The Contractor shall submit with the Bid Proposal full details of the proposed pile driving equipment and the method of carrying out the work.  Such information shall include: a full description of the frame, hammer, helmet and packing; the method of handling and pitching piles and supporting them during driving and the proposed driving procedure to obtain the penetration and accuracy required. The piling equipment shall be capable of driving the piles to the ultimate resistance of 2 times nominal compression capacity/design load capacity.

Hammer Size and Cushion Block

Hammer size - The piles shall be driven with a diesel hammer. The hammer shall develop the minimum energy per blow to achieve the required pile capacity or an equivalent set based upon the rated energy of the actual piling hammer used. The final set will be adjusted as necessary after driving and testing of the test piles(s). The set will be valid only for the hammer used to drive the test piles.

Cushion blocks – A 419 mm Aluminum-Micarta cap block shall be used. Cap blocks shall be inspected periodically during driving and no driving shall be done with blocks that have been unduly worn and compacted with use.

Pile cushion blocks for all piles shall be of the same thickness, material, quality and construction. Uneven and cover sized cushion caps shall be not allowed.

The number of blows for the last 300 mm shall not be smaller than determined by the pile load test and established by the Owner, and in addition, the number of blows for last 1 cm shall not be smaller than 12.

Piles drivers with firmly supported fixed leads extending down to the lowest point that the hammer must reach are acceptable; short leads suspended from a line and braced only by lines will not be acceptable unless piles are rigidly braced and held in alignment by suitable guide frames prior to pile driving. Leads with spear (auger) points fixed to the lower lead end, embedded in the ground adjacent to the pile and fixed or suspended from the pile driving rig are acceptable, provided the leads remain, stationery during pile driving.

At all stages during driving, the pile shall be supported and restrained by means of leaders, trestles, temporary supports or other guide arrangements to maintain position and alignment and to prevent buckling.

The piling equipment and driving force used shall ensure that the piles are installed without damage or loss of strength. If, at any time, in the opinion of Owner, satisfactory results cannot be obtained with the equipment furnished by the Contractor, equipment of other rated capacity capable of driving piles to approved elevation, shall be furnished and used by Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner.


Marking Of Piles

Each pile shall be clearly identified by its number in white paint at least every three meters, with a minimum of three locations at the top, bottom and middle. The length shall be marked and identified with white paint at least every meter. Intervals of 300 mm shall also be marked with paint.

Length of Piles

The length of the piles shall be as necessary to develop the required pile capacity.  The Contractor shall determine length of piles based on geotechnical data and shall be proven by pile load tests.


The main setting out for the piles is to be completed prior to commencement of piling.  Secondary or individual pile setting out is to be completed and agreed upon not less than 8 hours prior to commencing work on the piles concerned.  All main setting out points, lines, stations and other work are to be maintained safe and undisturbed.


Pitching and Driving

Piles shall be pitched accurately in the position and driven to the lines shown on the approved drawings.

Piles shall be driven using approved pile driving equipment. Where piles have to be driven below the level of the bottom of the leaders, extension leaders shall be fitted. The use of a follower or dolly will not be permitted except with approval or the Owner.

Reduction of Hammer Energy - When the point of the pile is passing through soft soil, there is the possibility that longitudinal tensile stresses will be developed in the pile shaft by the elastic shock waves travelling up and down the pile. For such driving conditions, the length of stroke of hammer shall be reduced.

Contractor shall operate hammer at all times with adequate explosion pressure to maintain the speed and energy recommended by the manufacturer.

Jetting of piles will not be permitted. Augering will be required to drive piles adjacent the existing structure.

The depth of augering shall not be exceed two-thirds of the final driven length of the pile and shall proceed only with the approval of the Owner.

The use of a hammer which has not been operated for three hours or more, or fresh pile cushion material just before final penetration will not be permitted except with approval of the Owner.

The contractor shall ensure that damage does not occur to the piles during driving. Protection of the pile heads and the energy per blow shall be regulated to ensure that the piles are not overstressed during driving. Also, care shall be used during driving to prevent and correct any tendency of piles to twist or rotate. The tip of the pipe pile shall be stiffened by the Contractor, if necessary, to prevent damage during driving.

All piles shall satisfy the tolerances for position and inclination as stated herein. The deviation in position of the as-driven centerline of a pile or the projection of its centerline from the pile center point as shown on the setting-out drawings the defined level. Deviations from vertical shall not be more than 1 in 100 for vertical piles and better piles shall not deviate by more than 2 in 100 from the specified better.

If piles are installed out of plan position or line beyond allowable tolerances, the piles shall be extracted or additional piles shall be driven, as requested by the Owner, to properly provide for load conditions and to avoid overstressing of piles. Manipulation of piles to force them into position or line will not be permitted. The Contractor shall be responsible to extract and/or drive additional piles as noted above at no cost to the Owner.

