This work consists of clearing, grubbing and stripping of areas where excavation, filling or back filling are to be done, surfaces of quarry sites, as well as stockpile and waste pile sites, as indicated on the approved drawings or as directed by the Owner, including transportation and disposal of the unsuitable and waste materials removed during the clearing, grubbing and stripping operations.


Clearing includes removal and disposal of trees and downed timber, brush, hedges, bushes and other vegetation or organic materials; and rubbish, debris or other foreign or objectionable materials at grade, except the removal of topsoil.

No trees shall be cut outside the clearing limits without the approval of the Owner and all trees designated by the Owner to be left intact shall be protected from damage by the Contractor's operation.


Grubbing includes removal and disposal of stumps, large roots, buried logs and other objectionable materials to 1000 mm below ground surface. Explosives may be used only if specifically approved by the Owner and their use shall conform to the regulations of authorities having jurisdiction.


Trees shall be felled in such manner as not to damage trees or other vegetation indicated to remain in place, damage existing structures and facilities, nor constitute a hazard to traffic or life.

In areas to be excavated or stripped the grubbing shall be performed as part of the excavation.


Stripping consists of removing of all rubbish, humus, vegetable matter and all or part of the organic topsoil in the respective areas, which can be removed by simple excavation methods and to a depth as directed by the Owner.  All borrow and quarry areas shall be stripped to a depth which allows for suitable construction materials to be produced.


The Contractor shall perform all work as specified in this section either manually or with mechanical equipment.  If the Contractor removes and wastes otherwise suitable material required for the works, the amount of suitable material removed shall be replaced by an equal quantity of approved material at Contractor's expense.

No grading and earth moving shall start in any area until clearing; grubbing and stripping have been completed for that area.
Burning of debris on the project site: If burning of debris is indicated or if is permitted by the Owner, the following requirements shall govern and shall be complied with.

Burn debris is only in areas indicated or areas designated by the Owner.

Prior to burning any material, secure approval and permits from and comply with the regulations of authorities having jurisdiction.

Neatly pile combustible materials and burn them when they are in a suitable condition.  Do piling in such manner as shall lessen fire risk.

Burn materials thoroughly and completely so that materials are reduced to ashes, with no charred pieces, such as charred logs, remaining.  Ashes and charcoal residue need not be removed.  Combustible materials difficult to burn, such as tree stumps and root clumps, may be buried below grade as directed by the Owner, with not less than 300 mm of earth cover over them and level with surrounding grade if grubbing is not required.  If grubbing is required, then unburnable materials shall be disposed off the project site.

Provide fire-fighting facilities, satisfactory to authorities having jurisdiction and to the Owner and maintain such facilities in first class operating condition during the course of burning operations.

All materials excavated during clearing, grubbing and stripping operations shall be wasted in disposal areas as directed by the Owner, except if designated for reuse.  Disposal areas shall be left with neat and acceptable appearance, graded surfaces and slopes assuring proper drainage.  Topsoil in the disposal area shall be spread and compaction shall be not less than six passes of bulldozer or 2 similar acceptable equipments.

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