1.1       This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing preparation of carbon steel pipes and application asphalt enamel for anti-corrosion coating suitable for offshore pipelines.  This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:

·         Basis of Design 84506-60-00-2L-060
General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 - Definitions and Specification Directory
·         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality


2.1       The preparation of carbon steel pipes and application of asphalt enamel for anti-corrosion coating shall be in accordance with;
Recommended Practice for Transportation of Linepipe on Barges and Marine Vessels.
Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of Linepipe.
Specification for Line Pipe.
ASTM D-146
Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Bitumen Saturated Felts and Woven Fabrics
ASTM D 4285
Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air
ASTM E-337
Test Method for Measuring Relative Humidity with a Psychrometer (The Measurement of Wet and Dry Bulb Temperatures).
AWWA C-203
Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipelines, Enamel and Tape Hot-Applied.
BS 4147
Bitumen Based Hot Applied Coating Materials for Protecting Iron and Steel.
NACE RP-02-74
Recommended Practice, High Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline Coatings Prior to Installation.
Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness With Magnetic Gauges
Near-white Blast Cleaning


3.1       CONTRACTOR shall perform a procedure qualification trial (PQT) for COMPANY approval, prior to production to demonstrate that safety, quality and environmental standards are being achieved.  This trial shall comprise 10 joints of each pipe size, all of which shall be subject to all QC tests.
3.2       Coating application shall be performed if possible in COMPANY presence.
3.3       CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with reasonable facilities and space for any COMPANY inspection, testing, and information gathering that COMPANY desires, and COMPANY shall have free access to all plant locations concerned with furnishing of materials or performance of work under this specification
3.4       Pipe heating, blasting and coating operations shall be performed by and under the supervision of qualified personnel experienced in coating application.
3.5       CONTRACTOR equipment for blasting, coating, handling and storing pipes shall be in a good condition which permits applicators to follow approved procedures and consistently obtain results required by this specification.
3.6       CONTRACTOR QA/QC shall furnish qualified personnel, material and equipment to perform examinations and tests specified herein.  This equipment shall be available for COMPANY monitoring of work activities.  Inspection provided by COMPANY shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to ensure quality control.
3.7       Inspection points shall be established as follows:
·         Pipe receipt
·         Immediately before surface preparation
·         Immediately following surface preparation
·         Immediately prior to asphalt enamel application
·         Following asphalt enamel application

3.8       Pipe ends shall be protected from damage throughout the coating process.

4.   materials

4.1       All materials and material manufacturers shall be subject to COMPANY approval.
4.2       Prior to approval of CONTRACTOR materials, COMPANY may request material samples to be submitted for testing by COMPANY.  If any sample is found not to conform to the required standard, material represented by that sample will be rejected, including any of CONTRACTOR materials that have been previously approved.
4.3       All materials that have, at any time and for any cause, been rejected as unsuitable by COMPANY shall be removed from the equipment, storage and work areas and shall not be mixed with other material for use in coating COMPANY pipes.
4.4       All materials shall be packaged in suitable and approved containers.  Containers shall be plainly marked with the manufacturer’s name, type of material, batch or lot number, date of manufacture and material expiry date.  The finished coating on each pipe shall be traceable back to the batch numbers of all materials.  Storage shall be in accordance with material manufacturer’s recommendations.
4.5       CONTRACTOR shall have covered storage areas for all materials, which when exposed to the atmosphere are known to absorb moisture.

5.   PIPE receipt

5.1       CONTRACTOR shall assume custody and full responsibility for pipes upon receipt from the ship, barge, rail car or truck.
5.2       Pipes shall be handled and stored in strict accordance with Project Specification for Handling, Storage and Transportation of Linepipe (84506-60-30-2L-270).
5.3       CONTRACTOR shall make an accurate tally of pipes received indicating the Purchase Order and manifest numbers.  Each pipe number and length shall be individually verified against the manifest.  Any discrepancies shall be stored in a separate stockpile and investigated.
5.4       As pipes are unloaded, CONTRACTOR shall visually examine each piece for damage.  Any pipes found to be damaged upon receipt shall be clearly marked and the type and extent of damage shall be noted on the receiving report for each pipe.
5.5       Pipes not reported by CONTRACTOR as damaged upon receipt, but subsequently found to have been damaged will be assumed to have been damaged by CONTRACTOR and shall be replaced by CONTRACTOR.


