1       PURPOSE

1.1.     This procedure defines the activities of the QC Inspection section by the various disciplines of    the works. The Inspectors will ensure the Quality of the work output in line with the relevant TFE, International Specifications and Standards as applicable to the various disciplines involved.

2       SCOPE

2.1.      The detailed inspections are to be included within the respective discipline procedures that are   referenced within the following sections of this document.

2.2.     Inspectors will be multidisciplinary and fully qualified with respect to welding and painting. They shall also have a previous background in piping and structural fabrication or vessel fabrication as shown on their CV also referenced at interview stage.

2.3.     Inspections will be carried out at vendor locations in Batam, Singapore and other Indonesian locations as dictated by the PO’s for equipment or materials.


3.1.     When advised by the Procurement section that an order has been placed with a vendor of equipment or materials then all drawings and specifications relative to the item(s) involved shall be made available to the QA/QC section.

3.2.     When advised by the procurement expediting section that the work is now imminent to commencement an Inspector shall be nominated by the QA/QC section to attend the Vendor location works. Some cases it may be that only visits according to the agreed ITP shall be made and in other cases the Inspector may have to be present full time. If during occasional visits the quality becomes suspect then the inspection ratio shall be increased and maybe upgraded to full time cover to ensure all quality requirements.

3.3.     The Inspectors duties will be but not limited to, verifying that all materials correspond to the contract documents and specifications, all welding procedures are approved by company, verify that the work is being carried out to them, set up for welding is correct to the WPS being used, review all radio graphs, witness dimensional checks and any hydraulic testing that may have to be carried out.

3.4.     The inspector shall make out reports daily if covering more than one vendor or weekly if based with one vendor, one copy to the QA/QC coordinator and original to the QA/QC Manager retaining a copy for his own file. Any visits by the Company QC personnel the Inspector shall if requested show the reports to him and offer any information he requires. Visits of this nature to be recorded on the reports also.

3.5.     No equipment or materials shall be released for shipping to the site until a complete document review has been carried out and accepted by the QC  inspector and the Company QC representative.


4.1.     This section is cross referenced to the Material control Procedure No PMD-01-2-705-P and the Material Receiving Inspection Report.

4.2.     The QC Material  Inspector (s) for the Fabrication yard shall be responsible upon request from the Material Controller to examine first the condition of the delivery, then compliance to the purchase order requirements. He will also make sure that adequate identification is visible and relates to the certification with respect to the raw materials.

4.3.     Items of tagged equipment shall be checked against the specification, for items like valves for an example and major equipment items against the approved drawings and shipping list.

4.4.     Any overage, shortage or damage shall be recorded on the OSD report and handed to the Material Controller for notification to the Purchasing section for action.

4.5.     With respect to cables when the drums are off loaded each cable shall have a continuity leak check done by the Electrical QC inspector to ensure no leakage is recorded through the covering coats, size of cable, rating and length shall be recorded on the inspection report

4.6.     Items without the correct documentation, damage or out of compliance with the project specification shall be put into the designated quarantine area and clearly identified DO NOT ISSUE and QC contact name and telephone No’ if available. The follow up inspection when remedial action has been taken shall take place when QC inspector(s) have been requested to recheck.

4.7.     Upon receipt of the first items to be quarantined a register shall be set up by the QC Inspection stating date signed in, a brief detail of problem and date of release signed by the Inspector who gave the release.


5.1.     For details in this section see reference to the Work Procedures listed below:

Piping Fabrication Procedure No’ GND – 50 – 2 – 802 - B
Pipe Fabrication Welding Procedure No’ GND – 50 – 2 – 801 – B  
Welding Inspection Procedure No’ GND - .90 – 2 – 817 – B ( TBE)
Material Control Procedure No’ PMD-01-2-705-P
Structural Steel Welding Procedure No’ GND-90-2-808-B.
Dimensional Control Procedure No’ GND-90-2-807-B
Post Weld Heat Treatment Procedure No’ GND-50-2-807-B

5.2.     A QC Inspector shall be in attendance when all qualifications for WPQR’s and Welders qualifications are taking place in accordance with the WPS Qualification Procedure No’ GNT-01-9-935-B (TBA).

5.3.     During these tests he will be attended by the NDE sub-contractors representative and both shall confirm all the requirements to the codes and Company requirements are met. The Company QC Welding Engineer shall also be requested to be in attendance during these qualifications along with their 3rd party Company representative and MIGAS.

