The scope of grout work shall include but not limited to the Contractor's furnishing, mixing, placing, curing, inspecting and testing of grout as required for the work by this specification and as shown on the drawing.

All grouting for the column bases and stair bases, bases and support of all mechanical and electrical equipment.

All -routing for anchor bolts including sleves.

All grouting for conduit, piping etc passing through concrete floor or walls.

Formwork required for placing grout.

Furnishing and installation of structure, equipment bases and piping and conduits, including anchor bolts where the grouting required to be placed.


Comply with the requirements of the applicable codes and standards published by the following organisations:

ACI                     American Concrete Institute
ASTM                 American Society for Testing and Materials
CRD                   Chief of Research and Development, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Conform especially to the applicable provisions of the following codes and standards

ASTM C 31  Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimen in The Field
ASTM C 33 Concrete Aggregates
ASTM C 39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
ASTM C 109      Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars
ASTM C 143      Slump of Portland Cement Concrete
ASTM C 150      Portland Cement
ASTM C 309
ASTM C 494      Chemical admixtures for concrete
ASTM C 1107    Determining Consistency and Density of Roller-Compacted Concrete Using a Vibrating Table
CRD 621
CRD-C 261-83


Contractor shall fully comply with the Project Quality Assurance/Quality Control Requirements.  For submitting Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures and Documentation the provision of Clause  “Submittals” of this specification shall apply.


The installation procedures shall be submitted by the Contractor for the Owner's Review :


All materials shall be stored in such a manner as to avoid contamination, evaporation or damage.

Cement shall be stored in weather tight buildings, bins or silos which will exclude moisture and contaminants.

Liquid admixtures shall be protected from temperature changes which would adversely effect their characteristics.


Grouting equipment shall conform in every respect to requirements of equipment manufacturers. Installation of grout shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. Wherever requirements for grout and grout installation differ between this specification and equipment manufacturer's requirements, equipment manufacturers requirements shall apply, subject to review by the Owner.

Types and specific uses of grout shall conform to the following Table or approved equal:

Type and Specific Uses of Grout

Type of Grout
Specific Use (Grouting)

a)Plastic Grout (Regular sand and cement grout)

(1)                    Anchor bolts including sleeves and column base plates
(2)                   Conduit, piping etc. through concrete floors or walls

b)                        Drypack Grout

Equipment bases where required by manufacturer
c) General Grout Work Nonshrink Grout

Bases and support of mechanical and electrical equipment and as directed by the Owner
d)                       Precision Grouting Nonshrink Grout
(1)                                 Anchor bolts in drilled holes in concrete
(2)                                Equipment bases where required by manufacturer or subject to high repetitive and  dynamic loads


Grout components and products: shall conform to the requirements
specified in Table - 2, unless otherwise indicated.


Grout Components and Products

Type of
(if used)
Mixing Water
Grout Product

a.  Plastic Grout

a.1                    Portland cement, ASTM C150

Type II or III, unless otherwise indicated

a.2.2       Grout 75mm thick or less Fine aggregate, ASTM C33

a.2.2       Grout thicker than 75mm Fine aggregate, ASTM C33, or coarse aggregate, Size No. 7 or 8, ASTM C33

Conforming to ASTM C494, Type A water-reducing admixtures; and containing chloride not more than 1% by weight (Use only if reviewed by the Owner)

a.4                  Clean, Potable, and free from injurious of oil, acid, salt, alkali, organic matter and other deleterious substances

Not specified
b. Dry-pack Grout
Same as Item a.1
Fine aggregate, ASTM C33
Same as Item a.4
Not specified
c.   General Grout Work Non shrink
Manufacturer’s standards (this grout shall not contain oxidizing and gas producing agents, catalysts, inorganic accelerators and chlorides) ASTM C109
Same as Item a.4
Not specified
d. Precision Grout
Manufacturer’s standards (this grout shall not contain any metallic aggregates, oxidizing and gas producing agents, catalysts, and more than 300 ppm chloride) ASTM C109
Same as Item a.4
Not specified

Grout Properties: shall conform to the requirements of Table, unless otherwise indicated.


Property Requirement for Placed Grout

Type of
(if used)
Mixing Water
Grout Product
a.  Plastic Grout
250 kg/cm2 at 28 days unless otherwise specified

Plastic with maximum slump 125 mm for grout 75 mm thick or less; and maximum slump 75 mm for grout thicker than 75 mm

No requirement
No requirement
No vesible bleedings
b. Dry-pack Grout
350 kg/cm2 at 28 days unless otherwise specified
Stiff with hand shaping workability, and no measurable slump
No expansion
Not more than 1.0%
No bleeding
c.   General Grout Work Non shrink
600 kg/cm2 at 28 days ASTM – C109
Flowable, 35 Р45 cm lateral flow at 22̢ - 30̢ C
Not more than 0.4% at 7,14 or 28 days CRD621
No shrinkage
No bleeding
d. Precision Grout Non shrink
800 kg/cm2 at 28 days ASTM – C109
Flowable, 35 Р45 cm at 22̢ - 30̢ C with time of efflux not more than 30 second. ASTM 1107
Not more than 0.4% at 7,14 or 28 days CRD621
No shrinkage
No bleeding



Concrete surfaces to be grouted shall first be cleaned and then be uniformly roughened to a minimum depth of 3 mm.  Prior to placing grout, all concrete or metal surfaces to be in contact with grout shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all laitance, oil, grease, paint, dirt, rust, loose mill scale, damaged concrete and any other loose particles that may interfere with complete bearing and bond or may react with grout materials.  Special care shall be taken to assure that all waste materials and water are removed from anchor bolt holes and sleeves in concrete.

