This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing materials and equipment used for cleaning, gauging and hydrotesting the export system pipelines and infield system flowlines.  This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:

·         Basis of Design 84506-60-00-2L-060
·         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 - Definitions and Specification Directory
·         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality Control
·         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-020 - General Offshore Specification
·         DNV OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems 2000.
·         ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping System.


2.1       CONTRACTOR shall submit, for COMPANY approval, 30 days prior to scheduled start of filling operations, a detailed pipeline filling, cleaning, gauging and hydrotest program.  Where there is any inconsistency between referenced documents, the most onerous requirement shall apply.  The program shall include a complete description of all proposed equipment and procedures which shall include:
·         Water winning, treatment and disposal
·         Filling, cleaning and gauging
·         Pig tracking
·         Hydrotest
·         Contingency procedures
·         Defect identification procedures
·         Testing parameters
·         Certification of handover for installation completion of documentation and certification of all pipelines requiring testing

2.2       In addition to normal safety procedures, CONTRACTOR shall institute and enforce safety measures appropriate to the degree of hazard existing along the pipeline during the cleaning and gauging.  Only personnel necessary for cleaning and gauging operations shall be present during this work.
2.3       CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any delays in the event of a pig becoming stuck in the pipeline and its subsequent release.
2.4         The Export pipeline shall be hydrotested in accordance with the minimum requirements of DNV OS-F101.    Infield flowlines shall be hydrotested in accordance with ASME 31.8.  For details of hydrostatic test pressures refer to Basis of Design, 84506-60-00-2L-060.
2.5         Treated hydrotest fluid and indication dye shall be acceptable to authorities for release into the sea in order to ensure environmental compliance. 



3.1       The design of pipeline pigs for flooding, cleaning and gauging of the pipelines shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR taking into account specific COMPANY requirements.  CONTRACTOR will be required as part of the detailed procedure to demonstrate to the satisfaction of COMPANY the suitability of any pig design and its safe operation.
3.2       The design of pig trains for flooding, cleaning and gauging of the pipelines is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.  CONTRACTOR shall as part of the detailed procedure, demonstrate to the satisfaction of COMPANY the suitability of any pig train design and associated operational safety.
3.3       All pigs shall be capable of negotiating all ball valves, and other valves, fittings and bends as indicated in the work scope.
3.4       COMPANY acceptance of any design or procedure will not absolve CONTRACTOR of his responsibility to complete the work in as diligent and as timely a manner as is practically possible.
3.5       Each pig train will include at least two (2) pigs fitted with a ‘Helle’ pinger or COMPANY-approved equal.  These pigs will be located at each end of the train.  For trains comprising five or more pigs a third pinger shall be fitted to the pig closest to the center of the train.  The pinger shall be capable of continuous operation for not less than 30 days.
3.6       Gauging plates shall be made of aluminum and shall have the following dimensions:
·         Thickness of plate shall be 6 mm
·         Diameter of plate shall be 95% of nominal ID

The leading edge shall be chamfered to 45o for half the plate thickness.
3.7       All pigs shall be permanently marked with a unique number that shall be clearly visible.  A photographic record shall kept of all pigs and gauging plates before and after each run.
3.8       Pigs containing gauge plates shall only be installed and removed from the launcher /receiver in COMPANY presence.  Pig removal shall be such that the gauge plate is not damaged during the operation.


4.1       The pigging sequence shall be repeated such that each individual piping section will be cleaned and gauged.  The pigging sequence shall be:
a)    Run one (1) cleaning pig.
b)    Retrieve and inspect the cleaning pig from the piping.
c)    If the piping has not been adequately cleaned by the first cleaning pig run, in COMPANY’S opinion, CONTRACTOR shall make a second cleaning pig run at no extra cost to COMPANY.
d)    Run the gauging pig through the piping.
e)    Inspect plate wear.

4.2          Gauging or cleaning pigs shall be driven at a speed of 0.5 meters/second.  Driving pressure shall be recorded on a recording pressure chart with a minimum range of 2068 kPa (300 psig), and a minimum chart size of 254 mm (10 inches).  Chart time shall correspond to actual time.  Charts and other data relating to cleaning and gauging shall be turned over to COMPANY at the completion of each run.

4.3       Pumps shall be capable of driving pigs at the above speed and pressure range, and pumping pressure.
4.4       Should a pig become stuck, CONTRACTOR shall cease operations and immediately inform COMPANY.  CONTRACTOR shall retrieve all stuck pigs in accordance with COMPANY-approved procedures.


