This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing manufacturing, inspection, testing and supply of induction bends used in offshore pipelines.  This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:

·        Basis of Design 84506-60-00-2L-060
·        General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 - Definitions & Specification Directory
·        General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality Control
·        General Specification 84506-60-30-2L-210 - Seamless Linepipe
·      General Specification 84506-60-30-2L-270 - Handling, Storage and Transportation of Linepipe
·         DNV Offshore Standard OS-F101 : Submarine Pipeline Systems (2000)


The quantity of line pipe to be formed into bends and any additional COMPANY requirements shall be specified on the Purchase Order.


Induction bends manufactured from pre-formed pipe joints shall conform to Specification Seamless 84506-60-30-2L-210.


Mechanical properties of induction bends formed from pipe joints, including fracture toughness, shall in their final heat-treated condition conform to the requirements of the applicable specification from Section 3 above.


Induction bends shall be produced in accordance with manufacturing procedure specifications (MPS) that are written in accordance with Section 7 of this specification and qualified in accordance with Section 11 of this specification.
Induction bends shall only be manufactured from pipe joints produced in accordance with Project Specifications 84506-60-30-2L-210. Bends shall be formed using the incremental induction hot bending technique over the entire bend.  CONTRACTOR shall submit the following items for COMPANY approval, prior to commencement of works.
·         Forming Procedure, including width of heated band, bending temperature range and temperature control methods.
·         Post-forming Heat Treatment Procedure.
·         Quality Control Procedures (including nondestructive testing).

5.1       CONTRACTOR submitted heat treatment procedures shall specifically describe attachment of braces or other restraints used to prevent bend warping.  Welding such attachments to the bend body is strictly prohibited.  Welds may be made to expendable extensions of the bend that are to be cut off prior to finishing.
5.2       No stoppage shall be allowed during the bending process.


Post bend heat treating shall be applied as necessary to meet specifications.  Consideration shall be given to the manufacturing process of the pipe (e.g., TMCP, Q&T, normalized).  When practical the pipe manufacturer should be involved in the selection of specific pipes to be bent and in advising of post bend heat treatment conditions if applicable.
If post bend heat treatment is used, temperature ranges specified in approved heat treating procedure(s) shall be measured during all heat treatment.  Thermocouples attached to representative bend sections shall confirm actual metal temperature.


A manufacturing procedure specification (MPS) shall be established for each grade, pipe size and bending radius specified in the purchase order.  Test bends and production bends shall be made in accordance with the procedure.  The MPS shall contain the following items as a minimum:
·         Sequence of operations and process flow description/diagram
·         Project specific Quality Plan
·         Equipment to be used
·         The MPS for the mother pipe for bends. The mother pipe for bends shall be made in accordance with project Specification 84506-60-30-2L-210
·         The pipe bender’s nomenclature and description of the induction coil/cooling ring
·         The bending temperature plus tolerances.  Allowable variation of temperature around pipe during bending
·         Water pressure, flow rate (if available), and water temperature
·         Method of measuring temperature.  Locations around pipe that temperature is measured.  Method of controlling temperature.
·         Speed of bending plus tolerance
·         If internal cooling ring is used in addition to the external one, the nomenclature and description of that ring
·         Procedures for starting, controlling and stopping the bending process.  Providing details of how the speed is accelerated to the bending speed and how it is decelerated.  The point at which the current to the coil turned on and off shall be stated.  The point at which the water to the cooling coil turned on and off shall also be stated.  The procedure shall clearly define which steps are done automatically and which ones manually
·         Post bending heat treatment procedure including bracing, temperature plus tolerances, time at temperature, method of cooling from temperature and method of temperature control within the furnace
·         Hydrostatic testing procedure
·         Non-destructive testing procedures
·         Dimensional control procedures
·         Marking, coating and protection procedures
·         Material control and tracability procedures
·         Handling, loading and shipping procedures


