This specification covers contractor's supply of all labour, materials, transportation, equipment and other services necessary for dredging, including disposal of all dredged material.


Conducting the survey and sounding work.

Dredging all any kind of materials, below water level as shown on the drawings.

Providing the disposal area of dredged material.

Obtaining all necessary permits from the appropriate regulatory government agencies for dredging and disposal of the dredged spoil materials.


Excavation and fill work

Contractor shall fully comply with the Project Quality Assurance/Quality Control Requirements.  For submitting Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures and Documentation the provision of clause “Submittals” of these specifications shall apply.


Contractor shall furnish with his bid proposal the capacities, specifications and description of the method he proposes to use for dredging of different materials for Owner's review.

Before commencement of the work, the Contractor shall submit for approval of the Owner a statement described the plant in detail which he proposes to use for dredging and disposal of dredged materials and evidence to demonstrate that the plant has adequate capacity to complete the work in time.

The quality control procedure shall include but not be limited to the following:

       - Survey procedure

       - Dredging operation procedure

       - Inspection procedure


If any intent of the Owner to use all dredged material as backfilled material, the dredging equipment used for the work shall be suitable for recovering the excavated materials for stockpiling and later use.

The dredging of the work shall be performed by appropriate plant and equipment.  The dredging equipment used shall have the capability to dredge to depth greater than shown on the drawings.

The capacities of the equipment to be used should be adequate for completing the dredging and disposal operation.



Contractor shall obtain necessary permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies for the dredging and disposal of the dredged spoil materials.

In the event the Contractor's plant is sunk, The Contractor shall forthwith raise or remove any plant at his own cost floating or otherwise belonging to him or any Subcontractor or to any person employed by him (including also any plant which is held by the Contractor or his Subcontractor under agreement for hire or hire purchase) which may be sunk within the limits of the site in the course of construction period or maintenance of the works or otherwise deal with the same as the Owner may direct.

Until the plant be raised or removed, the Contractor shall set buoys and display at night such fights and do all such things for the safety of the navigation as may be required by the Owner or any other authority having jurisdiction in connection with the site.  In the event of the Contractor not carrying out the obligations imposed upon him by this clause, the Owner may buoy and fight such sunken plant and raise and remove the same (without any prejudice to the right to the Owner to hold the Contractor liable) and the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all costs incurred in connection therewith.

In the event any such plant being sunk outside the limits of the site the Contractor shall be subject to the powers of any authority having jurisdiction in respect thereto and shall be liable to pay all costs and expenses incurred with respect to buoying, fighting, raising and removal of such sunken plants, and claims arising as the consequence of the sinking of such equipment.

The Contractor shall take all reasonable measures to reduce the dispersal of the dredged materials during dredging operation.

The sequence of dredging shall be as indicated on the drawings or as directed by the Owner

Monitoring and control of the location shall be performed by the Contractor with an echo sounder depth meter, respectively.


Before the commencement of dredging and reclamation, the whole area to be dredged and reclaimed, together with any adjacent areas whose levels might be affected by the dredging and reclamation, is to be surveyed and sounded and plans and sections are to be drawn accordingly.

The survey work shall be done by the Contractor in the presence of the Owner in accordance with the detailed directions and requirements of the Owner.

The plans and sections shall, when finally and mutually agreed, be signed by the Owner and the Contractor as truly representing the configuration of the area at the commencement of dredging.

Contractor shall furnish, establish and maintain in good order range marks, stakes, gauges, sounding equipment, boats and buoys required for the proper execution of dredging.

The Contractor shall execute the dredging within the plan indicated on the drawing or as directed by the Owner, and ensure that no portion of the finished dredged work shall, at the time of acceptance be higher than the level or levels shown on the drawings or as directed by the Owner.

The tolerance allowable for the depth and side slopes for dredging is + 300 mm.

The Owner reserves the right to order levels and soundings to be taken any time as necessary for the proper supervision and measurements of the Work.

The limits, levels, soundings etc., of the area to be dredged shown on the drawings are for the purpose of guidance and assistance in estimating and no guarantee is given for their accuracy.

Before the Owner accepts that dredging works have been completed, the Contractor shall demonstrate by means of sounding, surveys and sweeping, that the works have been executed to the required lines, levels and slopes.

Such soundings, surveys and sweeps shall be carried out in the presence of the Owner.

Where areas are shown not to have been dredged to the required lines, levels and slopes, the Contractor shall return and remove all high spots or trim slopes to the satisfaction of the Owner.

At the conclusion of dredging, final surveys, levels, soundings, sweeps, plans and sections shall be made and the appropriate plans and sections shall after due agreement and signatures by the Owner and the Contractor, be deemed to represent the final configuration of the dredging for the specified area.


The depth of dredging shall be as specified on the drawings.

Attention shall be taken by the contractor any owner's installation or structure's location, and the contractor shall be responsible to protect them for the dredging.


If dredged materials required by the owner, the materials shall be stockpiled at the designated area as fill materials by the Contractor.  The dredged materials found suitable for fill as determined by the Owner may be directly placed in the fill area or may be stockpiled for future use.

Pipelines for the disposal of spoil shall be along a corridor approved by the Owner.


The Contractor shall be responsible for all inspection required by this specification.

The Owner may, during the course of work observe the various phase of the Work performed by contractor at the site.

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