5.1       Piping sections shall not be accepted if the gauging plate suffers deformation.  When such defects are indicated, the piping section containing the defect shall be located, cut out and replaced, and the piping gauged again at no additional cost to COMPANY.  Repair of damaged pipe shall be performed based on a procedure prepared by CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY.  All gauging plates shall become property of COMPANY.


6.1       Test Head - all hydrostatic test heads shall have fittings for attachment of a relief valve, vent valve and pressure gauge.  Relief valves, if required, shall be set at 1.1 times the specified maximum test pressure and ‘POP’ tested prior to use in accordance with statutory requirements.  Relief valve exhaust port shall have piping, which directs any discharge to a safe location.
Fittings for all instrumentation shall have a double block valve that can be used to isolate the instrument at any time.  Test heads shall have provisions for mounting instrumentation to record the test medium temperature and the test head on the pressurising end of the flowline shall have a double isolation valve at the connection to the pump which will be ‘Locked Off’ during the test, COMPANY shall witness.
Test heads shall be pre-tested prior to offshore operations to ensure that they are fit for intended service.
6.2       Filling Pump and Tanks - For line filling operations, seawater intakes, suction pumps, manifolds, break tanks, hoses, filters and flowline filling pumps shall be provided where required.  The filling pump(s) shall be capable of a volume flow rate that can push the pigs between a minimum 0.5 m/sec and a maximum 1.0 m/sec, while overcoming the maximum head loss generated by the flowline and testing system.  The filling pump shall not allow entry of air into the flowline.
6.3       Pressurising Pump and Tank - a variable speed, positive displacement pump(s), equipped with a stroke counter shall be provided.  The pressurising pump(s) shall be capable of providing a pressure at least 1.4 MPa above the specified test pressure.  The pressurising pump shall take its suction from a suitably sized tank.
6.4       Chemical Injection Equipment - Chemical injection equipment shall be capable of injecting chemicals into the filtered water, during each operation, at the rates and location specified by the chemical manufacturers.  The chemical injection pump(s) shall be a variable speed, positive displacement pump(s), equipped with a stroke counter.
6.5       Temperature Measuring Instruments - CONTRACTOR shall supply temperature monitoring and recording equipment that shall be used for continuously recording the flowline temperature, ambient air temperature, seawater and seabed temperature.
Temperature  measuring  instruments  and  recorders  shall  be calibrated and accurate to ± 1.0°C, and a sensitivity better than ± 0.1 degree C.
Recorders shall be capable of recording for 24 continuous hours.  The operating temperature range of the measuring equipment shall be suitable for the project location and season.
6.6       Test Pressure Measuring Instruments - CONTRACTOR shall provide a dead weight tester with an accuracy better than ± 0.1 bar and a sensitivity better than 0.05 bar. The range of the dead weight tester shall be a minimum of 1.25 times the specified maximum test pressure.  The dead weight tester shall have been certified in accordance with the relevant statutory authorities within 30 days of its use.
            When pressure testing is performed from a vessel, test pressures shall be measured using a high accuracy pressure transducer and a high accuracy pressure gauge, in accordance with DNV OS-F101 Section 9 O 500.
A minimum of one pressure recorder, calibrated using the dead weight tester described above, one calibrated direct reading pressure gauge and one calibrated barometer for measuring atmospheric pressure shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR.
The pressure recorder shall use a recording cylinder permitting a continuous, 24-hour record.  It shall be checked using the dead weight tester before each hydrotest.  The pressure recorder shall have a certified accuracy of 0.05 MPa.  The pressure gauge shall be selected such that the specified test pressure is between 50% and 90% of the scale range.
6.7       Flow Meters - Water turbine flowmeter(s), shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR to record flowrates during flooding, cleaning and gauging operations.
CONTRACTOR shall provide volumetric meter(s) to measure the volume of pressurisation water injected into the flowlines.
Flowmeters shall show both instantaneous and cumulative flowrates and shall have a certified accuracy of ± 1 % over the full scale deflection (FSD).  The maximum expected flowrate shall be within 50% to 90% of the meter flow range.
The meters shall have been certified within 30 days of use.
6.8       Pumps, pressure gauges, temperature gauges, deadweight load tester and pressure transducers, shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR with signed and correctly dated test certification in accordance with manufactures recommendations and in accordance with DNV OS-F101 and ASME B31.8 as applicable to relevant pipeline system.


