The scope of work under this section includes furnishing labor, technicians, qualified professional surveyors, surveying equipment and materials required to perform all surveying work, setting out and calculations necessary to establish the accurate location of all plant facilities.


A basic survey based on fixed triangulation, polygon points and bench marks has been performed by the Owner. The Contractor may use it for his surveying and setting out as reference only.

The Contractor will obtain plans containing the basic survey with all necessary information. Should the Contractor has any objection to this basic survey and the relevant drawings, he shall inform the Owner in writing within one week of this handling over by the Owner.



The Contractor shall, as described in this section, perform all surveying and setting out and calculations necessary to establish the accurate location of all plant facilities and shall carry out a continuous survey during construction.

The Contractor shall set out, construct and establish bench marks in stable areas at the Site for his work. The survey for his bench mark grid shall only be based on approved triangulation points of the national grid. The Contractor shall submit calculations and drawings for the triangulation work done to establish the benchmarks.

The Contractor shall submit in sufficient advance, for approval by the Owner, the methods he intends to apply for the surveying work.

The Contractor shall protect, preserve and keep accessible the benchmarks of the basic survey and any provided by himself. Any damage or removal of benchmarks shall be avoided as far as possible. Any accidental damage to any benchmark shall immediately be brought to the attention of the Owner. It is expressly understood that the Contractor shall held responsible for damage to the benchmarks and the resulting consequences. He shall thus take preventive measures subject to approval in order to minimize the possibility of destroying benchmarks. Benchmarks must be of stainless steel or cast iron.

The steel bolt shall be embedded in an absolutely stable concrete block of suitable size subject to approval of the Owner. Inscriptions shall be durable and clearly legible. Intermediate points of the Contractor's triangulation survey used in establishing bench marks may be marked by steel pipes or other pegs, subject to the Owner's approval. Every new bench mark shall be double  checked, as far as possible in relation to points other than those which served to establish the point in question.


The Contractor shall entrust the surveying only to such persons whom by their training and experience have sufficient qualification and knowledge to ensure proper fulfillment of the survey tasks assigned to them. If requested, they shall give the Owner any information relating to the survey. For the performance of the survey, the Contractor shall have a sufficient number of reliable, accurate and well adjusted instruments, the type and quality of which shall be subject to the approval of the Owner.

            AUXILIARY WORK

The auxiliary work of this section shall include, but not be necessarily limited to the following:

         Performing all necessary survey calculations with clear presentation of calculations and results in order to facilitate verifications

         Exposing covered Fix Points

         Removing machinery and obstructions from the required sight lines

         Stopping all machinery, drilling and blasting, pile driving and other work causing ground vibrations, stopping all smoke, dust, gas etc. hindering view causing refraction.

         Restricting or stopping traffic of persons and vehicles near instruments or in sightliness during instrument observations

         Providing an adequate number of laborers experienced as surveying aides and materials as deemed suitable by the Owner for the control and auxiliary surveys.

         Removing all obstructive accumulation of water

         Taking all necessary safety precautions

         Furnishing and marking materials required in connection with control surveys

         Providing fix points in lieu of or in addition to the Owner's or Contractor's fix-points in accordance with the instruction of the Owner

         Making all necessary topographic for the verification of lines and grades and quantity takeoff.


Horizontal distance shall normally be measured with optic or electronic distance measuring devices. Chaining with metallic tape shall be restricted to the measurement of short distances (maximum 30 m) and will be rejected for use in horizontal distance surveys for traverses.

            Angles shall be measured by theodolite.

Elevations shall be determined by differential horizontal leveling.


Traverse for additional fixed point
Traverse for setting out

Number of azimuth courses between azimuth checks not to exceed



Astronomical azimuth
Probable error of result



Azimuth closure at azimuth check points not to exceed*

10 sec (N)1/2 or 3.0 sec per station

30 sec (N)1/2 or 8.0 sec per station

Distance measurements accurate within

1 in 15.000

1 in 7.500

After azimuth adjustment, closing error in position not to exceed*

1.67 ft (M)1/2 or 1 in 10.000

3.34 ft (M)1/2 or 1 in 5.000

N is the number of stations for carrying azimuth
M is the distance in miles

                  * The expressions for closing errors in traverse surveys are given in two forms.

                  The expression containing the square root is designed for longer lines where higher proportional accuracy is required. The formula which gives the smaller permissible closure shall be used.

                  Leveling shall be made as forward and backward running, between fixed elevations of the basic survey loop closure on the same bench mark. The difference of the two measurements or of the measured and fixed elevation shall not exceed 12 mm (K)1/2, where K is the total leveling distance in kilometers.


            All relevant elements of survey and setout may be checked by the Owner. The Contractor shall notify Owner for this check sufficiently in advance of performing the work. In addition, the Contractor shall assist, if required, the Owner at any time in the performance of the verification work. The Contractor shall keep clear all marks and sightliness required for this purpose.

            Checks shall usually be made during work breaks, but in cases of urgency, the Contractor shall restrict or stop affected work without being entitled to extra payment. Any control by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of his full responsibility for the accuracy of the position and dimensions of the work and parts thereof.

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