This specification defines minimum quality and technical standards governing materials procurement, application, testing and inspection of anti-corrosion coatings applied to piping used in a marine environment.  This specification is to be used in conjunction with the following documents:

         Basis of Design 84506-60-00-2L-060
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-000 - Definitions and Specification Directory
         General Specification 84506-60-00-2L-010 - Quality Assurance / Quality Control
         SSPC-SP1, “Solvent Cleaning”
         SSPC-SP2, “Hand Tool Cleaning”
         SSPC-SP3, “Power Tool Cleaning”
         SSPC-SP5, “White Metal Blast Cleaning”
         SSPC-SP6, “Commercial Blast Cleaning”
         SSPC-SP7, “Brush Off Blast Cleaning”
         SSPC-SP10, “Near White Blast Cleaning”
         SSPC-SP10, “Anchor Profile”
         SSPC-SP-63, “Solvent Cleaning”
         SSPC-PA-2 “Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Non-Destructive Magnetic Gauges”
         ASTM A153, “Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware”
         National Association of Corrosion Engineers
         NACE RP-01, “Corrosion Control of Steel, Fixed Offshore Platforms Associated with Petroleum Production”
         DNV-OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline System, 2000

1.1         CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval, detailed procedures and all quality control pro-formas.


2.1       The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, equipment and materials necessary to perform surface preparation and coating in accordance with these specifications.
2.2       All CONTRACTOR personnel involved in surface preparation or coating work shall be qualified and thoroughly trained as to the materials and specifications pertaining to the coating systems and shall be provided with breathing apparatus and skin protection as necessary.  This shall be demonstrated to the COMPANY’s satisfaction.
2.3       The CONTRACTOR and/or sub-CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the proper storage, transportation and disposal of any and all waste material (hazardous or otherwise) generated as a result of his operation. All handling of waste material, including but not limited to paints, thinners, solvents and cleaners shall be in a safe and legal manner and shall comply with all applicable Regulations and Laws.
2.4       CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the coating system(s) specified herein fully complies with any local and/or regional air quality or VOC emission standards or requirements. All materials shall comply with 3.50 lbs per gallon VOC (maximum), except for high temperature products. Should modifications or alternate coating systems be required to meet such standards or regulations, CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify COMPANY and submit details of the proposed alternate system to COMPANY for approval.
2.5         All paint supplied is to be lead & chromate and crystalline silicon free formulation.
2.6       Scaffolding or staging shall be used, where required, to provide easy access for surface preparation and paint application. Scaffolding shall be such that operator’s arms and body will be free to perform the necessary work and shall be provided with safety features that will prevent accidents.
2.7       These Specifications and NACE Standard RP-01 shall govern the procedures and materials required for surface preparation and coating of the specified structures and/or equipment. No deviations or exceptions from the specifications shall be made without prior written approval of COMPANY.
2.8       The paint manufacturer’s product data sheets and specifications for mixing, application and curing shall be considered an integral part of this specification.
2.9       The coating systems to be used are specified in Section 4. If a coating option is indicated, the selected option shall be used as specified throughout the coating operation in accordance with these Specifications.
2.10    COMPANY reserves the right to approve any and all subCONTRACTORs proposed by CONTRACTOR, prior to beginning the work.
2.12    All equipment to be used shall be subject to inspection by COMPANY. All equipment including gauges, shall be completely operable and completely free of any foreign  matter.
2.13    Installation CONTRACTOR shall perform all touch-up painting to provide a completely painted assembly unless specified otherwise. All field tie-ins, exposed surfaces of piling, field splices, weld area, etc. shall be painted. The coating system used for field touch-up painting shall be from the same manufacturer as used during the fabrication of the structure and as specified in Section 4. All coating materials required for offshore touch-up shall be furnished by the Installation CONTRACTOR.
2.14    The CONTRACTOR shall arrange, at CONTRACTOR’s expense, to have a technical representative from the coatings manufacturer present to assist and witness the initial application of each coating system for all subsea structures. Further technical assistance from the coatings manufacturer shall be obtained, at CONTRACTOR’s expense, when problems arise or when COMPANY requests such assistance.
2.15    Succeeding coats of paint shall be of colors approved by COMPANY which contrast to the color of the previous coat. CONTRACTOR shall verify the finish coat color with COMPANY prior to the initiation of material procurement.
2.16    Prepainted equipment provided to or purchased by the CONTRACTOR shall be recoated by the CONTRACTOR if the existing paint system does not meet or exceed those of this specification. The COMPANY shall determine if the existing system of a prepainted item meets of exceeds this specification.
2.18    The following surfaces shall not be sandblasted, coated or painted unless otherwise specified: aluminum, brass, rubber, glass, plastic, concrete, stainless steel, monel, copper-nickel alloys, bronze, fiberglass reinforced plastic, PVC, stainless steel weather jacketing, insulation, plated surfaces, machined flange faces or instrument cases.
2.19    Inorganic zinc primers may be used as preconstruction primers, but weld bevels must be free of all the primer before welding. This can be done by masking prior to coating or by grinding or sandblasting before welding. The coating-free area shall extend a minimum of 6 inches from the weld bevel.
2.21    Weld-through shall not be used unless welding qualification tests show no detrimental effects such as unacceptable porosity. The use of any weld-through primers must be approved by COMPANY in writing prior to their use.



