1.1       Scope
1.1.1   This Specification defines the requirements for the internal coating of line pipe, with an epoxy based paint to:
·         provide a passive barrier to the internal steel surfaces against corrosion prior to installation of the submarine gas pipeline,

·         reduce friction and improve the flow conditions in the gas pipeline.

1.1.2   This Specification covers the minimum requirements to be met regarding the epoxy paint and paint film properties, the physical performance requirements for the material, surface preparation, paint application, inspection and testing of the internal epoxy paint coating.

1.1.3   The performance and long term behaviour of the CONTRACTOR’s proposed epoxy paint system shall be demonstrated by test data.  The CONTRACTOR shall provide the basic physical properties and performance test data to support the suitability of its epoxy paint coatings at 75 microns nominal total dry film thickness, and their expected behaviour with time under the service conditions addressed herein.
1.2       Deviations
All deviations to this Specification and other referenced Specifications or attachments listed in the Contract shall be made in writing and shall require written approval by the COMPANY prior to executing the work.
1.3       Reference Documents
Except where otherwise stated in this Specification, materials and work carried out shall be in accordance with the latest edition (issued prior to the award of contract) of the following codes and standards:

1.3.1   British, European and International Standards
API RP 5L2               Recommended Practice for Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non-Corrosive Gas Transmission Service

            BS 2451                     Specification for chilled iron shot and grit

            BS 3900                     Methods of Test for Paints
BS5493                      Code of Practice for Protective Coating of Iron and Steel Structures against Corrosion
BS 7079                     Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related Products

Part A1  Specification for rust grades and preparation of uncoated steel substrates after overall removal of previous coating.

ISO 5151                   Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Volatile and Non-Volatile Matter

ISO 1524                   Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Fineness of Grind

ISO 2431                   Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Flow Time by a Flow Cup

ISO 2811                   Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Density

ISO 2813                   Paints and Varnishes – Measurement of Specular Gloss of Non-Metallic Paint Films

ISO 8501-1                Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related Products – Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness –
Part 1 :  Rust grades and preparation of uncoated steel substrates after overall removal of previous coating.

ISO 8503-1                Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related Products – Surface Roughness Characteristics of Blast – cleaned Substrates –
Part 1  :  Specification and definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces

BS EN ISO 9001      Quality Systems

ASTM 1650               Sampling and Testing Shellac Varnish

SSPC Manual          Steel structure Painting Counsel “Surface Preparation Standards”

ASTM B117               Standard Test Method of Salt Spray Testing

API RP 5L2               Recommended Practice for Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non –Corrosive Gas Transmission Service.
ASTM 3359               Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test

1.3.2   Project Specifications and Drawings
84506-60-30-2L-270            Specification for Handling, Storage and Transportation of Linepipe
            84506-60-30-2L-260            Specification for Pipeline Asphalt Enamel Coating
84506-60-30-2L-250            Specification for Concrete Coating Application

1.3.3   Other References
Manufactures data sheets for selected products.



2.1       General
2.1.1   The following information shall be taken into account for determination of the suitability of the CONTRACTOR’s epoxy paint system:
-                      the carbon steel line pipes shall be assumed to be subjected to a maximum of 24 months exterior exposure at a coastal port prior to installation.

-                      The total dry firm thickness of the epoxy paint coatings shall be 75 microns nominal and shall be applied in a single application onto grit blasted surfaces to Sa 2½ with an anchor profile (surface roughness) of 50 microns typical.

-                      During service, the epoxy paint coatings will be permanently subjected to contact with natural gas at a pressure of up to 1200 psi and temperature of up to 50oC and flowing at a velocity of 0.33 m/s. The thin epoxy paint film shall not disintegrate as flakes or contaminate the natural gas when in service.

2.1.2   The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the COMPANY for review and approval physical properties and performance test data to support the suitability of its epoxy paint coatings at 75 microns nominal total dry film thickness, and their expected behaviour with time under the service conditions specified herein, including the mechanism for paint breakdown and degradation.
The CONTRACTOR shall also show if there is any effect of nitrogen on the integrity of the applied epoxy paint coating system during leak testing of the pipeline.
2.1.3   A manufacturer’s representative shall be present for the start of the work.