CONTRACTOR shall grind or otherwise repair damaged bevels and damaged pipes, as directed by COMPANY and in accordance with the relevant Project Specification for Linepipe 84506-60-30-2L-210 (Seamless).
6.1       Scratches, grooves, gouges, dents and slivers may be removed by filing or grinding, but only to the extent specified in API 5L.  After filing or grinding, pipes shall be checked to verify the wall thickness exceeds the minimum required.
6.2       CONTRACTOR shall furnish a beveling machine acceptable to COMPANY.  Bevels shall be made by machine tools or flame cut. CONTRACTOR shall rebevel all pipes ends that are damaged to such an extent that they cannot be repaired by grinding or filing.


7.2       CONTRACTOR shall remove all oil and grease from exterior pipes surface by washing with COMPANY-approved solvent.  The solvent shall be fully removed from the pipe prior to blasting.
7.3       All contamination shall be removed from the pipe by solvents in accordance with SSPC-SP 1.
7.4       Each pipe shall be uniformly heated prior to blast cleaning, to completely remove all moisture and to prevent condensation on the pipes.  During surface preparation and coating application:
·         Substrate temperature shall be a minimum 3°C above dew point and above 25°C, but not exceeding 60°C.
·         Ambient temperature shall be greater than 5°C and relative humidity less than 85% unless pipe is pre-heated.

7.5       Temperature, dew point, and relative humidity shall be determined in accordance ASTM E-337.  Measurements are required at the start of each shift and every four (4) hours thereafter.
7.6       Exterior pipe surfaces shall be abrasive blast cleaned to SSPC-SP-10 "near white metal finish”.  The largest commercial grade of abrasive permitted is SAE No. G-25. Contractor may with company approval use a different grade of abrasive as long as the surface profile is between 50-100 microns
7.7       Abrasive working mixes shall be:
·         Made of cast iron, malleable iron or steel of maximum particle size no larger than that passing through a 16 NBS mesh screen (1.18-mm), U.S. Sieve Series.
·         Selected to produce a surface anchor profile between 50 and 100 microns.
·         Maintained by frequent small additions of new steel grit or shot consistent with abrasive consumption.  Infrequent large additions shall be avoided.
·         Maintained free of contaminants.
·         Prevented from entering the pipe interior.
7.8       Abrasive blast cleaning equipment shall use the centrifugal force provided by rapidly spinning wheels to propel the abrasive towards the pipe surface.  Spent abrasive, dust and other fine particular matter shall be separated from the abrasive through an automatic recycling facility so that the working mix remains in good condition.  Additions of new steel grit/shot shall restore the working mix to optimal proportions.
7.9       Where relevant all compressed air used for blasting shall be free of water and oil.  Prior to using compressed air, air quality downstream of the separator shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 4285 by blowing air onto a clean white blotter or cloth for two minutes to check for any contamination, oil, or moisture.  Tests shall be repeated at the beginning and end of each shift, and at least four (4) hour intervals.  Tests also shall be made after any interruption of air compressor operation, or as required by COMPANY.  Air shall be used only if tests indicate no visible contamination, oil, or moisture.
If contaminants are evident, equipment deficiencies shall be corrected and the air stream shall be re-tested.  Surfaces that have been blasted with contaminated air shall be re-blasted with clean air and abrasive, and coatings that have been applied using contaminated air shall be removed and re-applied using clean air.
7.10    After blasting and prior to coating, every pipe shall be inspected by CONTRACTOR under ample lighting conditions.  Surface roughness shall be inspected on the first pipe of every shift and 1 pipe in 20 thereafter using Testex Press-O-Film together with a calibrated micrometer or equivalent method approved by COMPANY. Note this inspection level can be reduced with Company approval
7.11    Blast-cleaned surfaces shall not be contaminated with dirt, dust, metal particles, oil, water, or other harmful matter from any source, nor shall anchor patterns be destroyed or burnished by pipes transport systems, processing equipment or tools.
7.12    Following abrasive cleaning and prior to coating application, all dust, grit, metal particles or other loose contaminants remaining on the surface, or entering pipe interiors, shall be blown off with clean, dry, oil-free compressed air without affecting other clean pipes or pipes to be coated.  When compressed air cleaning facilities are not available, vacuum cleaning may be used. Contractor may use foam inserts to stop the ingress of blast media and any other contaminants.
7.13    Cleaned pipe surfaces shall not be allowed to flash rust before coating.  Any pipes not coated with the primer coat within four (4) hours after blasting and not coated with the complete coating system within eight (8) hours after blasting shall be reblasted.
7.14    Any raised slivers, scabs, laminations or bristles of steel remaining on newly cleaned pipe surfaces shall be removed.


