1.         GENERAL

This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing qualification of weld procedures and welders, and for field production welding procedures for offshore pipelines and piping components.  This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:
            Basis of Design 84506-60-00-2L-060
            General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 - Definitions and Specification Directory
            General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality Control
            General Specification 84506-60-00-2L020 - General Offshore Specification
            DNV-OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems, 2000


2.1     Welding and weld inspection shall meet the requirements of Articles A700 A800 and A900 of Section 9 and Appendix C of the DNV-OS-F101 with exceptions, additions and clarifications noted herein.
2.2     All production welding of linepipe or piping components shall be performed in accordance with welding procedures submitted by CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY prior to installation.
2.3     Approved Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS), together with welder qualification tests results, shall be on file at the SITE and shall be made available at all times to welders, COMPANY and CONTRACTOR inspectors.  Any welds not performed by qualified welders and in accordance with approved welding procedures shall be rejected.


CONTRACTOR shall furnish all welding equipment, accessories and supplies.  Arc welding machines, ammeters, voltmeters, cable, electrode holders, wire brushes, and other accessories shall be of a type, quality, and condition satisfactory to COMPANY.  All welding equipment used for the WORK shall be identical to that used to qualify welding procedures. Welders and welder helpers shall wear CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY approved safety equipment during welding work in accordance with CONTRACTORS Safety Policy / Procedure and the requirements of DNV-OS-F101.



4.1       CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval manufacturer’s data for all welding consumables, including manufacturer’s recommended welding parameters, storage and handling procedures.
4.2       All welding consumables shall conform to DNV-OS-F101, Appendix C, Article C, and shall be suitable for the intended application.
4.3         CONTRACTOR shall provide manufacturer’s test certificates for each production batch or lot of welding consumables used in production.


5.1       Welding consumables are to be treated with care to avoid contamination, deterioration or moisture pick-up.  All consumables are to be stored according to manufacturer’s recommended conditions prior to use and in accordance with DNV-OS-F101 C500.
5.2       All coated manual welding electrodes received in hermetically sealed containers shall be stored and handled in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Electrodes that have become wet have cracked or spalled coatings, or show any sign of damage or deterioration, in COMPANY opinion, shall not be used and shall be promptly removed from the SITE.


6.1       CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval, all proposed Welding Procedure Specifications and weld repair procedures detailed according to Appendix C, Article D and E of the DNV-OS-F101 (as applicable). Manufacturer’s nomenclature as well as AWS identification shall identify welding consumables.
6.2       Weld procedure qualification(s) are to be carried out with identical equipment as that to be used during installation.  Tests shall be performed in a place designated by CONTRACTOR and agreed by COMPANY and shall be conducted under typical installation conditions.
6.3       All welding procedures shall be qualified according to Appendix C, Article D and E of the DNV-OS-F101 and the additional requirements of this specification.
6.4       Test welds for the proposed welding qualification procedures shall be witnessed by COMPANY.
6.5       Qualification tests shall be made prior to mobilization offshore to ensure that tests, and re-tests if required, are satisfactorily completed without impacting the project schedule.
6.6       When manual welding is to be used, one complete test joint shall be made.  For automatic welding equipment, three consecutive complete test joints shall be made.  Each test joint shall be subject to and must pass visual examination and non-destructive examination.  One shall be selected for mechanical tests.
6.7       Charpy impact tests shall be carried out according to DNV-OS-F101, Appendix C, Table C-4 and Section F309. The min design temperature shall consider the potential effects of blowdown, gas filling or upset conditions.
6.8         Two transverse macro-cross sections shall be taken, to examine the weld and adjacent parent metal, and to perform Vickers (HV10) hardness tests according to DNV-OS-F101, Appendix C, Section F311 to 313. The maximum hardness shall be 270 HV10
6.9         Crack Tip Opening Displacement Tests (CTOD) shall be conducted for each qualified welding procedure.  Four sets of three samples each shall be removed from qualification weld and tested according to BS 7448, part 1, at the minimum design temperature Sample size shall be BX2B.
One set shall be notched through the weld metal center.  The other three sets shall be notched in the weld heat affected zone in three locations: at the intersection of the fusion line at 1/4t, the fusion line at mid-wall and the fusion line at 3/4t. Figure C-1 of DNV-OS-F101 shows these notch locations.  CTOD values shall be reported on the procedure qualification record.