3.1       All surfaces to be coated shall be abrasive blasted prior to coating application.
3.2       Prior to abrasive blasting, grease or oil shall be removed with chemical emulsifying solvents and the surface washed down with potable water.
3.3       All rough welds, sharp edges, cutoffs, spatter and slag, burned, scarred or scored areas shall be removed by grinding.  Power tool cleaning shall be in accordance with SSPC SP 3 "Power Tool Cleaning".
3.4       Abrasive blasting shall be permitted only on dry steel surfaces at least 3oC (5oF) above dew point.  CONTRACTOR shall use a dew point calculator, hygrometer and surface pyrometer, to verify compliance at the coating site.
3.5       Abrasive blasting shall only be performed when ambient temperature is above 4.5oC (40oF) and when relative humidity is less than eighty-five percent (85%).
3.6       Abrasive blasting shall be to a minimum standard of near white metal SSPC-SP-10 / SIS-Sa 2.5.  The acceptable surface profile after blasting shall be as recommended by the coating supplier and checked in random positions selected by COMPANY with Testex Press-O-Film and a calibrated micrometer.
Note:  Sa 2.5 (near-white metal blast) is defined as surface areas where at least ninety-five percent (95%) is in white metal condition.  Oil, grease, dirt, mill scale, rust, corrosion products, oxides, paint or other foreign matter shall be completely removed from surfaces, except very light shadows, very slight streaks, or slight discoloration caused by rust stain, mill scale oxides, or slight, tight residues of paint or coating that may remain.
3.7       Blasting abrasive shall be a manufactured, or manufactured by-product, such as aluminum, mineral slag or steel grit and shall be completely free of all-deleterious salts, soluble sulfates, and chlorides.  It shall be angular, contaminant free, correctly stored, dry and of sufficient particle size, hardness and density to provide the specified surface profile, and shall be COMPANY approved prior to blasting.  Use of reclaimed grit or sand is prohibited.
3.8       Compressed air used for nozzle blasting shall be free of contamination.  First and second stage moisture and oil separators and dryers shall be provided and these shall be kept emptied of contaminants. The nozzle shall be regularly maintained and inspected by COMPANY representative during the execution of phase of the work.
3.9       Nozzle size shall be 9.5 to 12.7 mm (3/8 to 1/2 inch) inside diameter and shall be CONTRACTOR certified and COMPANY approved. Nozzles will be held 150 to 300 mm (6 to 12 inch) from the surface, with a minimum abrasive discharge pressure of 629 kPa (90-psi).  Nozzles shall be discarded and replaced when wear affects surface preparation quality.
3.10    CONTRACTOR shall ensure that residual abrasive dust does not contaminate bearing assemblies, sealing surfaces or identification plates.
3.11    Surfaces susceptible to particle contamination shall be screened to COMPANY satisfaction prior to commencement of abrasive blasting.
3.12    All surface defects revealed by blast cleaning shall be properly dressed to a degree that will not be detrimental to coating performance or structural integrity.  The area shall then be re-blasted to the required standard.
3.13    All dust, grit, shot and other particular matter shall be removed before coating application using an air lance or COMPANY approved equivalent.
3.14      Coating shall be applied within 4 hours of abrasive blasting.  Any surface that shows rust indications after blasting or is not within 4 hours of blastings shall be re-blasted to a white metal surface prior to coating application.


4.1       CONTRACTOR shall apply one of the following coating systems or COMPANY approved equivalent.

Primer Coat(s)
Tie Coat(s)
Finish Coat(s)
Amercoat 83HS
Amercoat 83HS
Amercoat 78HB
Carboline 890
Carboline 890
Carboline 890
Hempadur 4515
Hempadur 4515
Hempadur 4520

Refer to the material manufacturer's data sheets for minimum and maximum thickness per coat.  Minimum total Dry Film Thickness (DFT) shall be 500 microns (20 mils)
CONTRACTOR shall propose the colour for COMPANY approval.