The complete coating system shall be a minimum 5.2 mm thickness.
8.1       Primer Application
Primer shall be consist of a chlorinated rubber and plasticizer material in accordance with BS 4147 and BS 4146 Type “B”.
The steel surface temperature shall be at least 3oC above dewpoint and greater than 10oC.  Temperature, dewpoint and relative humidity shall be determined in accordance with ASTM-E-337.  Measurements are required at the start of every shift and every four hours thereafter. If pipe is pre-heated then record data for information only.
Primer application shall be full and even coverage and as per manufacturer’s recommendations.
Minimum and maximum allowable primer drying time, between application of primer and coating, shall be in accordance with primer manufacturer's instructions, but not greater than four hours between abrasive blasting and coal tar enamel application.
Primer coats shall be uniform and free from floods, runs, sags, or drips.
Suitable measures shall be taken to prevent dust or moisture contamination of wet primer, and to protect the primer from track marks due to pipe handling equipment.

8.2       Enamel Application
The asphalt enamel shall be Grade B according to BS 4147 and shall be supplied complete with inert non-fibrous filler and shall exhibit the characteristics presented in BS 4147.
The tests specified in BS 4147 shall be performed on at least 1 sample selected from every melting kettle of enamel.  If the enamel is supplied in bulk as a hot liquid, a sample shall be taken from each tank and the tests performed on equal mixtures of at least three such samples. One sample per kettle will be tested for Penetration and Softening Point
The first batch of asphalt enamel material at the start of production and every fifth batch CONTRACTOR shall test the filler content, relative density, and flash point for BS 4147 compliance.
If block enamel is used, it shall be broken into pieces of no more than 5 kg prior to loading into the kettles.
Enamel heating kettles shall be equipped with accurate and easily read thermometers, mechanically agitated, and covered with proper lids.  CONTRACTOR shall provide recording thermometers on heating kettles.  Temperature recording charts will constitute the basis for accepting or rejecting all heated enamel.
Enamel shall be thoroughly melted and brought up to application temperature without exceeding the manufacturer’s maximum allowable temperature, and shall be re-heated as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Minimum application temperature shall be as follows:
·         180°C if the pipe temperature is above 15°C.
·         200°C if the pipe temperature is less than 15°C

