This specification defines the minimum technical requirements for the supply of seamless line pipe.
The following are cited as reference documents to this specification.
         Basis of Design 84506-60-20-2L-060
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 - Definitions and Specification Directory
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality Control
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-020 – General Offshore Specification
         DNV OS-F101 : Submarine Pipeline Systems 2000
         API RP 5L 1 - Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of Linepipe
         API RP 5L W - Recommended Practice for Marine Transportation of Linepipe
         API RP 5L 6 - Recommended Practice for Transportation of Linepipe on
Inland Waterways.

1.2       Pipe furnished to this specification shall conform to the applicable portions of Section 6 of the latest edition of the DNV OS-F101 for Submarine Pipeline Systems.  The requirements contained in this specification are inclusive of Attachment A and the requirements specified in the contract documents including the minimum design temperature (Tmin). The latest edition of API Spec 5L shall be used, as a reference for requirements not covered by the DNV OS-F101 or this specification.  Manufacturer shall be licensed to use the API monogram.
1.3       The following supplementary requirements in DNV OS-F101 are required:
Supplementary Requirement, Fracture Arrest Properties (F)
Supplementary Requirements for Dimensions (D)
Supplementary Requirements for High Utilization (U)

1.4       COMPANY has the right to require an audit of the manufacturing facility to determine the current condition of the facility and to re-certify the facility as being capable of producing pipe to this specification.
1.5       COMPANY has the right to require pre-qualification of the manufacturing route proposed for the linepipe.
1.6       CONTRACTOR shall maintain an effective program for quality assurance and quality control, planned and developed in conjunction with all functions necessary to meet the requirements of this specification.  The requirement shall be met by the establishment and implementation of procedures presented to COMPANY. The program shall demonstrate both recognition of the quality requirements of the contract and an organized approach to satisfy these requirements. The program shall ensure that quality requirements are determined prior to commencement of the work and subsequently satisfied throughout all phases of production.
1.7       This specification requires the preparation and submittal of a complete and detailed Manufacturing Procedure Specification (MPS), which shall be submitted for COMPANY approval after contract award. MPS shall be approved based on MPQT success. The MPS will be qualified by performing Manufacturing Procedure Qualification Tests (MPQT) on joints selected during the first day’s production as detailed in this specification and Attachment A.



2.1       Linepipe shall be quenched and tempered seamless. The minimum tempering temperature shall be 932°F.  COMPANY shall approve manufacturing procedures and any subsequent modifications during production in writing, before start or modification of production.
2.2          Linepipe may be non-expanded, cold expanded or cold reduced at CONTRACTOR option. If pipe is cold expanded or cold reduced and/or end sized by means of cold deformation, the total maximum fibre strain due to the expansion or reduction or end sizing shall not exceed one point five percent (1.5%), and CONTRACTOR shall state minimum and maximum strain values proposed.  Cold straightening of pipe joints is not to induce a permanent strain exceeding 1%.



3.1       Linepipe shall be produced from steel made by a basic chemistry process and shall be fine grain and fully killed.  Rare earth additions to the steel shall not be permitted.
3.2       Chemical composition shall be controlled within more stringent limits than the maximum values given in table 3.1.  CONTRACTOR shall submit the target value and proposed range of each chemical element to COMPANY for approval.  Agreed target values and ranges shall be given in the approved manufacturing procedures.
3.3       Pipe steel shall conform to the chemical analysis requirements given in the following table.

table 3-1: CHEMICAL composition
Ladle % (1)
Check % (1)
Copper (5)
Niobium (2)
Vanadium (2)
Titanium (2)
Aluminum (4)
Nitrogen (4)
Chromium (5)
Nickel (5)
Molybdenum (7)
Boron (3)

1.    Maximum value except where range is indicated.
2.    If Nb, V, and Ti are employed in any combination, the combined total shall not exceed 0.12% as indicated by ladle analysis.
3.    Boron shall not be added intentionally.
4.    Minimum Al:N ratio shall be 2:1.
5.    The total percentage of chromium, nickel, and copper shall not exceed 0.60%
6.    The minimum carbon based on product analysis shall be 0.05%.

