This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing general offshore activities.  This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:
     Basis of Design 84506-60-00-2L-060
     General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 - Definitions and Specification Directory
     General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality Control

CONTRACTOR shall perform the WORK governed by this Specification, including furnishing labor, materials, tools, equipment, installation aids, operations and incidentals necessary to complete installation of the FACILITIES at the SITE, as detailed in the CONTRACT Documents and Project Drawings, and CONTRACTOR shall meet all applicable requirements of the AUTHORITIES.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all interfaces and communications with COMPANY and third-party installations.  The control of marine operations within a 500 m radius of an installation shall be the responsibility of the offshore installation manager (OIM).  The OIM has overriding authority to permit the entry of CONTRACTOR vessels into the 500 m zone and to control their activities when working within the zone.  All activities within the 500 m zone shall be conducted in accordance with the installation Permit to Work system.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for coordinating with third parties to minimize the impact of construction related activity on the activities of others.


CONTRACTOR shall prepare contingency plans to respond to unplanned circumstances that CONTRACTOR can identify based on prior experience.  The contingency plans shall include the following as a minimum:
         Anchor slipping or anchor winch / cable failure
         Positioning system failure
         Pile driving early refusal
         Lifting system failure (cranes / slings etc.)
     Emergency dewatering, in case of pipeline flooding (intentionally or otherwise) during pipelay for reasons other than routine hydrotesting
       Pipeline repair in case of unacceptable pipeline installation damage or hydrostatic test leaks
         Emergency pipeline abandonment
         Abandonment and recovery cable failure
         Loss of vessel power or position
         Pipeline touchdown outside the pipeline corridor
         Tensioner breakdown
         PLEM/manifold recovery from the seabed
         Buckle repair to pipeline
         Stuck Pig Removal
         Umbilical Pull-in contingency plan.
         Umbilical recovery and repair.
         Emergency umbilical abandonment.

2.1       Contingency plans shall identify specialized equipment, tools and personnel required, that CONTRACTOR shall provide on SITE, or on standby at short notice and shall cover the full range of water depths at the SITE and along any pipeline route.



3.1       CONTRACTOR shall furnish a complete purpose built marine installation spread, capable of safely installing the FACILITIES in the water depths, seabed conditions and environmental conditions encountered.
3.2       CONTRACTOR shall maintain all marine equipment in a good and serviceable condition during the WORK.  Installation vessel(s), including any derrick barge, lay barge, derrick / lay barge, diving support vessel (DSV), tug, supply vessel, survey vessel, cargo barge, shall possess all international certificates, classifications, licenses and permits required by the AUTHORITIES to conduct safe operations at the SITE.  CONTRACTOR shall keep all these documents in full force and effect throughout the WORK duration.  All such documentation shall be submitted to COMPANY for review. The COMPANY reserves the right to review and conduct safety audits throughout the assignment period.  All non-conformances shall be immediately rectified and a program for corrective action put in place.
3.3       CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all equipment used offshore has the relevant up to date certification. CONTRACTOR will function test and / or load test all equipment to be used during installation, as part of the mobilisation. Equipment failing function test and/or load test requirement will be repaired and re-tested where possible or rejected and removed from the vessel. CONTRACTOR will supply test procedures for COMPANY approval for all major equipment.  Tests shall be performed in COMPANY presence.
3.4       CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with transportation to, from and between all CONTRACTOR vessel(s) and onshore support base(s).  Transportation shall be of the same quality as provided for CONTRACTOR supervisory personnel, shall be maintained in a safe and seaworthy (or airworthy) manner in accordance with regulatory standards of the relevant Marine and Aviation Authorities, acceptable to COMPANY, and shall be adequate for the expected weather conditions at the SITE.
3.5       CONTRACTOR shall furnish suitable board and lodgings, including private office and sanitary facilities, meals and assistance required for COMPANY or third party representatives during offshore operations.
3.6       CONTRACTOR shall provide communications, including but not limited to cellular / satellite telephones, facsimile machines, e-mail, and radios, to enable reliable communication between the offshore construction spread(s) and all supporting vessel(s) in the vicinity of the SITE and any onshore engineering and administrative offices and any onshore construction sites.  CONTRACTOR shall provide qualified operators, and sufficient communications to ensure reliability and redundancy, to support communications on a 24-hour-a-day basis.
3.7       CONTRACTOR shall retain Company-approved weather forecasting services, and shall provide continuous weather monitoring during the WORK.  Weather monitoring data and weather forecasts shall be furnished daily to COMPANY offshore.
3.8       CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY relevant information on the installation vessel(s) and equipment to be used for the WORK for approval 30 days prior to mobilisation, including all applicable equipment for installation of the FACILITIES, and shall also include descriptions of the operations to be performed by the installation vessel(s).
         Vessel(s) description, including draft, plan and profile dimensions, mooring systems, deck storage space, equipment, fuel and water capacities, communication equipment, accommodations, experience record, weather limitations (initial and operational), crew number and any other attributes which make the vessel(s) appropriate for the WORK.
         Approved Specifications and / or certified drawings of pipeline installation equipment (abandonment and recovery winches, cranes, davits, tensioners, buoys and any other equipment required for pipeline installation), including general layouts and performance criteria.
         Drawings of strengtheners, shoes, rollers and supports required to maintain pipeline profile geometry.
         Number of divers and diving equipment (air pumps, decompression chambers, gas storage, underwater burning gear, hydraulic stud tensioners), including diving spread depth limitations.
         Specification and capabilities of survey related equipment (positioning systems, depth sensors, profilers, scanners, magnetometers, video and still cameras, onboard computers, monitors, processing and reporting equipment) both on survey and installation vessels.
         Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), including depth limitations, lifting capacity, tether length, spread equipment.
         Certificates showing the vessel(s) may work in the waters, may enter the ports, and are in compliance with all relevant regulations required by the AUTHORITIES at the SITE.
         Current classification documents.