Enamel that has been heated in excess of maximum allowable temperature or has been held at application temperature in excess of the time specified by the enamel manufacturer, or has not been agitated, shall be removed from the kettle, disposed of and the kettle cleaned prior to recharging.
Hot enamel shall be passed through a filter of maximum 3 mm mesh size prior to being drawn from the melting kettle.
Primed pipe surfaces shall be touch dry at the time enamel is applied.  Primed pipe surface temperature shall be at least 3oC above dewpoint or greater than 10oC, whichever is greater, at the time of application.
Temperature, dewpoint and relative humidity shall be determined in accordance with ASTM-E-337.  Measurements are required at the start of the shift and every four hours thereafter.
Enamel shall be applied by spirally spraying or flooding to provide a continuous defect free coat.
The weld seam (if applicable) shall be specifically checked for thickness.  An additional line of enamel may be applied on the primed pipe if necessary to ensure the specified thickness is obtained over the seam.
CONTRACTOR shall take care to ensure there is no damage to the hot and vulnerable coated pipe while the coating is still soft.  The completed coatings shall be cooled down prior to handling and inspection.
The enamel coating shall be cut back 260±12 mm from each end of the pipe.  There shall be no primer on the cut-back region.  The coating immediately adjacent to the uncoated pipe shall be beveled at an angle of approximately 45º.
All coated joints, other than those that will be immediately concrete coated or stored undercover, shall be whitewashed to reduce solar heat damage.  The whitewash mixture shall meet AWWA C-203, Section 3.11.  Whitewash may be applied by spray brush or other COMPANY-approved methods.
8.3       Fiberglass Inner-Wrap Application
There shall be two (2) fiberglass inner wrap layers.
The inner-wrap shall be non-woven fiberglass tissue, comprising a uniformly porous mat of chemically resistant hydrolitic glass.  The glass fiber monofilaments making up the mat shall be in random arrangements, bonded with phenolic type resin compatible with hot asphalt enamel.  Continuous longitudinal filament glass yarn to provide longitudinal reinforcement shall be embodied in the mat a maximum 30 mm centers.
The inner-wraps shall conform to AWWA C203-86 (Section A2) and ASTM D-146 and it shall exhibit the following properties.
Minimum 42 g/m2
Minimum 0.30 mm
Binder Content
Maximum 15% by weight
Maximum 1.9 mm WG
Tensile Strength
Minimum 100 N/50 mm of width along reinforcement

Minimum 30 N/50 mm of width across reinforcement
Temperature Resistance*
Minimum 65 N/50 mm of width across reinforcement
Uniform smooth surface free from dirt and visible defects
*Defined as tensile strength after 2 minutes in suitable heat transfer medium at 260°C.

The inner-wrap shall be packaged so as to prevent the ingress of moisture and to comply with the requirements of AWWA C203-86
The wraps shall be applied concurrently with the coating in a spiral and have an overlap minimum of 25 mm. Successive rolls of wrap shall have sufficient overlap to ensure good coverage All fibers and reinforcing strands shall be completely saturated by asphalt enamel.  Sufficient tension shall be applied to the glass mat to embed it in the outer coating half.
Fiberglass shall never be pulled through the hot coating to the metal surface. There shall be no fiberglass wrap within the bottom 2.0 mm of coating and a minimum thickness of 1.0 mm of asphalt enamel between each inner wrap and between the inner-wrap and outer-wrap
The wraps shall have a neat and smooth appearance.  These shall be no trapped air and no wrinkles, buckles or other defects.

8.4       Enamel Impregnated Fiberglass Outer-wrap Application
The outer-wrap shall comply with the requirements of AWWA Standard C-203 and shall be applied concurrently with the asphalt enamel in a spiral with a minimum overlap of 25mm
The outer wrap shall consist of a glass fiber tape, which meets the requirements of Section 8.3 of this Specification, saturated with a plasticized asphalt enamel.  The enamel shall be fully compatible with the asphalt enamel specified in Section 8.2 of this Specification.
The finish outer-wrap shall have the following properties and comply to AWWA C203-86:
Minimum 585-730 g/m2
Minimum 0.76 mm
Tensile Strength
Minimum 300 N/50 mm of width
Uniform smooth surface free from dirt and visible defects

The outside surface of the outer-wrap shall be treated with approved mineral powder in sufficient quantity to prevent sticking in the roll.  The inner surface of the wrap shall be as free as possible of the mineral powder.
The width of the outer-wrap shall be selected to be optimal for the pipe diameter being coated, and shall not be less than 150 mm.
The packaging and sampling requirements for testing shall be as stated in Section 8.3 of this Specification.


