The work to be performed consists for furnishing all supervision, labor, equipment, tools, supplies, materials, and transportation, and the performance of all work items listed in Book II “Summary of Work and in Book IIIA, Technical Specification in accordance with the provisions of this Specification.

The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility of satisfying himself concerning the nature of the work, and the conditions, particularly with respect to testing procedures of the required laboratory tests.

The Contractor shall provide a qualified Geotechnical Engineer to be present in the laboratory on all workday to supervise the work.  The work is subject to inspection and observations, and technical direction by the Owner.  The methods employed for laboratory testing shall be approved by the Owner.


Delivering, packing and transporting to Contractor's laboratory soil and/or rock samples from the exploration site (s) and/or storage sheds near the projects site area.

Storing, handling and preparing for testing all soil and/or rock samples at the Contractor's laboratory.

Preparing and implementing a documented Laboratory Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program.

Performing laboratory tests in accordance with the requirements described in this specification and in designated standards.  A general list of the laboratory tests for soil and/or rock samples is provided in Table attached to these specifications.  Not all the tests described in this table may be required.  Types and number of tests and testing priorities will be determined by the Owner.

If and when required by the Owner reporting the preliminary results of all tests upon their completion, typically on a weekly basis.

Preparing and submitting a draft and final data report on laboratory testing giving complete results of all the tests, and summarizing the procedures for all the tests performed in accordance with the procedures and requirements specified, with appropriate graphs and data plots.

Preserving and temporarily storing the unused portions of all soil and/or rock samples until written disposition instructions are given by the Owner.

Preserving all the raw data sheets, calculation sheets and graphs until written disposition instructions are given by the Owner.


Geotechnical engineering services related to engineering analysis and design other than those needed to calculate laboratory test results.


Tests shall be conducted in conformance with the American Society of Testing Material (ASTM) standard listed in Table  The Contractor may propose other applicable material or international standards for the Engineer's evaluation, acceptance and approval.


This Specification covers services that influence the safety of structures.  The Contractor shall use procedures conforming to referenced standards, unless otherwise approved by the Owner.

All laboratory testings shall be carried out by qualified personnel under qualified supervision by the Contractor.  All testings shall be carried out using calibrated equipment. The accuracy of calibration shall be documented and the documentation shall be available for inspection by the Owner.


A documented quality assurance/control program, applicable to the services to be performed in the laboratory by the Contractor shall be prepared, approved by the Owner and implemented. 


The Contractor, including any subordinate organizations engaged by him, shall be subject surveillance inspection and audit by the Owner. Inspection of laboratory activities may be performed by the Owner while the work is in progress to provide compliance with specified technical and quality requirements, to observe the equipment and procedures, and to review the testing program.

Inspection or audit by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for complying with the requirements of the Contract Documents.


In the event that the Contractor employs any other organization to perform any portion of the work to which the quality assurance program is applicable, all of the quality assurance requirements of this Specification shall be bound upon the subordinate organization.


The Contractor shall be required to perform testing on the following types of samples:

      Moisture content samples in moisture content containers.

      Disturbed bulk samples in plastic bags or lined sacks.

      Disturbed split-barrel samples in jars.

      Undisturbed 50 mm and/or 75 mm nominal diameter samples in Shelby tubes or in other types of tubes as approved by the Owner.

      Relatively undisturbed 8 mm (O.D.) nominal diameter ring-lined samples in tubes or in other types of containers as approved by the Owner.

      Relatively undisturbed block samples in containers as approved by the Owner.

      Rock core, 50 mm and/or 75 mm nominal diameter, samples in core boxes and/or in other containers as approved by the Owner.

      Relatively undisturbed chunk samples of soft rock in container's as approved by the Owner.

The Contractor should note that not all the sample types described in this specification might be required to be tested in the laboratory.


The Contractor shall pack, handle, transport and preserve all core samples in good condition in accordance with ASTM: D2113, Standard Practice for Diamond Core Drilling for Site Investigation, and all soil samples in accordance with ASTM: D4220, Standard Practice for Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples.
The Contractor may propose for the Engineer approval suitable methods to pack, handle, transport, and to preserve soil and rock samples.  All samples shall be handled, packed, shipped and stored in compliance with the requirements of applicable standards using a procedure that has been proven adequate for minimizing or preventing disturbance or changes in material properties.

Undisturbed tube samples, block samples, chunk samples including rock core boxes shall be treated with extreme care at all times and shall not be dropped, jarred, vibrated or exposed to extreme temperatures.

On the Contractor's laboratory premises, all the samples tubes, block samples, and chunk samples including rock cores shall be kept sealed and shall be stored in a constant-temperature humid room.  If the seal on any sample is broken for any reason, the sample shall be resealed.

All moisture contents and disturbed sample containers and/or bags shall be kept sealed to avoid changes in moisture content until required for testing.  All sacks containing bulk soil and aggregate samples shall be securely tied and labeled and kept in storage until disposal as determined and approved by the Owner.

If only a portion of a sample is used for testing, the remainder shall be resealed immediately, and shall be properly stored in marked containers.


The work includes performing laboratory tests on disturbed and relatively undisturbed and remolded soil samples, and on rock cores obtained during the subsurface investigations.  All testing shall be performed as soon as practical after receiving the samples.

In general, standard test procedures that are followed without deviation and performed on standard equipment shall be documented by reference only.  For tests where there are no standard procedures available, or where it is appropriate to use modified or alternative procedures, the details of the test procedures shall be documented for evaluation and future referencing. The technical basis for deviating from standard testing procedures shall be included in the documentation. Use of other than standard equipment, even if it is used with standard testing procedures, shall also be documented. The Contractor shall submit testing schedules, subject to approval by the Owner, before any testing is commenced. A listing of the number of required tests which are anticipated at this time, for this Contract, is included in Schedule of Prices.

All testing will be assigned in writing by the Owner, and shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the standards referenced herein and/or as directed and approved by the Owner. The Contractor may consider performing additional tests which he believes are necessary and appropriate for a proper evaluation of the characteristics of the materials subject to approval by the Owner.

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