3.9       Following COMPANY acceptance, installation vessel(s) and major equipment shall not be changed without prior written COMPANY approval.
3.10     CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all floating craft / equipment exhibit all navigation signals and warning lights required by the AUTHORITIES.
3.11     Equipment shall not leak fuel, hydraulic, cooling or lubricating fluids into the marine environment.  CONTRACTOR shall have on SITE manpower, containment and clean-up equipment necessary to handle accidental spills or discharges.
3.12       CONTRACTOR shall submit for COMPANY approval an ‘Offshore Management and Execution Plan’ and ‘Offshore Emergency Response Procedure’ which will incorporate all vessels and works to be performed.


4.1       COMPANY shall provide CONTRACTOR with survey data along the pipeline routes.  CONTRACTOR shall confirm the COMPANY data to ensure its completeness and validity and shall be fully responsible for execution of the WORK in the vicinity of COMPANY and third-party facilities.
4.2       Offshore surveys shall be performed in accordance with Project Specification for Offshore Survey 84506-60-00-2L-030 and As-Built Survey (84506-60-00-2L-040). CONTRACTOR surveyors and technicians shall be qualified and experienced in oilfield construction relevant to the WORK.  COMPANY requires experience resumes to be submitted for review and approval.
4.3       CONTRACTOR shall immediately inform COMPANY should any unknown features, bathymetric changes or other conditions cause potential problems or delays to the proposed WORK.  COMPANY shall then determine any action(s) to be taken, and shall instruct CONTRACTOR accordingly.
4.4       In the event CONTRACTOR is instructed to make deviations within the construction limits (i.e. pipeline corridor or permissible target location) due to the obstruction(s), CONTRACTOR shall ensure the position of each FACILITY or pipeline route affected is adjusted accordingly.
4.5       In the event CONTRACTOR is instructed to make deviations out with the construction limits (i.e. pipeline corridor or permissible target location) due to the obstruction(s), or if obstructions are to be removed, CONTRACTOR shall prepare procedures listing all equipment required, methods proposed and the estimated cost and duration to perform the work.  COMPANY shall then determine whether CONTRACTOR shall perform the work at previously agreed additional work rates, or at a lump sum cost provided by CONTRACTOR to perform such work.