5.4.     When the raw material is transferred to the fabrication shop the a QC Piping or Structural Inspector shall check the cast numbers are evident and release it for cutting by signing the traveler sheet and stamping with his unique ID stamp

5.5.     During the cutting a QC Piping or Structural Inspector shall check at regular intervals to ensure the traceability of material. He will also during this check make sure details are being entered onto the appropriate drawings. He will endorse the traveler card and stamp also to identify that the particular function has been witnessed, see Piping Fabrication Procedure No’ GND-50-2-802-B and Pipe Fabrication Welding Procedure GND-50-2-801-B, Structural Steel Fabrication Procedure No’ GND-90-2-806-B and Structural Steel Welding Procedure No’ GND-90-2-808-B

5.6.     At the tacking up stage the QA/QC Coordinator shall be notified by the Fabrication Shop Supervisor on the request form what welds are ready to be checked prior to release for welding out. Any welds found to be out of compliance with the WPS shall be rejected and reset for further inspection.

5.7.     If at this stage any excessive misalignment is showing other fittings shall be check and if possible a new fitting shall be used and the original issue placed into quarantine until a decision made on remedial action. The QC Inspector involved will raise the problem with the QA/QC Coordinator who in turn will make out a report to the Material Controller

5.8.     Before the release for welding the QC Inspector shall carry out a dimensional check to ensure compliance with the drawing/isometric.

5.9.     The QC Inspection shall check in the stores that electrode ovens are working and within the temperature parameters laid down by the electrode manufacturers. Spot checks will also be made to ensure this is carried out and also the electrode issue log is in compliance. See also the Pipe Fabrication Welding Procedure No’GND-50-2-801-B the Structural Steel Welding Procedure GND-90-2-808-B and the Material Control Procedure No’ PMD-01-2-705-P

5.10.   It will be the QC Inspection remit to witness any preheat requirement before welding takes place and record in his log book the weld details. He will ensure that a copy of the appropriate WPS posted close to the welder and that the welder is qualified to carryout the particular process.

5.11.   During the course of the weld the QC Inspector will check the Interpass temperatures do not exceed the parameters laid down in the WPS and also check the welder’s quivers to ensure that the electrodes are at the approved temperature.

5.12.   On completion of the weld the QC Inspector shall carry out a visual inspection and make sure the weld is numbered and the welder No’ stamped on using low stress stamps and also identified on the appropriate drawings. The welding inspection report form PMD-04-9-901-U Rev A shall be filled in by the appropriate inspector carrying out the work.

5.13.   The QC Inspector will refer to the QA/QC coordinator to arrange any PWHT requirements with the PWHT Subcontractor, see PWHT Procedure No’ GNT-01-9-911-B Rev A when all pipe welds are cleared visually.

5.14.   The QC Inspector will on completion of any PWHT refer to the QA/QC coordinator who will arrange any NDE requirements as per the line specification with the NDE Subcontractor. Refer to procedure GND – 50 – 2 – 807 - B. for the NDE activities. Following the NDE the QC Inspector(s) shall review the Radiographs with the reports along with any MPI, UT or LP reports that may be required and stamp on acceptance before offering to or with the Company Representative.

5.15.   Any repairs that may be required the QC Coordinator shall take up with the Welding Supervisor and ensure they are carried out in line with the procedures and all the parameters as per section 5.8 to 5.13 above. The welders log sheet shall have the information entered and witnessed at the same time.

5.16.   On structural steel the QC Inspector shall ensure all slag, weld spatter is removed and weld tacks ground with MPI inspection as required carried out. He will also ensure all rat holes are free from sharp edges and conform to the radius required and all contours are smooth ready for painting.

5.17.   On acceptance all inspection reports by Isometric / Drawing shall be filed for inclusion into the final handover package and TOTAL E & P INDONESIE review .


6.1.     Once the fabrication has been released by the QA/QC Coordinator from the Fabrication area it shall be removed to the Blast and Paint area

6.2.     Checks shall be made at least twice a day (start of shift am and after lunch PM) on the Dew point and relative Humidity and a record sheet filled in (format yet to be advised) by the QC Painting Inspector and the paint supplier Inspector. When out of compliance the Inspection has the right to close down all blasting and painting operations until conditions are back in compliance

6.3.     The QC Painting Inspector shall check that the blast finish is to the requirements in the procedure. See the Blasting and Painting Procedure No’GND- 90-2-816-B (TBA) and also the TOTALFINAELF General Specification GS COR 350. All site weld prep’s, untested butt welds and any flange faces shall be taped prior to any primer coat being applied. All piping shall be blown out to remove grit or sand from the internal of piping and from all areas of steelwork before moving into the paint area.

6.4.     hen the QC Inspector has cleared the blast area the primer coat shall be applied as quickly after the blasting as is and the inspector shall take the DFT reading at various points on the pipe /structure. He shall record the readings on the daily log sheets along with the suppliers Inspector and the Company Inspector (format yet to be advised).

6.5.     The rest of the paint coats will be brought up in a similar manner till the final coat applied. On completion the QC Painting Inspector shall sign off the Items on the traveller and the suppliers Inspector with the Company Inspector shall sign off the inspection sheets.