Damage pile shall be abandoned, replaced or repaired as approved by the Owner at the Contractor’s expense. Abandoned piles shall be filled with soil that no cost to the Owner. Additional piles shall be driven as requested, to provide for load conditions and to avoid overstressing of piles. The Contractor shall be responsible to drive additional piles at no cost to the Owner.

Piles shall be driven until the required length and capacity is achieved. If piles do not achieve the required final set at the specified depth, piles shall be driven deeper until specification is met and upper portion shall be extended by welding.

Driving of production piles shall not begin until the evaluation of the preliminary pile load tests for tension load, lateral load and compression load to failure has been completed for each diameter type of pile.

Build Up

In the event that any pile is driven below the established out off elevation or if pile heads are damage during driving, all necessary build up shall be provided. Build ups shall consist of all required pipes, splices, concrete, reinforcing steel, etc. required to bring the top of the pile to the cut off elevation. Cost of pile build up shall be included in the Contract Price.

Pile Heaving

After piles have been driven, the Contractor shall check to determine if any piles have heaved due to driving of adjacent piles and redrive piles that heaved as directed by Owner; cost of redriving shall be included in the Contract Price. 

The Contractor shall monitor vibration and ground movement during pile driving. A proposal of the monitoring method shall be submitted to the Owner for approval.


On completion of the driving of the piles to the levels approved by the Owner, the heads of all piles shall be cut off to the level indicated, of the drawing. Cut off piles at elevations indicated, only after there is no danger from up‑heaval. Cutting may be performed with pneumatic tools or burning with a torch or any order method approved by the Owner. In no case shall explosives be used for cutting. Make cuts at right angles to the vertical axis of piles. All cut-offs shall become property of the Contractor and shall be removed by him from the Project Site.


All piles which are damages, misallocated, driven out of alignment or positioned outside the specific tolerances shall be extracted or cut off and abandoned as directed by the Owner. Replacement piles shall be at expense of the Contractor.
When extraction of the piles is required, it shall be carried out using efficient extraction equipment of adequate capacity. The extraction equipment shall be correctly positioned over the pile to minimize damage to the pile head and to prevent any major disturbance of the supporting ground. Pile heads damaged during extraction and pile toes found to have been damaged during initial driving are to be trimmed with a clean cut perpendicular to the pile exist prior to re‑driving. Extension pieces shall be added as necessary to restore the pile to its original length.


Adequate structural connection between the piles and the pile caps shall be provided to meet seismic loading design requirements.


During the course of the work, the Contractor shall maintain a complete record of pile construction and the Contractor shall submit to the Owner, in an approved format, a record for each pile. Each pile record shall be submitted immediately after completion of each pile and shall include:

§     Type of pile

§     Pile number and all principal characteristics of the pile including dimensions

§     The depth and rate of penetration, in relation to site datum, for the length of the pile

§     Details of driving and installation sequence progress, including dates, times, equipment used and personnel (operator, engineer, etc.)

§     The equipment hammer model number, weight and rated energy

§      Number of hammer blows for each 300 mm of driving/penetration

§               Actual location of piles as driven, with variations from plan locations indicated

§               Variations in plumbness or batter

§               Set on completion of the initial drive and final test set on completion of the final redrive

§               Any unusual phenomena encountered in driving piles

§               Depth and type of soil strata

§               Observations of ground water level and ground water flow

§               Name of Inspector for each pile

§               Cushion material identification when changed, and material added

§               Top elevation when driving is complete

§               Cutoff Elevation

§               Depth of augering and auger size

§               The records of pile construction shall be submitted in accordance with the requirement in Book II

§               For cast-in-place concrete top piles, the following additional data :

Ø                 Date and time of “Release for Concreting”
Ø                 Date and time of placing concrete fill, including starting and  completion times
Ø                 Quantity of concrete fill



Work specified under this section includes furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for completion, tension and lateral load testing of the piles. Piles installed for testing are only pre-production piles. Piles installed for the permanent structure are production piles. Piles are selected for testing are test piles. All pre-production piles and production piles specifically selected for testing are test piles.

Drive test pile to indicated depth and/or indicated resistance.

Keep a penetration record of test piles and anchor piles in accordance with requirements set forth in mentioned below.

Keep a penetration record of test piles and anchor piles in accordance with requirements set forth in mentioned before.

The pile load testing shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Owner.

Upon completion of the preliminary pile load testing, Contractor shall cut off the preliminary test piles, as directed by the Owner and dispose of the cut off portion.


General Test Provisions

Perform tests to the test load indicated on the approved drawings or as specified herein. Test equipment for the compressive load tests shall be capable of applying the required test load. Test equipment for the lateral and tensile load tests shall be capable of applying a test load equal to 300 % of the test design loads shown on the approved drawings.

