This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing materials, inspection and testing of concrete coating applied to pipes used in offshore pipelines.  This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:
·         Basis of Design 84506-60-30-2L-060
·         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 - Definitions and Specification Directory
·         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality Control
·         DNV OS - F101 – Submarine Pipeline Systems (2000)
·         ASTM C-150 - Specification for Portland Cement
·         ASTM C-33 - Specification for Concrete Aggregates
·         ASTM D-75 - Standard Practice for Sampling Aggregates
·         ASTM C-29 - Test Method for Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate
·         ASTM A-82 - Steel Wire, Plain for concrete Reinforcement
·         ASTM A185 - Steel Welded Wire for Concrete Reinforcement
·         ASTM A-390 - Zinc – Coated Steel Wire
·         ASTM C-642 - Test Method for Specific Gravity, absorption, and Voids in Hardened Concrete
·         ASTM C-171 - Specification for Sheet Material for Curing Concrete
·         ASTM C-172 - Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete
·         ASTM C-31 - Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field
·         ASTM C-39 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens


2.1       CONTRACTOR shall perform a procedure qualification trial (PQT) prior to production to demonstrate that safety, quality and environmental standards are being achieved.  This trial shall comprise 5 joints of each pipe size, all of which shall be subject to all QC tests.
2.2       CONTRACTOR shall apply the concrete using either the impingement or compression methods.
2.3       CONTRACTOR furnished equipment, tools and consumables shall be of good quality and adequate design, maintained in good condition, and subject to COMPANY approval.
2.4       CONTRACTOR shall tally all pipes throughout the concrete coating process.  CONTRACTOR shall ensure no pipes are concrete coated until COMPANY acceptance of the external anti-corrosion coating.
2.5       CONTRACTOR shall attach sacrificial aluminum bracelet anodes to selected anti-corrosion coated pipes in strict accordance with Aluminum Bracelet Anode Installation, Specification 84506-60-30-2L-240, and before concrete weight coating application.
2.6       COMPANY shall have full access to concrete weight coating plant and inspection activities.


3.1       CONTRACTOR shall provide all concrete coating materials certified for each batch supplied, including cement, aggregate, sand, iron ore and reinforcing wire.
3.2       Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C-150 Specifications for Portland Cement, or COMPANY approved equal.  Cement shall be suitable for marine use and shall have a tricalcium aluminate content less than nine percent (9%) and a maximum alkali content of zero point six percent (0.6%). Cement shall be stored to protect it from the environment.  Cement that has become lumpy, hardened, or contaminated, or otherwise partially cured shall not be used.
3.3       Silica sand and aggregate mixes shall conform in all respects to ASTM C-33, and shall be clean, graded from fine to coarse and free from salt, alkali, harmful substances and organic impurities.  Aggregate sampling and testing shall be in accordance with ASTM D-75.  Aggregate mix grading and cleanliness shall be checked at least once a week.  COMPANY reserves the right to reject any aggregate considered to be unacceptable by virtue of source, grading, quality or cleanliness.
3.4       Silica sand and aggregate and iron ore may be stored outside but must be separated from each other and from earth, and other materials to COMPANY satisfaction.
3.5       Iron ore shall be free of clay and harmful amounts of alkali, deleterious substances and organic impurities that may affect concrete strength and shall conform to ASTM C-29.  COMPANY reserves the right to reject any iron ore considered to be unacceptable by virtue of source, grading, quality or cleanliness.
3.6       Water shall be potable and free from acids, alcohol, alkali, oil, salt, any organic material, and shall be suitable for use in concrete.  Salt or brackish water shall not be used under any circumstances.  CONTRACTOR shall identify the water source.  Water quality and cleanliness shall be checked at least once a week.  Admixtures and curing membranes shall not be used. Note for the first month of production samples will be taken once per week and then with COMPANY approval may be reduced. A copy of all tests will be submitted to the COMPANY.
3.7       Reinforcing steel shall be either spirally wound mesh or cage.  If wire mesh is used it shall be Bekaert "Armapipe" or COMPANY approved equivalent conforming to ASTM A-82.  If cage is used, steel bars shall conform to ASTM A-185 or ASTM A-390 with a minimum bar diameter of 5.0 mm.
3.7.1   Circumferential steel wire reinforcement shall be at least zero point five percent (0.5%) of concrete cross-sectional area.  Longitudinal wire reinforcement shall be at least zero point one percent (0.1%) of concrete cross-sectional area.  Cages shall end 15 mm – 30 mm from each cut back concrete end and 25 mm to 50 mm clear of anodes. Longitudinal and circumferential wire reinforcement shall be spot welded to form rigid cages and positioned in the center 30% of the concrete coating by non-metallic, electrically insulating spacers.  These spacers shall have sufficient base area to prevent damage to the anti-corrosion coating.
3.7.2   Steel wire mesh reinforcement shall be equally spaced throughout the concrete coating, as close to center as possible for a single wrap.  Except at lead end of pipe steel wire shall have a minimum separation of 15.0 mm from anti-corrosion coating and the concrete surface and a minimum separation of 50 mm from anodes. The number of wire reinforcement wraps shall be determined by the required concrete coating thickness:
Concrete Thickness
Number of Wraps
25 to 50 mm
50 to 100 mm
over 100 mm