5.1       CONTRACTOR shall provide equipment and personnel and shall ensure surveyors and technicians are available to operate and maintain the positioning systems with 24-hour coverage onboard each offshore installation vessel.
5.2       Offshore positioning shall be performed in accordance with Project Specification for Offshore Positioning Systems 84506-60-00-050.
5.3       CONTRACTOR shall ensure continuous positioning accuracy is maintained for all vessels including installation vessel(s), survey and support vessels (tugs, survey boat) during adverse weather or visibility conditions, and at night.
5.4       Wherever dynamically-positioned (DP) vessels are used, the DP control system shall have redundancy such that failure of any one part will not affect the vessel’s station keeping ability.  Failure of any one part of the DP system shall be indicated by an audible and visual alarm.  The system shall include at least three independent position reference systems with a minimum of two being on-line.  The DP system shall be equipped with a duplex computer control system with provision for monitoring.  Manual control with joystick and automatic heading control shall also be available.
5.5       CONTRACTOR shall provide an Uninterruptible Power Source (UPS) and / or battery power of sufficient capacity to operate the positioning system for a minimum 30 minutes in the event of power failure, onboard all vessels, structures or locations where positioning systems are operated.


6.1       CONTRACTOR shall locate and mark all underwater cables, pipelines and structures along the pipeline routes to COMPANY satisfaction before any installation vessel(s) reach a facility.  CONTRACTOR shall, where required, contact any interested third parties for pipeline installation over, under or around any underwater facility.
6.2       Where a pipeline intersects subsea pipelines, cables, or unavoidable geophysical structures, CONTRACTOR shall install approved supports ready for the proposed pipeline.  To install the proposed pipeline above the existing facility, CONTRACTOR shall provide detailed procedures for COMPANY approval, including:
         Seabed preparation / leveling
         Protection mattress / support placement
         Pipelay and touchdown monitoring over protection mattresses / supports
         Remedial actions if required (pipeline off supports / excessive support settlement)

6.3       Pipeline support installation shall be performed in accordance with Company-approved CONTRACTOR procedures.  CONTRACTOR shall provide an as-built survey of completed crossings.  These inspections shall be made in the presence of COMPANY and any other interested parties.
6.4       CONTRACTOR shall not bring mechanical burial equipment closer than 50 m from any underwater facilities.  Only previously approved jetting procedures/methods shall be allowed adjacent to third party cables, pipelines and other facilities within the above limits.
6.5       Details of crossing locations and crossing drawings shall be available onboard pipeline installation vessels prior to pipeline installation over the crossing.
6.6       CONTRACTOR shall identify all crossings and submit to the COMPANY for approval detailed designs and installation/construction procedures associated with each crossing.