7.1       Pipeline filling shall not commence until written approval has been provided by COMPANY. 
7.2       Fill water shall be free of substances which can settle in the pipeline, or coat the interior of the pipeline, cause corrosion of or be harmful to the pipeline, valves, meters, pump impellers and seals or other such equipment used in the pipeline or pumping facilities.  Water suitability shall be established and approved by COMPANY prior to start of work to ensure environmental acceptability in the event of subsea leakage.
7.3       Fill water shall be filtered, chemically treated seawater, or fresh water, free from suspended matter.  Suspended matter shall be removed before injection into the pipeline by a filter capable of removing ninety-nine percent (99%) of all particles 50 microns in diameter and larger.  Filters will be placed in parallel to ensure they can be cleaned or changed without interrupting operations.  If harmful material is pumped into the pipeline because of faulty equipment or careless workmanship, CONTRACTOR shall flush the pipeline with clean water.
7.4       Fill water shall be within a range of pH 7 to pH 8.  CONTRACTOR will be responsible for developing a chemical cocktail comprising corrosion inhibitor, bactericide and oxygen scavenger to mitigate against deterioration of the pipeline between cleaning and commissioning, and dye to enable flange leak checks during the leak test.  CONTRACTOR shall minimize environmental hazards and ensure during disposal that all procedures for disposal are in accordance with requirements of DNV OS-F101 and statutory requirements of Indonesian/Malaysian authorities. 
7.5       A flow meter of sufficient size and accuracy shall be used to measure the quantity of water injected into the test section.  CONTRACTOR detailed filling procedures shall include methods and equipment used to measure and monitor injection rates.
7.6       Concentrations of chemicals, manufacturer’s recommended dosage rate and material certificates for each chemical shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval 30 days prior to the start of all filling activities.  Chemical injection rates shall be monitored to ensure the correct concentrations are being created.
7.7       If in COMPANY opinion cleaning pigs have not adequately cleaned the pipeline, the pig sequence shall be repeated until results obtained are satisfactory to COMPANY.
7.8       Flooding, gauging or cleaning pigs shall be driven at a maximum speed of 0.5 meters/second.  Driving pressure shall be recorded on a recording pressure chart with a minimum range of 2,068 kPa (300 psig), and a minimum chart size of 254 mm (10 inches).  Chart time shall correspond to actual time.  Charts and other data relating to cleaning and gauging shall be submitted to COMPANY at the completion of each run.
7.9       Pumps shall be capable of driving pigs at the above speed and pressure range, and pumping pressure, volume and temperature shall be recorded.
7.10    Should a pig become stuck in the pipeline, all operations shall be shut down.  The pig shall be located and removed and the pipeline shall be repaired as necessary.  Repaired pipelines shall then be re-cleaned and re-gauged and re-hydrotested.
7.11    Pigs used during filling, cleaning and gauging and subsequent commissioning activities shall be launched from and received in temporary traps furnished and installed by CONTRACTOR.
7.12    CONTRACTOR shall provide procedures for safe delivery of the pig at the receiver end of all operations.