3.4       The maximum carbon equivalent, calculated by the following formula, shall not exceed the values specified in DNV OS-F101 for the appropriate steel grade as indicated by ladle analysis.

C.E. = C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cu 
                                           6              5                 15

For carbon less than or equal to 0.12 maximum, the Pcm shall not exceed
the values specified in DNV OS-F101 for the appropriate steel grade and wall thickness.

                        Pcm = C + V + Mo + Cr + Mn + Cu + Si + Ni + 5B
                                        10    15              20            30    60

3.5       Chemical Analysis: Each chemical analysis taken and reported shall include the percentage of each element specified or restricted by this specification.


4.1       All non-destructive testing (NDT) for inspection release of pipe shall be carried out after completion of heat treatment and cold straightening.
4.2       Each pipe joint shall be subject to the NDT in the following table as a minimum:                                        
table 4-1: TYPE and extent of non-destructive testing1,6
Scope of Testing
Extent of Testing
Laminar imperfections at pipe ends covering a circumferential band 50 mm wide
Laminar surface imperfections at end face/bevel
Imperfections in untested ends
Residual magnetism
Laminar imperfections in pipe body
Thickness testing
Longitudinal imperfections, pipe body
Transverse imperfections, pipe body
Longitudinal surface imperfections

Transverse surface imperfections
1.    All testing is to be performed in accordance with the requirements of Appendix D of the DNV Rules and the requirements in paragraphs 4.3 through 4.7 below.
2.    UT = Ultrasonic testing
      MT = Surface imperfection testing by Magnetic  Particle Techniques
3.    R = Random testing of approximately 5% of the pipes
4.    100/10% = 100% testing of the first 20 pipes manufactured, thereafter 10% of the remaining pipes
5.    EMI may be substituted for MT provided the untested areas are tested by MT.

The UT equipment and method shall be capable of detecting longitudinal, transverse and laminar defects.
Calibration shall be based on the requirements of DNV OS-F101 Appendix D and all International Standards as detailed therein.
Calibration shall be carried out dynamically at production speed.
During first day production tests, the CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate the effectiveness of the equipment to detect the inside notches, outside notches and holes. 

4.4       All non-destructive inspection equipment shall be calibrated and checked as per DNV OS-F101 and Section 4.3   to demonstrate effectiveness, calibration and operational procedure. The inspection equipment also shall be re calibrated and checked immediately following any equipment failure, equipment adjustment or start up. These equipment checks shall  be regularly scheduled in accordance with DNV OS-F101 and sufficient notice given so that company representative may witness equipment checks each time.

4.5       In all cases where grinding repairs are made as a result of imperfections disclosed by non-destructive testing, the pipe containing such repairs shall be given an additional non-destructive test after the grinding operation.  At the option of the CONTRACTOR, the entire length of pipe may be re-inspected by the method that originally revealed the flaw or the outside surface of the repaired area shall be re-inspected by magnetic particle testing and the inside surface by ultrasonic methods.

4.6       All non-destructive inspection procedures described herein shall be performed at the pipe mill, unless specific approval has been granted by COMPANY to perform the inspection at the facilities of a third-party inspection contractor.

4.7       The CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of COMPANY representative the effectiveness of all equipment and procedures during first-day production qualification.


5.1       Testing shall be carried out after heat treatment and cold straightening.  Mechanical properties required, and the tests to assess them, shall comply with the requirements of DNV OS-F101 with the additions/changes given in the following sections:

5.2       Testing may be carried out prior to hydrostatic pressure testing provided it can be demonstrated that there is no significant difference in mechanical properties in regard to before or after hydrostatic test.  This shall be demonstrated on one pipe.