Care shall be taken to ensure that the load applied by the hydraulic jack is coaxial with the pile.

Managed test continuously during test period. If a test is stopped before completion, and the load is wholly or partially removed from the test pile due to improper or insufficient loading, yield of supports or connections, malfunctioning of measurement of measuring and testing equipment or for other mechanical reasons or for reasons for which the Contractor is responsible, the Owner shall order the test abandoned and replaced by a new test on another pile at an adjacent location at no additional cost.

Prior to driving each preliminary test pile, Contractor shall drill a borehole located between 1 and 2 meters from each test pile. The boring shall consist of continuous sampling with Standard Penetration Test (SPT) being performed at 2.0 m intervals in the soil for the entire length of the boring. The boring shall penetrate with continuous sampling. A Dutch Cone penetration test shall also be performed at each boring location.

Before commencing any test the Contractor shall submit for approval full details of his proposals including the datum beam arrangements and locations of supports. Working piles shall not be used as tension reaction piles.

Sufficient number of anchor piles shall be driven to prevent excessive movement of anchor piles. All devices for measuring the settlement of piles shall be sheltered, and rigidly attached to a firm and independent support driven not less than 2.5 m from the nearest point of the test pile or anchor piles.

The calibrated load cell shall be used for the load measurement.

Compressive Load Test

Perform compressive load test on individual piles accordance with applicable requirements of ASTM D1143.

Hydraulic jack and anchored reaction member method shall be used to apply the test load. Jacking against production piles acting in tension shall not be permitted.

Prior to the start of production pile driving, compressive tests to failure shall be performed on individual test pile driven for testing purposes. The location of the test piles shall be as indicated on the drawings.

Compressive tests shall be performed on individual production piles selected by the Owner. The approximate location and number of the tests shall be as indicated on the approved drawings.

Test loads for piles tested to failure shall be applied in accordance with the procedure for loading in excess of the standard load test, as specified in ASTM D1143. Test load on production piles shall be applied in accordance with the standard loading procedure, as specified in ASTM D1143. The preliminary load tests to failure shall include the cyclical load test of ASTM D1143. Production pile load tests shall include the cyclic load test only when indicated on the approved drawings.

For the preliminary compression tests, loading shall be increased as specified in ASTM D1143 until failure or when 300 % of the test design load is reached. Loading for the production piling tests shall be increased as specified in ASTM D1143.

Monitor pile head deflection using a minimum of 3 dial gages, mounted to an independent frame and located radially about the pile.

Failure shall be defined as the load at which vertical deflection of the pile head exceeds 50 mm.

Tensile Load Test

Perform tensile load tests on individual piles in accordance with applicable requirements of ASTM D3689.

Test loads shall be applied in accordance with the procedure for loading in excess of 200 % of pile design uplift load, as specified in ASTM D3689.

Loading shall be increased until failure occurs.

Tension test shall be performed on individual piles driven for testing purposes. The location of the test piles shall be as indicated on the approved drawings.

Monitor pile head deflection using a minimum of 3 dial gages mounted to an independent frame and located radially about the pile head.

Failure shall be defined as the load at which uplift continues to increase without any further increase in load.

No concrete shall be placed for pile caps until installation of reinforcement, tell tales and tension connection is complete. Design of tension connection shall be Contractor’s responsibility.

Lateral Load Test

Perform lateral load tests on single piles in accordance with the applicable requirements of ASTM D3966. Test shall be performed for fixed head and free head conditions.

Test load shall be applied in accordance with the procedure for loading in excess of the standard load test load, with cyclic loading, as specified in ASTM D3966.

Loading shall be increased until failure occurs. Failure shall be defined as the load at which horizontal deflection continues to increase without any further increase in load, or any lateral movement at design soil top elevation exceeding 12 mm.

Lateral load tests shall be performed on separate piles driven for testing purposes. The location of the test piles shall be as indicated on the design approved drawings.

Monitor pile butt movement and rotation of the head of the test piles.


Provide all equipment and materials required for the test and remove all such equipment and materials at the conclusion of test.

Submit drawings of test arrangement, including full data for equipment and materials, for review and Owner’s approval, in accordance with the requirements, in Book II.

Test Results: Submit test results complete with tabulation of all test data to the Owner immediately after conclusion of test. Data shall include, as a minimum, calibration results of all test loading equipment, all dial gauge readings at each increment and decrement of load, time duration of test with time started and time completed and any unusual occurrences during testing.


Before piling works commences, preliminary pile tests shall be carried out. At least one pile of each pile type in each specified soil condition shall be tested.

The Owner will select the working piles to be tested. At least one working pile for each major grouping of piles or at least one working pile for each one hundred piles shall be tested.

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