A1.1     Facility Codes
A1.2     System Codes
A1.3     Discipline Codes

A2.1     Document Types

A3.1     Drawing Category (Type)

1.0       PURPOSE

The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines for:

         The correspondence coding system.
         The document numbering system.
         The drawing and specification numbering system
         Logging, distribution and filing of project related outgoing, incoming and internal correspondence
         Logging, distribution, reviewing, issuance of comments, approval and filing of Contractor prepared engineering documents

Note:   E-Mails are not to be used for formal, contractual matters between Company and Contractor. However if an important or significant e-mail is produced or received during the course of the Project the originator or primary recipient is responsible for printing a hard copy and sending to file.

Upon project completion, all relevant information must be compiled in Jakarta head office to satisfy operational, legal and statutory requirements. Compliance with these guidelines will allow this to be carried out in a timely and efficient manner after the records have been transferred from the various site locations to the Jakarta head office.

2.0       SCOPE

The scope of this procedure extends to all correspondence and engineering documents generated during the ADGF Project.


These guidelines will be followed by all Company and Contractor project personnel at all site locations so that records and information are indexed, stored, distributed and made available to users in an efficient and cost effective manner.
Note: Contractor shall be responsible for the review, revision and re-issue of all drawings re-numbered to meet the requirements detailed in Section 7 of this procedure. 


Not Applicable


5.1        Purpose

To define the correspondence coding system to be used on all outgoing and incoming correspondence generated and received during the ADGF Project, including letters, faxes, memos and transmittals etc.

5.2       Procedures

The structure of the document coding shall be as follows:

5.2.1    Outgoing Correspondence:                        84506-X-NNNN

¨       84506 is the ADGF Project Code assigned by the project group in Houston

¨       “X”  is the Document Type where :         
¨       L = Letter
¨       F = Fax
¨       M = Memo or Interoffice Communication
¨       T = Transmittal
¨       D = Document / Drawing Transmittal

¨       “NNNN” is the Sequential Number for each item of outgoing correspondence

Note that blocks of numbers will be issued for correspondence originating from each Project Office / Site Location as follows:

0001 – 0999    ADGF Jakarta Office
1000 – 1999    Site Office 1
2000 – 2999    Site Office 2

In the event that an office location uses all the assigned numbers, the next available ‘000 series will be assigned to that location.

Example - Correspondence Out     -           84506-L-0066

84506 (Project ID) - L (Letter) – 0066 (Document number 66 in the unique sequence).

5.2.2    Incoming Correspondence             

Incoming correspondence will be logged on receipt in the “ADGF Incoming Correspondence Log” and assigned a unique number by the system.

After logging in the system, incoming correspondence will be stamped with the following details:

¨       Distribution (Addressee for action plus copies for information to appropriate Team members)
¨       Project File Code Number (ADGF Project uses the 19.0 Series)
¨       The unique number assigned by the Incoming Correspondence log system

The Document Controller will then distribute the document copies as appropriate – originals to be filed in the correct Project File.

5.3       Distribution Matrix

Distribution of correspondence shall be by the approved distribution matrix. This matrix will assign the primary action and distribution of incoming correspondence, reports and minutes of meetings.

Each ADGF Project office shall develop their own distribution matrix in accordance with their particular requirements.


6.1       Objectives

To define the document numbering system to be used on documents such as procedures,  reports, studies etc. produced for the ADGF Project. Note that Drawings and Specifications are numbered using the system detailed in Section  7.0

6.2       Policies

All “internal” CIIL Project Control Procedures will be numbered using an abbreviated system so that unnecessary zeros are not incorporated in the document number e.g. IFR/PS/PR/84506-00-001

If a Procedure is issued to a Contractor as part of the Bid documentation, then the Procedure will be renumbered using the full ADGF document number, e.g. IFR/PS/PR/84506-0000-00-001. This will ensure consistency with the numbering system used for Drawings and Specifications that are also issued externally.