5.3       The mechanical testing is to include the testing shown in Table 5-1.  The tests required for qualification of the MPS are denoted “Q” and the tests required for production testing are denoted “P”.  Additional qualification testing is also included in Attachment A.

table 5-1: SEAMLESS linepipe – mechanical testing1
Type of Test
Charpy V-notch
see Note 2
Charpy V-notch transition curve
Strain aging transition curve
Drop weight tear (if required)

1.    All testing is to be performed in accordance with the requirements of Appendix B
of the DNV OS-F101 as amended by paragraphs 5.3 through 5.4.
            2.   CTOD tests are not required unless ECA analysis is to be performed for installation purposes.
5.4       Charpy Impact Tests: Charpy impact tests shall be performed as per DNV OS-F101 Section 6 and DNV OS-F101 Appendix B. Specimens shall be tested at least 10° C below the minimum design temperature. The minimum design temperature shall consider the potential effects of blow down, gas filling and upset conditions.



6.1       Pipe joints shall be hydrotested in accordance with the DNV OS-F101 with the following additions:
         Test pressure shall be held for a least 10 seconds.
         Hydrostatic testing apparatus shall be equipped to provide test pressure and duration records for every pipe joint length, and shall be available for Company review.
         Each hydrostatic test failure or mechanical expansion failure shall be made known to Company.  All failed pipe joints shall be placed aside and shall be available for Company inspection.
         The hydrostatic test pressure shall be based on the hoop stress as required in Section 6, E1103 of DNV OS-F101 unless COMPANY permits the use of combined stresses.  The hoop stress as calculated in Section 6, E1103 shall in no case fall below 90% SMYS.


7.1       The following requirements shall supersede those in DNV OS-F101:
         If more than ten (10) percent of any day’s production fails to meet the requirements herein, COMPANY acceptance inspection shall cease and all continuing production shall be marked and set aside until CONTRACTOR ascertains and corrects the failure cause.
         Before resumption of COMPANY acceptance inspection, CONTRACTOR and COMPANY shall agree on any additional or increased CONTRACTOR inspection required to assure pipe joints accepted from the lot produced under upset conditions comply with minimum requirements herein.  CONTRACTOR inspection shall return to that specified in the manufacturing procedures, after correction of production difficulties and clearance of all pipe joints on hold.

7.2       If any test fails because of a machining or testing error verified by COMPANY, a single replacement test piece shall be cut from the original test ring, and the initial failure shall be ignored.  In all other instances, if any test fails, then two retest pieces shall be cut from that batch.  If either of these fails, the heat will be rejected.
7.3       If any heat is rejected because of failures in both original tests and permitted retests, CONTRACTOR may test individual pipe joints from that heat, and those pipe joints that pass shall be accepted.


8.1       Correction of defects shall comply with the DNV OS-F101.

8.2       Weld repairs are not permitted.


9.1       Pipe joint lengths shall be between 11.9 and 12.5 meters, with a minimum average of 12.2 meters.
9.2       The bevel angle shall be 30º  ± 2.5º.  The root face shall be 1/8-inch (3.2 mm) – 3/16-inch (4.8 mm) or to suit approved automatic welding process. Bidder may specify an alternate bevel angle compatible with the proposed welding scheme.
9.3       Dimensions and weights of pipe joints as well as extent of testing shall comply with DNV OS-F101 section 6 E 1200 and table 6-15.


10.1     Marking and coating shall comply with the requirements of API 5L and any instructions included in the Purchase Order.  The sequential pipe number shall be applied to the inside surface of the pipe near one end of the pipe joint, and other markings may be applied on the inside or outside of the pipe.  All markings shall be in English. 
10.2       For all pipes, bevels shall have hard stamp numbers to ensure traceability using a round soft-nosed die.


CONTRACTOR shall have as part of its usual business practice an established, routine, and documented quality control program.  This program shall be used to provide verifiable evidence that materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection and testing conform to the SPECIFICATIONS and requirements established in the Purchase Order.  This program shall ensure that all factors affecting reliability, safety and durability have been evaluated and properly tested and controlled.
         CONTRACTOR shall submit its quality control program for COMPANY review and approval.
         CONTRACTOR shall supply materials and pipe joints only from contractors or sub-contractors that have been approved by COMPANY.



