Paul said : " in Him we have redemption through his blood , the forgiveness of sins " ( Colossians 1:14).

Who does what Jesus was killed ? Like Abraham sacrificed his son Ishmael ? So Paul says redemption through the blood. Hahahaha fabricate the father of Paul.

Paul said : " Jesus was crucified in weakness, namely forced and accidental . " ( II Corinthians 2:4 ) . How could Jesus atone . Jesus died without a willingness to sacrifice himself as a redeemer . And he finally died accidentally killed because he was weak .

Paul said : " Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no respect of persons . " ( Colossians 3:25) . For what Jesus was crucified to atone for sin, if sin is still there . Paul means lying .

Paul said : " What a man sows , that shall he also reap . " ( Galatians 6:7 ) . For what Jesus was crucified to atone for sin, if sin is still there . Paul means lying .

Paul said : " They will undergo destruction during the length of sentence . " ( II Thessalonians 1:9 ) . For what Jesus was crucified to atone for sin, if sin is still there . Paul means lying .

Paul said : "Each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor . " ( I Corinthians 3:8 ) . For what Jesus was crucified to atone for sin, if sin is still there . Paul means lying .

Paul said : " You are saved only by calling on His name . " ( ROMANS 10:13) . For what Jesus was crucified to atone , if by calling the name of God only, sins can be erased . Paul means lying .

Paul said : " You will survive if you believe in Jesus and the resurrection. " ( ROMANS 10:9 ) . For what Jesus was crucified to atone , if by believing in Jesus and his resurrection , sin can be erased . Paul means lying .

Paul said : " By grace you have been saved . " ( Ephesians 2:5 ) . For what Jesus was crucified to atone , if by grace alone , sins can be erased . Paul means lying .

Paul said : " Because he has passed over the sins that were previously committed . " ( ROMANS 3:25) .
But Paul changed his mind about this .

Paul said : " Christ died for our sins . " ( I Corinthians 15:3 ) .

Paul says : " God does not grant everything to us together with Him . " ( ROMANS 8:32) . But another verse says . And He ( God ) gave His only begotten Son . ( JOHN 3:16) .

Paul said : " Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us: for it is written : " Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree " ( Galatians 3:13 )
But Paul disagreed about this .

Paul said : " People who do the law who will be justified . " ( ROMANS 2:13) .

How does Paul 's father He said the law be damned , but he also said the law is correct . His False Prophet caught one true . Goddamn YOU PAUL .

For it is written : " I will destroy the wisdom of the wise men and the wisdom of the wise men will be cut off . " ( I Corinthians 1 ) . Since when Paul says in the Book of Jesus as Vanishing Wisdom ? And to destroy those who do not recognize the wisdom and discernment to Prophet hood Paul . This threat name. A prophet who threaten his people . The basis of the False Prophet .

Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe ? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world ? ( I Corinthians 1 ) God is considered one makes Wisdom . Prophet so that considers what GOD 's wisdom is foolishness . Paul Goddamn basis .

Because of the world , in the wisdom of God , by his wisdom did not know God , it pleased God to save those who believe by the foolishness preaching . ( I Corinthians 1 ) . Paul says GOD will save him and those who admit ignorance preaching . Paul mean to say he is a stupid , and the ummah who followed him like he's stupid too . Since it has been acknowledged that the gospel would be folly he had to say. And he expects it pleased GOD . It's hypocritical . Because GOD will not be pleased with Paul 's words . Why do you want to be misled at Mr. Paul . Though considered stupid because you have to admit ignorance preaching . The basis of the False Prophet who claimed to be a prophet after the fool and deceive the people of Christian and Jewish.

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