This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing design, manufacturing and supply of pipeline flanges and flange fixtures used with offshore pipelines.  This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:
·         Basis of Design 84506-60-00-2L-060
·         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 Definitions and Specification Directory
·         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 Quality Assurance / Quality Control


The design and manufacture of the flanges shall be in accordance with
ANSI B1.1        :     Unified Inch Screw Threads
ANSI B16.5      :     Pipe flanges and flange fittings
ANSI B18.22.1 :     Plain Washers
MSS-SP-44      :     Steel pipeline flanges
ANSI B16.20    :     Ring-joint gasket and grooves for steel pipe flanges
ASTM A-193    :     Alloy-steel and stainless steel bolting materials for high-  temperature services
ASTM A-194    :     Carbon and alloy steel nuts for bolts for high-pressure and high               temperature service
ASTM A-388    :     Standard practice for liquid penetrant inspection method.
DNV OS–F101      :  Submarine Pipeline Systems 2000.
MSS-SP-75      :     Specification for high test wrought butt welding fittings
API 1104           :     Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities
Flanges made to this specification shall be ANSI Class.


3.1       Weld neck flanges and blind flanges shall be in accordance with the following:
            ANSI B16.5 for flanges, NPS 2” to NPS 24” except NPS 22”
            NPS 22 will be designed by the supplier and approved by a certifying agency.

3.2       CONTRACTOR shall design swivel ring flanges to meet the requirements of MSS-SP-44.  CONTRACTOR shall provide fully dimensioned drawings, calculations etc. to COMPANY, for approval, prior to fabricating any swivel ring flange.
3.3       Misalignment flange assemblies shall be capable of connecting to an RTJ weld neck flange on one end and to linepipe with a butt welded connection on the other end. The misalignment flange assembly shall be of equivalent dimensions to the connecting flange.
3.4       Flanges for tree tie-in spools shall be designed and manufactured to provide the capability of performing an annulus test on the completed flanged joint, such that the leak tight integrity of the joint can be demonstrated by an external pressure testing procedure.
3.5       Prior to manufacture, CONTRACTOR shall submit for approval by COMPANY detailed drawings, design calculations, detailed manufacturing procedure in proper sequence and non-destructive testing procedures.
3.6       Test specimens shall be full size and the test temperature shall be -10oC for Export Pipeline Flanges and -39oC for Infield Flowline Flanges.  The Charpy values for all flanges shall be compatible with the grade of linepipe material to which they will be used. Charpy V-notch values shall be in accordance with the minimum mean values and single specimen values given in Table 6-3 of Section 6 of DNV OS–F101.


4.1       Flanges shall be forged from wrought billets only, and shall not be forged directly from cast ingots, using steel manufactured by a basic oxygen or electric arc furnace.  All such steel shall be fully killed and shall be made to a fine grain melting practice that produces a prior austenitic grain size of 5 or finer.  Heat analyses shall be performed on each cast of steel, and results shall be included in the mill certificates.  Maximum carbon equivalent value (CEV) shall not exceed 0.42 for X52 seamless linepipe and 0.46 for X60 seamless linepipe.  CEV shall be subject to COMPANY approval and shall be computed by the following formula:
CEV = C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Cu + Ni
                   6               5               15
4.2       Material shall conform to the chemical analysis requirements of DnV OS-F101. All compositions shall be subject to COMPANY approval.
4.3       Chemical composition shall be controlled within more stringent limits than the maximum values given in DnV OS-F101.  CONTRACTOR shall submit the target value and proposed range of each chemical element to COMPANY for approval.  Agreed target values and ranges shall be given in the approved manufacturing procedures

4.4       Flanges shall have mechanical properties, for the material grade specified, that meet the requirements of MSS-SP-44.
4.5       CONTRACTOR shall furnish full documentation for material manufacturing process, testing, inspection and documentation giving typical and maximum hardness valves of flange(s). CONTRACTOR shall certify that all finished components do not exceed 270 Brinell hardness in the base metal and the heat affected zone.
4.6       CONTRACTOR shall document and furnish to COMPANY a complete analysis of the finished flanges. A complete analysis must include all elements mentioned above, as a minimum.


