Get Healthy Skin : You 'll look younger when your skin YOU hydrated properly . Water helps to replenish skin tissues ,moisturizes skin and increase skin elasticity . 

productivity Better at Work : Your brain is mostly made ​​up of water , so drinking water help you think better, be more alert and more concentrated . 

exercises better : Drinking water regulates your body temperature . That means you 'll feel more energetic when doing exercises . Water also helps to fuel the muscles you . 

Lose Weight : Drinking water reduces hunger , it is a suppressor appetite effective so you will eat less . Plus, water has calories zero . Below are more details on how to achieve fat loss by drinking water . 

Medicinal Natural for Headache : Helps to relieve the pain of headaches and back due to dehydration . Though many reasons contribute to headache , dehydration is the of them.
Helps Digestion and Constipation : Drinking water increases metabolism you because it helps in digestion .Fiber and water goes hand in hand so that you can have a bowel movement you daily .

Reduce Cramps and Sprains : Proper hydration to help keep joints and muscles lubricated , so you will reduce the possibility of cramps and sprains . 

Feeling Healthy and Reduce Pain Possible: Drinking plenty of water helps fight against diseases flu and other such stones kidney and heart attacks . Water is added with lemon is used for diseases such as diseases of respiratory , intestinal problems , rheumatism and arthritis etc. In other words one of the benefits of water drinking is that it can boost your immune system . 

Eliminating Toxins: Water is used by the body to help remove toxins and products of waste from the body . If your body lack of water , your heart , for example , need to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells , so are the rest of the vital organs , the organs of YOU will exhausted and so are you . 
Reduce Risk of Cancer : Related to the digestive system , some studies show that drinking water can reduce the risk of bladder cancer and colon cancer . water dilute the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining . 
Creating Mood Good : Your body feels very good and that's why you feel happy . 

Benefits of water that must be understood. Water provides many benefits for our health. this deceased because our body is mostly composed of water. the body will not function normally in the absence of adequate water supply. Here are some health benefits of water for the 

following benefits of water for your health: 

1. Improving the digestive system

If your fluid needs are met, you will be protected from constipation because of fluid in the digestive process than help the absorption of nutrients also serve to form a mass of human waste. 

2. Preventing kidney stones

Kidney stones are caused due to the salt and the salt dissolves in water according to the theory. By meeting the needs of water in the body, the kidney stones will dissolve and come out with urine. 

3. Water can help the digestive system of the body

Water is one of the intermediary is needed by the body, so as to consume at least 8 glasses of water a day, then we can help ease the digestive system and certainly do not overload the intestines work. 

4. Water can keep us on the disease constipation

hard bowel movements or constipation that often we call, it could happen because we consume less mineral water, so that the minimum requirement is not met properly hydrated, by drinking water / mineral in the portion that can keep us fit of disease constipation Constipation Atua. 

5. Water can remove toxins in the body

with the correct amount of water consumed per day, the poison in the body will be excreted through urine and sweat. This is certainly not going to happen if we have a constraint body hydrated. 

So come on now we are starting to drink water to maintain the health of our bodies. Because the drinking water we can prevent the symptoms are not better than our bodies.

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