3.1       Description
3.1.1   The epoxy based paint shall be two-pack products formulated to provide the specified film build without sagging or running, and also to provide a passive barrier to satisfy the requirements of this Specification.  Pigments shall be selected to provide maximum resistance to the environmental and service conditions addressed in this Specification.
3.1.2   The Coating materials shall consists of the following:
-           an epoxy resin base with pigments, extenders, additives and organic solvent,
-           an epoxy aliphatic/cycloaliphatic amine or polyamide curing agent.
3.1.3   The components shall have a polar high molecular weight with very low vapour pressure and diffusion rate within the paint film.
3.1.4   The base and curing agent shall not contain fatty acids, oil, paraffin, chlorinated platicizers, fatty acid esters or other substances which can contaminate the natural gas.
3.1.5   The pigment shall include sufficient rust inhibitor to pass the salt water spray test in accordance with ASTM B117 and API RP 5L2 Appendix 2 for a minimum of 500 hours.  The pigment and the extender shall not react chemically with the curing agent.
3.1.6   The volume solids of the epoxy paint shall be at least 38%, when measured in accordance with API RP 5L2 Appendix 1.
3.1.7   The paint shall be of the high gloss type, minimum 50 measured on air cured coating at an angle of 60o in accordance with ISO 2813.
3.2       Qualification of Coating Materials
3.2.1   The coating materials shall be fully tested in accordance with the requirements of API RP 5L2 Section 3 and certified to be in compliance with the acceptance criterion specified API RP 5L2 Table 3.5.  All performance testing shall be carried out with the dry film thickness according to the requirements of this Specification.
The performance testing shall also include a 100% methanol and 100% tri-ethylene glycol immersion test at room temperature for 5 days.  The epoxy paint coating shall be free of blisters after removal from the 5 day immersion test.
Acceptance of the paint materials shall be subject to review of the paint manufacturer’s performance data and materials test data, as well as the CONTRACTOR’s paint coating procedures, which shall demonstrate that the proposed paint coating system is suitable for use in service conditions as detailed in this Specification.
3.2.2   The Selected paint material manufacturer shall keep available a technical representative for provision of advice, instruction and assistance to the CONTRACTOR for the coating duration.  The technical representative shall be fully familiar with the requirements of this Specification and with the application characteristics of the epoxy paint coating system under consideration.
3.2.3   The CONTRACTOR shall obtain the epoxy paints and thinners for the internal coating of line pipes from paint manufacturers approved by the COMPANY.
3.3       Material Supply, Handling and Storage
3.3.1   The paint materials shall be delivered to the site, or the CONTRACTOR’s premises, in the original containers with label intact and the seals unbroken, and accompanied with certification of the physical properties addressed herein of each batch of coating materials shipped.
An infra-red spectre shall also be included in the paint manufacturer’s testing procedures and detailed in the batch certification.
3.3.2   Notice shall be taken at all times of the paint manufacturer’s instructions in respect of handling, storage, shelf life, mixing and thinning, as well as method of application.
3.3.3.  Paint which has livered, gelled or otherwise deteriorated during storage, shall not be used.
3.3.4   The manufacturer’s safety data sheets on coating materials to be applied shall be obtained and shall be made continuously available at the work place.


4.1       Coating Procedures
4.1.1   The CONTRACTOR shall submit detailed method statements and procedures which shall cover as a minimum all the activities below to demonstrate to the COMPANY that its proposed coating materials and coating process fully meets with the requirements of this Specification. These documents must be approved by COMPANY before commencement of work.
a)    Line pipe handling, storage and inspection at all stages of application work.
b)    Line pipe surface preparation including abrasive details, removal of steel defects and methods of surface cleaning and surface profile measurement.
c)    Complete details of the coating materials together with quality control, storage of materials, manufacturer’s certification and safety sheets.
d)    Application of epoxy paint including details of film thickness, method of application.
e)    Cure time
f)     Inspection and testing including instrument and equipment types, frequency and acceptance criteria.
g)    Details of instrument and equipment calibration methods including relevant standards and examples of calibration certificates.
h)   Complete details of inventory of laboratory and equipment.
i)     Quality control procedures, including methods of record keeping, batch identification, details of personnel for all aspects of the work.
j)      Coating repair procedures and acceptance criteria for repairs and rejection.

