined on bulk samples in accordance with ASTM: D4253, Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils Using a Vibratory Table, and ASTM: D4254, Standard Test Methods of Minimum Index Density of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density.

The test report shall include the maximum index density, maximum index void ratio, minimum index density, minimum index void ratio, in-situ soil deposit or fill dry density, in-site soil deposit or fill void ratio, and the calculated relative density.


California Bearing Ratio (CBR), test shall be performed in accordance with ASTM: D 1883.  Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory-Compacted Soils.

Test specimen shall be compacted to dry density of (95) percent of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with (ASTM: D1557).


The shrinkage limit of soils shall be determined in accordance with ASTM: D427, Standard Test Method for Shrinkage Factors of Soils.

The test report shall include the shrinkage limit, shrinkage ratio, and volumetric and linear shrinkage of a soil.


Resistance (R-Value) tests of laboratory compacted soils shall be determined with the stabilometer and expansion pressure devices in accordance with ASTM: D2844, Standard Test Method for Resistance R-Value and Expansion Pressure of Compacted Soils.

The test report shall include a graph of R-Value versus exudation pressure.


Disperse properties of cohesive materials shall be determined by the "Pinhole Test" in accordance with ASTM: D4647, Standard Test Method for Identification and Classification of Disperse Clay Soils by the Pinhole Test.

The test report shall include the dispersibility and dispersive classification of test specimen in accordance with Pinhole Test Method (D).


Determination of soil pH to supplement soil-resistivity measurements shall be determined in accordance with ASTM: G51, Standard Test Method for pH of Soil for Use in Corrosion Testing.

The test report shall include the results of pH measurements and the corrosion potential of the soil tested.


The sulfate tests on soil samples shall be performed in accordance with the State of California Department of Transportation, California Test: 417, Method of Testing Soils and Waters for Sulfate Content.

The test report shall include the result of the water soluble sulfate content of the soil specimen tested in percentage.


The sand equivalent test provides a measure of the relative proportions of detrimental fine dust or clay-like material in soil or fine aggregates.

The sand equivalent test shall be performed in accordance with the State of California Department of Transportation, California Test: 217, Method of Test for Sand Equivalent.


The expansion index test provides a basic index property of the soil sample comparable to Atterberg Limits.

The expansion index test shall be performed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the UBC Standard No. 29-2, Expansion Index Test.


General Mineral Analysis shall include analysis for bicarbonate, carbonate, hydroxide alkalinity, calcium, chloride, copper, foaming agents (MBAS), iron, magnesium, manganese, pH, potassium, sodium, sulfate, specific conductance, total dissolved solids, total hardness, and zinc.

All tests of ground water shall be performed in accordance with "Standard Methods for the Analysis of Water and Wastewater", APHA-AWWA-WPCF (American Public Health Association-American Water Works Association-Water Pollution Control Federation).


Partial Chemical Analysis shall include alkalinity, hardness (Ca, Mg), chloride, nitrate, iron, manganese, pH, and specific conductance.


Unconfined compression tests shall be performed on relatively undisturbed and/or compacted (remolded) cohesive soil samples in accordance with ASTM: D2166, Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil.

The height to diameter ratio shall be at least 2.  Tests shall be carried out at in-site moisture content for relatively undisturbed samples.  Compacted (remolded) specimens shall be tested at the predetermined density and moisture content prescribed by the Owner.  Samples shall be subjected to compressive stress at a constant rate of (strain).  Compression shall continue until (20) percent (strain) is reached.

The test report shall include initial moisture content, dry unit weight, a plot of compression stress versus strain, unconfined compressive strength and shear strength (cohesion).


Determination of the unconfined compressive strength of intact cylindrical rock specimens shall be in accordance with ASTM: D2938, Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimens.

The test report shall include rate of loading and the calculated unconfined compressive strength of the rock specimen.


Determination of the direct tensile strength of intact cylindrical rock specimens shall be in accordance with ASTM: D2936, Standard Test Method for Direct Tensile Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimens.

The test report shall include rate of loading and the calculated direct tensile strength of the rock specimen.


Determination of the creep behavior of intact cylindrical and soft rock core specimens subjected to uniaxial compression shall be in accordance with ASTM: D4341, Standard Test Method for Creep of Cylindrical Hard Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compression, and ASTM: D4405, Standard Test Method for Creep of Cylindrical Soft Rock Core Specimens is Uniaxial Compression, respectively.