6.6.     Any items that will be tested in the Fabrication yard then installed on the deck units shall be fully painted including the welds before installation.


7.1.     The deck steel installation shall be inspected during the erection procedure and monitored by a QC Structural Inspector. The inspection form shall be used to denote what has been inspected and by whom.

7.2.     When the above has been accepted equipment can be set into place and the request for a QC Mechanical Inspector shall be made to the QA/QC Coordinator to have one available as required. (Inspection Format to be advised)

7.3.     On release any piping to be attached shall be installed and monitored by a QC Piping  Inspector and the inspection form shall be used to denote what has been inspected and by whom

7.4.     All installed items on the deck assembly shall be inspected for compliance to the contract specifications and drawings with respect to valves, bolting, gaskets etc by a QC Piping Inspector and any points raised shall be entered onto the Punch List

7.5.     Section testing and leak testing shall be carried when the relevant authorization forms  have been signed off as per procedures Flushing and Hydrostatic test procedure GND-50-2-803-B or Pneumatic Flushing and Test procedure GND-50-2-804-B  and witnessed by a QC Inspector.

7.6.     Any test blinds or spades shall be recorded on the Test Blind Register acknowledged by the QC Inspector and kept by the Test Supervisor.

7.7.     The QC Inspector assigned to look after tests shall witness any flushing required and record

7.8.     On completion of the Pressure Test the forms with all the test details, Rev A shall be endorsed by the attending QC Inspector and stamped.

7.9.     The flushing of the lines or system shall be completed and the form of flushing shall be completed and endorsed by the attending Inspector

7.10.   Following the testing the painting shall be touched up and inspected prior to the release for shipping notice given by the QA/QC coordinator and the Company QC Inspector.


8.1.     At site installed items of equipment shall be checked by the Mechanical Inspector prior to release for any piping or electrical requirements to be made.

8.2.     For the setting up and completion of structural and piping welds the QC Inspector will in line with section 5.0 above carry out the various stage inspections.

8.3.     Any Post Weld Heat Treatment required to site welds shall be arranged by the QC Coordinator as per section 5.0 above then carried out and witnessed by the Welding Inspector to the procedure GND – 50 – 2 – 807 - B

8.4.     All site welds shall be subject to NDE as required by the specification and arranged by the QA/QC Coordinator as per the Yard works.

8.5.     Following the NDE the QC Inspector(s) shall review the Radiographs with the reports along with any MPI, UT or LP reports that may be required and stamp on acceptance before offering to or with the Company Representative.

8.6.     Before any further testing takes place all the piping systems shall be subject to punch listing by the Piping QC Inspectors and any points raised shall be noted for action on the form GNT-50-9-901-W Rev A to the QA/QC Coordinator to advise the piping section Supervisor of any remedial work that is required.

8.7.     When advised by the piping section that remedial work has been completed it shall be rechecked again if cleared the system shall be released for testing preparation by the authorization forms as appropriate and endorsed by the QA/QC Coordinator.

8.8.     Any piping that has not been tested in the Fabrication Yard shall be tested see Flushing and Hydrostatic test procedure GND-50-2-803-B or  Pneumatic Flushing and Test procedure GND-50-2-804-B and witnessed by a nominated QC Inspector and Company QC Representative.

8.9.     When all testing, flushing completed, test sections shall be reinstated and accepted by Company all touch up painting to equipment and piping shall be completed and witnessed by the QC Painting Inspector with final acceptance by Company signed of along with the QC Coordinator.

9       TIE-INS

9.1     When any tie-in work is planned The QC Coordinator shall allocate a QC Inspector who will be made available to cover all the inspection points that will be included in the relevant Tie-in Procedures e.g. Fabrication, Radiography, UT, Installation etc.


10.1   The QC Coordinator shall prepare the final QC dossier along with the QA manager for review by the Company for inclusion into the overall project handover documentation to the Company.

Attachments :

1.1.1.     Register of Authorized Inspectors
1.1.2.     QA/QC Organization Chart
1.1.3.     Structural Dimensional Control Inspection Report Form
1.1.4.     Welding Inspection Report Form
1.1.5.     Piping Dimensional Control Inspection Report Form
1.1.6.     Material Receiving Inspection Report Form
1.1.7.     QC Inspectors Weekly Report
1.1.8.     Request for Inspection
1.1.9.     Daily / Weekly Vendor Inspection Report – Page 1
1.1.10.   Daily / Weekly Vendor Inspection Report – Page 2
1.1.11.   Test Blinds Installation Register
1.1.12.   Piping System Test Punch List
1.1.13.   Hydrostatic Test Certificate
1.1.14.   Flushing Certificate
1.1.15.   Pneumatic Pressure & Leak Test Authorization
1.1.16.   Pneumatic Leak Test Authorization for Systems with Previous Hydrostatic Test.

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