Space between wraps:    S            = T/(W+1) +/- 0.1 T
Where,                                T = Concrete coating thickness
                              W  = Number of wire wraps

Each spiral of wire mesh reinforcement shall overlap the previous spiral by nominal 25 mm.



4.1       CONTRACTOR shall select the proportions of cement, sand, aggregate and iron ore to produce the specified concrete density, compressive strength and seawater saturated submerged pipe weight.  CONTRACTOR shall provide the proposed mix proportions, water-cement ratio and aggregate particle size distribution curves to COMPANY for approval before material procurement.
4.2       CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate to COMPANY satisfaction that coated pipe lengths meet the specified seawater saturated submerged weight, either with a full size concrete weight coated pipe submerged in seawater, or by calculations based on test seawater-saturated samples of hardened concrete.
4.3       Weight batching equipment and water gauges shall be accurate to within 2% of agreed values, and shall be recalibrated at least once per week.
4.4       CONTRACTOR shall conduct specific gravity tests, in strict accordance with ASTM C-642, on oven-dried and seawater-saturated samples of hardened concrete to ensure the concrete mix will meet the requirements of ASTM C-642. If potable water is used for these tests then calculations to be submitted and approved to ensure compliance.



5.1       Unless continuously fed direct from the enamel or FBE plant to the coating plant without being stockpiled. Immediately prior to concrete coating or fitting of steel reinforcement cages, CONTRACTOR shall ensure there are no holidays in the anti-corrosion coating by using a holiday detector in accordance with the relevant Project Specification for anti-corrosion coating (Asphalt Enamel Coating Export Pipeline 84506-60-30-2L-260 or Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating Infield System 84506-60-30-2L-620).
5.2       CONTRCTOR shall demonstrate through testing that the bond/shear resistance between the anti-corrosion coating and the concrete weight coating is satisfactory all anticipated lay stresses such that no slippage between the anti-corrosion coating and concrete weight coating occurs.     
5.3       If normal ambient air temperature does not exceed 30°C. Concrete weight coating shall take place only if the pipe temperature and ambient air temperatures are within the range of 5oC to 30oC, unless coating takes place in areas shaded from direct sunlight.
5.4       CONTRACTOR shall apply consistently proportioned concrete weight coating to anti-corrosion coated steel pipe as specified herein.  CONTRACTOR shall calibrate the equipment regularly.
5.5       Cement and aggregate shall be introduced in the proper proportion, either by "continuous-metering system" or "batch-mix system", to a pug mill for thorough mixing.  Water shall be added as required during the mixing process to ensure a consistent material ready for application, based on a daily check of the aggregate mix water content.
5.6       Equipment that tends to separate concrete ingredients shall not be used, and concrete shall be applied within 30 minutes after water is first added to the mix, and then only if no additional water has been added to the mix to return concrete to its original slump angle.
5.7       Reclaimed concrete may be thoroughly mixed into fresh concrete at the pug mill, provided that it does not exceed seven percent (7%) of total volume.
5.8       Pipes shall be rotated to form an even and continuous concrete jacket, with spirally applied reinforcing wire simultaneously added to the concrete.  Concrete coating shall finish between 75 to 100 mm from each end of the anti-corrosion coating on pipe sizes < 20 inches and 172 to 200 mm on pipe sizes 20 inches and larger.
5.9       Each pipe shall be coated in a continuous operation.  When more than one application is required to produce the specified coating thickness, time between the first and last coat shall not exceed 30 minutes.  If a time lapse greater than 30 minutes does occur, the concrete coating shall be removed and the entire pipe shall be recoated.
5.10    Pipe ends shall be washed and examined immediately after transfer from the coating station, to ensure proper cutback distances and that all concrete has been removed from the pipe interior, bevel, steel cutback and exposed anti-corrosion coating.
5.11    Steel reinforcing wires shall not be in physical or electrical contact with the pipe or anode.  CONTRACTOR shall verify that no electrical path exists between the steel reinforcing wires and the steel pipe or the anode.
5.12    Following concrete application on pipes with bracelet anodes, concrete shall be carefully hand applied up to anode material, feathering as necessary to provide a smooth transition should the anode have a different overall diameter to the concrete weight coating.  Any concrete extending or sprayed onto anode surfaces shall be removed before curing.


