All welding for steel construction shall conform to the requirements of this section and shall be applicable to Contractor's work included in Book II, Subsection "Summary of Work" and Book IIIA refers to  "General Civil and Architectural Design Requirements"

Welding covered in this Specification shall include shop and field welding of the following, as indicated in various technical specifications included with the bid of offer document or as required for Contractor's work:

Structural steel, galleries, embedded steel, auxiliary steel and miscellaneous steel, including pile splices.

Welding studs.

All other work as indicated.


The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Book II, Subsection "Codes and Standards".

The codes and standards of the following organizations extracted from Book II, Subsection "Codes and Standards" are specifically applicable to the design, manufacture and testing of the work included in this Specification:

ASTM          American Society for Testing and Materials.

AWS              American Welding Society.



Ali materials shall conform to the requirements of this Clause 3 unless otherwise indicated in the Bid of offer Document.


Materials for stud welding shall conform to the requirements of AWS D1.1.


Except as otherwise specified, all welding electrodes shall conform to the applicable provisions of the AWS Structural Welding Code AWS D1.1 For steels with special properties, such as resistance to brittle fracture, corrosion‑resistant steels, stainless lad steels and stainless steels, the recommendations of both the steel and electrode manufacturers shall be secured for each specified steel and each specific use.


Complete penetration welds shall be used for all groove welding unless otherwise specifically indicated. All double welded joints shall be back gouged to sound metal before welding the second side.

Fillet welds across flanges of any steel member will not be permitted unless                       specifically flange area will indicated on Contractor's design drawings; any undercutting or damage that will reduce the not be permitted.
Preheat and interpass temperatures shall conform to the requirements of                       AWS D1.1 and shall be as required for the thickest part of the base metal being welded.

The maximum preheat and interpass temperature for austenitic stainless steel shall be 175 OC.

Except for stainless clad steel joints or stainless to carbon steel joints, the austenitic stainless steel filler metal used shall contain a minimum of 5% ferrite.

The use of wide welds to overcome poor fit‑up will not be permitted.

Surfaces and edges to be welded shall be properly‑ prepared according to                       AWS 1.1, prior to welding. Unless specifically reviewed by the Owner,                       the only coating which does not have to be removed before welding is deoxaluminite.

In welding stainless clad steel, the carbon steel side shall be welded first.

The following materials shall not be welded unless otherwise indicated:

‑ Steel reinforcing bars (rebar’s).

‑ Nuts and bolts.

‑ Any carbon or alloy steels containing more than 0.35% carbon.

The filling in by welding of unused boltholes is riot permitted.


All welding including stud welding shall conform to the requirements of AWS D1.1 unless otherwise indicated. Welding shall be performed using Shielded Metal Arc or Submerged Arc Welding Process.

The following welding processes are specifically prohibited:

‑ Fuel Gas
- Electro slag
‑ Electro gas
- Gas Metal‑Arc (short circuiting transfer)
- Flux Cored‑Arc (without external gas shielding),



All welding shall be inspected and examined by Contractor's AWS certified welding inspector in accordance with this Clause 6 and AWS D1.1 unless                       otherwise indicated in the bid of offer document. Inspection and examination reports shall be submitted to Owner.

Have each welding operator stamp his identifying mark or number on all work done by him (except on handrails) as requested by inspector.

When inspector believes a welding operator's work is not up to require                       standards he may prohibit welding operator from continuing work pending results of requalification tests.

Owners may, during the course of the work, review the various phases of                       the work performed by Contractor, at Contractor's plant and at the site, for        compliance with all requirements of this specification. Owner reserves the right to approve facilities used for inspection and examination.

Radiographic inspection shall be performed by inspecting laboratory retained by Contractor. Such inspection will conform to the applicable requirements of  AWS D1.1.

The extent and methods of nondestructive examination for welding required for all work shall conform to the requirements of Table, and all welds shall be 100 % visually inspected.

Table - 1

Extent and Methods of Nondestructive Examination for
Welding in Steel Construction for All Work


Extent of

Method of


1.  Structural Steel

1.1 Built‑up Girders and Columns:
a.  All complete penetration groove welds.



Welds impractical to be radio graphed shall be examined 100% by both Ultrasonic and either Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrate methods.

b.   All other weld joining flanges, webs, plates, stiffeners, connections, base plate details etc.

1.2 Rolled Beams      and columns:

a.      All complete penetration groove welds.



Same as 1.1a

b.   All other welds joining cover plates stiffeners, connections, base plate details etc.



2.  Tank, Duct Work etc.

2.1 All complete penetration groove welds

a. 100% for the first 3 m. of welds, in horizontal and vertical welds respectively, for each welder or welding operator. (Any weld that fails to meet the acceptance standard shall be replaced and reexamined 100%)


a.  Welds impractical to be radio graphed shall be examined by both Ultrasonic and either Magnetic Particle or Liquid Penetrate Methods

b. Thereafter, 1%: 1spot examination 30 cm long for each additional 33 m of welds (If any spot fails to meet the acceptance standard, 2 additional spots shall be examined at locations at least 30 cm on each side from failure spot. If either of the 2 additional sports examined fails to meet the acceptance standard the entire unit of the 33 m welds shall be completely examined).

Spot Radiograph

b.  The 1% spot radio graphed shall include 25% of junctions of vertical and horizontal welds.