7.1       Before starting production welding, all welders shall be qualified in accordance with approved welding procedures, for the process, position, and welding direction to be used.  Welders shall make a test weld and satisfy applicable requirements of the DNV-OS-F101, Appendix C, Article B.
7.2         Qualification tests shall be carried out with identical equipment to that used during production welding, and normally where production welding is to take place, i.e. work shop, yard, vessel.  Test welds are to be carried out by two welders per joint in accordance with the qualified weld procedure(s).  Welders shall be qualified based on test results from their respective weld sections, and at CONTRACTOR expense. Testing shall be in accordance with DNV-OS-F101, Appendix C Article B
7.3         Should CONTRACTOR employ welder(s) who have qualified to any COMPANY approved existing welding procedure(s) (see Section 2.2 above), within the previous six months, CONTRACTOR may submit such welder qualification(s) for COMPANY review. COMPANY, at its sole discretion, may accept some or all such existing welder qualification(s) in place of requiring new welder qualification(S).
7.4       Welder qualification reports for each procedure a welder qualifies to shall include all data shown in the DNV-OS-F101, plus procedure identification.  These reports shall be submitted for COMPANY approval.


8.2       When tack welds are necessary for alignment, these shall be made in the weld groove, using a qualified welding procedure.  Defective tack welds are to be completely removed.
8.3       Welding repairs shall not be allowed on the pipe end bevel.  If the defect cannot be ground out within the limits specified, a new bevel shall be cut.
8.4       Pipe ends shall be cleaned by power driven wire brushes and / or grinders to the base metal, for a minimum 25mm from the prepared edge, on both the pipe inside and outside.
8.5         Whenever ultrasonic testing is used for examination of girth welds, the cut pipe ends shall have a minimum 50mm wide band 100% inspected for laminations. Any laminations that would interfere with the UT inspection of the weld shall be removed by cutting back the end of the pipe to remove the lamination and pipe ends re-inspected in accordance with the original requirements.


9.1         Grounding methods and equipment shall be used in a manner to prevent arc burns to pipe surfaces outside the weld bevel.  Electrode holders shall be fully insulated types, to minimize risks of accidental stray arcs. Arcs shall only be struck on the weld fusion faces.
9.2       Arc burns outside the fusion faces caused by carelessness, poor workmanship, poor ground connections and faulty equipment shall be cut out by CONTRACTOR.  CONTRACTOR shall remove the entire pipe cylinder affected by an arc burn, prepare two new bevels, and make a new weld to join unaffected pipe sections.
9.3       COMPANY may under certain circumstances, and without setting a precedent, allow CONTRACTOR to repair an arc burn, should all the following conditions be met:
                     CONTRACTOR shall completely remove the arc burn by grinding, and smoothly transition the ground area to adjoining unaffected pipe wall, leaving no stress risers.  CONTRACTOR shall check arc burn removal by etching with a twenty percent (20%) solution of ammonium persulfate.
                     CONTRACTOR shall prove, to COMPANY satisfaction, the absence of surface cracking or defects, using COMPANY-approved Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI).  MPI shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's procedures.  Any further surface cracking or defects found shall be removed by grinding and checked by MPI, until there are no surface cracks or defects.
                     CONTRACTOR shall determine minimum remaining pipe wall in the repaired area, using Ultrasonic Testing (UT) techniques in accordance with the manufactures procedures, and following equipment calibration with a calibration plate of appropriate thickness. The repair can be accepted if the remaining wall thickness is within the specified pipe wall tolerance



10.1    Each root bead welder shall place his unique identification number on the upper half of the anti-corrosion or weight coating, immediately adjacent to his weld.  All other welders shall write their identification unique numbers beneath those markings with a weatherproof crayon, or other COMPANY approved material which shall not be detrimental to the coating or the pipe.
10.2    No welder shall change his unique identification number under any circumstances, for the entire construction period.  Should a welder be terminated from the Work, no other welder shall use his identification number.