6.1       Concrete coatings may be cured by any of the three methods detailed below but whichever is used, the concrete shall never be allowed to dehydrate.  The method shall be proposed by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the COMPANY.
6.2       The use of admixtures to accelerate curing is not permitted.  The temperature of the concrete coat shall not be allowed to fall below 2ºC during the initial 24 hours of curing.
6.3       Pipes may be handled other than by the uncoated ends once the compressive strength of the coating exceeds 16,000 kPa.
6.4       Where applicable water curing shall commence not later than two hours after coating and shall comprise keeping the coating continuously moist for a period of not less than four days.  Water curing using a water spray shall not be allowed when the ambient temperature falls below 5C.
6.5       Any sheet or film used for concrete curing shall comply with ASTM C171.  Samples of the material shall be taken and tested to ensure conformance with ASTM C171 for every batch of material, unless manufacturer's test results demonstrating conformance are available.
6.6       If steam or fog curing is to be used as part of the process then the CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate that the process will have no detrimental effects upon the concrete. On no account shall the pipe wall temperature be allowed to reach a level which could cause damage to the anti-corrosion coating or internal coating.  Steam or fog curing shall begin within two hours after concrete application and shall continue until the concrete has achieved a compressive strength of 10,000 kPa or greater.


7.1       CONTRACTOR shall measure concrete coating overall diameter, immediately following concrete coating, at five (5) locations along each pipe.  Average overall diameter tolerance range shall be - ± 10 mm.  The concrete coating shall be concentric on the pipe.
7.2       CONTRACTOR shall weigh each pipe immediately after concrete coating, which shall be between ninety-five percent (95%) and one hundred seven percent (107%) of calculated total pipe weight (steel pipe, corrosion coating, and concrete jacket).  Average weight for each day’s production shall be between one hundred percent (100%) and one hundred five percent (105%) of calculated pipe weight.  CONTRACTOR shall not add additional weight to underweight pipes to increase the average daily weight.


8.1       Concrete coating in which defects appear, or that do not conform to this specification, shall be promptly repaired to COMPANY satisfaction.  Certain repairs are permitted for concrete coatings due to damage in handling and storage, as detailed below.
8.2       Damaged areas of 300 cm2 and less than twenty-five percent (25%) of total concrete coating thickness in depth, may be accepted without repair, should remaining concrete be sound and wire reinforcement is not exposed.  If wire reinforcement is exposed, area exceeds 300 cm2 or depth exceeds twenty-five percent (25%), damage shall be repaired.  If the total damaged area of an individual pipe exceeds 20% of the concrete surface area on that pipe, the pipe shall be stripped and re-coated.
8.3       Damaged areas in excess of 300 cm2, but less than 1,000 cm2, shall be repaired in the following manner, should remaining concrete be sound:
·         Remove damaged or loose concrete
·         Restore the reinforcement steel.
·         When necessary prepare by undercutting and exposing the reinforcement steel wires by chiseling out the damaged concrete and undercutting the sides to form a key
·         Wet the fresh surface of the remaining concrete coating at the point of coating damage.
·         Place the concrete repair mixture into and through the reinforcement steel until the surface is level with the coating around the repair.
·         Cure the repair

8.4       Damaged areas in excess of 1,000 cm2 shall be repaired as follows:
·         Remove concrete around the entire pipe circumference throughout the length of the damaged area, whilst concrete is in a green condition.
·         Replace concrete by impingement.