2.2          Fillet welds between plates and stiffeners


2.3  Welds for supporting Structural Steel

Same as Item 1
Same as Item 1
Same as Item 1

3.  Welding Studs

3.1  Composite Beam Shear Connectors

a. The first two studs welded on each beam, through metal deck where applicable, after being allowed to cool, shall be bent to an angle of 30 from their original axes by being struck with a hammer. (If failure occurs in either stud, the procedure shall be Corrected and

Bend Test

Additional acceptance standard indicated in AWS D1.1.

    two more shall be welded to the beam and tested.
    If either of the second pair of studs fails, additional welding shall be continued on separate plates until two consecutive studs are tested and found to be satisfactory.)

b.   100% of all studs


Any stud which does not show a 3600 weld under visual examination is subject to the bend test

3.2        All other studs

a. Before the start of welding operations on each day for each welding gun and associated power source two studs shall be welded to separate material in the same general position (flat, vertical, overhead sloping) and of similar thickness and material. After being allowed to cool, each stud shall be bent to an angle of 300 from its original axis with a hammer. (If failure occurs in either stud, the procedure shall be corrected and repeated until two consecutive studs have been successfully welded and tested before any studs are welded to the member).

Bend Test

  AdditionaAdditonal acceptance
standars indicated in AWS D1.1

  b. 100 % of all studs
Any stud which does not show a 3600 weld under visual examination is subject to the bend or torque test.

c. At least one stud in every 100 shall be bent to an angle of 150 from its original axis by being struck with a hammer. If threaded, the stud shall be torque tested with a calibrated torque wrench. (If the stud fails, the procedure shall be checked in accordance with (a) above, and two more existing studs shall be bend or torque tested. If either of these two studs fails, all the studs represented the tests shall be tested).

Bend Test (Torque Test for Threaded Studs)

Additional acceptance standard indicated in AWS D1.1

Notes:       1.    Extent of examination (1%, etc.) shall be applied equally to shop welding and field welding.

                   2.    Magnetic Particle method is for ferrite materials, and liquid Penetrate method is for austenitic materials.


Nondestructive examination for welding for all work shall conform to the following requirements unless otherwise indicated:

Radiographic Examination
Radiographic examination shall conform to the requirements of this section and to all applicable requirements to the following:

a.           AWS   :     AWS D1.1.

b.           ASME                 :     E94 and E142

X-Ray or Gamma Ray shall be used in radiography and the quality level shall be 2-2T as specified in ASTM E142, unless otherwise indicated.

a.                  Radiographic Films

a.1         The double film technique shall be used to obtain two films at each radiographic location. Single film viewing shall be use interpretation.

a.2         Radiographic films shall be of fine grain, high contrast, Type 1 or 2. Lead intensifying screens shall used. Films density shall 2.0 minimums for single viewing or 2.6 minimums for composite viewing of a double film exposure. Each film for composite viewing shall have a minimum density of 1.3 as determined by either film density strips or densitometry. The maximum density shall be 3.8 for either single or composite viewing. The quality of film and the steps of processing shall be such as to retain the best possible definition during storage.

a.3         Any films not acceptable to Owner will be rejected; and Contractor shall repair and radiograph again these portions of the work covered by these films until satisfactory results are obtained, at no cost to the Owner.

Ultrasonic Examination

Shall conform to all applicable requirements or the following standard:

AWS            :      AWS D1.1

ASTM                 :           E164

Magnetic Particle Examination

Shall conform to all applicable requirements or the following standards:

AWS                   :       AWS D1.1

ASTM                 :          E709

Liquid Penetrate Examination

Shall conform to all applicable requirements of the following standards:

AWS                   :       AWS D1.1

ASTM                 :          E165
Visual Examination

Shall conform to all applicable requirements of AWS D1.1.

Welds meeting the acceptance standards indicated in AWS D1.1 will be accepted.
Any welds failing to meet the indicated in AWS D1.1 Standard shall be repaired or replaced and reexamined 100% until they meet the requirements. Contractor shall perform additional examination in accordance with Table – 1 and AWS D1.1, with no additional cost to Owner.
Acceptance of work by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for the work.



Contractor shall submit, after award of contract, two copies of General Procedures that he (and his subcontractors, if any) will follow for all welding for the work.

These procedures shall include, but shall not be limited to, all of the following:

Selection of welding methods, equipment and materials.
Control of personnel proposed to be used for this work, and quality control of workmanship.
Control of Contractor's welding inspection and examination.
Types of weld and welded joints.
Weld profiles and weld sizes.
Size, classification and material specification for all electrodes proposed for use.
Methods of groove and edge preparation.
Lengths and spacing of intermittent welds.
Methods and/or sequence of welding to avoid distortion and to minimize                       residual shrinkage stresses.
Number and travel speed of passes for each weld.
Procedures for preheating base metals, and minimum preheat and interpass temperatures required.
Stud welding, including welding shear connector studs to beams through metal deck.


All welders and welding operators employed on any welding work shall be                       qualified by an approved testing laboratory in accordance with AWS D1.1.            Laboratories for testing welders and welding operators shall be of                       recognized standing. All costs in connection with this qualification shall be borne by Contractor.

These qualifications (including requalification, if any) test reports and                       certificates shall be available before the start of welding and shall be submitted for information to Owner if requested.


Quality assurance/Quality control shall conform to the requirements of   Part Book II refers to ‘Quality Assurance/Quality Control’.

The quality control procedures shall include but not be limited to the following:

-    Material certificates
-    Welding
-    Nondestructive testing
-    Shop test & inspection procedures

The quality control documentation shall include but not be limited to the following:

                   Material certificates
                    Welding procedures
                    Shop test and inspection reports


Welds that are considered impractical to be radio graphed are those where the joint detail does not permit radiographic examination or the radiography will not yield meaningful results. The absence of suitable radiographic equipment shall not be justification for the alternate examination. Examination by the alternate methods shall require permission of the Owner.

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