4.2       Procedure Qualification
4.2.1   The internal epoxy coating system and detailed coating procedure, shall be qualified, by coating at least ten (10) pipe lengths prior to full coating production.  The COMPANY will confirm the wall thickness(es) of the carbon steel line pipes to be used for the procedure qualification trial(s) (PQTs).
4.2.2   Qualification of the coating materials shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.2 herein.
The following properties of the components shall also be determined:
-          An infra-red scan of the mixed paint components.
-          Specific gravity of the epoxy resin base, curing agent and the mixed paint components in accordance with ISO 2811.
-          Viscosity of the epoxy resin base, curing agent and the mixed paint components in accordance with ISO 2431.
-          Fineness of grind of the mixed paint components in accordance with the ISO 1524, Hegman scale.
-          Ash content of the mixed paint components in accordance with ASTM 1650.
-          Volatile and non-volatile matters in the mixed paint in accordance with ISO 1515
4.2.3   Inspection and testing of the applied internal epoxy paint coating shall be carried out by the CONTRACTOR to prove compliance with the requirements this Specification.
4.2.4   All qualification testing shall be satisfactorily completed prior to full factory application.  The CONTRACTOR shall not coat any other pipe lengths before tests results have been obtained and approved by the COMPANY.
Subject to final acceptance of the PQT test results, all the coated pipe lengths used for the PQT(s) shall form part of the coated pipe assignment.


5.1       Surface Preparation
5.1.1   Prior to surface preparation and painting of the internal surfaces of the line pipes, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the protection of the bevelled ends and any protective coatings on the external surfaces of the line pipes.
5.1.2   Unless specifically excluded herein, the internal steel surfaces of the line pipes shall be prepared by dry abrasive blast cleaning prior to painting.
Preparation methods and procedures for surfaces to be painted shall remove all foreign matter, surface irregularities and contaminants to bring the surface to the specified standard of cleanliness prior to the application of the paint coatings.
5.1.3   Before any blast cleaning operation commences, every pipe shall be 100% totally cleaned with a solvent or by high pressure steam to remove any oil, grease or other contaminants on the surfaces to be paint coated.  Pipes which have been exposed to salt spray shall be washed with fresh, potable water to remove any contamination from the pipe surfaces.  Salt contamination on the surface shall be measured by checking the conductivity using a Soluble Salt Detector (SCM 400 model or equivalent).  The sodium chloride content shall be below 10 mg per m2.  Solvent cleaning shall be carried out in accordance with SSPC-SP1-91 “Solvent Cleaning”.
5.1.4   Surfaces, such as the bevelled ends of the pipes, which are not to be primed shall be masked to protect from damage by abrasive blast cleaning.
5.1.5   Blast cleaning shall be carried out using dry steel grit HG 40 to SAE J444 to provide a visual finish standard of cleanliness of Sa 2½ in accordance with BS 7079 Part A1 or ISO 8501-1.  All blast cleaning shall be performed under cover.
5.1.6   The type and size of abrasive, which shall be free from impurities, shall be steel grit selected to give a surface amplitude / anchor profile of 50-75 microns with a maximum of 100 microns.  Surface roughness of the blast cleaned steel substrates shall be of “medium” grade equal to Segment 2 of an approved ISO surface profile comparator Type G conforming to ISO 8503-1 Part 1.  Surfaces being blast cleaned shall not be impaired by excessive blasting and the surface profile/roughness shall be given close attention.
Re-usable abrasive shall be regularly checked and sieved to remove fines and contamination.
5.1.7   All blast cleaned surfaces shall be free from surface irregulaties such as slivers, hackles or laminations which would impair the application or performance of the finished paint coating.  Where the CONTRACTOR considers extensive grinding is necessary to remove surface defects such pipes shall be reported to the COMPANY for approval.
5.1.8   Any area in excess of 50 cm2 which is subject to excessive remedial or grinding work shall be locally re-blasted and the resulting wall thickness checked in the presence of the COMPANY to an approved method.
5.1.9   Any remedial or grinding  work must not reduce the pipe wall thickness, in the areas treated, below the minimum requirements of the line pipe specifications referenced herein.
5.1.10 Any pipe found to have a reduction in wall thickness or defects which exceed the levels permitted in the line pipe specifications detailed herein shall be quarantined for examination by the COMPANY and no subsequent action taken without the agreement of the COMPANY.
5.1.11 The CONTRACTOR shall have available for review by the COMPANY full details of the proposed abrasive.
5.1.12 Spent abrasive shall be completely removed from the prepared surface by either vacuum cleaning and/or still brushing.
5.1.13 Blast cleaning shall not be carried out in areas close to painting operations and/or wet coated surface in order to prevent dust or grit contamination.
5.1.14 The compressed air supply used for blasting shall be free from deleterious amounts of water and oil.
5.1.15 No acid or inhibitor solutions shall be used on steel surfaces after they have been blast cleaned.