8.5       Circumferencial cracks less than 1.5 mm in width, need not be repaired unless they extend more than one hundred eighty degrees (180o) around the pipe or more than 300mm.
Circumferential cracks in excess of 300 mm in length shall be repaired irrespective of width.
Longitudinal cracks shall be repaired irrespective of length or width.
Annular cracks less than 30 mm in depth will be accepted without repair.  Annular cracks deeper than 30 mm are not permitted and shall necessitate stripping and recoating the pipe.
Crack repairs shall be made by widening the crack to 25 mm for the necessary depth and length and packing the prepared crack with repair material level with the existing coating.
8.6       Should gaps be visible at pipe ends, between the concrete and anti-corrosion coatings, the pipe shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Company.
8.7       Voids and core holes shall be repaired in accordance with Section 8.3.
8.8       All repairs shall be properly cured for a minimum of four (4) days before further handling. Note if fog cured method is used then pipes must be stored for 12 hours before moving.



9.1      COMPANY shall have full access to all parts of CONTRACTOR coating plants, laboratories and pipe storage facilities to inspect materials, equipment and CONTRACTOR’s work.  CONTRACTOR shall provide reasonable assistance to COMPANY at all times to enable COMPANY monitoring and inspection.
9.2       CONTRACTOR shall furnish all material, equipment and qualified personnel to perform examinations and testing specified herein.  COMPANY inspection shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to ensure quality control.
9.3       Daily concrete mix samples, as applied during coating, shall be taken to determine the concrete coating compressive strength and density.  CONTRACTOR shall submit full details for COMPANY approval, including calibration data for measuring dimensions and weights of concrete coated pipes, and methods for calculating “as applied” concrete density and deviations from specified pipe weights.
9.4       Compressive strength shall be determined from samples prepared in cylindrical "Proctor" molds at the job site, obtained in accordance with ASTM C-31 and ASTM C-172.  Eight (8) test cylinders shall be taken four in first half of shift and four in second half of shift..  These cylinders shall be prepared and tested as outlined in ASTM C-39 to determine seven (7) day and twenty-eight (28) day concrete compressive strengths.  When a core is taken from a pipe still being cured, the core shall continue to be cured in the same way as the pipe.

Compressive strength shall be:
·         Seven day                                   15,000 kPa
·         Twenty-eight day                       40,000 kPa

In the event of a single core specimen failing to meet the minimum strength requirements, the spare shall be tested.  Should the spare also fail, then the COMPANY shall have the right to order additional testing of the suspect pipe coatings represented by the cores or to reject the pipe joints coated with concrete represented by the cores.
All core samples shall be marked with the pipe number from which they were taken.  In the event of a core failure, CONTRACTOR shall retest one time.  If the retest fails, the pipe shall be stripped and recoated.  Pipes coated previously and subsequently to the failed joint shall be tested in the same manner until an acceptable joint is found.  Additional cores shall be taken and tested as necessary to satisfy COMPANY that the specified requirements are being achieved.
9.5       CONTRACTOR shall perform seawater absorption tests on a concrete weight coated pipe of each pipe size and concrete thickness/density combination and calculations based on test seawater-saturated samples of hardened concrete, after a minimum of 28 days curing.  Water absorption shall not exceed eight percent (8%). If potable water is used for these tests then calculations to be submitted and approved to ensure compliance.
9.6       CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate on one pipe per day that there is no electrical continuity between the steel re-enforcement and the steel pipe or the anode.



Concrete density “as-applied” can be checked using average diameter measurements and pipe weights.
10.1    CONTRACTOR shall weigh each concrete coated pipe immediately after coating, and measure outside concrete diameter at five evenly spaced points along the pipe length.  The average measurement shall be used to calculate coating thickness and concrete density.  Measurements may be made either on the scale or as soon as the pipe is placed on the curing rack.  Weight report entries and density calculations for each concrete coated pipe shall be made within 30 minutes after coating, using the following calculations:
Density (kg/m3) =      W - (L  x  w)  
                             0.785(D2 - d2)(L - 2l)
Weight (calculated) in kg = 0.785 x 3044(D2 - d2)(L - 2l) + (L x w)
            W     =   weight of concrete coated pipe measured by CONTRACTOR (kg)
            w      =   weight / m (nominal) of anti-corrosion coated pipe (kg/m)
            L       =   pipe length (m)
            L       =   length (average of both ends) of concrete coating cutback (m)
            D      =   diameter (average) of concrete coated pipe joint (m)
            d       =   diameter (nominal) of corrosion resistant coated pipe (m)
1.    Weights shall be obtained to the nearest 10 kilogram (0.01 tonnes)
2.    Lengths shall be obtained to the nearest 0.01 meter (10 mm)
3.    Density calculations shall also account for anodes, if fitted.

