The work specified in this section covers design and supply of all labor, materials, transportation, equipment and services, installation or construction and testing the following works as indicated in Book IIIA, Section 4.4.1 Technical Specification refers to "General Civil & Architectural Design Requirements".

Sewage and storm drainage work including but not limited to ditches, piping, manholes, culverts etc.

Duct work for electrical cables and pipes.
The requirements for the excavation and the concrete work are covered in Book IIIA, Technical Specifications refer to "Earth Works" and refers to "Concrete Work" respectively.

The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Book II refers to "Codes and Standards".
The Codes and Standards of the following organizations extracted form Book II refers to "Codes and Standards" are specifically applicable to the design of the work included in this Specification:

AASHTO                American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

ASTM                       American Society for Testing and Materials.

Concrete paved ditches shall be constructed according to the approved drawings and at the locations shown thereon, or as directed by the Owner. Construction of the paved ditches and cutoff wails shall be in conformance with lines, grades and dimensions designed by the Contractor and approved by the Owner. The concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 225 kg/cm2 conforming to the requirements of Technical Specification refers to "Concrete Work".

The cement and sand used shall meet the requirements as specified in Technical Specification refers to "Concrete Work".

Drainage culverts, storm sewers and paved ditches shall be one of the following type as specified, or as indicated on the approved drawings.

Storm sewer sections shall be rectangular concrete paved ditches with the minimum width of 30 cm.

Concrete paved ditches shall be constructed according to the details on the approved drawings and at the locations shown thereon, or as directed by the Owner. Construction of the paved ditches and cutoff walls shall be in conformance with lines, grades and dimensions shown on the approved drawings.


Pipe and Fittings              : Reinforced concrete, confirming to the applicable requirements of ASTM C76, Class IV or approved equal.

Size                              :       As indicated on the approved drawings

Markings                            :            Each length of pipe shall be clearly marked with name of manufacturer, location of plant where made, date of manufacture and pipe class.

Joints                          :       The Contractor shall provide all materials required to
                                              complete the work and shall install rubber gasket and joint material between the joints of concrete pipe sections in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Coating     :                         not required.

Concrete pipe shall not be backfield until inspected and approved by the Owner.

Culverts shall be reinforced concrete and if located under roads they shall be designed to withstand an HS20‑44 loading. Expansion joint shall be provided for the culverts having more than 15 m length and for expansion joints, the water stops as specified in Technical Specification refers to "Concrete Work" shall be used.

Construct manholes of precast concrete, complete with cast iron frames and covers, steps etc. herein specified.

Precast Concrete Manholes

Type: Precast reinforced concrete ring type with precast reinforced concrete base and rubber "O‑ring" or flat type rubber compression joints, conforming to applicable requirements of ASTM C478, "Specifications for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Risers and Top" and to requirements herein specified or approved equal.
Loading Design manholes for HS20‑44 truck loading.
Precast Elements

a.                Base closed end pipe type with bell end.
b.               Ring sections for walls: Provide in multiples of 200 mm in height, with tongue and groove joints as required by depth of each manhole. The wall thickness for rings shall be 100 mm for 900 mm diameter manholes, 125 mm for 1200 mm diameter manholes and 150 mm for 1800 mm diameter manholes.
c.                Top section shall be the eccentric cone type with a minimum wall thickness of 100 mm for 900 mm diameter manholes, 125 mm for 1200 mm diameter manholes and 150 mm for 1650 mm diameter manholes, or shall b6 the flat slab type not less than 200 mm thick, as required by manhole depth.
Arrange both types for use with a cast iron manhole frame and cover.
d.      The rings and top cone shall have precast openings for field installation of cast iron steps and for all required drainpipes entering manholes.

Joints: Rubber "O‑ring" of flat type rubber compression type, with manufacturer's standard rubber ring. Mortar joints may be used only per Owner's approval.

Frames, Covers and Steps
Cast iron as indicated on the approved drawings.
Coating: Coat uniformly with coal tar pitch varnish.
Type: As indicated on the approved drawings.
Installation of Manholes
Subgrade shall be level and free of projecting stones, rocks etc.
Place a layer of sand, not less than 100 mm thick, over the subgrade before installing the precast base. Exercise care in installing the base level with full bearing throughout on the sand cushion to insure that the completed catch manhole is plumb.
Install sections, using rubber rings, in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions, or as approved by the Owner.


All reinforced concrete ducts; tunnels and trenches shall be constructed in accordance with the approved drawings.

The ducts and trenches shall be poured in place reinforced concrete construction. All ducts and trenches shall be covered with removable trench covers. All trenches shall be drained. Pumps if required for draining, shall be automatic permanent type.

The covers shall be precast reinforced concrete and shall have a smooth and even upper surface, be square in shape, free from cracks and from damage to edges.

At all changes in direction, thrust blocks having a minimum volume of 0.20 m3 per pipe or larger as required by design shall be provided and shall be cast in situ, centered on the bisector of the bend angle.

Sectional steel for support of covers shall be embedded in concrete. It shall be thoroughly set in line and level and duly fixed to the form and/or maintained as to avoid any displacement during pouring. Tolerance of setting (distance between vertical flanges) shall be + 0.5 cm (5mm) and ‑ 0.00.

Draw pit shall be provided in duct not exceeding 8 m in length.

The ends of non-continuous cable or pipe ducts shall be temporarily sealed to prevent the ingress of backfill material.

In reinforced concrete cable ducts, the reinforcement shall be installed as not to form a closed loop around the ducts.

Individual reinforcement bars, which would form part of closed loop, shall be electrically insulated from each other in order to break the loop.

Tunnels shall be cast in place reinforced concrete completed with manholes, ladders, drain pits, automatic permanent pump and drainage ditch. Manholes shall be provided at every 100 m distance and at change of direction. Minimum height of tunnel shall be 1.75 m and minimum width shall be 2 m. Mechanical ventilation shall be provided in the cable tunnel.

Expansion joint shall be provided at every 50 m distance, at every junction and at charge of direction of ducts, tunnels and trenches.

Unless otherwise required, all steel embedded in concrete shall be galvanized.

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