11.1    Production welding shall be in accordance with Article G of Appendix C of the DNV-OS-F101 and the following requirements.  No welding shall be performed when surfaces are wet, when rain is falling on surfaces to be welded or during high winds, unless the welders and the work are properly protected.  Unacceptable weather conditions shall be determined at COMPANY discretion.
11.2      Where pre- or post-weld heat treatment is required for approved welding procedures, no production welds shall be accepted unless both temperature level and heat treatment duration is maintained within procedure qualification test parameters.  Pre- or post-weld heat treatment shall be monitored by thermocouples, "Tempilsticks", or other COMPANY approved devices.
11.3      Tack welds incorporated in the final weld shall be thoroughly cleaned of scale and prepared by grinding each end to ensure complete root continuity.  All tack welds shall be made in accordance with approved welding procedure. Minimum tack weld length shall be 75 mm.
11.4    For any SMAW welding, hot passes shall be started within 5 minutes of root bead completion.  Should CONTRACTOR fail to start the hot pass within 5 minutes of completing the root bead, the weld shall be cut out.
11.5    Each weld pass shall be cleaned to remove any remaining slag or flux, using power brushes and grinders where feasible, before a further pass is applied.
11.6    While making a weld, visible welding defects, such as cracks and cavities, shall be completely removed, with particular attention paid to cleanliness of the junctions between weld metal and fusion faces, before deposition of further weld metal.
11.7    Surface porosity clusters, stops, starts and high points shall be removed by grinding as allowed by applicable standards.
11.8    Completed welds shall meet requirements of the DNV-OS-F101, except that the weld reinforcement height shall not be less than 0.8 mm nor more than 1.6 mm above the pipe surface, and shall tie-in at least 1.6 mm of parent metal on each side of the bevel.
11.9    If the pipeline must be laid down on the sea floor during offshore pipelay, all weld passes including the capping pass shall be completed.  Should welding be stopped without abandoning the pipeline, weld passes shall be added to all welds that have been started until fifty percent (50%) of the weld has been completed.
11.10  Prior to restarting after interruptions, all incomplete welds shall be subjected to MPI and preheated to the minimum preheat temperature specified in the approved WPS. Welds that do not meet the above criteria shall be cut out.
11.11   Shielding shall be provided as required to prevent damage to pipe coating from   weld spatter

12.1    All completed production welds shall be thoroughly cleaned by power wire brushes   or grinders, prior to visual weld examination and shall meet the requirements of the DNV  Rules, Article A800 of Section 9 and Appendix D.

13.1    Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) applied to complete pipeline welds shall comply with Project Specification for Pipeline NDT (84506-60-30-2L-340).


14.1      CONTRACTOR shall quality weld repair procedures for COMPANY approval prior to construction. No weld shall be repaired without prior COMPANY approval, and then only as directed by COMPANY and in accordance with COMPANY approved weld repair procedures.

14.2      Only low hydrogen welding processes shall be used for repairs.

14.3    Weld repair procedures are to be prepared and shall contain the following information in addition to the requirements of the DNV-OS-F101, Appendix C, Article G.
      Defect removal method
      Preparation of repair area
      Details of low hydrogen electrodes proposed
      Non-Destructive Testing (to confirm defect removal)
      Permissible minimum and maximum weld repair sizes (repair cavity shall be in accordance with DNV-OS-F101, Appendix C, Article G300)
      Back welding shall be considered a repair and procedures for back welding shall be submitted to COMPANY as approved and qualified before use.