All techniques and procedures for Visual Inspection (VI), Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), Dye-Penetrant Inspection (DPI) and Ultrasonic Testing (UT) to be used by CONTRACTOR shall be submitted in writing to COMPANY for approval prior to starting production and will comply with the requirements of DNV OS-F101, Appendix D. All NDT and dimensional checks shall be performed on bends in the final heat-treated condition and after hydrostatic testing and shall be in compliance with one of the appropriate standards listed in DNV OS-F101 Appendix D, B100.
8.1       All personnel performing non-destructive testing shall be qualified to the requirements of SNT-TC-1A, Level II or equivalent.
8.2         Completed induction bends shall be inspected as per DNV OS-F101      Section 7 G800. Bends shall be free from cracks and other injurious defects.  All beveled faces shall also meet the above criteria when tested by MPI or Dye Penetrant Inspection (DPI) methods.
8.3         All bends will be subject to one hundred percent (100%) Visual Inspection as per DNV-OS-F101, Section 7 G800.
8.4         Minor surface defect may be removed by grinding subject to agreement provided the remaining wall thickness is not less than the minimum specified wall thickness and a smooth transition exists between the ground area and the original contour, i.e. no stress risers.  Defect removal shall be confirmed by MPI.  Defect removal that results in less than specified minimum wall thickness shall result in bend rejection.
8.5       Longitudinal surface defects, score marks, etc. shall be investigated by UT examination, to confirm orientation and depth, and reported to COMPANY prior to any attempted repair or removal by grinding.  COMPANY may at its discretion reject the bend.
8.6       Welding repair of the base material is not permitted.
8.7       Surface hardness measurements using an approved hardness tester shall be performed on all finished bends as per DNV OS-F101 section 7 G800

8.8       Each bend outer radius shall be subject to UT examination for transverse defects before shipment.  This examination shall be made with an angle probe along a 150-mm band on the outer bend radius.  Defects in excess of those specified in 84506-60-30-2L-210 shall be rejected. Cracks, regardless of depth, shall be rejected.
8.9       CONTRACTOR shall subject each bend to a hydrotest in accordance with E1100 of Section 6 of the DNV OS-F101 except that the holding time shall be two hours.


Dimensional tolerances shall meet the requirements of DNV OS-F101          Section 7 G1000 and the following.  In case of conflict, the tolerances contained in this specification shall govern.
9.1       Minimum internal diameter of each bend shall be guaranteed by passing a gauging plate, consisting of two rigidly fixed circular parallel concentric plates, through the completed bend. Minimum gauging plate thickness shall be       6mm. The gauging plate shall be required to pass completely through the bend without obstruction.  Unless stated otherwise on the Purchase Order, the gauging plate diameters shall be:
·         Gauging plate diameter = Ninety-six percent (96%) of minimum guaranteed nominal internal diameter
·         Minimum distance between gauging plates = 1.5 x ID

9.2       Maximum percent ovality shall be determined by measuring the bend outside diameter, and is defined as maximum outside diameter minus minimum outside diameter, divided by nominal pipe diameter and multiplied by 100.  Maximum percent ovality shall not exceed 3% for body and 1.5% for ends.
9.3       Bend radius shall be measured and shall be within 1% of that specified.
9.4       Angular bend tolerance shall be +/- zero point five degrees (0.50o), determined by intersecting tangent centerlines, measured by appropriate equipment.
9.5       Out-of-plane bend angle tolerance shall not exceed 10mm deviation from a flat base.
9.6       The inside diameter of each end of each bend shall be measured within 100 mm of the pipe end and shall meet the tolerance requirement of the appropriate linepipe specification listed in Section 3.
9.7         Bends shall have tangents at both ends with lengths as shown on the Purchase Order. Bend ends shall be beveled in accordance with Project Specification 84506-60-30-2L-210. Where required, tapered transitions shall have minimum one in four slope. The pipe end face shall be perpendicular with the axis of the pipe within 1.5 mm as measured with a square.
9.8         The allowable thickness after bending shall be as defined in the Basis of Design. Contractor shall not accept pipe for bending of less than nominal wall thickness. Thicker walled pipe may be required for bend production to achieve a minimum wall thickness that is compatible with that of the adjoining pipe, as specified in DNV OS-F101.