12.1     CONTRACTOR shall maintain continuous supervision of its inspection procedures. CONTRACTOR shall allow adequate time on its schedule for final COMPANY approval of manufacturing and inspection procedures.
12.2     COMPANY will witness all first-day production tests.  COMPANY shall be permitted to witness all chemical testing, mechanical testing, equipment calibration, and steelmaking and to inspect all pipe joints.  Sufficient notice (at least 14 days) shall be given of the time at which the steel production and also pipe production will start.
12.3     COMPANY shall have free entry at all times to all parts of the CONTRACTOR’s works that will be concerned with the manufacture, testing, inspection, quality control and shipping of the pipe ordered.  This includes the steel mill and the pipe mill.  The CONTRACTOR shall make available to COMPANY, all reasonable facilities to inspect, measure and test the pipe in all stages of production.  For example, this includes ultrasonic equipment for wall thickness confirmation.
12.4     COMPANY shall have the option to examine all materials rejected for any reason.  COMPANY must be informed of any pipe fractures occurring during cold expansion or hydrostatic testing and of any test specimen failures.  All failed materials shall be retained until examined by COMPANY.
12.5     The CONTRACTOR shall allow COMPANY to inspect (at a frequency of 10% per quantity) each length of pipe after manufacture and testing is completed but prior to loading for shipment. COMPANY shall be provided with, by CONTRACTOR, a means for rotating the pipe and ample lighting to facilitate thorough visual inspection of both internal and external surfaces. COMPANY and the CONTRACTOR’s inspectors shall not inspect the pipe concurrently.
12.6     All pipe joints having repetitive imperfections must be segregated and COMPANY informed of the extent and cause of the imperfections.  The CONTRACTOR shall inform COMPANY of actions taken to prevent the imperfections.
12.7     COMPANY shall be given the opportunity to witness the calibration of each piece of NDT equipment each time that it is calibrated or re-calibrated.
12.8     After production has commenced on the Order, CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of any changes in production schedules.
12.9       COMPANY shall operate independently of CONTRACTOR inspectors.



13.1     CONTRACTOR shall submit to Company for approval, procedures for handling, stacking during storage, and stacking and securing pipe for shipment. 
13.2     All handling, loading and unloading shall be performed in such a manner as to avoid mechanical damage and corrosion, using slings or pipe-shaped padded hooks with a spreader bar attached.
13.3     Rail cars, trucks, lighters, ships or other conveyances shall be cleaned of debris or any substance that might damage the pipe prior to loading.
13.4     Suitable timber and other dunnage shall be used to protect the pipe against damage in transit.
13.5     Loading onto or into rail cars, trucks, lighters, ships or other conveyances shall be performed in accordance with Project Specification 84506-60-30-2L-270 and API 5L1 or API 5LW as appropriate.
13.6     No on-deck overseas shipment is allowed without prior written approval by Company.
13.7     Finished pipe shall be stored at the mill or marshalling yard in a manner to prevent damage and excessive corrosion of the pipe.
13.8     Pipe shall not rest on projections that could result in point stress or be allowed to rub on an adjacent object.
13.9     Bevel protectors shall be provided for all pipe ends.



All records indicated herein shall be fully identified with the specific materials they represent.  Records shall be available for COMPANY examination at the time and place of inspection, whether at the point of manufacture or other CONTRACTOR locations. CONTRACTOR shall keep these records for three years after pipe joints have been shipped:

         Certificates of Compliance of required nondestructive testing.
         All NDE reports records and charts for review by COMPANY or third party inspectors.
         Pyrometer charts or other detailed records for all heat treatment performed, such as postweld, normalizing, and heating for forming.
         Charts or other records of required hydrostatic, pneumatic and other tests.  Test logs shall include test data, testing fluid, test duration, test fluid temperature, test pressure, a description of the item tested, a traceable identifying number such as a shop order number, and the signature of CONTRACTOR shop inspector witnessing the test.