5.2       Environmental Conditions
5.2.1   Surface preparation shall not take place at air temperatures below 5oC, when the relative humidity is greater than 85%, or when the metal surface temperature is less than 3oC above the ambient dew point, or later in the day than can be prime coated before the end of the working period.
5.2.2   Blast cleaned steel surfaces shall be kept free from any contamination and shall be completely free from blast residues, dust or grit.
5.3       Paint Coating Application
5.3.1   All application procedures and equipment shall be available for review by the COMPANY.
5.3.2   Painting shall only take place under conditions recommended by the paint manufacturer.
5.3.3   Coating application shall be airless spray unless otherwise specified.
5.3.4   The epoxy paint shall be applied to the blast cleaned internal surfaces of the line pipes as soon as practicable after completion of blast cleaning.
In no case shall the paint be applied to blast cleaned surfaces showing evidence of fresh rusting, contamination (including condensation), or when the specified standard of cleanliness is less than Sa 2½.  Blast cleaned surfaces shall be paint coated within 4 hours after blasting completion.
5.3.5   The epoxy paint shall be applied in a uniform manner without runs, sags or other blemishes.  Unless specified elsewhere, the epoxy paint coating shall be continuous for the full length of each line pipe, except for an area at each end of 50 + 10 mm.  The nominal dry film thickness of the applied epoxy paint coating shall be 75 microns.
5.4       Application Equipment
5.4.1   The spray equipment and nozzle sizes shall meet the recommendations set forth by the paint manufacturer for the epoxy paint.  Lines and pots shall be thoroughly cleaned before adding new materials, and only the paint manufacturer’s recommended cleaning agents shall be used.
Spray method including overlap, gun adjustment and direction of spray shall be in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s recommendations.


6.1       General
6.1.1   The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all inspection and quality control functions necessary to achieve coating standards in accordance with this Specification.
6.1.2   The CONTRACTOR shall record on appropriate tally sheets the identification markings of each individual line pipe (so that manufacturing heat and piece numbers are not lost during the paint coating process) prior to surface preparation of their external surfaces.  The information shall subsequently be transferred on to the epoxy paint coating.
6.1.3   It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to ensure that sufficient tests are carried out to show that the coatings comply with this Specification.  The COMPANY reserves the right to carry out any additional tests at random to ensure compliance and the CONTRACTOR shall  have suitable test-equipment available for the COMPANY’s use.
6.1.4   A full reporting/recording system shall be maintained by the CONTRACTOR who shall log daily the following data:
-          Air and steel temperatures  (min twice per working shift)
-          Relative humidity  (min twice per working shift)
-          Surface profile and roughness
-          Viscosity of the ready to use paint
-          Wet and dry paint film thickness measured
-          Paint batch no.
-          Painting progress
-          And any other information pertinent to the work

6.1.5   It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility for the supply of all test equipment suitable for the inspection requirements. CONTRACTOR will ensure that all test equipment is certified and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturers requirements.

6.2       Production Inspection and Acceptance
6.2.1   The inspection and testing requirements, procedures, frequencies and limits of acceptance of the internally coated pipe and the methods of testing during production of the internal coating shall be according to API RP 5L2 Section 5.