Induction pipe bends shall be paint-stenciled on both inside ends with CONTRACTOR name, material grade, pipe number, size and wall thickness, bend radius, bend angle and weight in kilograms.  Additionally, the Purchase Order number and COMPANY project name (ADGF Project) shall be clearly marked on the bend OD.
10.1    Induction bends shall be abrasive blasted to remove loose scale and other foreign material after all required heat treatment has been performed.
10.2    All induction bends shall be externally coated with a COMPANY approved; high build, two-pack epoxy or COMPANY approved equivalent.
10.3    All beveled ends shall be stamped with the pipe number using a round soft nosed punch and suitably protected against damage during transit.  Ends shall be coated with a weldable primer such as Deoxaluminite, or COMPANY approved equal, that can be easily removed with solvent and that will prevent weld preparation rusting for a period of at least twelve (12) months under exposed field conditions.


At least one qualification test bend shall be made for each pipe diameter, wall thickness, strength grade, and bending procedure to be used.  The radius for the test bend shall be that of the smallest radius bend on the order and it shall contain the same length tangents as required on production bends.  The bend shall be made using the manufacturing procedure specification.  COMPANY acceptance of proposed manufacturing procedure specification shall be contingent on test results.  The following tests shall be performed on each test bend.  The mechanical properties shall meet the requirements specified in Section 4 of this specification.
11.1    All non-destructive examinations, dimensional measurements, and surface hardness tests are required for production bends.
11.2    Additional surface hardness reading shall be taken at four equally spaced locations around the bend using approved hardness measuring equipment at the following locations:
·         Each tangent
·         Each transition area
·         Center of the bend
·         At least two other locations in the bend area.

11.3    Additional UT surveys shall be made on the finished bend to determine wall thickness.  These surveys shall be made along three lines.
·         Center of bend axis
·         Inside radius and outside radius of the bend
·         Neutral axis or weld in case of seam welded bends

Readings shall be spaced no more than 150 mm apart and 50 mm or more from the ends.  Minimum wall thickness at any point shall be at least ninety-five percent (95%) of nominal wall thickness of connecting pipe joints.
11.4    Mechanical testing shall be made in accordance with DNV OS F101 Section 7 G600.

11.5      The bend is to be subject to one hundred percent (100%) ultrasonic testing of the bend body. Acceptance criteria in accordance with 84506-60-30-2L-210

            Production testing of bends shall be carried out as per DNV section 7 G900.


CONTRACTOR shall furnish COMPANY inspectors reasonable facilities and space, without charge, for inspection, testing and information gathering regarding work progress and quality for induction bending of pipejoints. COMPANY inspectors shall have free access to all parts of the plant concerned with the work.
13.1    CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY at least three weeks prior to commencement of production, to allow time for final approval by COMPANY of both manufacturing and inspection procedures.
13.2    After production has started on the order, CONTRACTOR shall notify COMPANY inspectors at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of any changes in production schedules.
13.3      COMPANY inspectors shall operate independently of CONTRACTOR inspectors.
13.4      Contractor shall notify Company at least three weeks prior to any bending procedure qualifications, production testing and final testing.


CONTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY approval, when quoting, drawings of proposed induction bend stacking and shipping methods.  CONTRACTOR shall ensure induction bends are located so as to reduce the possibility of critical stresses and fatigue cracks due to cold working in transit.  Stresses shall be limited so that no additional bend out-of-roundness can occur during shipment.
Timber blanks or metal end bevel protectors shall be used to protect end bevels.  Bends shall be lifted and stacked in strict accordance with Project Specification for Handling, Storage and Transportation (84506-60-30-2L-270).


CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval the following documents prior to commencement of work.
·         Work Procedures
·         Manufacturing Procedure Specifications
·         Manufacturing Procedure Qualification
·         Shop Drawings
·         Handling and Packing Procedures

CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval a data book containing all relevant documents including:
·         Results of Manufacturing Procedure Qualification
·         Certified NDT Reports and Inspectors qualifications
·         Certified Mechanical Test Reports
·         Mill Certificates
·         Results of any special tests required by this specification
·         Certified Drawings
·         Storage Procedures
·         Calibration Certificates

All certificates shall be in the English language and use metric units of measure.  CONTRACTOR and COMPANY Representative shall visibly sign certificates.
All data shall be submitted to COMPANY in both hard copy and electronic format.

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