7.1       Anchoring and mooring equipment, including anchor handling tugs (AHTs), shall be suitable for the water depths, seabed conditions, any draft limitations and for the expected current, wave and wind conditions at the SITE.  CONTRACTOR shall submit AHT specifications, anchoring and mooring procedures, including contingency plans if anchors slip and all proposed anchor patterns and catenaries for all scheduled WORK activities, for COMPANY approval prior to mobilization of anchor barges.
7.2       CONTRACTOR shall size anchors, anchor lines, anchor pennant lines and anchor winches to set and retrieve anchors without anchor slipping.  CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of COMPANY that anchors selected are capable of holding the predicted dynamic loads in the seabed encountered along the pipeline route.
7.3       CONTRACTOR shall observe any anchoring restrictions or prohibitions defined by COMPANY or the AUTHORITIES, prior to starting the WORK.
7.4       CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all anchor pennant buoys are freshly painted in a high visibility color, such as International Orange, and if required by the AUTHORITIES they shall be marked with reflective tape and / or automatic battery operated navigation lights.
7.5       Where CONTRACTOR sets an anchor near any existing cable, pipeline, subsea facility, platform, marine navigation buoys, CONTRACTOR shall ensure the anchor is deployed a minimum distance of 150 m from the existing facilities.  The anchor cable shall at all times be a minimum horizontal distance of 15 m from the existing facilities.
7.6       Where CONTRACTOR sets an anchor with pull direction towards any existing cable, pipeline, subsea facility, platform, marine navigation buoys, CONTRACTOR shall ensure the anchor is deployed a minimum distance 200 m beyond the existing facility in the direction of pull.  This distance shall be increased if required to provide a minimum 150 m perpendicular distance from the anchor to the existing facility.
7.7       CONTRACTOR shall attach floats, and use a cable chaser as required, for any anchor line crossing an existing cable, pipeline or subsea facility to ensure the anchor line is lifted a minimum 10 m above the existing facilities during anchor deployment and minimum of 0.5 x water depth at all other times.  The CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate this by producing anchor cable catenary analysis and drawings in conjunction with the anchor patterns.  At all times, CONTRACTOR shall take precautions so that no anchor line contacts any existing facility.
7.8       Anchor patterns shall show all existing facilities, pipelines, cables, platforms, restricted areas, water depths and anchor holding properties of the seabed, at a scale of 1:5000.  They shall be used for planning and recording anchor and anchor cable locations during the performance of the Work.  Contractor shall demonstrate that the proposed anchor patterns are capable of holding the vessel on station in all anticipated weather conditions.
7.9       Anchor patterns shall be accompanied by anchor cable catenary analysis and drawings for the water depth at the intended location.  The catenaries shall be given for a range of cable tensions from the minimum to the maximum working tensions.  The catenary shall include floats where necessary and state the distance above the seabed of the cable for any given horizontal distance from the fairlead.
7.10     During anchor deployment and retrieval, any anchor which crosses a submarine facility shall be carried on the deck of the anchor handling vessel.  It shall be well secured by a wire of equal strength to the main winch wire and must not be lowered over the stern of the vessel until at least 150 m clear of the submarine facility.  The use of pelican hooks on anchor handling tugs is not permitted.
7.11     Anchors must be dropped to ±15 meters of target locations.  CONTRACTOR shall keep a log of each anchor drop and recovery coordinate and annotate the log as necessary if slippage is encountered.
7.12     CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate by means of a mooring analysis that the anchor patterns near to offshore structures are capable of holding the vessel in position assuming one anchor is non-functional.  Limit state conditions of wind, wave and current shall be determined for the anchored vessel.


8.1       Dynamically Positioned (DP) vessels shall be suitable for the expected environmental conditions at the SITE.  CONTRACTOR shall provide DP procedures, for COMPANY approval, backed up by relevant data to prove the DP vessel can safely operate on SITE under normal wind, wave, current and tide conditions.  CONTRACTOR shall also provide contingency plans, for COMPANY approval, in the event of DP systems failure, that the failure can be immediately detected and rectified.
8.2       CONTRACTOR shall provide DP vessels with double, and preferably triple, redundant control systems and with sufficient thrust to allow normal operations with the single most powerful thruster inoperable.
8.3       CONTRACTOR shall use two but preferably three positioning reference systems.
8.4       CONTRACTOR shall have a fully qualified DP operator in the bridge at all times, when in the DP mode.  Under no circumstances will a DP operator leave the bridge until relieved or replaced by another qualified DP operator.



CONTRACTOR shall provide comprehensive air-diving operations, safety manuals and QA / QC documentation, for COMPANY review and approval.  All air-diving work shall be fully in accordance with recognized current international commercial air-diving practices and standards and regulations of the AUTHORITIES applicable at the SITE.
9.1       CONTRACTOR shall furnish all required air-diving equipment and supplies, which shall be in a good and serviceable condition, shall safely support air-diving operations, and shall be maintained in these conditions during the WORK.
9.2       CONTRACTOR air-diving equipment and systems shall meet industry standards and be appropriate for air-diving operations required for the WORK.  An adequate spares inventory, backup equipment and consumables shall be maintained on SITE to maintain air diving operations.  Details of all air-diving systems, equipment and proposed layout on the offshore spreads shall be submitted to COMPANY, for review and approval.
9.3       CONTRACTOR shall submit, for COMPANY review and approval, current calibration certificates for all air-diving systems and equipment, including:
         Deck decompression chamber(s) (DDC)
         Air compressors
         Bailout cylinders
         Permanent gas storage cylinders
         Diver transfer system (“A”-frame / winch / cable / basket etc.)
         Pneumo (depth) gauges
         Diving supervisor’s “Letter of Appointment”