6.3       Procedure

All documents detailed in Section 2.4 will be numbered in accordance with the following system:

IFRSS TT -  84506  -  BB  - XXX

Sequential Number

System Code ID Number

Project ID Code (84506)


Document Type


Functional Area


Infrastructure Ref. (IFR)

IFR                  is the Infrastructure Group Reference

SS                   is the Functional Area Code e.g. “PE” – Project Execution

TT                    is the Document Type e.g. “PR” - Procedure

84506              is the ADGF Project Code issued by the Project Group in Houston

BB                   is the System Code e.g. 31 - Manifolds. (Appendix A1.2)
                        NOTE: Internal CIIL Project Control Procedures are ALL numbered “00”

XXX                 is the Sequence number of the Document, starting at 001
Electronic document files shall be saved as the document number with a suffix denoting the revision status (e.g. IFR/PS/PR/84506-00-001-A for revision A).

6.4       Functional Area Code

This identifies the Functional Area within Infrastructure group who prepared the document, where:
MA                  -           Management
DE                   -           Development Engineering
PE                   -           Project Execution
QA                   -           Safety, Environment and QA
PS                   -           Project Services
GR                  -           Government Regulations
OP                   -           Operations Planning

6.5       Type of Documents

Policy (PO)                                        This is a document that contains instructions by the ADGF Project management that must be strictly followed across the ADGF Project. Policies are typically set at the management level.

Sub-Management System (MS)      This is a document that sets out, at a high level, the key processes, organization and related documents for a specific part of the system.

Procedures  (PR)                              Documents that fully define the preferred manner, working methods and reporting criteria to be used by the Project Team in performing significant Project activities.

Work Instruction (WI)                       The detail the basic activities for the actual performance of the work and apply at the level where the physical work is being performed.

Guidance Note (GN)                         These documents are generally issued to document certain good practices, obtains consistency and generally informs individuals of efficient ways of working.      
Reports (RE)                                     Documents used to document the results of certain engineering calculations, laboratory tests, field studies, or analyses.  They can be documents generated by the project Team personnel or received from outside parties.  When a report is received from an outside party it will be assigned a number and logged into the Project Document Control System as if it had been generated internally.

Miscellaneous (MI)                           Documents which are produced on a less frequent basis than those described above.


7.1       Objective

To define the numbering system to be used on all Drawings and Specifications produced for the ADGF Field Development Project.


All drawings shall be numbered in accordance with the system described below:

     84506BB - CC - DDXXX

Sequence Number

Drawing Category

System Code ID

Facility Code

Project ID Code


84506              is the CII ADGF Project Code

BB                   is the Facility Code ID e.g. 60 – Infield Flowlines. (Appendix A1.1)

CC                   is the System Code e.g. 31 - Manifolds. (Appendix A1.2)

DD                   is the Drawing Category e.g. 24 Riser/Manifolds Gas

XXXX              is the Sequence number of the Drawing, starting at 001 and the unique attributes based on the combination of BB, CC, and DD.

Electronic document files shall be saved as the document number with a suffix denoting the revision status (e.g. 84506-6031-24-001-A for revision A).


This section deals with the various types of documents to which Drawing/Document numbers shall be assigned and the manner in which they should be assigned.

The following identifies the minimum key deliverables, which shall be awarded Drawing / Document numbers, but shall not be limited to:

-                                            General
-                                            Overall Plot Plan
-                                            Process
-                                            Process Flow Diagram
-                                            P&ID’s
-                                            One Line Diagrams
-                                            Utilities

-                                            Pipelines and Subsea
-        Structural
-        Subsea Equipment
-        Safety Drawings
-        Pipeline Schematics
-        Pipeline Alignments
-        Pipeline Risers
-        Pipeline Appurtenances
-        Pipeline to Piping Interfaces
-        Equipment G.A.’s
-        Piping G.A.’s
-    Isometrics, including pipe support details, P&ID number,            system, number and area
-        Installation Details
-        Tie-In Details
-        Spares

-        Structural
-        Layout Drawings
-        GA Plans and Sections
-         Structural Steelwork
-        Structural Details

-        Instrumentation
-        Instrumentation Drawing Index
-        Control Panels with Details
-        Instruments Schematics and Loop Drawings
-        Installation Details
-        Instrument Index
-        Distributed Control System (DCS)

-        Safety/Loss Prevention
-        Area Classification, including Schedule of Sources of Hazard
-        Diagrams showing Cause and Effect Charts