5.1       Coating shall be applied by airless spray in accordance with material manufacturer's recommendations.
5.2       Coatings shall only be applied when relative humidity is within material manufacturer’s specified limits for each particular coating system.
5.3       CONTRACTOR shall only apply coatings when the substrate is prepared dry, the ambient temperature is above 10oC (50oF) and the ambient temperature is greater than 3oC (5oF) above dewpoint.
5.4       Coatings shall not be applied when weather conditions are likely to deteriorate within two (2) hours after application.  CONTRACTOR shall suspend coating application when coating damage may result from actual or impending weather conditions.
5.5       Coating materials shall be mixed with a power mixer, and strained (if necessary), in a safe, dust-free environment before pouring into a pressure pot for conventional spraying.
5.6       Primer, intermediate coat, and topcoats shall be of contrasting colors.
5.7       Only material manufacturer's specified thinners shall be used.  Thinning is not allowed in excess of material manufacturer's recommendations.
5.8       Spraying shall be performed in a safe, dust-free environment free from strong winds. Surfaces that have been coated shall not be disturbed until the coating is completely cured.
5.9       When spraying is performed in any enclosed areas, adequate ventilation must be provided during application and curing periods.
5.10    Each coat shall be applied uniformly to clean, prepared surfaces, to produce smooth, even coats of uniform thickness completely covering all corners and crevices.   Skips, runs, sags and drips shall not be accepted.  When these occur, they shall be brushed out or the material shall be removed and the surface recoated.
5.11    When painting has started, all coats including primer and topcoats shall be completed as soon as possible allowing for material manufacturer’s recommended minimum and maximum overcoating times for the material type, thickness and ambient temperature.
5.12    Weld seams, fillets, edges, bolts and other similar features shall be given an extra intermediate epoxy coat.  This should be applied by brush and before commencing epoxy coating.
5.13    Surfaces that will be difficult to paint or inspect properly after fabrication or installation must be coated prior to assembly.
5.14    When the coating material pot life limit is reached, the paint shall be rejected and material discarded.
5.15      Spray guns shall be cleaned only in solvents.


6.0       CONTRACTOR shall establish and maintain quality assurance and quality control systems necessary to ensure that coating complies with specification requirements.
6.1       The Quality Systems shall include, as a minimum, the following:
         Checking material storage conditions are in accordance with material manufacturer’s recommendations.
         Checking substrate cleanliness prior to blasting, including removal of weld splatter and protrusions.
         Checking surface dewpoint immediately before blasting and coating.
         Checking ambient temperature and relative humidity.
         Checking the removal of oil and grease.
         Monitoring abrasive size, shape, dryness and cleanliness.
         Monitoring material selection and pot life.
         Monitoring air pressure and blasting equipment.
         Visually checking the surface for cleanliness metal defects, dust, and surface debris after blasting.
         Checking surface blast profile.
         Checking coat thickness and system thickness.
         Checking for poor adhesion.
         Visually checking for holidays, coating color, appearances and uniformity and other defects.
         Checking that adequate and proper repair of all defects has been undertaken.
         Contractor shall supply calibrated instruments and certification to facilitate these tests.

6.2       Each coat dry film thickness shall be checked with magnetic gauges in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Council SSPC-PA2, Measurement of Paint Thickness.
6.3       Each coat wet film thickness shall be checked regularly during coating application.
6.4       COMPANY may at any time require CONTRACTOR to prepare a set of test panels and average tests of panels at a COMPANY approved laboratory.
6.5       Adhesion shall be checked on completion of coating as requested by COMPANY.  Adhesion shall be checked by scoring two lines intersecting at 30º through the coating and trying to pick the coating from the intersection using a sharp blade.  Any lack of adhesion to the steel surface or between paint layers shall constitute failure and shall require the extent of the failure to be determined and recoated.  CONTRACTOR shall repair coating damage caused by the adhesion checks.



7.1       All surfaces showing lack of adhesion or damage through to metal shall have all defective coating removed and shall be re-prepared in accordance with Section 2.
7.2       Surfaces shall be re-coated in accordance with Section 4.
7.3       Repair coating overlap on to acceptable original coating shall be 50 mm minimum.



8.1       Damaged areas with loss of topcoat adhesion or topcoat damage shall be sweep-blasted or cleaned with a power tool to remove defective topcoats.
8.2       Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all contaminants such as oil and grease and edges of the existing sound coating shall be feathered.  The existing sound coatings shall be lightly abraded using hand tools.
8.3       Intermediate and topcoats shall be re-applied as in Section 4 above.
8.4         Repair coating overlap on to acceptable original coating shall be 50 mm minimum.


Coating repair is inevitably inferior to the original application, therefore, every possible precaution shall be taken to minimize such repairs.  Care shall be exercised when handling coated steel, using suitable slings and hooks designed to minimize damage at the pick-up points.  Suitable supports shall be provided for the coated steel when stacked prior to construction.



CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for approval a painting and anti-corrosion coating databook containing the following information as a minimum:
         Material certificates
         Inspection equipment and calibration certificates
         Inspection and testing reports
         Release certificates

All data shall be supplied in hard copy and electronic format.

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