9.4       Critical systems such as communications, heating, launch / recovery and breathing gas supply / scrubbing shall have built-in redundancy to provide immediate independent backup in case of failure.  CONTRACTOR shall maintain any spares required to fix or replace damaged equipment, and where applicable, spare equipment shall be certified.
9.5       CONTRACTOR air-diving supervision, technicians and divers shall all be qualified and experienced in oilfield construction relevant to the WORK, and air-diving teams shall be of adequate size to maintain continuity throughout the WORK.  COMPANY may request experience resumes for air diving personnel and operational organizational structure details are to be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval.
9.6       CONTRACTOR shall provide, for COMPANY approval, an emergency plan, specific to the SITE to provide for the evacuation and treatment of air-diving casualties.
9.7       CONTRACTOR shall provide, for COMPANY approval, detailed air-diving procedures, which shall include personnel, materials, tools and equipment requirements.  Sketches and calculations shall be included to clarify and verify procedures as appropriate.
9.8       CONTRACTOR shall maintain air-diving logbooks (IMCA approved) including any accident reports.  An individual dive sheet shall be prepared giving details for each dive and all documents shall contain diver names, and be signed by the on-duty and any relief air-diving supervisors.  Copies of these documents shall be provided to COMPANY.
9.9       CONTRACTOR shall utilize helmet mounted, underwater video cameras connected to a video screen accessible to COMPANY onboard the installation vessel.
9.10     CONTRACTOR shall record all diving activities and provide a VHS video recorder, and permanent VHS / VCD records, to COMPANY for all major underwater inspection and installation activities.


CONTRACTOR shall provide comprehensive saturation-diving operations, safety manuals and QA / QC documentation, for COMPANY review and approval.  All saturation-diving work shall be fully in accordance with recognized current international commercial saturation diving practices and standards and regulations of the AUTHORITIES applicable at the SITE.
10.1     CONTRACTOR shall furnish all required saturation-diving equipment and supplies, which shall be in a good and serviceable condition, shall safely support saturation-diving operations, and shall be maintained in these conditions during the WORK.
10.2     CONTRACTOR saturation-diving equipment and systems shall meet industry standards and be appropriate for saturation-diving operations required for the WORK.  An adequate spares inventory, backup equipment and consumables shall be maintained on SITE to maintain saturation-diving operations.  Details of all saturation-diving systems, equipment and proposed layout on the offshore spreads shall be submitted to COMPANY, for review and approval.
10.3     CONTRACTOR shall submit, for COMPANY review and approval, current calibration certificates for all saturation-diving systems and equipment, including as applicable:
         Saturation system chamber(s)
         Saturation system chamber port(s)
         Diving bell
         Diving bell port
         Diving bell gas cylinders
         Diving bell ballast weight system
         Main diving bell wire
         Diving bell umbilical
         Diving bell handling system
         Guide wire winch
         Deck decompression chamber(s) (DDC)
         Air compressors
         Bailout cylinders
         Permanent gas storage cylinders
         Diving bell handling system (“A”-frame / winch / cable / umbilicals etc.)
         Hot water boiler
         Environmental control units
         Pneumo (depth) gauges
         Diving supervisor’s “Letter of Appointment”