10.2    Concrete coating density shall not vary more than plus seven percent (+7%), minus five percent (-5%), with a daily production average between one hundred percent (100%) and one hundred and five percent (105%) of the calculated concrete density.  If density varies by more than stated tolerances, CONTRACTOR shall immediately inform COMPANY of the deviation.
10.3    Specific weight shall be based on seawater-saturated surface-dry conditions and shall equal specification requirements.  Test data developed in accordance with ASTM C-642, including water absorption calculations, shall be recorded and furnished to COMPANY.
10.4    Scales used for obtaining weights shall be certified accurate to plus or minus one half percent (+/- 0.5%), and current calibration certificates shall be provided to COMPANY prior to start of work.  CONTRACTOR to calibrate scales at start of production.
10.5    Where applicable CONTRACTOR shall check concrete density with a slurry densitometer at least once every four (4) hours of operation. Impinged concrete or repairs do not qualify for this test.



11.1    Each pipe shall be paint stenciled on the internal pipe surface with the nominal concrete coating thickness and concrete coated pipe weight. The concrete coated pipe shall be color coded externally, to signify a pipe size, wall thickness, concrete coating thickness, concrete density or other pipe differences. Color coding shall be approved by COMPANY.
11.2    The original pipe identification shall be provided by color coding and internal marking of the pipe.
11.3    For seam welded pipes, CONTRACTOR shall paint a 100 mm long white stripe on the concrete at each pipe end to define the position of the weld seam.



CONTRACTOR shall implement a documented quality control program that shall be used to provide verifiable evidence that materials, inspection and testing conform to the specifications.




13.1    CONTRACTOR facilities, materials and work shall be subject to COMPANY inspection, however this does not relieve CONTRACTOR of its obligation for performing code inspections.
13.2    Completed weight coating containing defects originating with CONTRACTOR materials, or workmanship, or that are not in complete compliance with the specifications or the Purchase Order shall be rejected.


CONTRACTOR shall provide to COMPANY, on a daily basis, the following information for each concrete weight coated pipe:
·         Concrete weight coating application date
·         Pipe Serial Number
·         Pipe diameter (mm) / wall thickness (mm) / length (m)
·         Anode joint (where appropriate)
·         Concrete mix proportions as applied
·         Pipe weight (steel and corrosion coating) (kg)
·         Pipe weight after concrete weight coating (kg)
·         Average concrete coating overall diameter and thickness (mm)
·         Calculated concrete coating unit weight (kg/m)
·         Deviation from specified unit weight (%)
·         Average specified unit weight deviation of all pipe (%)
·         Total length of all pipe coated today (m) / to date (m)
·         Total pipe joints sent for repair today / to date
·         Nature of concrete coating defects
·         Results of seven (7) day and twenty-eight (28) compressive strength tests (kPa)
·         All records indicated herein shall be fully identified with the pipe or materials they represent.  These records shall be kept for one year after weight coating application. All records indicated herein shall be fully identified with the specific materials they represent.  Records shall be available for COMPANY examination at the time and place of inspection, whether at the point of manufacture or other CONTRACTOR locations.


CONTRACTOR shall submit the following documents to COMPANY for approval 30 days prior to commencing work:
a.    Description of Coating Equipment and Scale Certificates
b.    Application Procedures
c.    Testing Procedures
d.    Handling, Transport and Storage Procedures
e.    Production Schedule

CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval a databook containing the following documents as a minimum:
a.    Material Test Certificates
b.    Production Reports
c.    Certified Inspection Reports
d.    Calibration Certificates
e.    Certified Physical Test Reports
f.     Tally Record of Pipe Coated / Loaded Out
g.    Pipe Reconciliation

All certificates shall be in the English language and use metric units of measure.  CONTRACTOR and COMPANY shall visibly sign certificates.
All data shall be supplied to COMPANY in hard copy and electronic format.

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