All documentation shall be compiled into a data book. CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval, all documentation produced during the WORK as required by the DNV OS-F101, including but not limited to the following:

a.)    Q.C. Procedures
b.)    Ladle Analysis (each heat)
c.)    Product Check Analysis (each heat)
d.)    Results of Manufacturing Procedure Qualification
e.)    Certified Examination Reports
f.)     Certified Mechanical Test Reports
g.)    Mill Certificates
h.)    Special Tests Results required by this Specification
i.)      Storage Procedures
j.)      Release Certificates

All certificates shall be in the English language, use metric units of measure and shall be visibly signed by both CONTRACTOR and COMPANY.
All data shall be provided in hard copy and in electronic format.

Attachment A
A.1       GENERAL
Pipe joint production procedures shall be qualified by actual testing. CONTRACTOR shall submit written procedure, for COMPANY review and approval, with bid.
CONTRACTOR written procedures shall contain the following minimum information:
A.2.1    Steel maker and steel making processes, including selection and percent of scrap and details of hot metal treatment secondary refining techniques, ladle treatments, degassing, casting techniques and equipment used for continuous casting, if applicable.
Amount of slab or round removed from front and end of pour, method of taking ladle analysis, procedures for sulfur prints or macros of slab, scarfing practice.
A.2.2    Chemical Composition and Target Chemistry
A.2.3    Details of pipe making and sizing.
A.2.4    Details of heat treatment including:
         Austenizing temperature with tolerances
         Maximum and minimum time at austenizing temperature
         Details of quenching including water flow and water temperature control
         Tempering temperature with tolerances
         Maximum and minimum time at tempering temperature
         Methods used to minimize distortion

A.2.5    Details of cold straightening and cold sizing including maximum cold strain.
A.2.6    CONTRACTOR shall supply data on pipe joints with a similar chemistry and manufacturing process, which shows adequate field weldability to COMPANY.  Without such data, or as directed by COMPANY, CONTRACTOR shall conduct field weldability trials with COMPANY approved manual (stick) and semi-automatic / automatic (GMAW) welding procedures.
A.2.7    Pipe joint hydrotest and NDT procedures.
A.2.8    Essential variables for each manufacturing step are to be established.  The following changes in the manufacturing processes for linepipe will require re-qualification of the MPS.
         Any change in raw material scrap content, when relevant, above that qualified.
         Any changes in steelmaking process, alloying practice, rolling or working condition and heat treatment.
         Increase in ladle analysis of 0.02%C or 0.03 in Pcm values above that qualified.
         Any change in pipe forming process.
         Any change in final heat treatment condition.
         Any change in method for cold expansion/reduction and any increase in cold expansion/sizing/finishing from that used during qualification.

A.3       Manufacturing Procedure Qualification Test
On the first day of production, COMPANY shall randomly select three (3) pipe joints for examination and testing in accordance with the requirements of the DNV-OS-F101 and the following:
A.3.1    Each test pipe joint shall be examined visually on both surfaces for compliance with the quality requirements of this specification.
A.3.2    All of the inspection, measurement, testing and NDT requirements for production pipe contained in the main body of the specifications shall be performed on each test pipe joint.
A.3.3    CTOD Testing
CTOD testing shall be conducted in accordance with BS 7448 and Appendix B of the DNV Rules.  CTOD testing shall be performed on the base metal from each of the test pipe joints.  All values shall be greater than 0.15 mm.  Values obtained shall be submitted to Company.
A3.4     Strain Aging Test
Strain aging testing shall be performed in accordance with DNV OS-F101 Appendix B and Section 6, D200.
A3.5     Charpy V-notch transition curve
Charpy V-notch energy and shear area curves are to be established in accordance with DNV OS-F101 Appendix B and Section 6, D200.
A3.6     Weldability Test
Four, full-length pipe joints shall be selected from the first day’s production for weldability testing to be conducted by the installation contractor.  These joints shall receive all of the inspections and testing and acceptance required of production pipe joints.  The joints shall be shipped as directed in the Purchase Order.
A.3.7    For procedure approval, the results of all the above tests shall comply with the minimum requirements of this specification.

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