8.1       High-pressure pumps shall be equipped with a digital counter, that shall be zeroed before starting.  During pressurizing operations the counter reading and gauge pressure shall be recorded, with time of day, at 15-minute intervals.  Mean pipeline temperature and test water temperature shall be recorded at the beginning and end of the test and at two (2) hour intervals.  CONTRACTOR shall submit pressurization charts prepared for the test to COMPANY for approval before commencing the test.
8.2       Both pressure recording instruments and temperature recorders, equipped with 24-hour recording charts, shall be used to record time, pressure, ambient and test water temperatures during pressuring and testing operations.  Pressure recorders shall have an accuracy and repeatability of zero point one percent (+/- 0.1%).  Temperature recorders shall be accurate to 0.1oC.  Possible effect of temperature on pressure shall be evaluated and taken into account in determining the correct pressure.
8.3       Pressure-recording instruments shall be tested and calibrated with a deadweight tester before the pressure test begins.  Deadweight testers shall be capable of measuring in increments of 10.0 kPa.
8.4       Pressure recorder, pressure gauge, deadweight gauge (or tester) and pressure transducers, shall be installed in parallel on a manifold, with individual instrument valves and vents.  CONTRACTOR shall provide to COMPANY calibration certificates from an independent laboratory for the chart recorders and deadweight gauges, showing they have been calibrated within thirty (30) days prior to use.
8.5       Pressurizing pumps shall be installed with the suction port flooded at all times and shall have a minimum suction head of 1.5 m.  The discharge shall be connected to the system through a check valve and leakproof injection block valve.  Pump discharge shall be easily separable from the system to be tested.
8.6       During pressurisation, the pressure shall be increased at a maximum rate of 1 bar per minute up to 95% of the test pressure. The last 5% up to the test pressure shall be by a linear diminishing rate down to 0.1 bar per minute.
8.7       During pressurisation CONTRACTOR shall maintain a pressure / volume plot (in accordance with the requirements of Section 4.0 of this Specification) by taking regular readings from the dead-weight pressure tester or the alternative testing equipment, if testing is done from a vessel, and from the pump stroke counter. The regularity of readings and the plot obtained shall be to the satisfaction of COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall complete a pipeline filling and pressurisation log.
8.8       At 35% of the test pressure, the volume of air within the test section shall be estimated. 
The air volume shall be estimated by constructing the pressure / volume plot from static head pressure to the full hydrostatic test pressure and extrapolating the linear section of the plot back to the volume axis, in accordance with an approved procedure conforming to standard industry practice.
The air volume estimated shall not be more than 0.2% of the calculated total volume of the pipeline under test. If the air volume exceeds 0.2% the test will be aborted and actions taken to reduce the air content.
8.9       Once the test pressure has been reached, it shall be held until the pressure has stabilsed and topped up, if necessary, recording the volume added. The pressurising hose shall then be disconnected. All connections shall be inspected for leaks, and thereafter the hold period shall begin. Variations due to temperature shall be observed. Any drop shall be compensated prior to start of the hold period.
The stabilisation period shall only be completed on approval of COMPANY representative. COMPANY representative shall approve and witness on the pressure chart, in writing, the start of the hold period (this will be completed after the test has been successfully completed). In addition, representatives of CERTIFYING AUTHORITIES may witness and approve tests and records.
During the pressure stabilition and the hold period, readings of time, gauge pressure, recorder pressure, barometric pressure, dead-weight pressure, air temperature, test head water pressure and tide level shall be taken and recorded as follows :
·         Every 15 minutes for the stabilisation and first two hours of the hold period.
·         Every half – hour thereafter

When final test pressure is reached, all parties shall be informed. Any subsequent operations on the line are to be reported immediately to all parties.
The commencement of the hold period shall only be identified retrospectively on completion of a satisfactory test internal, if a period of stabilisation cannot be clearly identified by COMPANY, CLIENT and CERTIFYING AUTHORITY.
The reading for each pipeline shall be recorded on the Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Log (Time plots of these readings shall be made during the test period).
All pressure, volume bled-off and temperature records, charts and graphs shall be witnessed by both CONTRACTOR and COMPANY representatives and CERTIFYING AUTHORITY and shall be included in the final pigging and hydrotesting report. The pressure and temperature records, graphs and charts shall be annotated with the times of major events and brief comments describing the test and any discrepancies. The chart originals shall become the property of COMPANY.
8.10    If any water is required to be bled off during the holding period CONTRACTOR shall obtain COMPANY approval and shall compare the volume of water bled-off with the theoretical volume (V) calculated from:
            DV = V0 DP [ 2      r   (1 - n2) + 1 ] + V0 B DT
                                   E     t                    K

Where :         
            DP       =          pressure difference between start and finish of “bleeding-off”
            r           =          internal radius of pipeline
            t           =          pipe wall thickness
            K         =          bulk modulus of water
            B         =          thermal expansion coefficient for water
            T          =          temperature rise from start temperature
            V0          =          internal volume of pipeline
            n          =          Poison’s ratio for steel
Before any water is bled off CONTRACTOR shall determine and demonstrate to COMPANY, CLIENT and CERTIFYING AUTHORITY that the temperature rise has caused and increase in test pressure in excess of the safe test limits.
The discrepancy between the theoretical bleed volume calculated and the measured volume bled-off shall not be more than 0.1% of the internal volume of the pipe.
8.11    If leaks are found during the test, the leaked volume shall be collected (if possible) and may be used to justify the pressure drop, with prior agreement of COMPANY, CLIENT and CERTIFYING AUTHORITY.
If the pressure drop exceeds two bar due to leakage then the test shall be aborted, the leak fixed and the test re-started.