CONTRACTOR shall certify that all finished components do not exceed 270 HV10 in the base metal.

6.    BEVELS

6.1         Welding ends shall be beveled for welding in accordance with sub-section 13.3 of MSS SP-75 and API 1104 unless otherwise stipulated on Request for Quotation or Purchase Order.
6.2         The root face shall not be brought into tolerance by filing or grinding.
6.3         The surface of the bevel shall be smooth and free from tool marks as to permit proper inspection for laminations. In removing any burr, care shall be taken to avoid excessive removal of metal and the formation of an inside bevel. Excessive removal of metal shall be cause for re-beveling.
6.4         All bevelled ends shall be inspected by an approved non-destructive method.
6.5         The welding ends shall be machine parallel and square to the pipe axis and shall have all burrs removed from both the inside and the outside edges.


Flanges shall be furnished in normalized, normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered condition after all forming operations are completed.  Temperature ranges specified in COMPANY approved heat treating procedure(s) shall be measured during all heat treatment.  Thermocouples shall be attached to representative flange parts in the batch to confirm actual metal temperature.


8.1         Non-destructive testing techniques and procedures, including radiography, Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), and Ultrasonic Testing (UT) to be used by CONTRACTOR shall be submitted in writing for COMPANY approval prior to starting production.
8.2         Technicians performing nondestructive inspection shall be qualified to the requirements of SNT-TC-1A, Level II.
8.3       Flanges shall be one hundred percent (100%) visually inspected for surface defects and dimensional tolerances.
8.4       Finished flanges shall be subject to both one hundred percent (100%) MPI of the barrel internal faces, external faces and weld bevel surfaces, and a full UT examination in accordance with ASTM A-388.
8.5       Swivel ring flanges shall be inspected as a single unit, including full rotation of the unit to ensure it swivels freely without binding.


Tolerances on forged flanges shall meet the requirements of MSS-SP-44, ANSI B16.5 and the Project Drawings.


10.1.1             Repairs to defective flanges are to be made in strict accordance with MSS-SP-44.
10.1.2                  Surface defects such as slivers, sharp notches, gouges, scores, pits and severe machining marks shall be considered injurious defects and in need of repair.
10.1.3                  Minor surface defects shall be removed by machining or grinding provided that the section thickness is maintained within the specified tolerances and the minimum specified wall thickness of the flange hub is maintained.
10.1.4                  The machined or ground area shall be carefully dressed to ensure a smooth transition with surrounding surface of the forging with no sharp notches or contours.  The machined or ground area shall be fully examined for any defects using magnetic particle examination to ensure freedom from defects.
10.1.5                  If the section/wall thickness is reduced below the minimum specified section/wall thickness, the flange shall be rejected.
10.1.6                  No repair work shall proceed without prior COMPANY approval.
10.2    Weld Repairs



11.1    Flanges shall be identified in accordance with MSS SP-44, with the following data stamped on the flange periphery by low stress, round-nosed or interrupted dot die stamps:
·         Manufacturer's Name
·         ADGF Project
·         Flange Identification Number / Purchase Order Number
·         Heat Number
·         Material Grade
·         Pressure Rating
·         Diameter and Wall Thickness

11.2    All forged flanges shall be abrasive blasted to remove loose scale and other foreign material after all required heat treatment has been performed, and prior to inspection.

11.3    Forged flanges shall be externally coated with a COMPANY approved two-pack epoxy paint system suitable for a subsea environment in accordance with coating material manufacturer’s recommendations  Mating faces, weld bevel area and bolt/nut contact areas shall not be epoxy coated.
11.4    Beveled ends shall be protected against physical damage during transit.  Ends shall be coated with a weldable primer such as Deoxaluminite, or COMPANY approved equal, that can easily be removed with solvent and that will prevent rusting of weld bevel faces for a period of at least twelve (12) months, under exposed field conditions.