14.4      If the repair station is aft of lay vessel tensioners, CONTRACTOR shall define by fracture analysis, the maximum cut-out lengths permissible in accordance with DNV-os-F101, at all positions around the pipe for depth of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% wall thickness.
14.5      Repair test welds are to be made in the overhead through vertical position, using sections of pipe chosen at random from the purchased linepipe
14.6      Test specimens removed from repair qualification welds shall be tested in accordance with the DNV-OS-F101. The tests shall include one tensile, one nick break, two side bends, one set of CVN impact tests (taken through the weld deposit), and one macro section with HV-10 hardness test. The tests shall comply with the requirements specified for the original welds.
14.7      Repair welds shall be made by welder(s) qualified to approved weld repair procedures.
14.8    Defects shall be removed by grinding or arc-air gouging a gradually tapered cut from below the defect to the weld metal surface at both the ends and sides.  Cut width and profile shall allow adequate access for welding electrodes.  Before starting repair welds, COMPANY shall be satisfied the defect is removed and the gouge shape is acceptable.
14.9   Grinding shall be performed after any arc air gouging to remove any carbon pick-up.
14.10 CONTRACTOR shall inspect the repair groove by approved non-destructive testing methods after defect removal, to ensure defect(s) are completely removed.
14.11 COMPANY shall allow only one repair of each defect, and repaired welds shall be subject to the same testing, inspection and acceptance criteria as original welds.  Weld repairs shall be re inspected using the same methods (as a minimum) by CONTRACTOR, covering the repaired area and an additional 50 mm length at each end of the repair area.
14.12 Second repairs of root flaws (repair of a failed repair) are not permitted, and CONTRACTOR shall cut out the weld.  However, should the second radiograph clearly show an unchanged defect that was missed completely during the repair attempt, COMPANY may allow a second repair attempt on that defect, at COMPANY sole discretion, and without setting a precedent.
14.13  Since radiographic examination methods shows defects in only two (2)   dimensions, COMPANY may reject welds if in the opinion of COMPANY, the defect depth affects the weld strength, regardless of the fact that these welds meet the standards of inspection.
14.14 Should two or more welders make a defective weld, CONTRACTOR welding foremen and COMPANY shall decide which welder is responsible for the defective work.  CONTRACTOR shall remove from the job any welder, who, in COMPANY judgment, is responsible for an excessive number of defective welds, even though the welder has satisfactorily passed the qualifying tests.
14.15 Preheat temperature for repair welding shall be specified (min 50*C above normal production welding) by the CONTRACTOR in the proposed welding procedures.
14.16   All repairs shall be fully monitored at each stage by QC and recorded on comprehensive welding inspection check sheets.
14.17   A complete repair matrix shall be prepared by the CONTRACTOR with all weld repair information, including but not limited to Barge lay tensions, defect size and defect orientation.

15.1    Pipe end defects shall be repaired in accordance with Project Specification for Seamless Linepipe (84506-60-30-2L-210).

16.1    Quality Control System
The CONTRACTOR shall have a quality control system and quality control manual covering all construction activities.  Controlled copies of the quality control manual shall be available for COMPANY approval and for monitoring of all construction activities.

16.2    Material and NDT Traceability
The CONTRACTOR shall establish a procedure to document and provide complete traceability of all primary materials to their original mill certifications.  The procedure shall identify methods for maintaining the identity of material from manufacturing stages through transport, receipt, storage, and final component fabrication.  A system shall be employed for linking unique inspection records, weld numbers, and welder identification.
16.3    Quality Control Procedures
The CONTRACTOR shall establish detailed procedures for control of welding quality.  The procedures shall be submitted for review and approved by the COMPANY before starting fabrication:
a)          Welding and weld repair
b)          Storage, control, and identification of welding  
c)          Welder qualification records
d)          Inspection / NDT
e)          Post weld heat treatment, if required
f)           Monitoring the progress and quality of welding including
g)          Material and NDT traceability


17.       RECORDS

17.1    Records of non-destructive testing, including X-ray film, shall be filed to comply with sequential weld completion, and shall be available for COMPANY review upon request during construction.  Upon Work completion, CONTRACTOR shall submit all records to COMPANY for permanent retention, as specified in the Contract Documents.  All records shall be clearly identified and traceable to the physical weld.
All data records shall be supplied in a hard copy and electronic format.

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