The following test and inspection frequencies represent the minimum requirement to be performed by CONTRACTOR.  Additional tests shall be performed on COMPANY request.
9.1       CONTRACTOR shall verify each batch of enamel material complies with manufacturer’s ring and ball and softening point certification. These tests can be carried out during production and any material not in compliance shall be rejected.
9.2       CONTRACTOR shall inspect freshly coated pipes as they leave the coating station.  The following conditions shall be cause for rejection:
·         Separation of fiberglass wrap and asphalt enamel.
·         Appearance of grease, oil, loose mill scale or any other foreign matter on coated surfaces.
·         Voids in the coating
·         Insufficient enamel bleed-through
·         Failure of cured coatings to properly adhere to pipe surfaces.
·         Failure of coatings to meet any other aspect set forth in this specification.

9.3       Surface temperature and environmental conditions shall meet the manufacturer’s specified application requirements at each stage of the coating process. If pipe is pre-heated data will be recorded for information only.
9.4       Coating thickness shall be a minimum of 5.2mm
9.5       CONTRACTOR shall inspect the entire surface of all joints of pipe with a certified COMPANY-approved high voltage holiday detector, equipped with a positive audible and visual signaling device to indicate any flaws, holes, breaks or conductive particles in the applied anti-corrosion coatings.  The electrode shall be a steel spring or conductive rubber.
Holiday detector shall be set at 15,000 volts and the output shall be checked every four (4) hours, or upon noticeable humidity change, with a calibrated voltage meter on a control coated pipe with known holidays.
CONTRACTOR shall test all coatings at a speed of less than 0.3 m per second immediately after application, for any discontinuities, holidays and pinholes, in strict accordance with NACE RP-02-74.  All holidays detected shall be immediately circled with a waterproof crayon contrasting with the coating color.
9.6       CONTRACTOR shall repair all holidays and damaged spots, in accordance with Section 10.0, prior to loading out coated pipes for transport to storage.
9.7       All holidays indicated in a joint shall be marked, repaired and re-tested with a holiday detector as per AWWA C203-86
9.8       CONTRACTOR shall cut samples from 1 in 20 coated pipe or at least 1 pipe every 2 hours to check for continuity, correct placement of layers, thickness and adhesion to the pipe. This inspection frequency can be reduced with Company’s approval.
9.9       If the coating thickness, measured in at least five places on each pipe does not meet this specification, those pipes shall be rejected, and CONTRACTOR shall take necessary measures to ensure that an increased coating thickness is achieved on remaining pipes.
9.10    Coating shall be visually inspected for defects.  CONTRACTOR shall repair all defects as approved by COMPANY.
9.11    Adhesion tests shall be performed on one in ten (10) joints. Using a knife, heated if necessary, two parallel cuts 30 mm apart and 100 mm long shall be made through the coating thickness to the pipe surface, in the circumferential direction around the pipe.  With a stiff flat blade, the full width of the wrap shall be loosened between the two cuts and the wrap lifted upwards in a direction at right angles to the pipe surface. This inspection frequency can be reduced with Company’s approval.
The bond is considered satisfactory if the coating does not peel cleanly from the primer or the pipe surface but is removed with difficulty causing cohesive failure within the coating.
Should any pipe fail the test, the proceeding and succeeding 10 joints shall be tested until a 10% batch is found to be acceptable.  In no case shall time between tests be more than two (2) hours.  These tests shall also be conducted after every major kettle shutdown and at the start of every shift.  All pipes failing this test shall be stripped and recoated.  Failures shall be immediately reported to COMPANY.
CONTRACTOR shall repair all test areas in accordance with Section 10.



