This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) during pipeline installation.  This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:
Note: This specification does not cover AUT of girth welds. Specific requirements for AUT of girth welds are given in 84506-60-30-2L-440
         Basis of Design 84506-60-00-2L-060
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000- Definitions and Specification Directory
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010- Quality Assurance / Quality Control
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-020 – General Offshore Specification
         DNV OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline System (2000)


2.1         Contractor shall propose procedures and methods of NDT with due regard to the conditions influencing the sensitivity of the methods. (Ref DNV OS-F101 App D A300 ,A400)

2.2         Contractor shall provide third party inspection services responsible for acceptance or rejection of all installation welding. NDT of all installation welding shall be carried out to the requirements of DNV OS F101 Section 9 A800 and App D.

2.3       CONTRACTOR shall provide an exclusive workstation when on the laybarge for NDT inspection of welds.  More than one form of NDT may be used.
2.4       Third party NDT services shall include, but not limited to Visual Inspection (VI), internal panoramic X-ray crawlers, external X-ray, Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Dye Penetrant Inspection (DPI), and Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) including all equipment, and a comprehensive spare parts inventory.
2.5       Third party NDT services shall provide all the required personnel for 24-hour per day inspection on offshore pipelay spreads.
2.6         For radiographic inspection, CONTRACTOR shall furnish automatic film processing equipment to produce dry film for site interpretation.  COMPANY may also review the radiographic inspection films of the pipe welds.  If CONTRACTOR proposes a manual film processing technique, in the event of automatic film processing failure, the manual technique must be qualified prior to production.
2.7         Whenever acceptance criteria for NDT are established by Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA), the nondestructive testing method shall be by automatic ultrasonic testing (AUT) in compliance with DNV OS-F101 and Company Specification for Pipeline Automated Ultrasonic Weld NDT, 84506-60-30-2L-440.
2.8         Whenever Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) is employed and radiography is the primary NDT method, a percentage of welds shall also be subject to ultrasonic testing.  As a minimum the inspection frequency shall be 100 percent of the first 25 welds of each pipeline and 100 percent of one out of every 20 welds thereafter.  If a defect is detected by UT and missed by RT, UT shall be conducted on the next consecutive five (5) welds.



3.1       All NDT personnel shall be qualified to a minimum Level II proficiency in accordance with DNV OS-F101, Appendix D, Section A600. Qualification papers on each individual shall be submitted to COMPANY, for approval before the start of welding.
3.2       In addition to the general requirements, only Level II or higher technicians shall interpret radiographs, and if requested by COMPANY shall be required to pass a film interpretation test on pipeline radiography.






All procedures used by CONTRACTOR for NDT and inspection of welding shall equal or exceed those recommended in DNV OS-F101, Appendix D, which shall be the governing standard except where more stringent requirements are called for by this specification.  All procedures shall be submitted for COMPANY approval 60 days prior to mobilisation and be qualified at least 30 days prior to mobilisation.

4.1       Approval of intensifying screens shall be subject to satisfactory radiographic qualification.
4.2       With X-ray radiography, the film shall be fine grain, high contrast direct type and preferably be used with lead screens.
4.3       CONTRACTOR shall store all unexposed film in a clean and dry place where surrounding conditions will not deteriorate the emulsion. If unexposed film condition is questionable, sheets from the front and back of each package, or a length equal to the circumference of each original roll, shall be processed in the normal manner without exposure to light or radiation.  If processed film shows fog, the entire package or roll from which the test film was removed shall be discarded unless CONTRACTOR takes additional test film that proves the remaining film in the package or roll is free from pre-exposed fog.
4.4       ISO wire penetrameters shall be used with penetrameter placement in accordance with DNV OS-F101, Appendix D, Section B200.
4.5       For double wall single view radiography, at least four exposures separated by ninety degrees (90o) shall be made for the radiographic inspection of a complete weld.
4.6       A number belt with numbers at 1-cm intervals shall be used to assure complete coverage.

4.7       The following equipment shall be in the viewing area:
         Densitometer with certified density strip
         Film viewer capable of exposing densities up to 4.0 H&D
         Magnifying glass (x 10 magnification)
         Applicable code(s) for inspecting the work

4.8       All relevant job radiographs and reports shall be identified, filed and indexed in compliance with a written procedure and stored in a lockable, fire resistant cabinet or room.