-                                Marine Systems
-        Vessel Arrangements

-                                Tanks & Vessels
-        Pig launchers / Receivers
-        Pressure Vessels

-                                All Supplier and Sub-Supplier Drawings

All Specifications shall be numbered in conformance with the numbering system described below:

     84506BB - CC - DEXXX

Sequence Number – 001, 002, 003, etc

Discipline Code e.g. 2 = Pipelines,Flowlines, Umbilicals Document Type e.g. L =  Specification

System Code ID e.g. 30 = Pipelines and Flowlines

Facility Code e.g. 60 = Infield Flowlines

Project ID Code - 84506


During the Project Execution Phase being carried out by Conoco, several distributions will take place for the purpose of obtaining approvals necessary for the optimization of the design facilities.

These preliminary documents, being the stage prior to drawings issue for the EPCI bid process, shall be labeled with the revision letters “A”, “B”, “C”, etc.  Changes made during this phase are not formally recorded.  The revision detail shall be included in the comment box as part of the drawing Title details. 

Drawings for inclusion in the Bid Documents will be numbered according to the procedure described in Section 3.2 – Drawing Numbering, with the addition of the correct Revision Number on issue of the Bid documents.

Following award of the EPCI contract, when mutual agreement between the Conoco ADGF Project Team and the EPCI Contractor has been obtained, the drawings will be labeled with the Status Code “AFD” “Approved for Design”.  Any revisions thereafter will be recorded next to the Title block as a permanent record of change, and the changes will be flagged with a triangle with the revision number.  All drawings to be issued following AFD shall be issued with the revision “A1” with subsequent revisions labeled “A2”, “A3” or “B1”, “B2”, “B3” etc. depending on the revision status.

When the design work is frozen, the drawings shall be assigned the Status Code “AFC” - “Approved for Construction” and the initial revision shall be “0” (zero) and subsequent revisions shall be designated “1”, “2”, “3” etc.

At completion of the work all applicable drawings will be assigned the Status Code “ASB” - “As Built” and the revision raised to acknowledge completion.

Example:                     A -       Pre Bid initial issue
                                    B -       After initial review/comments
                                    C -       Any further revisions
                                    AA -     Issued for Bid
                                    BB -     Subsequent revisions prior to contract award.
                                                AFD-   Authorized for Design
                                                A1-      Subsequent revisions prior to completion of design work

                                                AFC-   Authorized for Construction
                                    O -       Initial AFC revision
                                    1 -        Subsequent revisions until as-built status. 

                                    ASB-   As-Built

00                    General
10                    Not used
20                    Not used
30                    Not used
40                    MOgPU Topsides
50                    Subsea
60                    Infield Flowlines
70                    Export Pipeline
80                    Reservoir

The following main system groups are used:

00 - 09             Other Systems
10 - 19             Marine Systems
20 - 29             Process Systems
30 - 39             Drilling and Well Related Systems
40 - 49             Process Support Systems
50 - 59             Utility Systems (Not Used)
60 - 69              Utility Systems (Not Used)
70 - 79             Safety and Facility Systems
80 - 89             Electrical, Communication and Instrumentation Systems
90 - 99             Structural Systems and Cathodic Protection Systems

Other Systems

00                    General Systems
01                    Temporary Systems

Marine Systems

10                    Ballast System
11                    Moorings/Anchors and Anchor Patterns

Process Systems

20                    Not Used
21                    Not Used
22                    Process Gas
23                    Gas Compression
24                    Gas Treatment
25                    Gas Export and Metering
26                    Not Used

Drilling, Well, Pipelines and Subsea Related Systems

30                    Pipelines and Flowlines
31                    Manifolds/PLEMs
32                    Wellheads
33                           Controls
34                           Umbilical
34                           Risers
35                           Tees
36                           Spools

Process Support Systems

40                    Not used
41                     Not used
42                    Chemical Injection
43                    Flare, Vent and Blowdown
44                    Produced Water Treatment

Utility Systems

50                    Not used

Utility Systems

60                    Not used

Safety and Facility Systems

70                    Not Used
71                    Not Used
72                    Not Used
73                    Not Used
74                    Not Used
75                    Not Used
76                    Not Used
77                    Not Used
78                    Not Used
79                           Emergency Shutdown System