9.1       Hydrotest pressure shall be held without additional pumping, for a minimum period of twenty-four (24) hours.  During this time, pressure shall remain constant.  No pressure decrease shall be accepted unless demonstrated to be due to a fall in temperature, or test water removal that was documented by CONTRACTOR and verified by COMPANY.
9.2       Chart records shall be substantiated by deadweight pressure gauge readings and test water temperature readings as follows:
·         One made at the start of the test period
·         One every half-hour for the full test period
·         One at the end of the test period

All charts shall be signed ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ test by the COMPANY and CONTRACTOR representative.
9.3       Time, test water temperature and deadweight pressure gauge readings made during the hydrotest period shall be recorded in tabular form and approved as true readings by the COMPANY.
9.4       Any known causes of pressure/temperature changes occurring during the hold period shall be noted.  A pressure increase due to temperature increase during the hold period shall be limited to the maximum permissible test pressure stated in Section 2.4, by a slow bleed-off as detailed in section 8.10.
9.5       Following completion of the test period, the pressure/volume relationship shall be re-evaluated in the following manner:
·         If pressure is within the test range, volume shall be reduced in 40 liter or less increments, not to exceed 70 kPa (10 psi) pressure change for 5 intervals.  Time of day, pressure after volume removal and volume removed for each interval and five (5) data points of time, pressure, and volume shall be established.
·         If pressure is below the test range, the pump counter shall be reset to zero.  Pressure shall be raised back to minimum allowable test pressure and stopped.  Time of day, pressure and counter number shall be recorded at 70 kPa (10 psi) intervals, or at least every five (5) minutes during the repressurizing period.

9.6       Following the hydrotest, the pump counter shall be reset to zero and a calibrated vessel shall be filled to recheck the counter for pump volume output at atmospheric pressure.  The final counter figure and volume output shall be recorded.
9.7       Completed records shall be turned over to COMPANY following the post-hydrotest pressure volume recording.
9.8       If there is a pressure loss after the twenty-four (24) hour test period, CONTRACTOR shall evaluate how much pressure loss can be attributed to temperature change and to free air dissolving in the water only.  The test shall only be excepted if such pressure drop can be explained to complete satisfaction of COMPANY. Calculations of factors required to evaluate pressure change, shall be included in the testing procedure.
9.9       If CONTRACTOR explanation for pressure drop during the twenty-four (24) hour period is not accepted by COMPANY, CONTRACTOR shall extend the hydrotest period beyond twenty-four (24) hours, until a completely satisfactory hydrotest is obtained.
9.10    If any leaks are identified CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for locating and rectifying the leaks, and retesting the system in accordance with this specification.
9.11    Hydrotest results shall be witnessed and certified by COMPANY and CONTRACTOR as a condition of hydrotest acceptance.  Immediately after COMPANY accepts each successful hydrotest, CONTRACTOR shall relieve pressure on the completed section.
9.12    After the test has been completed, CONTRACTOR shall depressurise the system at a rate that shall not exceed 1.0 bar per minute.


10.1    CONTRACTOR shall promptly tighten any mechanical fittings and / or repair or replace any materials that have caused a leak in the pipeline system.
10.2    Failures shall be located and a detailed program developed and approved by COMPANY for field repairs.  Such repair programs shall include methods and procedures for depressurizing, removing and disposing of test water, repairing the pipeline, refilling with test water, venting and repressurizing.
10.3    Complete records of failures occurring during the hydrotest shall be maintained.  Records shall include the exact location, type and cause of failure, method of repair, etc.  Pipe, fittings, or valves that fail and are replaced shall have the location and pressure at which they failed recorded.  Such materials shall be tagged and delivered to COMPANY designated locations.


11.1    CONTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY approval as agreed in the contract procedure but not limited to the following:
·         Chemical certificates
·         Equipment calibration certificates
·         Time/pressure plots
·         Temperature plots
·         Tabulated records
·         All calculations and explanations of test pressure changes

11.2.1  Original records, data, and charts shall be clearly marked with the following information and shall be furnished to COMPANY in accordance with CONTRACTORS approved procedures and requirement of DNV-OS-F101 and ASME B31.8:
·         COMPANY and COMPANY representative names
·         CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR representative names
·         Description of facilities tested
·         Date and time of test (start and completion)
·         Test pressure and duration
·         Description of test medium used
·         Total volume of chemical additives and water injected
·         Explanation of any pressure discontinuities that appear on any chart
·         A full explanation of any failures during the hydrotest
·         COMPANY representative and testing CONTRACTOR representative signatures

11.3    All records shall be submitted in both hard copy and electronic format.

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