The scope of work under this section covers excavation of materials from the stockpile area, if required, hauling to the places of fill, spreading, compacting, finishing, and incidental dewatering where required for the general site fill, construction of the core for any embankment, structural backfill, trench backfill and other miscellaneous fill.

The Contractor shall perform filling/backfilling work in accordance with this Specification and as shown on the approved drawings or as directed by the Owner.


The sources of material shall be materials previously excavated at the Site by the Contractor or from off-Site sources.

General fill material shall be well graded, no more than 1 5% passing No. 200 screen, maximum particle size 75 mm.


Compacting Equipment

Compacting equipment shall be of such design, weight and quality as is required to obtain the densities specified herein.

Areas inaccessible to self-propelled compacting equipment shall be compacted by hand operated mechanical tampers or vibrators.

Self-propelled compacting equipment, i.e., sheep's foot rollers and segmental pad rollers, and hand operated mechanical tampers and vibrators, shall efficiently perform compaction in accordance with this specification and as indicated.

No plea by the Contractor that the equipment he has available at the Project Site cannot produce the densities specified will be accepted by the Owner.  The Contractor shall furnish equipment as required.

Structural & General Site Fill

Preparation of Sub grade:

Sub grade to receive Structural Fill material will be inspected by the Owner to determine if it is suitable and has sufficient bearing capacity for the material and loads to be placed on it.

If sub grade is not suitable, as determined by the Owner, the Contractor may be directed to perform additional excavation with compensation. Thereof, made as specified in the Contract.

Compaction Densities: Material shall be brought up to grade elevation indicated on the drawings, with suitable moisture control and compaction throughout placement, to produce the following densities:

a.    Type structural fill material: to 90 percent of maximum dry density per ASTM D1557, Test Method indicated.

b.    Type SFG material: to a minimum of 85 percent of relative density per ASTM D2049, Test Method indicated.

Placing Material:

a.    Unless otherwise indicated, structural and general site fill material shall be placed within two percent of the optimum moisture content as applicable, in uniform layers not over 150 mm (loose measure).
b.    The Contractor shall add water or dry-out material to maintain the optimum moisture content throughout placing and compacting.

Trench Fill Materials

Materials shall be approved fill materials from the site excavation or the off-site sources.

Sand material shall be no more than 1 0% passing No. 200 screen, maximum particle size No. 4.

Fill in the excavated trenches shall be placed in layers and method of placement of the fill shall be approved by the Owner.  Prior to the start of the fill placement, the Contractor shall submit a statement describing in greater detail his proposed method of fill placement in the excavated trenches area for the Owner's approval.

The fill shall be placed in layers not exceeding a thickness of 300 mm (loose measure) and compacted to produce densities to a minimum of 90% relative density per ASTM D2049, Test Method Indicated.

Backfill shall be placed within the limits of the excavations or to the lines and grades shown on the approved drawings in 20-cm thick horizontal layers and compacted carefully.  Backfill shall not be placed until the structure has been inspected and approved, the concrete has cured sufficiently to achieve specified compressive strength, the forms removed, the excavation cleaned of trash, debris and water and the concrete has received its bituminous coatings (if directed or shown on the approved drawings).  Where backfill is placed on more than one side of a structure, it shall be placed and compacted evenly to maintain similar fill elevations on all sides of the structure at the same time.  Granular material used as structural back fill shall be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of relative density per ASTM-D2049, Test Method indicated.


Backfilling around pipe shall not be performed until pipe runs have been bedded inspected and tested.

Care shall be exercised in placing and compacting material around pipes to maintain the material approximately at the same level, not in excess of a 300 mm differential, on both sides of the pipe, throughout the placing and compacting of the material.

Placing and compacting of material shall be performed simultaneously on both sides of pipes in such a manner as will prevent injurious side pressures on piping.

Material shall be thoroughly compacted using hand operated power tampers until compacted material is at least 600 mm above pipe.

Self-propelled compaction equipment shall not be used above pipe until the compacted material has reached the 600-mm minimum, unless approved by the Owner.

When a flat bed is required for the bottom of a trench for pipes, granular material shall be provided for bedding to depths indicated on the approved drawings. If unsuitable soil, as determined by the Owner is encountered and it is directed to be removed, the Contractor shall provide the additional depth of granular compacted bedding required.  Bedding for contour cuts shall be provided as indicated on the-approved drawing.