Prior to commencing use, CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate the operability and safety systems of the units.
10.4     Critical systems such as communications, heating, launch / recovery and breathing gas supply / scrubbing shall have built-in redundancy to provide immediate independent backup in case of failure.  CONTRACTOR shall maintain any spares required to fix or replace damaged equipment, and where applicable, spare equipment shall be certified.
10.5     CONTRACTOR saturation diving supervision, technicians and divers shall all be qualified and experienced in oilfield construction relevant to the WORK, and saturation diving teams shall be of adequate size to maintain continuity throughout the WORK.  COMPANY may request experience resumes for review and approval, and saturation diving personnel and operational organizational structure details shall be submitted to COMPANY, for review and approval.
10.6     CONTRACTOR shall provide for COMPANY approval, an emergency plan, specific to the SITE, to provide for the evacuation and treatment of saturation diving casualties.
10.7     CONTRACTOR shall provide, for COMPANY approval, detailed saturation diving procedures, which shall include personnel, materials, tools and equipment requirements.  Sketches and calculations shall be included to clarify and verify procedures as appropriate.
10.8     CONTRACTOR shall maintain approved saturation diving logbooks including any accident reports.  An individual dive sheet shall be prepared giving details for each dive / bell run and all documents shall contain diver names, and be signed by the on-duty and any relief saturation diving supervisors.  Copies of these documents shall be provided to COMPANY.
10.9     CONTRACTOR shall utilize helmet mounted, underwater video cameras connected to a video screen accessible to COMPANY onboard the installation vessel, and permanently connected to VHS video recorders.
10.10    CONTRACTOR shall record all diving activities and provide a VHS video recorder, and permanent VHS / VCD records, to COMPANY for all underwater installation and inspection activities as requested by COMPANY.


CONTRACTOR shall provide comprehensive ROV operations, safety manuals and QA / QC documentation, for COMPANY review and approval.  All ROV work shall be fully in accordance with recognized current international commercial practices and standards and regulations of the AUTHORITIES applicable at the SITE.
The ROV and ROV operations shall be in accordance with Project Specification for Offshore Survey 845506-60-00-2L-030 and As-Built Survey 84506-60-00-2L-040 and shall be suitable for operation in the extreme design environmental conditions as per the Project Basis of Design.
11.1     CONTRACTOR shall furnish all required ROV equipment and supplies, which shall be in a good and serviceable condition, shall safely support ROV operations, and shall be maintained in these conditions during the WORK.  The ROV shall include:
         VHS video camera with pan and tilt capabilities
         35-mm camera with flash
         Roll and pitch sensors
         Acoustic transponders
         Other sensors and equipment as appropriate and as specified.

11.2     CONTRACTOR ROV equipment and systems shall be produced by a recognized ROV manufacturer, have a proven operational history and be appropriate for inspection and / or work functions required during the WORK.  An adequate spares inventory, backup equipment and consumables shall be maintained on SITE to maintain ROV operations.  Details of all ROV systems, equipment and proposed layout on the offshore spreads shall be submitted to COMPANY, for review and approval.
11.3     CONTRACTOR shall submit, for COMPANY review and approval, current calibration certificates for all ROV systems and equipment, including as applicable:
         Roll and pitch sensors
         ROV umbilical
         ROV handling system (“A”-frame / winch / cable / umbilicals etc.)

11.4     CONTRACTOR shall maintain any spares required to fix or replace damaged equipment, and where applicable, spare equipment shall be certified.
11.5     CONTRACTOR ROV operators and technicians shall all be experienced in oilfield construction relevant to the WORK, and ROV teams shall be of adequate size to maintain continuity throughout the WORK.  COMPANY may request experience resumes for review and approval.
11.6     CONTRACTOR shall maintain ROV logbooks giving details for each ROV run, and the on-duty ROV operator shall sign all documents.  Copies of these documents shall be provided to COMPANY.
11.7     CONTRACTOR shall provide a video screen accessible to COMPANY onboard vessels supporting ROV operations.
11.8     CONTRACTOR shall provide a VHS video recorder, and permanent VHS / VCD records, to COMPANY for all underwater installation and inspection activities.