All coating defects, test areas or other imperfections shall be repaired.  Repaired areas shall then be re-inspected for holidays in accordance with Section 9.5.
10.1    Pipe areas requiring small spot repairs shall be cleaned by surface grinders or other suitable means to remove dirt, scale and damaged coating.  Adjacent coating shall be feathered, and all dust removed. 
Surface preparation is not required for pinholes, other than removing surface dirt, oil, grease and other detrimental contaminants that impair repair material adhesion.
Large repairs through to the steel or primer surface will require fresh preparation of the steel surface to ST3 standards.
10.2    For pinpoint or bubble type holidays, the glass fiber outer-wrap shall be removed with a sharp knife taking care not to damage the enamel.  Heated enamel shall be poured over the area to specified thickness and covered with one patch of glassfiber outerwrap, with its edges pressed firmly against parent coating such that the entire glassfiber patch is bonded to the enamel.
10.3    For fractured or scuffed coating, all disbonded enamel shall be removed down to the steel and the remaining edges beveled to sound enamel firmly bonded to the pipe.  The surface shall be cleaned to ST3 standard and reprimed.  After primer has dried, hot enamel shall be applied to the area to specified thickness and covered with glass fiber mat as in Section 10.2.
10.4    For repair of areas greater than five percent of pipe diameter in length or width, a full cigarette wrap of glassfiber outerwrap shall be made around the pipe circumference.  A flood coat of properly heated enamel shall bond the entire glassfiber mat to the original coating and also seal the wrap edges and overlap.
10.5    Pipes with major coating defects such as unbonded coating, inadequate coating thickness or partially coated joints shall be set aside for a COMPANY decision to repair or reprocess.



CONTRACTOR shall maintain pipe identification throughout the coating process.  If pipe identification is removed during coating, it shall be replaced in a COMPANY approved manner, to ensure no pipe loses its unique number or heat number.  Any pipe that cannot be positively identified to COMPANY satisfaction shall be rejected and replaced.
11.1    Pipe number and length shall be applied 100 mm from coating ends, inside the pipe at each end.  Letters and numerals shall be of adequate size.  For internally coated pipe, bevels should have die stamped numbers to ensure identification using a round soft-nosed die. The stamping marks shall be 50mm clear of any welded seam.
11.2    All markings shall be stenciled and spray applied with a paint compatible with the coating material, and of a contrasting color.


CONTRACTOR shall maintain complete pipe records, from the time they first enter the coating yard until completion of coated pipe load out, including pipe length and date of anti-corrosion coating application.  All test and inspection records shall be signed by CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY and shall be compiled into a databook for submission when coating is complete.
All data shall be submitted to COMPANY in both hard copy and electronic format


Asphalt enamel coated pipe shall handled in accordance with Project Specification for Handling, Storage and Transportation of Linepipe (84506-60-30-2L-270) at all times, to avoid coating damage.
13.1    Coated pipes, when cool and / or cured, shall be moved by lifting the uncoated ends or by rolling on padded runners.  Other coated pipe handling and moving methods, such as the use of dollies or buggies, may be used subject to COMPANY approval.
13.2    If not adequately quenched prior to rolling hot-coated pipes may be moved by rolling them on smooth runners that contact only uncoated pipe ends.
13.3    Asphalt enamel coated pipe shall not be stacked more than three tiers high and each joint to have gunnysacks encircling the entire circumference located at three points. Each joint shall be supported adequately to limit bearing pressure at the contact point.  No two asphalt enamel coated pipes shall be allowed to touch during storage.



14.1    All harmful substances, dirt, steel shot and other debris shall be removed from inside pipes before shipping.  All excess coating found inside and on the cutback and bevel end of pipe shall be completely removed.
14.2    Each pipe shall be supported on contoured and padded bolsters to limit bearing pressure and avoid coating deformation and damage while pipes are in transit.  There shall be no contact between adjacent asphalt enamel coated pipes.


CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval, 30 days prior to receipt of linepipe, the following documents:
a.    Coating Application Procedures
b.    Handling, Transportation and Storage Procedures
c.    Inspection and Testing Procedures

CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval throughout the execution of work, the following documents:
a.    Material Test Certificates
b.    Certified Test and Inspection Reports
c.    Calibration Records
d.    Tally Record of Pipes Received, Coated / Loaded Out

All certificates shall be in the English language and use metric units of measure.  CONTRACTOR and COMPANY shall visibly sign certificates.

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