The test report shall include stress level and temperature at which test were performed, and plot of strain versus time curve.


When required by the Owner, determination of shear strength (cohesion) of saturated fine-grained relatively undisturbed and/or remolded cohesive soils shall be in accordance with ASTM: D4648, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Miniature Vane Shear Test for Saturated Fine Grained Clayey-Soil.

The test report shall include maximum torque reading, type of torque units and the undrained shear strength (cohesion) of the soil sample.


The constant-rate-of-strain consolidation test provides a means for studying strain rate effects. This method is not applicable to soils of high permeability or to partially saturate soils.

Determination of the rate and magnitude of consolidation of relatively undisturbed and/or remolded soil samples when they are restrained laterally and drained axially and subjected to controlled-strain loading shall be in accordance with ASTM: D4186, Standard Test Method for one-dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils Using Controlled Strain Loading.

The test report shall include plot of void ratio versus log of average effective vertical stress or axial strain versus log of average effective vertical stress, plot of coefficient of consolidation versus log of average effective vertical stress, and for tests in which secondary compression date were provided, a plot of deformation versus log of time.


Determining the rate and magnitude of consolidation of relatively undisturbed and/or remolded soil samples when they are restrained laterally and loaded and drained axially shall be in accordance with ASTM: D2435, Standard Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils, with modifications as described below.

For relatively undisturbed samples, the specimen shall be prepared at natural (in-site) moisture content.  The Owner may require some of the specimens to be tested at the natural moisture, and other specimens to be inundated prior to loading.  The required test conditions will be indicated by the Owner for each test.  The specimens shall be loaded in increments doubling the previous stress commencing at 1.2 t/m2 up to a stress to be specified by the Owner.  Some of the tests will require a maximum stress of at least 300 t/m2 and preferably 400 t/m2. 

Unless approved otherwise by the Owner, every increment of loading and unloading shall be maintained for a minimum of 24 hours or until movements have ceased, whichever period is shorter.

When required by the Owner, relatively undisturbed samples prepared for consolidation test at natural moisture content and/or remolded samples prepared at predetermined moisture contents and dry densities shall be inundated prior to application of any load increment.  Compression or swell caused by inundation shall be monitored for 24 hours or until movements have ceased, whichever period is shorter, before the load increment is applied.

For some tests on relatively undisturbed and/or compacted (remolded) specimens, the Owner may require determination of the amount of heave (swell) pressure or settlement (collapse) by inundating the specimen at a stress of 1.2 t/m2, or at in-site stress where the samples  were  obtained, or at may other stress specified by the Owner. Observations of any additional settlement (collapse) or heave (swell) caused by inundation shall be made for 24 hours or until movements have ceased, whichever period is shorter. Should swelling occurs, the heave pressure shall be determined by adding small load increments until the original deformation reading just prior or inundation is restored.  Testing will then continue under additional load increments, up to the maximum stress specified by the Owner and then unloaded.  In all tests, after completion of consolidation at the maximum stress, the specimen shall be unloaded in decrements at stresses equal to one-fourth of the previous stress, with observations of swelling movements.

The time-compression (settlement) curves shall be plotted for each stress increment in two different ways:

Deformation (settlement) reading versus square root of the time to reach 90 percent consolidation (Taylor Method).

Deformation (settlement) reading versus logarithm of elapsed time (Casagrande Method).

The test report shall also include for each specimen a plot of void ratio versus logarithm of applied stress during loading and unloading.  From these plots, compression index, swell index, where possible the preconsolidation pressure, coefficient of consolidation for each load increment, and estimates of average permeability coefficient and coefficient of secondary compression shall be provided for each sample tested.


When required by the Owner, determining the magnitude of swell or settlement of relatively undisturbed and/or compacted (remolded) soil samples shall be performed in accordance with ASTM: D4546, Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional Swell or Settlement Potential of Cohesive Soils.

This method will be used to determine either the magnitude of swell or settlement under known axial stress, or the magnitude of vertical stress needed to maintain no volume change of laterally constrained, axially loaded specimens.

The test report shall include the information required in ASTM: D2435, the percent heave or settlement for the given vertical pressure and swell pressure.  Compression and swell index shall also be reported.

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