Electrical, Communication and Instrumentation Systems

81                    Main Power HV/MV
82                    Main Power LV
83                    Lighting and Small Power
84                    Essential Power
85                    Battery Systems and UPS
86                    Telecommunication
87                    Instrument Systems
88                    Earthing and Lightning Systems
89                    Trace Heating and Misc. Dist. Power

Structural Systems and Cathodic Protection Systems

91                    Not Used
92                    Structure, Topside
95                     Not Used
96                    Structure, Subsea Structure / Template

0                      General
1                      Mechanical
2                      Pipelines, Flowlines and Umbilicals
3                      Electrical
4                      Instrumentation and Subsea Controls
5                      Civil
6                      Structural and Offshore Buildings
7                      Well Systems
8                      Marine Systems
9                              Tanks, Vessels, Columns and Reactors

Appendix 2    
A          -           User Guides
B          -           Design Books
C         -           Operating Manuals
D         -           Manufacturing Data Books/Mechanical Catalogues
E          -           Fabrication Dossiers
F          -           Systems Test Dossiers
G         -           Change Control Records
H         -           Engineering Standards
J          -           Calculations
K          -           Reports/Technical Notes/Special Studies
L          -           Specifications
M         -           Equipment Datasheets
N         -           Coatings, Navigational, Marine Machinery
P          -           Project Procedures
R         -           Project Controls
S          -           Inspection and Testing Requirements
T          -           Vendor Document Requirements
U         -           Engineering Registers
V          -           Bid Documents/Pre-Qualification Documents
W         -           Procurement (P.O.’s, RFS’s etc)

Appendix 3    

General Drawings

00                    Drawing Index General Drawings
01                    P&ID Legend Sheet
02                    Instrument Details
03                    Process Flow Diagrams
04                    Safety Drawings
05                    P&ID Diagrams - Process
06                    P&ID Diagrams - Utilities
07                    Equipment Arrangements
08                    Piping Studies, General Sketches, 3 Dimensional Drawings
09                    Field Layout Drawings


10                    Drawing Index Mechanical Drawing
11                    Piping Plans, Sections & Details
12                    Pipe Support Details
13                    Not Used
14                    Not Used
15                    Not Used
16                    Piping Isometrics
17                    Piping BOM

Pipelines and Flowlines

20                    Drawing Index Pipelines and Flowlines
21                    Pipeline Layout Drawings
22                    Pipeline Schematics
23                    Pipeline Alignment, Profile and Approach Drawings
24                    Riser and Manifold General Arrangement Drawings
25                    Riser and Manifold Plans, Sections & Details
26                           Miscellaneous Pipeline Details
27                           Installation Details


30                     Electrical Drawing Index
31                    Area Classification Drawings
32                    One Line Diagrams
33                    Interconnecting Wiring Diagrams
34                    Electrical Cable Schedules
35                    MCC Schematics
36                    Electrical Equipment Plans
37                    Miscellaneous Electrical Details
38                           Electrical BOM
39                           Open


40                    Instrumentation Drawing Index
41                    SAFE Charts & Logic Diagrams
42                    Control Panels with Details
43                    Instruments Schematics and Loop Diagrams
44                    Instrument Wiring Diagrams
45                    Installation Details
46                    Instrument Schedule
47                           Instrument BOM


50                    Civil Drawing Index
51                    Not used
52                    Geotechnicaland Piling

Structural and Offshore Buildings

60                    Structural Drawing Index
61                    Primary Structural Drawings
62                    Secondary Structural Drawings
63                    Miscellaneous Structural Details such as Pipe Supports, Monorails, Access Platforms, etc.

Well Systems

70                    Well Systems Drawing Index
71                    Subsea Wells
72                     Well Riser System
73                    Tubing/Downhole Equipment and Tools
74                    Surface Equipment
75                    Subsea Manifolds
76                    Subsea Trees
77                    Subsea Jumpers
78                    Well History Reports
79                    Well Stimulation and Perforation

Marine Systems

80                    Marine Systems Drawing Index
81                    Vessel General Arrangement Drawings
82                    Mooring / Anchoring Details

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