5.1       Exposed radiographs are to have an average H&D density at the sound weld metal image of minimum 2,0.The maximum density allowed is to be not more than 3,5
5.2       All films shall be interpreted by CONTRACTOR appointed Level III or Level II radiographers to the acceptance criteria in DNV OS-F101, Appendix D, Section H, immediately after developing of each film is completed, and with the aid of a high intensity viewing screen light.  All defects not meeting or questionably meeting standards of acceptability shall be recorded and promptly brought to COMPANY attention by the radiographer.  Acceptance or rejection of any defective weld shall initially be made by CONTRACTOR’s appointed person.
5.3       COMPANY shall specify approve the film identification system, prior to mobilization.
5.4       CONTRACTOR shall furnish COMPANY a daily written record of inspected welds, at the end of each day.  The record shall include:
         Number of welds inspected, whether or not welds meet specified acceptance standards.
         Number and approximate location of unacceptable defects observed.
         Start and finish times for each joint.

5.5       All film shall be capable of maintaining their quality as per requirements of DNV OS-F101, Appendix D, Section B210.
5.6         All radiographs produced or digitally copped in an approved manner shall be delivered to COMPANY at the end of job, and shall become COMPANY property.
All NDT reports shall be submitted to the company in both hard copy and electronic format.


Welds shall meet the requirements of DNV OS-F101, Appendix D, Section H.  COMPANY shall approve all examination results, and in the event of difference in opinion regarding weld acceptability, COMPANY decision shall be binding and final.
6.1       Repair or Removal of Welding Defects: COMPANY shall approve weld repair procedures.  No weld shall be repaired without prior COMPANY approval and then only as directed by COMPANY.  Repaired welds shall be subject to the same testing and inspection requirements as the original weld.
6.2       Examination: All production welds shall be visually inspected by CONTRACTOR, and by COMPANY as required, and shall meet the requirements of DNV OS-F101, Appendix D, Table D-3 and requirements of 84506-60-30-2L-330.
6.3       All pipeline welds shall be subjected to one hundred percent (100%) NDT examination.  COMPANY shall approve examination results.
6.4       COMPANY may review radiographic films of pipeline welds.  COMPANY shall reject any weld which, in its opinion, does not satisfy the criteria of acceptability defined herein, or lacks proper workmanship.
6.5       COMPANY reserves the right to examine request further NDT of any weld by RT,UT, DPI or MPI techniques where radiographic original examination results are deemed suspect.  COMPANY may require additional UT weld inspection to define weld defect height.  Equipment calibration, operator qualifications, and definition of acceptability shall be referenced to the DNV OS-F101, Appendix D.
6.6       Inspection of Weld Repairs: Repaired welds, made by grinding and welding, shall be subject to visual and non-destructive examination, in strict accordance with the preceding Sections.
6.7       CONTRACTOR shall re-NDT all weld repairs, and the examination shall cover the repair area and a minimum additional 50-mm each end of the repair area.
6.8         Additional UT and / or MPI may be required, when radiographic examination results are suspect and / or to determine defect depth and size.


6.9       Records of non-destructive testing, including X-ray film, shall be filed to comply with sequential weld completion, and shall be available for COMPANY review upon request during construction. Upon Work completion, CONTRACTOR shall submit all records to COMPANY for permanent retention, as specified in the Contract Documents.  All records shall be clearly identified and traceable to the physical weld.

            All data records will be supplied in a hard copy and electronic format


CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for safety concerns associated with radioactive materials or methods used for weld inspection.  CONTRACTOR radiographers assigned to each field unit shall protect and monitor each person working with, or in the vicinity of, the radiation source.  Protection and monitoring shall be in compliance with the rules and regulations set forth by the AUTHORITIES.  Each radiographer shall have a film badge and / or pocket ionization chamber, with all inspection equipment retained by CONTRACTOR and made available to COMPANY upon request.
7.1       CONTRACTOR shall familiarize itself and its workforce, and shall comply with the rules and regulations of the AUTHORITIES having jurisdiction over the handling, storage and use of radioactive materials.  This shall include safety of its personnel and the public, posting of required notices in radioactive areas and any other condition arising from CONTRACTOR handling and / or use of radioactive materials.
CONTRACTOR shall collect, store, transport and dispose of all used developing chemicals so as to avoid release to the environment.

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