6.3       Inspection of Prepared Surfaces
6.3.1   All blast cleaned surfaces shall be visually inspected to check for conformance to the specified standard of cleanliness immediately prior to painting.  In addition to visual examination, the roughness of each  pipe surface shall be assessed using an approved ISO surface profile comparator, and also random measurements of blast / anchor profile shall be made at a minimum frequency of one every 20 pipes, using Testex tape.
6.4       Visual Inspection of Painted Surfaces
6.4.1   All painted surfaces shall be visually examined to check for deleterious film defects e.g. runs, sagging, wrinkling, discontinuity in the paint coating, contamination etc.  The requirements of this Specification and the recommendations of BS 5493 shall be followed in the rectification of such defects.
6.5       Coating Thickness Measurement
6.5.1   Wet film thickness measurements shall be made throughout the course of application in order to ascertain the adequacy and uniformity of thickness.
6.5.2   Dry film thickness measurements shall be checked on every pipe after the paint coating has cured.  Thickness measurements shall be taken at five locations in two different planes at regular intervals along each pipe.  All measurements shall be recorded for each painted pipe on the inspection record sheets.
The dry film thickness of the paint coating shall be within a range of + 25 microns to – 10 microns of the nominal film thickness of 75 microns.
6.6       Additional Tests
6.6.1   100% pin hole detection using a 9V wet sponge tested and procedures approved by the COMPANY shall be carried out on all paint coatings.  The paint coatings shall be free from pin holes and defects.
6.6.2   All paint coatings shall be tested for adequacy of cure using a MEK solvent wipe at a frequency of 1 per 10 pipes.  The test shall consist of a one minute wipe with a soft white MEK soaked cloth.  Confirmation of cure shall reveal only slight traces of paint on the cloth.
6.6.3   Paint adherence checks shall be in accordance with ASTM D. 3359
6.7       Rejected Coated Pipe
6.7.1   Coated pipes which have been rejected when tested shall require complete removal of the coating and shall be completely recycled through the cleaning and coating process.
6.7.2   All pipe coating removal and re-coating shall be the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility.


7.1       General
7.1.1   Repair of defective or damaged coatings shall be accomplished in the same manner as the original coating in regard to surface preparation prior to re-coating, unless alternative and equivalent methods are defined within this Specification, or agreed by the COMPANY.
7.2       Insufficient Thickness
In the event that a completely coated surface is found to have insufficient coating thickness, this surface may, subject to the COMPANY’s approval, receive an additional coat until the specific thickness is achieved.  The COMPANY may alternatively require the surface to be blast cleaned and re-coated.  Surfaces to receive additional coating shall be properly cleaned of all foreign matter or contaminants and prepared as recommended by the material manufacturer.
7.3       Excess Thickness
7.3.1   In the event that a coated surface is found to have serious excessive thickness it shall be brought to COMPANY’s attention, who will decide on the appropriate action to be taken.
7.4       Repair Inspection
7.4.1   Coating repairs shall be subject to the visual, thickness and holiday testing requirements defined in this Specification.
7.4.2   If a repair fails to satisfy the above requirements then the pipe shall be rejected and subsequently stripped, blast cleaned and reprocessed.
7.4.3   COMPANY reserves the right to reject pipe which it considers to have excessive number of repaired areas.


8.1       General
8.1.1   Handling will be in accordance with specification 84506-60-30-2L-270.  Chains, hooks or cables around the bare or coated pipe shall not be used.
8.1.2   At every stage of surface preparation and coating application, the pipe shall be kept under cover and protected from the outside environment.
8.1.3   A detailed handling, storage and transportation procedure shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR for the COMPANY approval prior to commencing work.  Storage and handling shall be carried out in such a manner that damage to the coating is avoided.


9.1       General
9.1.1   Delivered pipe will bear certain stenciled identification on each length such as order number, specification and grade, size and wall thickness and heat number.  In addition each pipe length will bear a sequential piece or joint number die stamped on the weld bevel at each pipe end.
9.1.2   Prior to surface preparation operations which would obliterate stenciled identification, the CONTRACTOR shall record the information on appropriate tally sheets.  This information shall subsequently be transferred to the applied epoxy paint coating.
9.1.3   The format of the tally sheets, information to be recorded and methods to be employed shall be proposed by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the COMPANY prior to commencement of production.


10.1    General
10.1.1 All data shall be supplied in hard copy and in an electronic format.
10.1.2 The CONTRACTOR’s documentation shall be designed to ensure full traceability of pipe and coating materials through all stages of preparation, coating and testing.
10.2    Certification Data
10.2.1 Certification data shall be compiled on an ongoing basis in accordance with the requirements of the Contract.

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