12.1     CONTRACTOR shall continually monitor all installation equipment during the WORK. Should CONTRACTOR or COMPANY find work unsatisfactory, or not in accordance with COMPANY-approved procedures, then CONTRACTOR shall immediately repair or revise the work to conform to approved procedures.
12.2     CONTRACTOR shall submit abnormal monitoring results and reports to COMPANY promptly after each inspection and shall ultimately include all results and reports in the as-built records.
12.3     Should COMPANY representatives find any WORK to be unsatisfactory, or not in accordance with Company-approved procedures, then CONTRACTOR shall immediately revise the WORK to conform with approved procedures and generate a non-conformance report.  In the event consequent actions are not made promptly, COMPANY may suspend all work until such actions have been made.
12.4     CONTRACTOR shall make parameter records available to COMPANY representatives immediately upon demand, during WORK execution.
12.5     Instruments providing these parameters shall be calibrated prior to start of WORK, and CONTRACTOR shall provide instrument calibration equipment on the installation vessel.  COMPANY may direct CONTRACTOR, for good cause, to re-calibrate any instrument.  Calibration records shall be made available to COMPANY immediately upon demand during WORK execution.


CONTRACTOR shall determine all freespan lengths and heights and correct those freespans that exceed allowable limits, in strict accordance with Project Specification for Freespan Correction 84506-60-30-2L-380 and shall demonstrate specification attainment via video recording submitted to COMPANY, immediately upon completion of the work.


C0NTRACTOR shall supply procedures for pipeline protection for all risk areas such as but not limited to platform approach and crossings.  


CONTRACTOR shall perform pipeline flooding, cleaning, gauging and hydrostatic pressure testing in accordance with Project Specification for Cleaning, Gauging and Hydrotesting 84506-60-30-2L-390.  Final hydrotesting shall only be performed after any freespan correction and / or pipeline backfilling is completed.


CONTRACTOR shall submit a daily report to COMPANY from each construction vessel, including as applicable and as a minimum:
         Chronology of all relevant activities.
         Daily logs for each vessel.
         COMPANY and CONTRACTOR materials on board and delivery status.
         List and location of all marine spread equipment.
         Number of CONTRACTOR and sub-contractor personnel onboard.
         Number of COMPANY representatives and names of visitors onboard.
         Incidents, accidents or spills.
         General weather conditions.
         Wind, wave and sea conditions at shift changes.
         Reference of any requests for change orders.
         Survey coverage, type of equipment deployed, KP stations
         Work programs for the next 24 hours.
         Pipe tally showing the number and type of pipejoints laid and all repairs.
         Total length installed in meters, by daily and cumulative totals.
         Pipe and Weld record.
         Pipeline inspection results and reports.
         Dredged, trenched, backfill volumes and KP stations
         Pigging, testing status
         Reference to any non-conformance report


CONTRACTOR shall remove from SITE all temporary work, scrap, surplus materials garbage, temporary construction facilities and equipment, upon completion of WORK.  CONTRACTOR shall restore SITE to a clean condition equal or better than the condition prior to start of WORK.


CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval “as-built” information to supplement the documentation requirements, and showing an equivalent level of detail to that given in “Issued for Construction” drawings, including as a minimum:
         Route alignment sheets showing final as installed pipeline position, including pipeline horizontal position, elevation, weight coating thickness, backfill, supports and other relevant details on the original alignment sheets.  “As-built” information may be presented as revisions to original Alignment Sheets issued by COMPANY.
         COMPANY will give the zero (starting) location to be used on CONTRACTOR “as-built” pipeline stations (KP).
         Structure drawings showing final as installed horizontal position, orientation, height, spool configuration, supports and other relevant details.
         Pipe and weld record of all pipejoints laid, shall be completely checked, verified and cross-referenced to the radiographs and “as-built” alignment sheets.
         Weld radiographs of all pipeline welds and repairs made during the WORK.
         Pile driving reports for structures
         Diving reports in narrative and sketch form, describing findings of inspection dives.
         Materials reports giving an account of materials issued to CONTRACTOR by COMPANY, showing items used, damaged or returned as surplus.
         Survey videos
         Crossing “as-built” drawings
         Free span correction “as-built” drawings
         Daily reports
         All change request and non-conformance reports
         Pipeline Data Management System

All documentation, and drawings, also to be provided in COMPANY approved “electronic” format (diskette, CD, VCD, etc.).

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