Bedding and Backfilling Material Placement

a.    For coated pipe, granular bedding and backfill material shall be crushed stone, coarse sand or gravel or other material approved by the Owner.  Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, bedding and backfilling material shall conform to ASTM C33, and be not larger than 10 mm in size.

Bedding material, material under haunches and along sides of pipe of a point 1 50 mm above the top of the pipe shall be this material. Care shall be taken in placing material to prevent damage to pipe coating.

b.    For uncoated pipe, granular bedding and backfill material shall be type Structural Fill Material. Bedding material and material under haunches and along sides of pipe to a point 150 mm above the top of pipes shall be this material.

c.    Compaction densities for material (both ASTM C33 and Type Structural Fill Material) shall be per Sub clause ‘Trench Fill Material’.

d.    Material from 1 50 mm above the top of pipes to indicate grade shall be selected material approved by the Owner.  This material shall be placed and compacted per Sub clause ‘Structural & General Site Fill’ or ‘Trench Fill Material’ as applicable for the materials to be used.

Backfilling of Fiberglass Reinforced Pipe (FRP)

Plastic FR pipe includes RTRP (Rein forced Thermosetting Resin Pipe) and RPMP (Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pipe) and may be of any type or grade, lined or unlined, per ASTM D2310.

The manufacturer of the pipe shall be advised by the Contractor of the soil conditions expected to be encountered in bedding and backfilling pipe trenches or cuts. Promptly thereafter the pipe manufacturer shall submit recommended procedures for cut, slope, bedding material, bedding depth, haunch and fill over pipe utilizing either available material from the Site, or more appropriate material obtained off-Site. These procedures will be reviewed and shall be approved by the Owner prior to placement of the Fiberglass Reinforced Pipe.

Bedding and haunch material (to a minimum height above the top of pipe of c 300,mm) will be Type Structural Fill material.  Material above Type SFG material shall be randomly fill or as directed by the Owner.

Depth of each layer of material placed shall be as directed by the pipe manufacturer, but not greater than 150 mm (loose fill layer thickness) and shall be compacted using portable tampers.

Care shall be taken during placement to assure evenness of compaction densities, especially under joints between pipe sections, as well as to avoid floatation of the pipe.


Duct Banks

Material directly above and on both sides of duct banks may be material excavated from the trench or cut, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, providing that the maximum size of stone in the material is not greater than 50 mm.

Compaction shall conform to the requirements of Sub clause ‘Structural & General Site Fill’ or ‘Trench Fill Material’, as applicable.

Direct-Burial Cable

Material around direct-burial cable may be material excavated from the trench or cut, providing it is free from debris or coarse aggregate.  Maximum size of stone shall not exceed 50 mm in the fill material.

Compaction shall conform to the requirements of Sub clause ‘Structural and General Site Fill’ or ‘Trench Fill Materials’ paragraphs above as applicable.




Fill material shall be clean, washed gravel or crushed stone and shall be free of foreign matter. Crushed stone shall be tough, durable, free from an excessive quantity of flat, elongated, soft or disintegrated material.

Fire Protection Fill

Fire protection fill shall have standard size #3 gradation in accordance with ASTM D448.

General Fill

General fill shall conform to the following gradations:
       Nominal Size           % by Weight
       Square Openings            Passing
       38 mm               100
       25 mm               90  100
       13 mm                60  90
       No. 4                         35   55
       No. 16                10  40
       No. 200                    0 12


Preparation of subgrade

Sod, vegetation, roots, debris and other organic matter shall be removed from the fill areas.

Sub grade shall be graded as required and shall be free of pockets and high spots and shall be approved by the Owner prior to the placement of fill.

The fill area shall have special drainage facilities.

Placing of Fill

Fire protection fill shall be placed in areas designated on the approved drawings as "Fire Protection Fill Area". General fill shall be placed in the areas designated on the approved drawing as "General Fill Area".

Fire protection fill and general fill may be placed prior to electrical installation.

Fire protection fill shall not be rolled, tamped or packed. Finished surface shall be level and no traffic is permitted on fill during placing operations.

General fill shall be compacted by rolling with a 10 ton or heavier vibratory roller with a minimum of 2 passes per layer. The maximum lift thickness shall be 15 cm. Finished surface shall be level.

The entire substation area within the fence, excluding the building, roads, parking, trenches and foundations, shall be covered with a minimum 200 mm thick general surface fill.

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