12.1    CONTRACTOR shall furnish COMPANY reasonable facilities and space, without charge, and shall provide COMPANY with free access to all parts of all plants concerned with forging of flanges, for COMPANY inspection and testing.
12.2    COMPANY may inspect flanges for compliance with this specification and at all stages of the manufacturing and delivery process.  This inspection shall in no way relieve CONTRACTOR of its responsibilities for compliance with the specifications.
12.3    COMPANY inspectors shall operate independently of CONTRACTOR inspectors.
12.4    Flanges shall be rotated at the final inspection bench, where the minimum illumination level on all surfaces shall be 350 lux.  All components shall be checked for mechanical damage, correct weld bevel preparation and marking, and end protection.
12.5    All records shall be fully identified with the specific materials they represent, and shall be available for COMPANY examination at the time and place of inspection, whether at the point of manufacture or other CONTRACTOR locations. 
12.6    All materials and material manufacturers shall be approved COMPANY prior to the placement of orders.




13.1    Ring Joint Gasket
13.1.1                  Ring Type Joint (RTJ) gaskets shall meet the requirements of ANSI B16.20 and shall utilise Anti Explosive – Decompression (AED) sealing in the correct sizing and rating for each flange. Gasket hardness shall be less than that of the mating flange faces.
13.1.2                  Oval shaped ring joint gaskets shall be supplied, manufactured from 316 stainless steel in the annealed condition.
13.2    Fasteners
            13.2.1             Studs
Stud bolts shall comply with ASTM A-193-B7M, hexagonal nuts shall comply with ASTM A-194-2HM, and all shall be Teflon coated (Standcote or COMPANY approved equal).  CONTRACTOR shall determine all required stud bolt lengths, especially for use in conjunction with hydraulic bolt tensioning equipment.
Studs for use on swivel ring flanges shall have 6 mm (0.25 in.) lead-in taper on each end.
Subsea structures shall be designed to incorporate shrouding and/or configuration that eliminates exposure of studs to the risk of snagging or other mechanical damage.
            13.2.2             Nuts
Nuts for studs shall conform to ASTM A 194 Grade 2H, heavy duty hexagonal-head series, with dimensions in accordance with ANSI B1.1 Class 2B fit, 8 pitch thread series. Maximum hardness shall be 300 Brinell.
            13.2.3             Washers
Two are required in accordance with ANSI B18.22.1 “B” Regular Series. Material shall conform to ASTM A 325 or equivalent.

            13.2.4             Coatings
All studs, nuts and washers shall have Standcote SC-1 coating or COMPANY approved equal.
            13.2.5             Inspection and Testing
In addition to the required tests as specified by ANSI B16.20, ASTM A 193, ASTM A 194, ASTM A 325 and STM A 153, the COMPANY shall have the right to conduct non-destructive tests by ultrasonic inspection, magnetic particle inspection, liquid penetrant, visual examinations and other means.



CONTRACTOR shall submit, for COMPANY approval, drawings of proposed flange stacking and shipment procedures.  Timber blanks or metal end bevel protectors shall be used to protect end bevels and flange faces.  Flanges shall be lifted and stacked only by approved methods that prevent damage to the flanges and their end bevels.


15.1    CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval of the following documents 30 days prior to commencement of the WORK.
·         Work Procedures
·         Steel Making / Casting Methods
·         Chemical Composition
·         CONTRACTOR Shop Drawings
·         Inspection Procedures
·         Common Repair Procedures

15.2    CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval, a data package containing as a minimum:
·         Certified as Fabricated Drawings
·         Mill Certificates containing
-  Ladle Analysis (each heat)
-  Product Check Analysis (each heat)
-  Certified NDT Reports
-  Certified Mechanical Test Reports
-  Certified Mechanical Test Reports
-  Equipment calibration certificates
-  Test and inspection records
-  Design Reports          

15.3      All certificates shall be in the English language and use metric units of measure.  CONTRACTOR and COMPANY shall visibly sign certificates.
15.4      Data package shall be submitted to COMANY in both hard copy and electronic format.

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