"Surface Treatment" of structural concrete shall mean a finish which is an integral part of the structural concrete.
Surface treatments shall conform to requirements and uses specified in this section.

Upon removal of forms, all fins and other projections shall be removed and off sets leveled. All voids, holes, honeycomb or other damaged surfaces shall be cleaned back to solid concrete, saturated with water and filled with cement mortar of same composition as that used in the concrete. The concrete shall be finished free from streaks, discolorations or other imperfections so as to produce an extremely smooth dense and true finish of uniform color.
This finish shall be used for all exposed formed surfaces.

Upon removal of forms, all voids, holes, honeycomb or other damaged surfaces shall be cleaned back to solid concrete, saturated with water and filled with cement mortar of same composition as that used in the concrete.
This finish shall be used for all unexposed formed surfaces.
Top surface of structural concrete slabs and equipment foundations shall be level unless otherwise indicated. Screed shall be used for all structural slabs and shall be securely and accurately set to elevations indicated. After concrete has been consolidated by vibrating, it shall be screeded to required level.
After screeding, and when concrete has partially hardened so that if will retain impressions of a broom, it shall be broomed with a still bristled broom and all laitance and scum removed. The brooming shall expose some of the aggregate and score the surface to provide mechanical bond for separate finish.
This finish shall be used as follows : 
a) Structural concrete floor slabs or bases where separate concrete floor finish, concrete floor-fill-finish, quarry tile, terrazzo or similar separate finishes are indicated or required.

b) Top surface of equipment foundations

c) Top of concrete ductruns

Monolithic finish is one produced on structural concrete slabs which are poured all at one time with one concrete mix. Concrete for structural slabs with monolithic finish shall be of the driest consistency possible to work with a sawing motion of screed.
Surface that first be screeded, and than be floated to a smooth, compact surface. Any water sheen shall be allowed to evaporate or removed prior to floating operation by covering surface with burlap or similar material. Spreading of cement or cement-sand mixture directly on top of concrete will not be permitted.
After floating, the surface of concrete shall be steel troweled to a smooth, state-like surface. Final troweling shall be done after concrete is so hard that no mortar accumulates on trowel and a ringing sound is produced as trowel is drawn over surface. Finish surface shall not be marked off in areas or scored in any manner.
This finish shall be used as follows :
a.       Structural concrete floor slabs where monolithic finish is indicated or required.
b.      Floor areas where resilient tile finishes (asphalt, rubber, vinyl, etc.) are indicated or required.

Surface shall first be screeded, and then be ball floated to a smooth, compact surface. After ball floating, surface shall be floated after concrete has hardened sufficiently to retain the float finish and water sheen has disappeared.
This finish shall be used as follows :

a. Structural concrete roof slabs. Finish shall be free of all depressions or projections which would prevent proper application of roofing.

b. Structural floor slabs only where specifically indicated or required.

c. Top of concrete walls, curbs, piers, pads, pedestals, and outdoor equipment foundations.

d. Manholes, sump pits, elevator pits etc. Roofs, if any, of these structures shall also have a float finish except that where such roof are integral with other concrete work, the roofs shall have the same finish as the other concrete work.

The same requirements apply as for monolithic finish except that consistency of concrete shall be as used for the portion of work for which steel troweled finish is specified.

This finish shall be used for stair treads.

The surface shall first be screeded, and shall then be ball floated to a smooth, compact surface. Following the ball floating, the surface shall be broomed with a medium-stiff bristled broom only after the concrete has hardened sufficiently to retain the scoring. The strokes shall be square across the surface and shall be so made as to produce regular scoring without leaving the surface or exposing any aggregate. The scoring shall run transverse to the direction of traffic.
This finish shall be used for sidewalks and driveways. It shall be used for other surfaces only if specifically indicated.

Exposed surface of fresh concrete shall be protected from rain during and after placement. All concrete shall be protected from damage during construction operations. Exposed external corners of concrete shall be protected with wood strips securely fastened in place. Trapaulins or other covering shall be used when necessary, to completely enclose freshly finished concrete.Proper protection shall be provided to prevent cement from being taken or washed away and the concrete from being diluted during the process of storing, handling, transporting, apportioning and mixing the materials, and transporting, placing compacting and curing the concrete.
After placing and during early stages of hardening, concrete shall be protected from moisture loss, harmful effects of sunshine, wind, rain, running surface water and shocks.

After concrete is placed, all exposed surfaces which have been contaminated by concrete splashing, dripping, etc., caused by such concrete work shall be cleaned to restore these surfaces to their original condition.

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