The cleaned concrete surfaces to be in contact with plastic grout shall be dampened but not saturated and free surface moisture shall be removed just prior to grout placement,

For dry pack grout, the equipment manufacturer’s requirements for surface preparation shall be met, but as a minimum the following are required:

The cleaned surfaces of the concrete to be in contact with dry pack grout shall be pre-soaked for at least 6 hours before grouting.

Just prior to placing grout, the concrete surfaces should be blown with compressed air to remove any free water on these surfaces.

All cleaned surfaces to be in contact with nonshrink grout shall also be prepared in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

For metal surfaces where bond between metal surfaces and grout is not desired flake graphite, paraffin or form release agent shall be applied to these surfaces, and no grease or oil shall be used.


Prior to placing grout, column base plates and other structural elements shall be properly supported with shims or wedges, the smaller dimensions of which shall be oriented in the direction of grout flow or packing.  Mechanical and electrical equipment sisal] be shimmed or wedged before grouting in strict accordance with equipment manufacturer's printed instructions.  Unless otherwise specified, shims and wedges to be removed shall be made of carbon or stainless steel, and those to be left in place shall be made of stainless steel.

All shims and wedges used for support shall be carefully removed except those required by the equipment manufacturers to be left in place, after the grout has set and hardened.  The voids resulting from the removal of these shim, wedges and levelling screws, shall be filled with the same grout unless otherwise specified.  All shims and wedges shall be coated with a film of paraffin or form ease agent to facilitate their removal, and no grease or oil shall be used.


Forms for placing grout shall conform to grout or equipment manufacturer's commendations and the applicable requirements of Chapter 4 of ACI 301.


Grout shall be thoroughly and uniformly mixed in proper proportions in accordance with the following requirements and the grout manufacturer's instructions, in order to obtain the properties indicated in Table - 3.

Batches of plastic grout for mixing shall be less than 0.2 m3 and shall be mixed paddle type mortar mixer for not less than 1 minute, with the water added slowly to assure efficient mixing and water cement ratio not exceeding 0.5 by weight.

For drypack grout, the equipment manufacturer's requirements for mixing shall be met, but as a minimum the following are required:

Drypack grout shall be thoroughly and uniformly mixed in a paddle-type mortar mixer for at least 5 minutes, and in quantities that can be placed within one hour.

Grout mix proportion by weight shall be 1 part of cement to 2-1/4 parts of fine aggregate, with water content that will give a 0.0 mm slump (ASTM C 143) and no exuded water when packing.

Grout shall be remixed every 30 minutes; however, retempering of grout will not be permitted.

Nonshrink grout shall be mixed in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions.



Grout shall be placed in strict accordance with the following requirements and manufacturer's grouting procedures.

Grouting of a plate or base shall be a continuous operation until the whole plate or base is completely grouted, except that shimmed and wedged areas shall be grouted in accordance with Clause as mentioned before.

Special care shall be taken to ensure that space under grouted base plate or equipment base is entirely filled with grout.  For placing plastic grout or non-shrink grout, grout shall be poured from one side and continuously rodded with care until it flushes up to the top of the form on all other sides and through grout holes, if any, of the plate/base.  Base plate with shear bars in more than one direction may be grouted through a central hole, only if air-relief holes are provided in the vicinity of the shear bars where air may be trapped.


Grout temperature during placing shall not exceed 320C, unless otherwise indicated.

Retarding admixtures shall not be used unless otherwise indicated.


Drypack grout placement shall meet the equipment manufacturer's requirements, but as a minimum the following are required:

Grout shall be placed and packed within one hour after mixing.

Grout shall be placed and packed in small amounts to eliminate the possibility of a porous pack.  Each layer shall be thoroughly rammed into place before succeeding layers are placed, and this procedure shall be repeated until the form is packed full.

                                                                                  ADDITIONAL PLACING REQUIREMENTS FOR NONSHRINK GROUT

Nonshrink grout shall be placed in accordance with manufacturers detailed instructions.


Curing of Plastic Grout

Exposed surfaces of grout shall be cured immediately after completion of grout finishing and/or form removal by applying curing compound.

Curing compound shall conform to ASTM C309 and shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, immediately after any water sheen -which may develop after finishing has disappeared from the grout surface.

Exposed surfaces of grout and the plate in contact with grout shall be protected from heating by the sun for at least a week after grout placement.

No load shall be applied on the grout until compressive strength of the grout reaches 75 percent of the specified strength or until the grout has been moist cured for at least 7 days.

Curing of drypack grout shall meet the equipment manufacturer's requirements, but as a minimum the following are required:

Exposed surfaces of grout shall be kept continuously moist for at least 7 days after grout placing.  Following moist curing and while the surface is still damp a coat of curing compound shall be applied.

Moist curing may be achieved by any of the following methods:

a)            Ponding or continuous sprinkling
b)   Application of absorptive mats or fabric continuously kept wet
c)             Application of sand continuously kept wet

Exposed surfaces of grout and the plate in contact with grout shall be protected from heating by the sun for at least a week after grout placement.

Curing of Nonshrink Grout

Nonshrink grout shall be cured in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.


The Owner may, during the course of the work, inspect the various phases of the work for full compliance with all requirements of this specification.


All grout for the work shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of Table  If requested, reports of the test results shall be submitted to the Owner for review.

Initial tests shall be performed prior to the use of the grout.  All grout components, including the water, to be used for the initial tests shall be those specified for use in the Works.


Grout Testing

ASTM Designation

Compressive strength at 7 and 28 days

ASTM C109 or

One test for each grout mix or as directed by the Owner

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